Thursday, 15 December 2011



No.ADL (2) 51703/90.     
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
                                              Thiruvananthapuram, 5-1-1991


Sub:      Audit-Audit of Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation/Regional Milk Producers Unions and Primary Milk Producers Co-operative Societies organised under Anand Pattern (APCOS) distribution of work consequent on sanctioning of additional posts of Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditors-instructions issued.
Ref: 1.  Circular No 5/83 dated 17-2-1983 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
       2.  G.O. Rt. No. 318/90/Co-op dated 6-8-1990.
       3.  D.O.Letter No.Aud/1/90/KCMMF.dated 26-9-1990 from the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor of Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, Thiruvananthapuram.
             Letter No. 70 Adm.S.M. P & 1/83 dated 21-11-’90 from the Managing Director, Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, Thiruvananthapuram.

The audit of the Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, its  affiliated Regional Milk Producers’ Unions and Primary Milk Producers’ Co-operative Societies organised under Anand Pattern (APCOS) in the state is now being conducted as per the procedure laid down in Registrar’s Circular  1st cited by a separate wing of the department headed by a Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor and Senior Auditors, posted from time to time under Rule 156 Part I, Kerala Service Rules.  Now, on the basis of the request from the Federation, Government as per the G.O. 2nd cited, have created three posts of Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditors at regional level with headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode, with the main object of timely completion of audit in a more effective manner.  In order to achieve this object, distribution of the existing powers and functions of the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor attached to the Federation, is felt necessary.  The Managing Director of the Federation was consulted in the matter and the following work distribution arrangements are ordered.

2.       Duties and functions of the Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditor.

The headquarters of the three Assistant Registrars/Concurrent Auditors will be the office of the three Regional Unions i.e. at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode respectively and their jurisdiction will be co-terminous with the area of the concerned Unions.

3.       The undermentioned duties now being discharged by the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor will be, discharged by these Assistant Registrar Concurrent Auditors.
(i)      Approval of advance tour programmes & tour diaries of Auditors of APCOS, and their verification.
(ii)     Sanctioning of casual leaves to Auditors mentioned in para 3 (1).
(iii)    Approval of audit reports and issue of audit certificates in respect of APCOS, and their test audit.
(iv)    Passing of the T.A. bills of the Auditors of APCOS  and maintaining the connected  registers and records up-to date.
(v)     Maintenance of the registers and records relating to audit.
(vi)    Submission of monthly progress report of audit of APCOS to Registrar etc.
(vii)   Monthly review of the work done by the Auditors working under the Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditor and taking follow-up action.
(viii)  Writing  of the confidential records (performance appraisals) of Senior Auditors under him.

Further, the Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditors should also assist the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor  to conduct audit of the Regional unions and their units and they should also attend to other works allotted to them by the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor.

4.       Duties and functions of the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor.

In addition to the overall supervision, control, periodical review of the progress of the entire audit wing attached to the Federation, the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor will have the following powers and duties.
(i)      approval of advance tour programme and tour diaries of Assistant Registrars and Auditors of Regional Unions, Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited and their Units and verification of the same.
(ii)     Sanctioning of Casual leaves of Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditors and also of the Auditors who are working directly under his control.
(iii)    Passing of the T.A. Bills of Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditors and also of the Auditors who are working directly under his control.
(iv)    Audit of Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation and Regional unions and their units.
(v)     Monthly review of the progress of audit of APCOS  and work done by the Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditors and furnishing copy of the review promptly to the Registrar.
(vi)    Preparation and submission of the monthly progress report and D.O. narrative report to the Registrar of Co-op. Societies promptly.
(vii)   Timely writing of the confidential records (performance appraisals) of Assistant Registrars and Senior Auditors directly working under him and forwarding the same to the Additional Registrar (Audit) for review.
(viii)  Review of the confidential records written by the Assistant Registrars and Forwarding the same to the concerned Deputy Registrars (Audit) for safe custody.
(ix)    Ensuring realisation of the audit cost in advance as instructed by Government and maintenance of the registers and records relating to the same.
(x)     Other works, if any, allotted from time to time the Additional Registrar (Audit) and Registrar of Co-op: Societies.

5.       Establishment matters:

The responsibility of drawing and disbursing the salary and allowances of the Auditors and keeping all the registers and records relating to the same and maintenance of service books, sanctioning of leave other than Casual leave, etc. will vest with the respective Deputy Registrar (Audit)  in the districts where the headquarters of the concerned Regional Union is situated.  The authority for sanctioning leave (other than Casual leave) to the Assistant Registrars attached to the Regional Union will also vest with the Deputy Registrars (Audit) of the district.

6.       Additional Registrar (Audit) in this office will closely watch the performance of the Deputy Registrar/Concurrent Auditor and Assistant Registrar/Concurrent Auditor, periodically review their work and ensure that the above instructions are followed up promptly.

7.       This office Circular No. 5/83 dated 17-2-’83 stands modified to the above extent.
K. J. Thomas
Registrar of Co-operative societies

No.EM (1) 61405/8                 
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
                                                  Thiruvananthapuram, 2-2-1991


Sub:           Fixation of pay of employees of Co-operative Institutions Promoted from a post carrying a lower scale of pay to a post carrying a higher scale of pay Guidelines prescribed.
Ref: 1.  This office Circular No. 46/84 dated 28-11-1984
        2.  Government letter No. 4152/C-3 87/Co-op dated 23-10-1990
As per the Circular cited 1st, guidelines for fixation of pay of employees of Co-operative institutions, when they are promoted to higher time scale of pay, were issued.

The employees of several co-operative institutions have represented that the benefit of refixation, as in the case of State Government Employees may be extended to them also when promoted from a post carrying a lower scale of pay to a post carrying a higher scale of pay. Based on the representations proposals have been submitted to Government and the Government have approved the consolidated rules for fixation of pay of employees of co-operative institutions coming under the control of Registrar of Co-operative Societies, when they are promoted, incorporating also the provision for refixation.  The rules so approved for guidance.

Rules for fixation of pay of Employees of Co-operative Societies when promoted from a post carrying a lower scale of pay to a post carrying a higher scale of pay.

RULE 1 (a): When an employee of a Co-op. Society, holding a post in a substantive, temporary or officiating capacity is promoted in substantive temporary or officiating capacity to another post carrying a higher time scale of pay, his initial pay in the higher time scale of pay shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived at in the lower time scale of pay by increasing the actual pay drawn by him in the lower time scale by one increment.

RULE 1 (b): A refixation of pay in the higher time scale of pay will be allowed as in Rule 1 (a) Wherever there is a change of pay in the lower time scale.

Provided that the principles of  pay fixation as laid down in Rule 1 (a) and 1 (b) above will not be applicable to promotion from posts carrying a scale of pay the minimum of which together with the Dearness Allowance admissible for that minimum as on 1-5-83 exceed Rs. 2100/- with effect from 1-7-83.

Provided further that the above principle will not be applicable to promotion from posts carrying a scale of pay the minimum of which together with Dearness Allowances admissible at 608 points for that minimum exceeds Rs. 2100/- with effect from 1-7-1988.

RULE 2(a): When an employee of a Co-operative Society holding a permanent or officiating post, promoted to officiate on a higher time scale of pay, he will draw as initial pay the stage above his  pay in the lower time scale irrespective of whether the pay in the lower time scale is a stage in the higher time scale or not.

RULE 2 (b): A refixation of pay in the higher time scale of pay will be allowed as in Rule 2 (a) above, whenever there is a change of pay in the lower time scale of pay.

RULE 3: When an employee holding a substantive appointment is promoted substantively to a post on a higher time scale of pay, he will draw as initial pay the stage of the time scale next above his substantive pay in respect of the old post.  No Refixation is admissible in this case.

RULE 4: In the case of an officer drawing the maximum in the lower time scale of pay at the time of promotion one national increment equal to the last increment in the lower scale can be notionally added for the purpose of fixation under Rule 1 (a) above.  The maximum in the lower scale mentioned in this Rule is inclusive of the stagnation increment, if any, attached to the scale specifically sanctioned by competent authority.

RULE 5: The above rules 1 (a), 2(a) (3) and (4) are applicable for the purpose of fixation of pay of employees who are given time bound (non-cadre) promotion.  But they will not be eligible for refixation of pay as per rule 1 (b) or 2 (b).

The above rules will come into effect from 1-7-83.

No. V (1) 3123/91.     
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
                                              Thiruvananthapuram, 9-2-1991


Sub:   Co-operative Department-No Objection Certificate for Passport  - Submission - of application-Instructions-Regarding.
Ref:   This Office Circular No.V (1) 11344/85 dated 27-2-83.
In the circular cited, instructions were issued for the submission of applications for no objection certificate for obtaining passport.  Now it has come to the notice that application for no objection certificate are being received in this office without scrutiny and verification by the Immediate Superior Officers and the Controlling Officers as to the applicants liabilities, bonded obligations against Government and the disciplinary proceedings, vigilance enquiry pending etc., against the applicants.
It is therefore directed that in future, the applications for no objection certificate shall be scrutinised by the Immediate Superior Officer as to the liabilities, bonded obligations, disciplinary proceedings etc., if any pending against the applicant and furnish the certificates prescribed in the application form.
The Controlling Officers viz., the Joint Registrars and Deputy Registrars (Audit) of the Districts, should forward the applications after a second scrutiny duly recommended for the issue of no Objection Certificate if they are fully satisfied that there is no objection in issuing such certificate.
The application form for No Objection Certificate modified  is also appended.
K. J. Thomas
Encl: Proforma application form.        Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Application for No Objection Certificate for Passport.
1.       Name of the applicant
2.       Designation and scale of pay
3.       Purpose of visit outside India
4.       Country/Countries proposed to be visited
5.       Duration of the proposed visit/stay
6.       Likely date of departure
7.       The approximate expenses and source(s) of financing these expenses
8.       Names and addresses of the friends/relatives whom he proposes to contact during his tour/stay
9.       Whether any disciplinary proceedings are pending against the applicant
10.     Whether he has any bonded obligations and if yes, details thereof.
Date        Signature of the applicant with designation and home address
1.       Certified that
          (i)      no bonded obligation/bonded obligation on account of
          (ii)     no liability/liability against Government on account of
          (iii)    no disciplinary proceedings or Vigilance enquiry is pending against the above applicant.
2.       The issue of No Objection Certificate for passport is recommended/is not recommended/recommended subject to the condition that the liabilities on account of .................... should be settled as per rules while applying for leave to go abroad.
Immediate                                            Signature         :
Superior                                                OfficerDate     :
A.R. (Gl.) / A.R.(A)                             Name               :
A.R. (Adm.) etc.                                  Designation     :
Seal of the Office. 
3.       I have verified the concerned files and records personally.  The issue of No Objection Certificate in respect of ........................ is recommended/not recommended.
Head of Office                                     Signature         :
Controlling Officer                               Date                :
J.R./D.R.(A)/D.R. (Prl)  etc.                 Name              :
                                                              Designation     :
Seal of the Office.

No.EM (3) 69682/89. 
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Trivandrum, 15-2-1991


Sub:   Recruitment for appointment of employees in Co-operative Societies-Procedure prescribed-Modification to the conditions-Instructions issued.
Ref:   Registrar’s Circular Number 52/80 dated 22-7-80 and 66/89 dated 29-11-1989.

In the Circulars referred to above, instructions were issued prescribing certain conditions to be followed while making recruitment for appointment of employees in Co-Operative Society. One of the conditions so prescribed requires conducting of writing test and interview allotting 90% marks for the written test and 10% marks for the interview.

2.       In the Conference of Presidents and Chief Executives of District Co-operative Banks held on 26-7-1990 the desirability of revising the percentage of marks allotted for written test and interview came up for consideration and the consensus was to revise the same on the lines of the norms followed by the Kerala Public Service Commission in similar circumstances.

3.       The matter has been further examined in detail in consultation with the Kerala Public Service Commission.  It is revealed that where the selection to a post is finalised by written test and interview, the criteria followed by the Kerala Public Service Commission are to allot 20% of the maximum marks for written test as the maximum marks for interview and to rank the candidates on the basis of the total marks scored both for written test and interview.  It is considered desirable to adopt the same norms as followed by the Kerala Public Service Commission in respect of the recruitments made in the Co-Operative Societies also.

4.       In the circumstances in partial modification to the said Circulars No. 52/80 and 66/89, the condition with regard to the maximum marks to be allotted for written test and interview is modified as follows:-
“Selection shall be made after conducting written test and interview allotting 100 marks for written test and 20 marks for interview”
5.       The Joint Registrars are requested to advise the societies suitably.
K. J. Thomas
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

\¼À F.Un.FÂ.(5) 19870/91.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, 10þ4þ1991

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 9/91

hnjbw: kaImeo\ BUnäÀþlmPÀ ]pkvXIw kq£n¡Â, ap³IqÀ bm{Xm]cn]mSn X¿mdm¡Â, XpS§nb Imcy§fn {i² ]Xn¸n¡p¶Xpþ kw_Ôn¨v

kaImeo\ BUnäÀamÀ AhÀ tPmen sN¿p¶ kvYm]\¯n AhcpsS lmPÀ ]pkvXIw FgpXn kq£n¡Wsa¶pw BbXv hIp¸nse AhcpsS D¶X DtZymKkvYÀ ]cntim[\¡p hcpt¼mÄ ImW¯¡hn[hpw ]cntim[n¡¯¡hn[hpw AhcpsS taita ImtW­XmsW¶pw \nÀt±iw \nehnep­v.  X§fpsS aq³IqÀ bm{Xm]cn]mSnIÄ amkmcw`¯n\p ap¼mbn¯s¶ X¿mdm¡n hIp¸nse \nb{´tWmtZymKkvY³amÀ¡pw \ÂIn AwKoImcw hm§Wsa¶pw Hcp ]IÀ¸v AXmXp kvYm]\¯nse No^v FIvknIyq«ohn\v \ÂIWsa¶pw, Hcp ]IÀ¸v kvYm]\¯nse t\m«okv t_mÀUn {]ZÀin¸n¡Wsa¶pw \nÀt±iw \nehnep­v.  F¶m kaImeo\ BUnäÀamÀ lmPÀ ]pkvXIw kq£n¡mdnsöpw ap³IqÀ bm{Xm ]cn]mSn AhÀ tPmen sN¿p¶ kvYm]\¯n\p \ÂImdnsöpw, \ÂInbm¯s¶ ]cn]mSnb\pkcn¨v {]hÀ¯n¡mdnsöpw, Fsâ {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p.  CXp XnI¨pw \ncp¯chmZ]chpw hIp¸nsâ A´Ên\p lm\nIcamb hnaÀi\§Ä¡p ImcWhpw Bbn«p­v.  C§s\bpff \S]SnIÄ BhÀ¯n¡mXncn¡Wsa¶v D]tZin¡p¶tXmsSm¸w Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä C\n taen IÀi\ambn ]men¡Wsa¶pw Adnbn¡p¶p
1.     FÃm I¬Idâv BUnäÀamcpw AhchcpsS lmPÀ ]pkvXIw IrXyambn FgpXn kq£nt¡­Xpw BbXv Un¸mÀ«psaânse taeptZymKkvYÀ ]cntim[\¡p hcpt¼mÄ  BUnäÀ kvYe¯nsæn¡pSn) ]cntim[\¡p e`yam¡¯¡hn[¯n BUnädpsS taita kq£nt¡­XmWv. 
2.     I¬Idâv BUnäÀamÀ AhchcpsS ap³IqÀ bm{Xm ]cn]mSn IrXyambn  _Ôs¸« D¶Xm[nImcnIÄ¡p  t\ct¯ \ÂIn AwKoImcw hm§p¶tXmsSm¸w Hcp ]IÀ¸v _Ôs¸« kvYm]\¯nsâ No^v FIvknIyq«ohn\pw tcJmaqew \ÂtI­XmWv.  H¶ne[nIw kvYm]\§cn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ps­¦n A§s\ {]hÀ¯n FSp¡p¶ FÃm kvYm]\§fpsS No^v FIvknIyq«ohpIÄ¡pw ap³IqÀ bm{Xm ]cn]mSnbpsS Htcm ]IÀ¸v tcJmaqew \ÂtI­XmWv.  IqSmsX Hcp ]IÀ¸v kvYm]\¯nsâ/ kvYm]\§fpsS t\m«okv t_mÀUpIfnepw {]ZÀin¸nt¡­XmWv.  C§s\ sN¿p¶tXmsSm¸w ap³IqÀ bm{Xm ]cn]mSnbn ]dªncn¡p¶ {]Imcw {]hÀ¯n¡m\pw AhÀ _m²ykvYcmWv. ap³IqÀ bm{Xm ]cn]mSnbn hyXnbm\w hcp¯p¶Xn\v ap³IqÀ A\phmZw hm§nbncn¡Ww.  Hgnhm¡m³ km[n¡m¯ ]cnXkvYnXnbn t{]m{Kmanse hyXnbm\w  _Ôs¸« kvYm]\§sfbpw Gähpw ASp¯pff \nb{´tWmtZymKkvYt\bpw hm¡m Adnbn¡pIbpw ]n¶oSv AwKoImcw tcJmaqew t\SpIbpw sN¿Ww.

I¬Idâv BUnäÀamÀ apIfn ]dª{]Imcw {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ps­¶p Dd¸phcp¯m³ AhcpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä \nb{´n¡p¶ Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ/sU]yq«n cPnkv{SmÀamÀ/BUnäv AUojW cPnkv{SmÀ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv. CXn\p hncp²ambn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ DtZymKkvY³amÀs¡Xncmbn IÀi\ \S]Sn kzoIcn¡p¶XmsW¶pw C¡mcy¯n kwLw `mchmlnIfn \n¶pw, s]mXpP\§fn \n¶pw ]cmXnIÄ D­m¡m\pff Ahkcw \ÂImXncn¡Wsa¶pw Adnbn¡p¶p.
sI. sP. tXmakv
klIcWkwLw cPnk{SmÀ

No. EM (2) 25846/90.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Thiruvananthapuram, 7-6-1991
CIRCULAR No. 18/91
Sub:           Co-operation-Recruitment for appointment of employee in co-operative institution-procedure-codification of circular instructions.
Ref: 1. Registrar’s Circular No. 52/80 dated 22-7-80
        2. Registrar’s Circular No. 28/86 dated 6-7-86
        3. Registrar’s Circular No. 66/89 dated 29-11-89.
        4. Registrar’s Circular No. 6/91. Dated 15-2-91.
        5. Government Letter No 3015/ B1/90/Coop. Dt.19-6-90
        6. Government Letter No 9346/B1/90/Coop. Dt. 20-9-90
        7. Government Letter No 2496/B1/90/ coop. Dt. 17-4-91.
In the circulars 1 to 4 referred to above, instructions regarding the procedure to be followed for appointments in the Co-operative institutions had been issued.  This was done with a view to check and avoid any possible malpractices in the recruitments and also to ensure recruitment of right persons in conformity with the conditions stipulated in the K C S Rules.
II.      It is proposed to codify the specific instructions or guidelines so far issued from this office from time to time so that by and large, the societies can follow them scrupulously and the departmental officers can periodically review whether the societies are complying with those instructions.
III.    Accordingly, the guidelines already issued regarding the procedure to be followed while making appointments in the Co-operative institutions, vide circulars cited above are codified and given below:

1.       All appointments in Co-operative institutions should strictly be in accordance with the provisions of K. C. S. Rules.

2.       Prior permission should be obtained by the institution concerned from Registrar before creating any post over and above the posts prescribed under Appendix III of K C S Rules.

3.       No appointment on daily wages shall be made under any circumstances.

4.       The following procedure shall be strictly followed while making direct recruitments for appointment of employees.
(a)     Applications for the posts shall be invited through Advertisement in leading dailies having wide circulation in the area.
(b)     Selection shall be made only after conducting written test and interview, allotting 100 marks for written test and 20 marks for interview.
(c)     The written test shall be conducted by an outside agency.
(d)     False numbers should be assigned to the answer scripts.
(e)     The conditions with regard to age-limit, qualification mode of appointment etc. as laid down in the rules framed under section 80 viz. Rules 183, 186 187  of the KCS Rule shall be strictly followed.
(f)      Ten percent of the vacancies should be reserved for candidates belonging to scheduled castes/tribes.

5.       The following procedure shall be followed for appointments through promotion.
(a)     Appointments to higher categories of service in a society shall ordinarily be made by promotion.
(b)     Only in the absence of qualified and suitable candidate to be promoted, the society shall resort to direct recruitment to higher categories of posts,  provided that if the approved service regulations provide for direct recruitment even for higher categories, the same shall be made subject to the rule.
(c)     Promotions to the higher categories of posts shall be made from among the eligible employees on the basis of seniority in accordance with the approved feeder category sub rules framed under Rule 185 (i)
(d)     The feeder category for the purpose of promotion of employees shall be prescribed by the society by framing suitable subsidiary regulation with the approval of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
(e)     The conditions with regard to qualifications as laid down in rule 186 of the KCS Rules should be  observed, or relaxation with the prior approval of Registrar as provided under Rule 185 (2) should be obtained before appointment.
K. J. Thomas
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

\¼À kn.]n.(3)16033/91       
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, 28þ8þ1991
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 24/91
hnjbw: {]mYanI klIcW kwL§Ä þ ^­pIÄ ZpÀhn\ntbmKw sN¿p¶XvþsSent^m¬ kvYm]n¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v þ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphníp¶p.
kqN\:   Xncph\´]pcw klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS 7þ6þ1991 se kn.BÀ.]n.(2) 3217/91 mw \¼À I¯v.
kwkvYm\¯nse {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fn NneXv kwL§Ä \jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡pItbm, KWyamb F®w \jvS¯nte¡v \o§ns¡m­ncn¡pItbm BWv.  kwL¯nsâ BZmbhpw sNehpIfpw X½n bmsXmcp s]mcp¯hpanÃm¯XmWv \jvS¯nsâ {][m\ ImcWsa¶v CXns\ kw_Ôn¨pff hnebncp¯en ImWm³ Ignªn«p­v.  hfsc Npcp§nb {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbpff {]mYanI klIcW kwL§Ä¡v -_m¦nwKv apXemb {]hÀ¯\§fn \n¶pff em`ap­mIpt¼mÄ Hcp P\Iob {]kvYm\sa¶ \nehn kmaqly _m[yXbpff aäp P\t£aIcamb {]hÀ¯\§Ä GsäSp¯v \St¯­XpffXn\m A¯cw {]hÀ¯\§fn \jvSap­mIp¶Xn\pff km[yXIÄ ]et¸mgpw D­mImdp­v. Cu kmlNcy¯n {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fpsS NnehpIÄ ]camh[n Ipd¡pI am{Xta IcWobambn«pffq.  hÀ²n¨p hcp¶ A\p_Ô NnehpIÄ Ipdbv¡p¶XnepsS kwL§fpsS \ne Hcp ]cn[n hsc sa¨s¸Sp¯m\pw Ignbpw. {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fnse A\p_Ô NnehpIfn {][m\amb kwLw hI sSent^m¬ C\¯nepff Nnehv, kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\hpambn bmsXmcp s]mcp¯hpanÃm¯ coXnbnemsW¶v I­Xntâbpw kwLw hI sSent^mWpIÄ Zpcp]tbmKw sN¿p¶psh¶ s]mXp Bt£]¯ntâbpw ASnkvYm¯n NphsS tNÀ¡p¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
`qcn`mKw {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fptSbpw {]hÀ¯\]cn[n Hcp ]©mb¯v/hntÃPv/t»m¡v F¶nhbn- HXp§n \n¡pIbmWv.  klIcW kvYm]\§fpsS ssZ\w Zn\ {]hÀ¯\¯n\v {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[n¡I¯pw ]pd¯pw sSent^mWpambn _Ôs¸tS­Xpap­v.  F¶m klIcW kwL§fpsS ^­p]tbmKn¨v {]knU­v/`cWkanXn AwK§Ä No^v FIvknI}«ohv F¶nhcpsS hkXnIfn sSent^m¬ kvYm]n¡pIbpw sSent^mWpIfpsS D]tbmK¯n\v bmsXmcp \nb{´Whpw GÀs¸Sp¯m¯Xp aqew BbXv Zpcp]tbmKw sN¿p¶Xpw {i²bn s]«n«p­v.  hfsc Npcp§nb {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[n am{Xapff {]mYanI klIcW kwL§Ä, AXmXp {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[n¡I¯pff AwK§fpsS D¶a\w e£yam¡n am{Xta {]hÀ¯nt¡­q F¶ncnt¡ kwLw `mchmlnIÄ kwL¯nsâ Nnehn kz´w hoSpIfn sSent^m¬ kvYm]n¡p¶Xn\pw BbXn\v kwLw ^­v D]tbmKn¡p¶Xpw \oXoIcn¡m\mhp¶nà F¶Xn\pw ]pdta kwLw [\¯nsâ ZpÀhn\ntbmKhpamWv.

Nne klIcW kwL§fpsS {]knU­v/`cW kanXn AwK§Ä/No^v FIvknI}«ohv XpS§nbhÀ klIcW kwL§fpsS t]cnepff sSent^mWn \n¶pw FIvkvä³j³ F¶ t]cn kz´w Nnehn-Â, hoSpIfnte¡v FSp¯ncn¡p¶Xmbpw Sn sSent^m¬ hmSIbpw NnehpIfpw ]n¶oSv kwL¯nsâ Nnehn sIm­phcp¶Xpw {i²bn s]«n«p­v.  aäp Nne klIcW kwL§fpsS `mchmlnIÄ kwLw ^­p]tbmKn¨v HutZymKnI `mchmln F¶ \nebn ho«nte¡v sSent^mWn\v At]£nípIbpw F¶m At]£bn Snbmsâ t]cpw hoSv A{UÊpw am{Xw \ÂIpIbpw A§s\ klIcW kwL§-Ä¡v ]pXnb IW£³ e`n¡p¶Xnepff {]tXyI ]cnKW\ Zpcp]tbmKw sN¿pIbpw, kwLw ^­p]tbmKn¨v FSp¡p¶ sSent^m¬, Snbm³ HutZymKnI `mchmln AÃmsX BIp¶tXmSpIqSn, Snbmsâ t]cnemWv sSent^m¬ F¶Xn\m kwL¯n\v XncnsI e`n¡m¯ kmlNcyhpap­mIp¶p­v.

kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbpambn bmsXmcp _ÔhpanÃm¯ hnZqc kvYe§fnte¡p t]mepw {S¦v/Fkv. än. Un. ImfpIÄ \S¯pIbpw F¶m kwLhpambn _Ôs¸« Imcy§sf kw_Ôn¨msWt¶m AtXm kz´ Bhiy¯n\msWt¶m, Fs¶m¶pw Adnbm³ IgnbmXncn¡pIbpw BbXn\v hyIvXamb cPnkvädpIÄ kq£n¡mXncn¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ \S]Sn aqew Imcyamb XpIIÄ {]XnhÀjw sSent^m¬ NmÀPn\¯n {]mYanI klIcW kwL§Ä AS¡m³ CShcp¶ \S]Sn kwLw ^­nsâ ZpÀhn\ntbmKambn am{Xta IW¡m¡m³ IgnbpIbpffq.

Cu kmlNcy¯n Cu ZpÀhn\ntbmKw XSbp¶Xn\v {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fpsS Nnehn sSent^m¬ IW£t\m, FIvkvä³jt\m HutZymKnI `mchmlnIfptSbpw kwLw DtZymKkvY³amcptSbpw hkXnIfnte¡v FSp¡m³ ]mSpffXsöv \nÀt±iníp¶p.  \nehnepff C¯cw IW£\pIÄ hntOZn¡p¶Xn\pff ASnb´nc \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mtff­XpamWv.  C¯cw [\ ZpÀhn\ntbmK¯n\v AXmXp {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fpsS sk{I«dn/No^v FIvknI}«ohvamcmbncn¡pw D¯chmZnIsf¶pw HmÀ½n¸n¡p¶p.

klIcW kwL§fn ]cntim[\ BUnäp \S¯pt¼mÄ sSent^m¬ C\¯nepff Nnehp-IÄ kq£vaambn hnebncpt¯­Xpw AhbpsS \nPkvYnXn t_m²ys¸Spt¯­Xpw Bhiyamb cPnkvädpIÄ aXnbmb tcJs¸Sp¯epIÄ hcp¯n bYmtbmKyw kq£n¡p¶ps­¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯­XpamWv.  Cu C\¯nepff {Iat¡SpIÄ hIp¸nse taeptZymKkvY³amcpsS {i²bn IÀi\ambpw sIm­p htc­Xpw C¡mcy¯nepff hogvN Kuchambn ho£n¡p¶Xpambncn¡pw. 

ta \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]men¡pIbpw, kwLw AwK§fn \n¶pw aäp klImcnIfn \n¶papff Bt£]§Ä Hgnhm¡p¶p F¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯­XpamWv.
hn. Fkv. sk´nÂ
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Trivandrum, 8-9-1991

CIRCULAR No. 25/91

Sub:   Primary Service Co-operative Banks/Societies-Unauthorised retention of Credit instruments sent for collection-instructions issued-regarding.
Ref:   Letter No.INSP/5739/E-9/91-92 dated: 9-8-1991 from NABARD.

Most of the Primary Service Co-operative Banks/Societies in the State which are having sizeable amount as deposits loan transaction etc. are capable of doing all banking transactions.  In the modern banking system, the collection of cheques/instruments has a major role and the importance can not be undermined.

But, it has been brought to the notice of the Registrar, that some Service Co-operative Banks/Societies have retained the cheques/credit instruments sent for collection, unauthorisedly, for unknown reasons. NABARD, vide its letter cited had also informed the tendencies unlawful retention of credit instruments/cheques by some Service Co-operative banks and stressed the necessity of such tendencies to nip in the bud.

The unauthorised retention of cheques,  by the Service Co-op: Bank/Service Co-operative Societies will affect the reputation as well as trustworthiness of the Co-operative institutions.  The confidence, which have acquired by the Public during the yester years in which the whole edifice of the Co-operative movement is built, will collapse, and the ultimate result will be the erosion of the funds/deposits to other financial institutions.

In order to check such practices, the following instructions are issued.

The Primary Agricultural Service Co-operative Banks/Societies, should maintain a separate register for recording the particulars of the cheques/instruments received for collection from the collecting Banks. The payments on the above instruments should be made in chronological order.  In case if payment cannot be made, the bank should return the cheques instruments to the bank/collecting banks, specifying the reasons, immediately.  The Banks/Societies should also maintain separate registers for recording the details in respect of cheques returned/referred.
It is reliably understood that in some cases, the Service Co-operative Banks/Societies are holding the instruments at the behest of the drawer of the cheques ailing in collusion with them.  This will not be tolerated at any cost.

If any instances of such unauthorised retention of credit instruments is brought to the notice of the department in future it will be viewed seriously.  If any amount has been paid by the Service Co-operative Banks/Service Co-op: Society by way of interest/compensation for the unauthorised retention of cheques/instruments without any sufficient reasons, that should be realised from the Chief executives/Secretary of the Bank/Society itself.  No such amount should be allowed to pay at the cost of the institutions.

Since the Managing Committee has the responsibility of general Supervision of the Societies, they should strictly verify the registers, every month, to verify whether any instruments received for collection are kept unpaid without any reasons.  If any such instances are noticed, strict action should be initiated against the concerned officers of the society.

The Department officers, particularly the Inspectors, Auditors, should ensure that no credit instruments received for collections, in the Societies under their control have been retained by the bank, unpaid without any reason.  If any such instances are noticed, they should bring the matter to the notice of the higher officers, and the board of directors of the bank/Society without fail.

The Joint Registrars, Deputy Registrars (Audit) of the districts should give necessary strict instructions in this regard to the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Bank, Primary Agricultural Credit Societies under their control.

The receipt of this circular has to be acknowledged.
V. S. Senthil
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

\¼À F.Un.FÂ(2)20903/90. 
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, 10þ8þ1991
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 26/91
hnjbw:  klIcW  hIp¸v þ BUnä vþ BUnän XSªp hís¸« XpIIÄ Xffn¡fªpsIm­ vD¯chp ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv þ \nÀt±i§Ä þ kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\:   Be¸pg BUnäv sU]yq«n cPnkv{SmcpsS 21þ2þ1991 se Fw/1692/89þmw \¼À I¯v.
\nbam\pkcWaÃm¯hbpw, BUnän AwKoIcn¡m³ Ignbm¯hbpamb sNehpIÄ H_vPIvSv sN¿pIbpw A{]Imcapff XpIIÄ BUnän- XSªp h¡mdpap­v.  C{]Imcw BUnän- XSªp hbv¡s¸Sp¶ C\§Ä FgpXn Xffn¡bp¶Xn\pth­n kvYm]\§Ä kaÀ¸n¡p¶ At]£Ifn³ta A´naXocpam\w ssIs¡mffp¶Xn\p ap³]mbn BUnäv hn`mK¯nsâ A`n{]mbw an¡ tPmbnâv cPnkv{Smd·mcpw Bcmbp¶nà F¶v Cu B^oknsâ {i²bn s]«ncn¡p¶p.
taen- BUnän XSªp h¡s¸Sp¶ C\§Ä FgpXn IfªpsIm­v (thhv sNbvXpsIm­v) D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xn\p ap³]mbn 1969 se tIcf klIcW kwLw N«§fnse 62þmw N«¯n A\pimkn¡p¶ FÃm \S]Sn {Ia§fpw ]qÀ¯oIcn¨ncn¡Wsa¶v \nÀt±in¨psImffp¶p.
hn. Fkv. sk´nÂ
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

No.CLT (2) 25556/91.           
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative societies,
                                             Trivandrum, 12-9-91

CIRCULAR No. 28/91

Sub:           Primary Co-operative Agricultural land Rural Development Banks-Application fees, administration Fees etc., collected from applicants revised rules-ordered.
Ref:     1.   Registrar’s Circular No. 6/76 dated 18-2-1976 (PL & C (5) 1539/76)
       2.  Letter No. G1/06192/89/9-5-1991 from Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank.

The Board of Directors of the Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd. in its meeting held on 24-4-1991 resolved to request the Registrar of Co-operative Societies for revising the present rate of cost of application form and administration charges collected by the Primary Co-operative  Agricultural and Rural Development Bank from loan applicants at the time of entertaining the application.  The proposal is examined in detail and in modification of the circular 1st cited the following instructions are issued.
1.       The Primary Co-operative Agricultural and  Rural Development Bank collect Rs. 5/- instead of Rs. 3/- from the applications as the cost of application form.
2.       The Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank should collect form the applicant Rs. 1/- as the Administration fee per thousand subject to a maximum of Rs. 100/-
3.       The procedure as revised above will come into effect from 1-7-1991 onwards.
4.       The Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank will initiate immediate action for making necessary amendments to their bye-laws in this regard pending amendments of bye-laws (amendment should be got done within 6 months from the date of this circular). The Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks are permitted to implement the above procedure.
V. S. Senthil
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

\¼À F.Un.F³.(3) 44688   
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, 29þ11þ1991
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 37/91
hnjbw:   klIcWwþBÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xn D­mIp¶ ImeXmakw Hgnhm¡p¶Xn\pff \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\:   30þ4þ1988  Cu B^okn \n¶pw F.Un.F³ (3) 20463/88 mw \¼À ^b apJm´ncw ]pds¸Sphn¨ 18/88þmw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ XoÀ¸m¡p¶ Imcy¯n FÃm PnÃIfnepw hfscb[nIw ImeXmakw ImWp¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p. hÀj§fmbn tIkpIÄ XoÀ¸m¡msX sI«n¡nS¡p¶p­v. C{]Imcw tIkpIÄ XoÀ¸m¡msX sI«n¡nS¡p¶Xv BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ ssIImcyw sN¿p¶Xn\mbn klIcW hIp¸ns\ \nba]cambn NpaXes¸Sp¯n bn«pffXnsâ Dt±i e£y§sf¯s¶ kmcambn _m[n¡p¶XmWv.  ImemIme§fn  Cu B^okn \n¶pw CXp kw_Ôamb \nÀt±i§Ä ]ds¸Sphn¡mdps­¦nepw {]Xo£n¡p¶ ]ptcmKXn D­mbXmbn ImWp¶nÃ.  Cu kmlNcy¯n IÀi\ambn ]men¡s¸Sp¶Xn\p th­n Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§`Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
1.     CXp kw_Ôambn Cu Hm^okn \n¶pw 30þ4þ88  ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pff 18/88 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±i§Ä ]qÀ®ambpw ]men¡s¸tS­XmWv.
2.     tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ/Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmdpsS Hm^okpIfn e`n¡p¶ BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIsf kw_Ôn¨ tIkv \¼À, AÀ_nt{Säsd A[nImcs¸Sp¯nb XobXn, BscbmWv A[nImcs¸Sp¯nbXv, tIknsâ BZys¯ hnNmcW XobXn, XoÀ¸m¡m³ A\phZn¨ kabw, tIkv XoÀ¸m¡nb XobXn F¶nh DÄs¡mffp¶ Hcp cPnkväÀ FgpXn  kq£nt¡­Xpw icnbmb coXnbn cPnkväÀ FgpXn kq£n¡p¶ps­¶v _Ôs¸« taeptZymKkvY³ ImeIme§fn ]cntim[n¨v t_m²ys¸tS­XpamWv.
3.     BÀ_nt{Säsd tIkv G¸n¨v Hcp amk¯n\pffn¯s¶ BZys¯ hnNmcW¡mbn tIkv FSpt¡­Xpw A{]Imcw sN¿p¶pt­m F¶v taeptZymKkvYÀ ]cntim[ntí­XpamWv. 
4.     BÀ_nt{SäÀamÀ, skbnem^okÀamÀ, bqWnäv C³kvs]IvSÀamÀ, BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ ssIImcyw sN¿p¶ aäp DtZymKkvYÀ F¶nhÀ Hmtcm amk¯nepw XoÀ¸mt¡­ tIkpIsf kw_Ôn¨v tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ \S¯p¶ {]Xnamk kt½f\§fn h¨v e£yw \nÝbn¡pIbpw B e£yw \ndthdp¶ps­¶v tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Dd¸phcp¯pIbpw sNt¿­XmWv.  C{]Imcw e£yw \nivNbn¡pt¼mÄ AXp \nehnepff e£y¯n Ipdhp­mIm¯Xpw, IqSpX ]g¡w sN¶ tIkpIÄ BZyamZyw XoÀ¸m¡¯¡ hn[¯n Ime¸g¡a\pkcn¨pff  ap³KW\m {Iaa\pkcn¨pffXpw Bbncnt¡­XmWv. 
5.     BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIfpsS ]ptcmKXn kw_Ôn¨v tPmbnâ cPnkv{SmÀamÀ \S¯p¶ {]Xnamk AhtemI\w Imcy£ahpw D¯chmZnXz t_m[t¯msSbpffXpw Bbncnt¡­XmWv.
6.     BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ kab_ÔnX ]cn]mSn A\pkcn¨v XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xnepw, ]ptcmKXn ssIhcn¡p¶Xnepw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v Hcp {][m\ ]¦mWv hln¡phm\pffXv.  Sn tPmenIÄ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ ImemIme§fn t\cn«p ]cntim[n¨p th­ amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä \ÂIpIbpw bpIvXamb ta \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mffpIbpw sNt¿­XmWv.
7.     A©p hÀj¯n\pta ]g¡w sN¶ FÃm tIkpIfpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ t\cn«v ]cntim[nt¡­Xpw Ah XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xn\pff {]mtbmKnI _p²nap«p a\Ênem¡n Bbh XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xn\pff kXzc \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnt¡­XpamWv.  C{]Imcw kzoIcn¨ \S]SnIfpsS hnhcw {]Xnamk ]ptcmKXn AhtemI\ dnt¸mÀ«nt\msSm¸w cPnkv{Smdm^oknte¡v Abt¡­XpamWv. 
8.     \nb{´tWmtZymKkvY³amcpsS \nb{´W¯nepff A]mIXIfmWv BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ sI«n¡nS¡p¶Xn\pff {][m\ ImcWw.  \nivNnX e£yw ssIhcn¡m¯hcpsS ta IÀi\ \S]SnI-Ä kzoIcnt¡­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkvSmÀ

No. CG (1) 60846/91.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Thiruvananthapuram, 9-12-91

CIRCULAR No. 38/91

Sub:   National Savings Scheme-Investment in Indira Vikas Patra treated as Government Security for the purpose of Fluid Resources by Co-operatives-instructions-issued.

According to Clause under “Note” to Rule 63 of the K. C. S. Rules 1969, 90% of the market value of the Govt. securities including postal cash Certificate or National Savings Certificates can be taken for the purpose of Fluid Resources to be maintained by the Co-operative Institutions.  In the Conference convened by the Hon’ble Minister for Finance in the presence Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation on 27-11-91, the postal authorities have agreed that the names of the societies who invest funds in Indira Vikas Patra would be affixed on the reverse side of the certificates, so that the risk of getting money on the Certificate by the bearer can be avoided.  Though, Indira Vikas Patra has not been specifically mentioned in the clause to the Rule, the same also being Government security, 90% of its market value can be taken into account for the purpose of arriving at the Fluid resources to be maintained by the cooperatives as per rules.  Under the circumstances, all credit Co-operative institutions which are not coming under the purview of the B. R. Act 1949, are informed that they can invest a portion of their resources in Indira Vikas Patra for the purpose of maintaining Fluid Resources as provided in Rule 63 of the K. C. S. Act, subject to the condition that such investment may not exceed 10% of the total fluid resources to be maintained by any society at any time.
V. S. Senthil
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Thiruvananthapuram, 18-12-1991
CIRCULAR No. 41/91
Sub:           Short-term Agricultural  Advances by Co-operatives-Interest charged from members not to exceed the Principal amount-Instructions-
Ref: 1. Letter No. NB/PCD. OPR/188/A1/91-92 dated 8-4-1991 of NABARD.
        2. Government letter No. 4571/B1/91/Co-op dated 5-10-1992.

NABARD vide letter cited I above has advised to issue suitable instructions to all the Co-operative Banks in the State to the effect that collection of interest on loans issued by Co-operatives for periods not exceeding 15 months should be limited to the Principal amount of the loans.  Government in the letter referred as Second paper above has directed that suitable instructions as advised by NABARD may be issued.

In the circumstances by virtue of Rule 56 (5) of the Kerala Co-operative societies Rules 1969 all the Co-operative Banks in the State are instructed to ensure that form 1-4-1991 onwards the total amount of interest debited to a loan account by the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies should not exceed the Principal amount in respect of short-term advances to the small and marginal farmers.
V. S. Senthil
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

\¼À kn.FÂ.än.(3)58350/91  
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, 11þ12þ1991

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 45/91

hnjbw: {]mYanI klIcW ImÀjnI hnIk\ _m¦pIÄþ]pXnb {_m©pIfpw k_v Hm^okpIfpw Xpd¡p¶Xn\mbn At]£IÄ \ÂIp¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\:   12þ11þ91 se kwkvYm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦nsâ Pn.2/26636/Fkv.H./90þ91 mw \¼À I¯v.

{]mYanI klIcW ImÀjnI hnIk\ _m¦pIÄ k_v Hm^okpIÄ Xpd¡phm³ Xocpam\saSp¡pIbpw AXv kwkvYm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v A\phZn¡pIbpw AXn\p tijw AwKoImc¯n\mbn Cu Hm^oknte¡v Ab¡pIbpw sN¿p¶ coXn icnbmb coXnbÃ. {]mYanI  _m¦pIÄ k_v Hm^okpItfm, {_m©pItfm XpS§p¶Xn\v cPnkv{SmdpsS ap³Iq«nbpff A\phmZw BhiyamWv.  AXnte¡pff At]£IÄ {]mYanI _m¦pIÄ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ hgn Bhiyamb iq]mÀi klnXw Cu Hm^oknte¡v Abt¡­Xpw AXv ]cntim[n¨v kwkvYm\ ImÀjnI  hnIk\ _m¦nsâ A`n{]mbw Bcmªtijw cPnkv{SmÀ bpIvXamb Xocpam\w FSp¡p¶XpamWv.  FÃm {]mYanI ImÀjnI klIcW _m¦pIfpw taen k_v Hm^okpIÄ Bcw`n¡phm³ ta hnhcn¨ \S]Sn {Ia§Ä ]ment¡­XmsW¶dnbn¡p¶p.
sI. jwkp±o³
AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (s{IUnäv)

\¼À kn.]n. (2) 36678/85.    
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
        Xncph\´]pcw, 4þ3þ1991
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡pw
FÃm Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡pw (P\dÂ)
hnjbw:  tIcf klIcW \nbaw 65, 66, 68 hIp¸v {]Imcapff ]cntim[\bpw At\zjW§fpw bYm kabw dnt¸mÀ«v kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xpþkw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\:    ]me¡mSv tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS 19þ1þ1991 se 4665/80/kn.BÀ.]n. \¼À I¯v.

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Co-operative Institutions- Benefit of higher Grade allowed to the regular employees below the level of supervisory cadre on completion of 10 years of regular service grant - deciding factors - norms & guidelines issued.

G.O.(MS) 39/91/Co-op.                    
Thiruvananthapuram, 27-4-1991

Read: 1. G.O. (MS) 291/84/AD dt. 25-9-84
          2.  G.O. (MS) 36/88/Co-op dt.27-9-1988
          3.  Lr. No. EM 2-53909/84 dt. 7-12-1984 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
          4.  Note No. EM (2) 60742/86 dt. 10-10-1988, Lrs. No. EM (2) 71390/88 dt. 13-4-1989, 8-6-1989 and EM (2) 49442/89 dt. 25-10-1989 and 17-2-1990 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies

Government as per G.O. read as second paper above orders were issued in supersession of the earlier orders that all regular employees below the level of Supervisory cadre in the Co-operative institutions under the control of Registrar of Co-operative Societies who remain in the same category of post of  10 years or more in the normal course will be allowed the benefit of a higher grade on completion of 10 years of regular service in that category.  Registrar of Co-operative Societies had informed that the various institutions follow different procedures for the grant of higher grade. Hence Registrar of Co-operative societies has prepared a set of guidelines to regulate the grant of higher grade on a uniform basis.  The factors to be taken into consideration and the guidelines in this regard prepared by Registrar of Co-operative societies were engaging the attention of Government for quite some time past.

2.       Government are pleased to approve the norms and guidelines prescribed by Registrar of Co-operative Societies for being followed by the Co-operative Institutions in regard to the grant of Higher Grade benefit enjoyed as per the G.O. read as second paper above.  The guidelines are appended to this order.

3.       The Guidelines can be made applicable with effect form 25-9-1984 or with effect from 27-9-1988 and to that extent these will have retrospective effect, so that the irregular promotions and fixation of pay if already ordered by the societies could be rectified within the ambit of rules.  Otherwise, past  cases should not be reopened applying the retrospective nature of the guidelines.

4.       The Registrar of Co-operative Societies is authorised to clear any doubt or clarifications arising out the guidelines appended to this order.

5.       It is further ordered that employees are allowed six month time to exercise option within six months form the date on which they become eligible for the higher grade.
By order of the Governor
K. Uppiliappan
Commr. & Secretary to Government



G.O.(MS) 39/91/Coop.                     
Thiruvananthapuram, 27-4-1991

I.       Qualifying service to be reckoned as regular service for computing the period of 13 years / 10 years as the case may be.

1.       The Service put in the same post carrying a Time scale of pay which will count for normal increments in the post shall be treated as qualifying service.
Note (1) The Service put in the same post carrying different scales due to revision of scale of pay will be reckoned as service in the same post.
Note (2) The service put in the same post carrying different scales due to change of classification will be reckoned as service in the same post.
Note (3) The Service not counting for increment as punishment will not be reckoned as qualifying service.  But the period for which increment is barred without cumulative effect will count as qualifying service.

2.       The Service shall be against sanctioned post.

3.       The employees shall be fully qualified to hold the post or duly exempted from possessing the prescribed qualification under Rule 185 (2) of the K.C.S. Rules, 1969.

4.       The period of service of an employee whose promotion stands barred will not be reckoned as qualifying service.

5.       All periods of leave with allowances availed by employees except that availed for taking up employment abroad and that availed by female employees for accompanying husbands abroad, will be reckoned as qualifying service.

6.       The period spent on deputation from one Co-operative Institution to another Co-operative Institution will count as qualifying service.

7.   The benefit of higher grade is admissible only once.


The benefit of Higher Grade is applicable only to the regular employees below the level of supervisory cadre.


1.       The scale of pay admissible for the Higher grade will be the scale of pay of the regular promotion post subject to the requirement of qualification.
2.       If there is no regular promotion post the scale of pay of the higher grade will be fixed by Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
Note 1. The appointment of Peon/Attender/Salesman/Watchman etc. as Clerk will not be treated as regular promotion.
          2.  When the classification of a society is changed, the higher grade admissible will be determined with reference to the actual post held by the employee before the classification was changed and not with reference to the scale of pay of the higher grade sanctioned to him earlier.
          3.  In the case of persons not possessing the requisite qualification for promotion to the regular promotion post an appropriate scale of pay will be fixed as higher grade by Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
          4.  The employee who relinquish claim for promotion are not eligible for the benefit of higher grade.

An employee who is given the benefit of higher grade will continue to be designated as earlier in the original post with the words ‘Higher Grade’ noted in bracket.


1.       The pay of an employee who is given the benefit of higher grade will be fixed as per the norms now followed for fixation of pay consequent on promotion.

2.       No refixation of pay will be admissible.

3        The employees who are eligible for Higher Grade on completion of 13 years / 10 years of service as the case may be eligible to exercise option to choose a beneficial date to come over to the higher grade.  Such option should be exercised within six  months from the date on which he became eligible for the higher grade.  The option once exercised shall be final.  If no, option is exercised as indicated above, he will be deemed to have come over to the higher grade on the date on which he actually became eligible for the higher grade.

The posts below the level of supervisory cadre who are entitled to the benefit of Higher Grade are listed out hereunder.

Urban Banks
ClassI    Senior Clerk/Cashier
              Junior Clerk/Junior Cashier/ Appraiser/Typist/Bill Collector/Record Keeper/ Driver
Class II  Senior Clerk/Cashier
              Junior Clerk/Junior Cashier/Appraiser/Typist/Bill Collector/Record Keeper/Driver Attender
Class III          Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk/Typist/Cashier Attender
Class IV          Accountant
              Cashier/Senior Clerk/Accountant
              Junior Clerk
Primary Co-operative Land
Development Bank
Class I, II, III, IV
              Senior Clerk/Cashier
              Junior Clerk/Typist/Typist cum Clerk/Driver
              Record Keeper/Attender Peon/Watchman
Credit Societies
Class I (Including Special Grade)       Senior Clerk/Cashier
              Junior Clerk/Junior Cashier/Appraiser/Typist
Class II  Cashier/Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk/Typist/Junior Cashier
              Attender/ Peon.
Class III          Accountant
              Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk
Class IV          Accountant
              Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk
Class V  Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk
Class VI          Clerk

General Marketing Federation
Rubber Marketing Federation
            Senior Clerk/Senior Typist
            Stenographer/Steno Typist
            Steno/ Receptionist-cum Telephone Operator
            Junior Clerk/Typist /Godown Keeper
Grader/ Godown Keeper/ Senior Mixing Yard Supervisor/Field Officer
              Telex-cum-telephone operator
              Mixing yard Supervisor/ Store Keeper/ Driver/Peon/ Watchman/Lorry Cleaner/                Attender
Primary Marketing
Class I   Technician/ Grader/ Senior Clerk
              Typist/Assistant Technician             
              Assistant Grader/Junior Clerk
Class II  Accountant
              Cashier/Technician/Grader/Senior Clerk/SeniorTypist
              Junior Clerk
Class III          Accountant
              Clerk/Technician /Grader
              Assistant Grader/Assistant Technician
Class IV          Accountant
              Clerk/Technician/ Grader
Consumer Societies Apex Federation        
Head Office   
              Assistant Accountant
            Godown Keeper

Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk
Department Stores
              Senior Clerk
              Junior clerk
              Godown Keeper
              Floor Manager
              Sales Assistants
District wholesale Stores
Class I   Typist/stenographer
              Depot Manager GradeI
              Depot Manager Grade II
              Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk
              Godown keeper
Class II, III & IV       
              Depot Manager Grade I
              Depot Manager Grade II
              Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk
              Godown Keeper/Driver
Primary Consumer Stores
Industrial Processing Societies as under Primary Marketing Societies
Other Processing Societies
Farming Societies
Housing Societies
              Stenographer/Senior Clerk/ Senior Typist
              Junior Clerk/Junior Typist
              Driver/ Record Keeper
              Peon-cum-Night Watchman
Other Housing Societies
Class I   Accountant
              Senior Clerk
              Junior Clerk/Typist
Class II  Accountant/Senior Clerk                 
              Junior Clerk/Typist                          
Class III          Accountant
Class IV          Nil
Motor Transport Societies
Class I   Accountant
              Store Keeper
Class II  Accountant  
Class III          Clerk
Class IV   Driver/Conductor
Co-operative Printing Press
Class I      Clerk/Compositor
Class II & III
All other Societies
Class I & II    
                 Senior Clerk
                 Junior Clerk/Typist
Class III   Clerk & Attenders
Class IV          Nil

No.CG (1) 27112/89  
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
                                              Thiruvananthapuram, 17-6-1991
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Joint Registrar (General), Trichur
Sub:           Endorsement of Ration Cards for loans upto Rs. 50,000/- regarding.
Ref: 1.  This office circular No. 11/88 dated 20-2-88 (in file No.CLT (2) 7594/88)
        2.  This office circular no. 38/90 dated 15-12-90 (in file No. CO (1) 48440/90 (1).
In this office circular orders cited, instructions were issued to all Co-operative Credit Institutions in the State to make use of the provisions in the Ration Cards and make the endorsements when loans upto Rs. 50,000/- are granted to their members, in the space provided therein, and the Joint Registrars were requested to see that the Co-operatives concerned strictly adhere to the above instructions.  In the steering committee of 46 th meeting of SLDC, it has been pointed out that a borrower  already availed of cards from the particular Bank/Society may be approaching for cards from other Banks/Society.  The committee has therefore suggested that the  Bank/society should insist for old ration cards also while prospective borrowers approach for loans.  Government in Civil Supplies Department as per Circular No. 791/B1/91/F & CSD dated 19-1-1991 have also issued orders that the old ration cards will be returned while issuing the new ration cards.

I therefore request you to give necessary directions to all Primary Credit Co-operative societies to insist for old ration card also while the prospective borrower approach the society for loans.
For Registrar of Co-operative societies

No. 1495/A2/91/Coop.                             
Co-operation (A) Department
                                                                  Thiruvananthapuram, 19-7-1991
The Commr.& Secretary to Government.
The Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Sub:   Co-operation Department-Exercise of powers under Kerala Civil Services (Classification Control and Appeal) Rules 1960 by the Officers working on other duty under Rule 156, Part I, K.S.Rs- Clarification sought for-Regarding.
Ref : Your letter No.V (1) 5274/91 dated 31-1-1991.

With reference to your letter cited, I am to inform you that in view of Rule 13 (2a) of the K.C.S. (C.C&A) Rules, the immediate Superior Gazetted Officer or any other higher authority can impose the penalties stipulated therein, on the members of subordinate service, regardless of the nature of appointment of such authority.
Yours faithfully
P. G. Zacharias
Under Secretary
For Commr. & Secretary to Government

No.CP(1) 30056/91.   
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Thiruvananthapuram, 21-8-1991
The Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
All Joint Registrars.
Sub:   Co-op. Department-Election to Co-op. Societies Observation of the  Hon’ble High Court in O.P.No.5248/89Y—Reg.

Ref:   Nil

The Hon’ble High Court of Kerala, while delivering judgment in O.P.No.5248/89-Y observed that the Returning Officers appointed to conduct election to the Co-operative Societies, and the authorities should scrupulously follow the statutory responsibilities entrusted to them, and the election to the co-operative societies must be conducted in a fair manner, ensuring that some do not gain undue advantage over others.

The court contended the conduct of the Returning Officer, in the captioned O.P. in giving three days time with holidays intervening, cannot be appreciated, and held that every statutory functionary must realise the responsibilities and should act fairly.  The court voiced that the Returning Officer should have allowed more time to inspect draft voters list for raising objections if any stupefying rights by mechanisation cannot be experienced.  The Returning Officer should also have passed specific orders on the representations made by the petitioners.  The Hon’ble Court also held that the competent authority well to ensure in future that there is at least a gap of 30 live days between the publication of the draft voters list and the election and after publication, at least a weeks time should be available for raising objections.  Otherwise there should be 20 days time between the last day for scrutiny of nomination paper and the election fixed.  The Hon’ble High Court on that by hurrying through a time frame, often rights are rendered ineffective.  In several cases by a process of hustling through warily or unwarily objects as sometimes muffled.

In this respect all officers and the department are requested to see that all statutory provisions in the Kerala Co-op.Societies Act and rules framed thereunder and the time schedule mentioned above are strictly followed while performing the duties of Returning Officers.
Yours faithfully
For Registrar of Co-op.Societies
allnews International Cooperative Alliance National Cooperative Union of India Kerala State Cooperative Union Cental Ministry of agriculture and Cooperation Kerala Cooperative Department Minister for Cooperation, Kerala Kerala Laws NCDC NABARD Reserve Bank of India NAFED NCCF Cooperative Service Examination Board KPSC KSCB civil services UPSC