Saturday, 21 January 2012



\¼À kn.]n.(5) 4158/96               
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                        Xncph\´]pcw, 23þ4þ96

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 8/96

hnjbw:  Nn«n/Ipdn skIyqcnän XncnsI hm§p¶Xnse ImeXmakw kw_Ôn¨v.

klIcW kwL§Ä \S¯p¶ Nn«nIfpsS skIyqcnän XpI XncnsI hm§m³ hfsctbsd ImeXmakw D­mIp¶psh¶pw BbXv Nn«n BUnäv ]qÀ¯nbm¡m\pff Xmakw sIm­msW¶pw kwL§Ä ]cmXns¸«ncn¡p¶p.  C¡mcyw ]cntim[n¨Xn Nn«n BUnäv ]qÀ¯nbmt¡­ NpaXe Nn«n cPnkv{Smdn  \n£n]vXambncn¡p¶Xn\m Nn«n h«adpXnbmbm IW¡pIÄ icnbm¡n Nn«n cPnkv{Smsc hnhcadnbn¨p BUnäv \St¯­Xv kwL§fpsS D¯chmZn¯zamsW¶v ImWp¶p.  ImeXmakw D­mIp¶ tIkpIfn A¡mcyw Nn«n cPnkv{SmcpsS {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯p¶Xn\v klIcW hIp¸nsâ klmbw tXSmhp¶XmWv.  Xmeq¡v Xe¯n \S¯p¶ kwLw sk{I«dnamcpsS {]Xnamk tbmK§fn Nn«n BUnäv ]ptcmKXn AhtemI\w \St¯­Xpw XpSÀ \S]Sn Xmeq¡v Xe Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ kzoIcnt¡­XpamWv.  ta \nÀt±i§Ä klIcW kwL§fpsS  {i²bn sIm­phcm³ AXXp PnÃbnse tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡­XpamWv.
sI. F³. inhcma³
klIcWkwLw AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (s{IUnäv)

\¼À kn.]n.(3) 26761/95      
klIcW kwLw cPnk{Smdm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, 21þ5þ1996

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 16/96

hnjbw:  klIcW hIp¸vþklIcW kwL§fn ]pXnb XkvXnIIÄ krjvSn¡p¶Xn\v AwKoImcw \ÂIp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.

kwkvYm\s¯ klIcW {]mYanI hmbv]m kwL§fn ¢mÊn^nt¡j³ amäw hcp¯pt¼mÄ AXn³ {]Imcw AÀlXbpff A[nI XkvXnIIÄ krjvSn¡p¶Xn\v cPnkv{SmdpsS ap³IqÀ A\phmZw hm§nbncn¡Wsa¶v hyhkvY sNbvXn«p­v.  PnÃbnse tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, cPnkv{SmdpdS Cu A[nImcw hn\ntbmKn¡pt¼mÄ hyXykvXamb coXnbnepw, hnthN\ ]cambpw, kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI \nehmchpw {]hÀ¯\hpw IW¡nseSp¡msXbpw A[nI XkvXnIIÄ¡v AwKoImcw \ÂIn hcp¶Xmbn Cu B^oknsâ {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p.

BbXn\m PnÃbnse tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ kwL§fn ]pXnb XkvXnI krjvSn¡p¶Xn\v A\paXn \ÂIpt¼mÄ hfsc Kuch]qÀhw kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI ]ptcmKXn, {]hÀ¯\ £aX F¶nh hnebncpt¯­Xpw BbXn\v Cu B^oknsâ ap³Iq«nbpff A\phmZw hm§nbncn¡Wsa¶pw IÀi\ambn \nÀt±in¡p¶p.  C¡mcy¯n GsX¦nepw hogvNbp­mIp¶Xmbpw AXphgn ]cmXn¡nS hcp¶Xpw {i²bnÂs¸«m A¯cw \S]SnIsf hfsc KpcpXcambn ho£n¡p¶Xpambncn¡pw.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

No.CP(3) 28438/96.   
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Thiruvananthapuram, 20-8-1996

CIRCULAR No. 17/96

Sub:           District Co-operative Bank use of vehicle by the president and General Manager-permission revised orders-issued.
Ref: 1.  Circular No. 12/84 dated 8-2-84 of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
        2.  Circular No. 8/92 dated 13-2-92 of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.

As per circular 1st cited the president and General Manager of District Co-operative Banks were permitted to use the cars owned by the Bank for their personal purposes free of cost upto 500 KMs. And 250 KMs in a month respectively.  As per circular 2nd cited the permission to use Bank cars for the private use of presidents/General Managers was cancelled.  Taking into account of the increased Business, transaction, of these District Co-operative Bank the instruction issued in Circular No. 8/92 dated 13-2-92 is hereby cancelled.  The instruction issued as per circular No. 12/84 dated 8-2-84 will be in force from the date of this circular with regard to the use of the vehicle of the Bank for personal purposes.

Nalini Netto I. A. S.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

No.EM (3) 20860/94. 
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                             Thiruvananthapuram, 29-8-1996

CIRCULAR No. 18/96

Sub:    Co-operation-Recruitment for appointment in Co-operative Institutions-Procedure to be adopted-Instructions cancelled.
Read: Registrar’s Circular No. 18/94 dated 8-6-94.

Since appointments in the Apex Co-operative Societies including District Co-operative Bank have been entrusted to the Kerala Public Service Commission this department circular cited is here by Cancelled.

Nalini Netto
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

No.F & M 43767/95. 
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
                                              Thiruvananthapuram, 26-9-1996
CIRCULAR No. 22/96
Sub:   Nineth five year Plan- Decentralisation and people’s participation – Mass Campaign – regarding.
Ref:   G.O. (MS) 10/96/Plg. Dated 30-7-1996 of the Government of Kerala.
In the Government order cited, permission for duty leave has been granted to the officials of Government Departments. Government Public sector undertakings, semi-Govt. Organisations and autonomous bodies set up with Government assistance for attending various activities including training, Planning meetings, Campaign meetings and other Organisational works connected with the Mass campaign with regard to the Decentralisation and people’s participation in the Ninth Five Year Plan, Government have directed to extend the above benefit to the officials of cooperative institutions in the state.  In the circumstances, all co-operative institutions are directed to grant duty leave by the respective heads of institutions to those officials who attend the activities connected with the campaign including training.  The benefit is available only to those officials who are involve in this campaign.
Nalini Netto, IAS
Registrar of Co-operative Societies

\¼À kn.]n. (3) 39492/96     
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, 22þ10þ96

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 24/96

hnjbw:  klIcWhIp¸vþklIcW kwL§fn ]pXnb XkvXn IIÄ krjvSníp¶Xn\v AwKoImcw \ÂIp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨.
kqN\:  cPnkv{SmdpsS 21þ5þ95 se 16/96 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ

kwkvYm\s¯ klIcW {]mYanI hmbv]m kwL§fn ¢mÊn^nt¡j³ amäw hcp¶ Ahkc§fn AÀlXbpff A[nI XkvXnII-Ä krjvSn¡p¶Xn\v A\phmZ¯n\mbn kwL§Ä kaÀ¸n¡p¶ A]£Ifn³ta tPmbnâv  cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Xocpam\w ssIs¡mffp¶Xn\v Cu B^oknsâ ap³IqÀ A\phmZw hm§nbncn¡sa¶v kqN\ kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw \ÂInbncp¶p.  C{]Imcw kwL§fpsS At]£IÄ Cu B^okn kaÀ¸n¨v BbXn³ta Bhiyambn hcp¶ ]£w ho­pw hniZoIcW§Ä t\tS­n hcp¶Xpw BbXv aqeap­mIp¶ ImeXmakw kwL§Ä¡v _p²nap«p­m¡p¶Xmbn Cu B^oknsâ {i²bn s]«ncn¡p¶p.

BbXn\m {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fnse  ¢mÊn^nt¡j³ amäw hcp¯pt¼mÄ AXn AÀlXbpff A[nI XkvXnII-Ä krjvSn¡p¶Xn\mbn kaÀ¸n¡p¶ At]£Ifn³ta hfsc Kuch ]qÀhw kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI kvYnXn, {]hÀ¯\ £aX F¶nh hnebncpt¯­Xpw A{]Imcw A\phZn¡p¶ XkvXnIIÄ 3þ7þ92 se  Pn.H.Fw.Fkv.58/92/klIcW \¼À D¯chv {]Imcw AwKoIcn¨n«pff AlXs¸« XkvXnIIfn A[nIcn¡p¶nsöpw A{]Imcw A\phZn¡p¶ A[nI XkvXnIIÄ¡p­m¡p¶ sNehv kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\s¯ tZmjIcambn _m[n¡pIbnsöpw Dd¸p hcpt¯­XmWv.  A{]Imcapff At]£ Ifn³ta ]dª hniZamb ]cntim[\IfpsS ASnkvYm\¯n hyIvXamb Xocpam\w PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v Xs¶ ssIs¡mffmhp¶XpamWv.  C¡mcy¯n F§ns\sb¦nepw hogvNbp­m¡p¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs¸«m A¯cw \S]SnIsf hfsc Kuchambn ho£n¡p¶Xmbncnípw.

klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 37930/96      
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, 7þ11þ1996

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 28/96

hnjbw: klIcW hIp¸vþklIcW kwL§Ä ]ncn¨p In«p¶ hmbv]m XpIbpw ]enibpw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fsNehn\pw aäpw hn\n tbmKn¡p¶ {]hWX \ncpXvkmls¸Sp¯p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\:   tZiob ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦nsâ 25þ9þ1996 se F³ klIcWw 2278/hnþ20/96þ97 se I¯v.

GXm\pw {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpw aäp Nne hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpw ]ncnªp In«p¶ hmbv]m XpIbpw ]enibpw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fs¨ehn\pw aäp NnehpIÄ¡pambn hI amän hn\ntbmKn¡p¶Xmbpw CXp ImcWw kwL§fpsS kpKaamb hmbv]m {]hÀ¯\w XSÊs¸Sp¯p¶Xmbpw A¯cw kwL§fpsS sam¯¯nepff {]hÀ¯\s¯ tZmjIcambn _m[n¡p¶Xmbpw tZiob ImÀjnI {KmahnIk\\ _m¦v (\_mÀUv) Nq­n¡mWn¨ncn¡p¶p.

]ncnªpIn«p¶ hmbv]m XpIbpw ]enibpw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼f¯n\pw aäp sNehpIÄ¡pw A\nb{´nXambn hI amän hn\ntbmKn¡p¶Xp ImcWw kwL§Ä¡v ]ncnªp In«m\pff hmbv]m XpIbpw kwL§Ä [\klmbw  _m¦nte¡v Xncn¨S¡m\pff hmbv]m XpIbpw X½nepff A´cw hÀ²n¨p hcpIbpw [\klmb _m¦nÂ\n¶pw XpSÀ¶v  hmbv] e`n¡m\pff km[yX CÃmXmhpIbpw sN¿p¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs]«ncn¡p¶p.  ]ncnªpIn«p¶  hmbv]m XpIbpw ]enibn kwL§Ä¡v e`n¡p¶ amÀPn³ Ign¨pff XpIbpw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼f¯n\pw aäp sNehpIÄ¡pw hI amän hn\ntbmKn¡m³ ]mSnÃm¯XpamWv.  ]ncnªp In«p¶ hmbv] XpIbptSbpw, ]enibptSbpw icnbmb hn\ntbmKw Dd¸m¡n kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w kpKaam¡p¶Xn\v Hmtcm kwLhpw {]tXyIw {i² ]Xn¸nt¡­XmWv.

Cu kÀ¡peÀ ssI¸änb hnhcw Adnbnt¡­XmWv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

\¼À kn._n.(3) 41389/96     
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, 23þ12þ96

kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 31/96

hnjbw:  klIcWwþ A¸Ivkv kvYm]\§fn Xm¡menImSn kvYm\¯n Fwt¹mbvsaâv FIvkvtN©v hgn \nba\w \S¯nbXn³ta \nba\ Imemh[nþ \nÀt±iw \S¸nem¡p ¶Xns\ kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1.  Cu B^oknse kn._n.(3) 21068/95 mw \¼dmbpff 28þ11þ95 se 31/95 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
        2. 21þ11þ96 se H.]n. 17824/96 hn[nbn³ta A¸o \¼À 1752/96 {]Imcapff _lp: sslt¡mSXn D¯chv

tIcf klIcW \nbaw 80 mw hIp¸n\v hcp¯nb t`ZKXn {]Imcw A¸Ivkv klIcW kvYm]\§fnse \nba\§Ä ]»nIv kÀhokv I½ojsâ ]cn[nbn hcp¯nb kmlNcy¯n skeIväv enkväp hcm³ ImeXmakw D­mIpsa¶ hkvXpX IW¡nseSp¯v, Sn kvYm]\§fnse ssZ\wZn\ {]hÀ¯\§Ä kqKaambn \nÀhln¡p¶Xn\v, AXmXp PnÃm Fwt¹mbvsaâv FIvkvtN©pIÄ aptJ\ \nivNnX tbmKyXbpff Poh\¡msc XnI¨pw Xm¡menImSn kvYm\¯n 180 Znhk¯n IqSm¯ Imebfhnte¡v sXcsªSp¯v \nba\w \S¯p¶Xn\v th­ A\paXn kqN\ 1 {]Imcw \ÂInbncn¡p¶p.

F¶m ] X¿mdm¡n {]kn²oIcn¡p¶ enkvän \n¶pw kvYnc \nba\w D­mIp¶Xphsc \nehn Xm¡menImSnkvYm\¯n \nban¨hsc¯s¶ XpSÀ¶pw, tPmen sN¿p¶Xn\v A\phZn¡Wsa¶pff ]e At]£Ifpw Cu B^okn e`n¨p hcp¶p.  Xm-¡menIambn 180 Znhk¯n IqSmsXbpff Imet¯¡v \nban¡s¸«n«pff BfpIÄ¡v kÀhokn XpScm³ bmsXmcp AÀlXbpansöv _lp: sslt¡mSXn Unhnj³ s_©nsâ apIfn ImWn¨ncn¡p¶ hn[nbn AkµnKv²ambn {]kvXmhn¨n«pffXmIp¶p.

BIbm _m¦pIfpsS kpKaamb {]hÀ¯\¯n\mbn Fwt¹mbvsaâv FIvkvtN©n \n¶pw sXcsªSp¯ DtZymKmÀYnIsf XnI¨pw Xm¡menImSnkvYm\¯n am{Xta \nba\w \S¯phm³ ]mSpffqsh¶pw A§s\ \nba\w e`n¡p¶hsc 180 Znhk¯n IqSpX XpScm³ bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw A\phZn¡m³ ]mSnÃ.  Hcn¡Â Xm¡menIambn sXcsªSp¡s¸«hsc ho­pw sXcsªSp¡s¸Sphm³ CShcp¯cpsX¶pw, Hcn¡Â IqSn \nÀt±in¡p¶p.

Cu \nÀt±i§Ä hogvN IqSmsX ]qÀ®ambpw ]men¡s¸Sm-³ _Ôs¸«hÀ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­Xpw C{]Imcw Fs´¦nepw hogvN bp­mbm BbXv Kuchambn IW¡nseSp¡psa¶pw Adnbn¡p¶p.

Sn \nÀt±iw IÀi\ambn ]men¡p¶p F¶v _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ


Co-operative Institutions-Time Bound Higher Grade Benefits to the employees of all Co-operative Institutions-Revised norms and guidelines-Issued.

G.O. (MS) No. 7/96/Co-op:  
Thiruvananthapuram, 25-1-1996

Read: 1.  G.O.(MS) 291/84/AD dated, 25-9-1984.
          2.  G.O.(MS) 36/88/Co-op. Dated 27-9-1988.
          3.  G.O.(MS) 39/91/Coop. Dated 27-4-1991.
          4.  Letter No. EM (2) 45868/93/dated 24-2-94 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
          5.  Lr. No.EM (2) 41541/95 dated 12-12-95 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.


In supersession of the Government Orders read as first, second and third papers above, Government are pleased to approve the revised norms and guidelines for granting Time bound higher grade benefits to the employees of all Co-operative Institutions under the Control of Registrar of Co-operative societies as appended to the order.

2.       This order will have retrospective effect from 27-4-91.  The irregular promotions and fixation of pay already made by the Co-operatives should be modified to fall within the ambit of revised norms and guidelines.

3.       The Registrar of Co-operative Societies is authorised to clear doubt or clarifications arising out of the revised norms and guidelines appended to this order.
By Order of the Governor
N. Sisupalan
Joint Secretary to Government


A.      In the case of employees under sub-staff category:-
i)       The first higher grade on completion of 10 years of service in the entry post.
ii)      The second higher grade should be on completion of either 10 years service in the first promoted post or a total service of 20 years in the entry post and the first regular promotion post/time bound higher grade together which ever is earlier.
iii)     The third grade should be on completion of 25 years of total service in the entry post and regular promotion posts time-bound higher grade (s) together.

B.      In the case of all other employees including under Supervisory category:-
i)       The first higher grade on completion of 10 years of service in the entry post.
ii)      The second higher grade on completion of either 10 years of service in the first promotion post or 20 years total service.  In the entry post and first promotion post/higher grade together, whichever is earlier.
iii)     Guidelines for regulating the grant of higher grade benefit ordered above should be as follows:-

I.       Qualifying service to be reckoned as regular service for computing the service, for computing the period of services of 10/20/25 years, as the case may be.
a.       The service put in the same post carrying a time scale of pay which will count for normal increments in the post, should be treated as qualifying service.
b.       The service put in the same post carrying different scales due to revision of scale should be reckoned as service in the same post.
c.       The service put in the same post carrying different scales due to the change of classification should be reckoned as service in the same post.
d.      The service not counting for increment as punishment should not be reckoned as qualifying service.  But the period for which increment is barred without cumulative effect should be counted as qualifying service.
e.       The period of service of an employee whose promotion stands barred should not be reckoned as qualifying service.
f.       All periods of leave with allowances availed by employees except that availed for taking  employment abroad and that availed by female employees for accompanying husbands abroad should be reckoned as qualifying service.
g.       The period spent on deputation from one Co-operative institution to another co-operative institution should be counted as qualifying service.

II.      The service should be against sanctioned post.

III.    The employee shall be fully qualified to hold the post or duly exempted from possessing, the prescribed qualification under Rule 185 (2)  KCS Rules 1969.

IV.    Scales of pay of Higher Grade
1.       The scale of pay admissible for the higher grade should be the scale of the regular promotion post subject to the requirement of qualification.
2.       The appropriate higher grade scale should be fixed by the Registrar of Co-operative societies, on receipt of necessary  proposals from the society in case if there is no regular promotion post or in the case of persons not possessing the required qualification for promotion to the regular promotion post
3.       When the classification of a society is changed in the higher grade admissible should be determined with reference to the actual post held by the employee before classification was changed and not with reference to the scale of pay of higher grade sanctioned to him earlier.

V.      The employee’s who relinguish claim of promotion should not be eligible for the benefit for higher grade.
VI.    An employee who is given the benefit of higher grade should continue to be designated as earlier in the original post the words “Higher Grade” notes in the bracket.
VII.   Fixation of pay on granting of higher Grade.
i)       The pay of an employee who is given the benefit of higher grade should be fixed as per the norms now followed for fixation of pay consequent on promotion.
ii)      No refixation of pay in the original date of increment should be admissible.
iii)     The employees who are eligible for higher grade on completion of 10/20/25 years of service as the case may be, should be eligible to exercise option to choose a beneficial date to come over to the higher grade.  Such option should be exercised within six months from the date on which he became eligible for the higher grade.  The option once exercised should be final.  If no option is exercised as indicated above, he/she should be deemed to have come over to the higher grade on the date on which he/she actually became eligible for the higher grade.

VIII. Regulation of pay on getting regular promotion after availing higher grade benefit.

i)       The employees, who are duly qualified, on promotion to regular post carrying the same scale of pay after getting the higher grade benefit are not being allowed any further fixation or refixation of pay.  There as in the case of unqualified employees where they are able to get next cadre promotion, after having availed the benefit of higher grade relaxing the required qualification as per Rule 185 (2) or KCS  Rules or got himself duly qualified subsequently should get benefit of one more fixation of pay including refixation of pay as allowed on cadre promotion.  Thus it results in the contingency of getting more basic pay than the senior employee in the same institution who are duly qualified.  In order to protect and give relief to the employees who are duly qualified and promoted to the regular cadre promotion posts after getting the benefit of higher grade and to avoid the anomaly of getting more basic pay by the junior employee who are not qualified than the senior employee who are duly qualified as stated above, it is ordered that their pay on promotion to the cadre post should be regulated as follows:

ii). The pay of the employees (both qualified and unqualified) who are allowed service based higher grade, on regular promotion to the cadre post, the pay will be fixed on the basis of pay they would have drawn in the lower posts had they hot been given service based higher grade.  They should also be eligible for refixation of pay in the higher time scale allowed for cadre promotion wherever there is a change of pay in the lower scale.  In these cases, the amount received by way of higher grade benefit should however be treated as having been received neither recovery nor payment of arrears should be made.


Election-General Election to the House of  people and State Legislative Assembly, 1996-Rate of TA/DA for Election duty and for provision of minimum facilities-Revised rates sanctioned-Orders issued,


G.O.(P) No 4/96/Elec.                       
Thiruvananthapuram, 21-3-1996

Read:    1. G.O.(P) No.5/91 Elec. Dated, 14-5-1991.
         2. Letter No. 458/4/95/PLN-IV/675 dated, 14-3-96. From the Election Commission of India.
The General Election to the House of People and State Legislative Assembly, 1996 are scheduled to be held on 27th April, 1996.  In connection with the conduct of the Elections, Government are pleased to fix the following revised rates of TA/DA to the Polling/Counting personnel for the various items of election duty and for provision of minimum facilities.

Presiding Officers/ Counting Supervisors
Polling Officers/ Counting Assistants
Class IV
For the firstday
(i. e. Upto 24 hours)
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 75/-
Rs. 70/-
For each subsequent day (i.e.beyond 24 hours)
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 40/-
Rs. 25/-

2.       The above rates are payable to the staff for attending training classes, collecting polling materials etc. and also for attending duty on the pollings.
3.       The staff deployed at all polling Stations Counting Centres shall be provided with packed lunch and/or light refreshment at the rate of Rs.50/-per head per day.  In case of difficulty in providing packed lunch, a cash payment at the rate of Rs.50/-per head shall be made.  These rates will come into force with immediate effect and will have no retrospective effect.
4.       The expenditure will be debited to “2015-00-104.99-04-Travel Expenses”.

By order of the Governor
Secretary & Chief Electoral Officer

\¼À kn.]n.(4)18224/95               
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ,
C³kvs]IvSÀ P\d Hm^v cPnkvt{Sj³
tIcf, Xncph\´]pcw.
hnjbw: klIcW hIp¸v þ klIcW kwL§sf cPnkvt{Sj³ ^okn \n¶v Hgnhm¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: Kh¬saânsâ 25þ10þ1995 se Pn.H.(]n) 231/95 ä\m«n^nt¡j³

kqN\bnse t\m«n^nt¡j³ {]Imcw kwkvYm\s¯ klIcW kwL§Ä hgn AwK§Ä¡v \ÂIp¶ 2 e£ cq] hscbpff ImÀjnI hmbv], `h\ \nÀ½mW hmbv] F¶nh¡v hkvXp Pmayw \ÂIpt¼mÄ CuSp {]amW§Ä cPnkväÀ sN¿p¶Xn\v 1% ^okp \ÂInbm aXnbmIpw F¶v hyhkvY sNbvXn«p­v.  {]kvXpX D¯chnsâ Hcp ]IÀ¸v CtXmsSm¸w DffS¡w sN¿p¶p. 
kwkvYm\s¯ Nne k_v cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Cu B\pIqeyw kÀhokv klIcW _m¦pIÄ¡v A\phZn¨p \ÂIp¶nà F¶p ImWn¨v \nch[n ]cmXnIÄ Cu B^okn e`n¨psIm­ncn¡pIbmWv. 
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Finance Department-Co-operatives and Welfare Fund Boards-Investment of surplus funds-Instruction-orders issued.
Thiruvananthapuram, 27-9-1996
The Collection under National Savings plays a major role in maintaining a healthy ways and mean position of the State Government.  In order to boost up the collection under National Savings Schemes the following orders are issued.
(i)      Upto 90% of the investments made by the Co-operative Institutions in Indira Vikas Patra and Kissan Vikas Patra will be considered for maintaining their Fluid resources.
(ii)     All Welfare Fund boards constituted by the Government should remit their surplus funds either in National Savings Schemes or in Treasury Savings bank only.
By Order of the Governor
S. Varadachary
Principal Secretary (FIN.)


Co-operation Department- Kerala State Co-operative Employees Welfare Board-Amendment to Rules- approved – orders issued.

G.O. (MS) No. 108/96/CO-OP.         
Thiruvananthapuram, 11-11-1996

Read: 1. G.O. (Rt) No. 383/96/Coop. Dated 30-9-1996
           2. G.O.(P) 2/89/Co-op. Dated 6-1-1989
           3. G.O.(MS) No. 88/92/Coop. Dated 22-10-1992
           4. G.O. (MS) No. 33/93/Coop. Dated 18-3-1993
           5. G.O.(MS) No.89/93/Coop. Dated 15-9-95
           6. G.O.(MS) No. 160/95/Coop. Dated 17-11-95
           7. G.O.(MS) No. 101/96/Coop. Dated 5-10-1996
           8. Letter No.WB-717/96 dated 5-10-1996 from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Kerala State Co-op. Employees Welfare Board, Thiruvananthapuram.
As per the Government Order read as first paper above, as amended by the Government Orders read as second paper to seventh paper above.  Government have issued the Rules for the constitution and administration of the Kerala State Co-operative Employees Welfare board, which is applicable only to the Employees of the Co-operative Institutions registered or deemed to be registered/constituted/established under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) coming under the control of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. Government wish to extend the benefit of this welfare scheme to the employees of other Co-operative institutions like the Industrial Co-operatives, Coir Co-operatives, Dairy Co-operatives, Fisheries Co-operatives, Handloom Co-operatives, Khadi and Village Industries Co-operatives etc. registered under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) and functioning under various Department of the State Government.  The existing rules 2 (a) and 3 (b) of the Rules of the Constitution and administration of the Kerala State Co-operative Employees Welfare Board have to be amended suitably for the above purpose; and Government are pleased to amend the above said rules as follows:-


i).      The existing rule 2 (a) of the Rules issued in the G.O. read as first paper above shall be substituted with the followings:-

“2 (a) to raise and administer funds for the welfare of the employees of the institutions registered or demand to be registered/constituted/established under the Kerala Co-operative Societies, Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) under the control of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and other Departments of the State Government generally and to alleviate the distress of the said Employees and their dependants in indigent circumstances” and

ii)      The existing rule 3 (b) of the Rules shall be substituted with the followings:-

“3 (b) ‘Employees’ means an employee of a Co-operative Society registered or deemed to be registered or an institution constituted or established under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) and coming under the administrative control of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and other Departments of the State Governments”.

2.       The G.Os read as first and second papers above will stand modified to the above extent, and that these amendments will come into force with immediate effect.
By Order of the Governor
      C. P. Sreelatha
Joint Secretary to Government

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