No.G(1) 7961/99. Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, 4-1-2000
CIRCULAR No. 2/2000
Sub: Co-op. Department Short term Agricultural Advance by Co-operatives Interest charged from members not to exceed principal amount instructions cancelled.
Ref: 1. Registrar’s Circular No. 41/91 Dated: 18-12-’91
2. Letter No. PCD/28/96-97 dated: 16-12-96 of NABARD
3. Government letter No.5614/B1/97/Co-op: dated: 1-11-’99.
The General Manager of NABARD vide letter 2nd cited has informed that taking into account the views expressed by various State Government and the present interest rate policy of providing freedom to co-operative Banks in the matter fixing lending rates, the desirability or otherwise of enforcing the principle was viewed by them in consultation with Reserve Bank of India. Reserve Banks of India/ NABARD are of the view that if the Co-operatives take appropriate action for prompt recovery of loans, the need for invoking the above principle may not arise. It has been further remarked that Co-operatives should have the right to recover the interest due which may be come equal to or higher than the principal on account of rephasement/delayed payment. As per the letter 3rd cited, Government have directed to cancel the circular 1st cited in the light of the letter dated: 16-12-’96 of NABARD, 2nd cited. In the above circumstances the Circular 1st cited is hereby cancelled.
V. P. Joy IAS
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 49100/99 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 3þ1þ2000
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 3/2000
hnjbw: {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä, ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv klIcW _m¦pIÄ, _m¦nwKv dKptej³ BIvSnsâ ]cn[nbn hcm¯ ImÀjntIXc hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä F¶nhbn \n¶pw \ÂImhp¶ hnhn[bn\w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[n hÀ²n¸n¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. Cu Hm^oknse 31þ8þ95 se 25/95 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
2. Cu Hm^oknse 25þ11þ96 se 29/96 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
3. Cu Hm^oknse 25þ5þ98 se 18/98 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
kqN\ 1se kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m kwL§Ä, ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv _m¦pIÄ, ImÀjntIXc hmbv]m kwL§Ä F¶nhbn \n¶pw \ÂImhp¶ hnhn[bn\w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[nbpw Hcp AwK¯n\v ]camh[n \ÂImhp¶ sam¯w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[nbpw \nivNbn¨psImv D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p. kqN\ (2) (3) kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw ImÀjnI hmbv] DÄs¸sS Nne C\w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[n hÀ²n¸n¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p.
2. kwkvYm\s¯ ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpw aäp ImÀjntIXc hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpw IqSpX P\hnizmkw BÀPn¡pIbpw \nt£] kamlcW¯neqsS ChbpsS hn`htijn KWyamb tXmXn hÀ²n¸n¡pIbpw sNbvXn«pv. ]pXnb kl{km_vZ¯nte¡v {]thin¡pt¼mÄ kwL§fpsS Cu hn`htijn AwK§fpsS hÀ²n¨p hcp¶ hmbv]m Bhiy§Ä \ndthäp¶Xnte¡mbn hn\ntbmKn¡p¶Xn\pw AXv hgn kwLw {]hÀ¯\w IqSpX em`Icam¡p¶Xn\pw {iant¡Xpv. Cu Bhiyw ap³\nÀ¯n hnhn[bn\w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[n DbÀt¯Xv BhiyamsW¶p ImWp¶p. ta kmlNcy¯n kl{km_vZ ]cn]mSntbmS\p_Ôn¨v kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv klIcW _m¦pIÄ _m¦nwKv dKptej³ BIvSnsâ ]cn[nbn hcm¯ ImÀjntIXc hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä F¶nhbn \n¶pw AhbpsS AwK§Ä¡v \ÂImhp¶ hnh[bn\w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[n kwL§fpsS hn`htijnbpambn _Ôs¸Sp¯n NphsS tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶ {]Imcw ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨psImv CXn\m D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
{Ia hmbv]m ]²Xn ]camh[n Imemh[n Hmlcn
\¼À ]cn[n A\p]mXw
1. DXv]mZ\ Bhiyapff hmbv]
F. {lkzIme a[yIme ImÀjnI hmbv]IÄ 2,00,000 {lkzImew 1:20
cq] 1 hÀjw
2 apXÂ
5 hÀjw hsc
_n. kzbw sXmgn hmbv]IÄ 2,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
kn. hyhkmb hmbv]IÄ 10,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
Un. `qkz¯v hm§p¶Xn\pff hmbv] 5,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
2. kzÀ® ]Wb hmbv] 2,00,000 1 hÀjw
3. D]t`mIvXr hmbv]IÄ
1. Iq«nIfpsS hnZym`ymk¯n\v 10,000 1 hÀjw 1%
2. Ip«nIfpsS s{]m^jWÂ hnZym`ymk¯n\v 1,50,000 5 hÀjw 1%
3. IqSpw_mwK§fpsS hnhmlmhiy¯n\v 1,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
4. IqSpw_mwK§fpsS NnInXvkm acWm\´c
NnehpIÄ XpS§nbh 10,000 1 hÀjw 1%
5. Xmakn¡p¶ hoSpIÄ \¶m¡p¶Xn\v 1,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
6. hntZi§fn tPmen tXSn t]mIp¶Xn\v 1,00,000 3 hÀjw 1%
7. ho«p]IcW§Ä hm§p¶Xn\v 1,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
8. hml\§Ä hm§p¶Xn\v 10,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
9. hnhn[ Bhiy§Ä¡pff Imjv s{IUnäv. 50,000 1 hÀjw 1%
10. `h\ \nÀ½mW hmbv]. 3,00,000 5 hÀjw 1%
4. HcwK¯n\v ]camh[n \ÂImhp¶ sam¯w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[n C{]Imcambncn¡pw.
1. Hcp tImSn cq] hsc \nt£]apff
kwL§fn 1,00,000 cq]hsc
2. Hcp tImSn apXÂ aq¶v tImSn hsc
\nt£]apff kwL§fn 2,00,000 cq]hsc
3. 3 tImSn apXÂ 5 tImSn hsc \nt£]apff
kwL§fn 3,00,000 cq]hsc
4. 5 tImSn apXÂ 10 tImSn hsc \nt£]apff
kwL§fn 5,00,000 cq]hsc
5. 10 tImSn¡p ta \nt£]apff kwL§fn 10,00,000 cq]hsc
5. ]²Xn hmbv]IÄ
\_mÀUv tZiob hyhkmb hnIk\ _m¦v luknwKv _m¦v XpS§nbhbn \n¶pw ]p\À hmbv]m e`n¡p¶ ]²XnIÄ A\pkcn¨pff hmbv]IÄ¡p ta ]cn[n _m[IaÃ.
6. kwL§fpsS \nt£]¯nsâ 10% ¯n A[nIcn¡msX hml\ hmbv]bmbpw 15% ¯n A[nIcn¡msX `h\ \nÀ½mW¯n\qff hmbv]bmbpw A\phZn¡mhp¶XmWv. F¶m hml\ hmbv] \nivNnX tXmXn \ÂIm³ IgnbmsX h¶m Sn XpI `h\ \nÀ½mW hmbv] \ÂIp¶Xn\mbn hn\ntbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv.
7. 25,000 cq] hscbpff ImÀjnI hmbv]IÄ AwK§Ä X½nepff ]ckv]c Pmay¯n \ÂImhp¶XmWv. F¶m 50,000 cq] hscbpff FÃm ImÀjntIXc hmbv]Ifpw 2  IpdbmsXbpff (hmbv]m XpIbptSbpw Pmay¡mcpsS i¼f¯ntâbpw ASnkvYm\¯n Pmay¡mcpsS F®w \nPs¸Sp¯Ww). tI{µ/kwkvYm\, kÀ¡mÀ/AÀ² kÀ¡mÀ DtZymKkvY³amcpsS Pmay¯ntem, (i¼f kÀ«n^n¡äv thWw)hkvXp Pmay¯ntem \ÂImhp¶XmWv. 25,000 cq]bn IqSpXepff ImÀjnI hmbv]Ifpw 50,000 cq]bn IqSpXepff ImÀjntIXc hmbv]Ifpw hkvXp Pmay¯n³ta am{Xta \ÂIphm³ ]mSpffq. (Fwt¹mbokv klIcW kwL§Ä¡v Cu hyhkvY _m[IaÃ)
8. kwL§fpsS hn`htijn ]cnKWn¨v apIfn ]dª Xc¯nepff hmbv]IÄ \ÂIm³ Ct¸mÄ \nbamhenbnse hyhkvYbnÃm¯ kwL§Ä-¡v Bhiyamb \n_Ô\IÄ \nbamhenbn DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xn\pff \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnt¡XmWv. IqSmsX FÃm kwL§fpw Bhiyamb hmbv]m D]\n_Ô\IÄ X¿mdmt¡Xpw BbXn\v AXmXv tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpsS (P\dÂ) AwKoImcw hmt§Xpw {]kvXpX hmbv]m D]\n_Ô\IÄ¡v hnt[bambn am{Xw hmbv]IÄ \ÂtIXpamWv.
hn. ]n. tPmbn sF. F. Fkv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
Co-operation (B) Department
G.O.(P) No.149/2000/Co-op. Thiruvananthapuram, 17th November 2000
S.R.O.No.1098/2000- WHEREAS, under sub-section 91 of section 59 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (21 of 1969), a Society shall not make a loan to any person or a society other than a member.
AND WHEREAS, a large number of public works of Local Self Government are undertaken through the Beneficiary Committees constituted by the Local Self Government Institutions under peoples campaign programme. Beneficiary Committees enter into an agreement with the Local Self Government Institutions and based on that agreement, an advance not exceeding 25% of the cost of work of Rs.100000/- (Rupees one lakh) whichever is less is given by Local Self Government Institutions for executing the work and such advance is adjusted from future bills by the Local Self Government Institutions. By experience it has come to notice that for works involving huge amounts, mobilization of advance is not enough and that the Beneficiary Committee have to mobilise additional funds for completing the works in time.
AND WHEREAS, Government have considered the proposal of the Beneficiary Committee exploring the possibilities of availing credit facilities from the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies of the locality having surplus funds after meeting the normal loan requirements to their members.
AND WHEREAS, the Government are satisfied that it is necessary in public interest to exempt the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies having surplus funds from the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 59 of the said act for the limited purpose of enabling them to sanction cash credit or overdraft facility to the Beneficiary Committees appointed by the Local Self Government Institutions for the execution of Public Works of such Local Self Government Institutions.
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 101 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969, the Government of Kerala hereby exempt all the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies from the provision of sub-section (1) of section 59 of the said Act for the limited purpose of enabling the said Primary Agricultural Credit Societies to sanction cash credit or overdraft facility to the Beneficiary Committees for the execution of Public Works of Local Self Government Institutions under taken by such Committees on condition that such amounts should not exceed 50% of the cost of such work on the recommendation and guarantee executed by the concerned Local Self Government Institutions at the rate prevailing for loans to non-agricultural purpose. The concerned Local Self Government Institutions shall give a guarantee to the said society that all dues to the Beneficiary Committee would be realised from the final bill and credited to the said society.
By Order of the Governor
C. P. Sreelatha
Additional Secretary to Government
\¼À Pn. (1) 2958/2000 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 24-þ1þ2000
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 8/2000
hnjbw:- klIcW hIp¸vþ1999þse tIcf klIcW kwLw (t`ZKXn) \nbawþklIcWkwLw cPnkvt{Sj³, \nbamhen t`ZKXn sN¿Â, AwKXzw \ÂI F¶nh kw_Ôn¨v kab_ÔnXambn XoÀ¸v I¸nt¡ Imcy§Äþ\nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
kqN\: 1. 1999þse tIcf klIcW kwL§Ä (t`ZKXn) BIvSv (2000þse 1þmw BIvSv).
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 18/93, 27/93, 33/99 \¼À kÀ¡pedpIÄ
kqN\ 2þse kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw klIcWkwLw cPnkvt{Sj³, ss_em t`ZKXn F¶nh¡pff At]£IÄ XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xn ImeXmakw Hgnhm¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨pw AwKXzw \ÂIp¶Xp kw_Ôn¨pw \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p.
1999þse tIcf klIcW kwLw (t`ZKXn) \nbaw (2000þse 1þmw BIvSv) A\pkcn¨v kwLw cPnkvt(Sj³ (7þmw hIp¸v) kwLw \nbamhen t`ZKXn (12þmw hIp¸v) AwKXzw \ÂIm¯Xp kw_Ôn¨ ]cmXn (16þmw hIp¸v) F¶nh kw_Ôn¨v \nÀ±njvS kab¯n\Iw XoÀ¸v I¸n¨ncn¡Wsa¶v hyhkvY sNbvXn«pv. Sn hyhkvYIÄ klIcW hIp¸nse -_Ôs¸« FÃm DtZymKkvYcpw kab_ÔnXambn ]men¨v XoÀ¸v I¸n¨ncnt¡XmWv. Cu hnjb§Ä kw_Ôn¨v kqN\ 1 {]Imcw ]pXnb klIcW kwLw (t`ZKXn) \nbaw \nehn h¶ 2000 P\phcn 1þmw XobXn XoÀ¸v I¸n¡m³ _m¡n \n¸pff At]£IÄ t`ZKXn \nba¯n \njv¡Àjn¨n«pff {]Imcapff Imemh[n¡Iw XoÀ¸v I¸n¨ncnt¡XmWv. CXp kw_Ôamb kÀ«n^n¡äv FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)amcpw 2000 G{]n 10þmw XobXn¡p ap³]mbn Cu Hm^okn Ab¨p XtcXpamWv.
klIcW\nba¯n hyhkvY sNbvXn«pff kab]cn[n¡Iw C¯cw At]£Ifn AYhm ]cmXnIfn XoÀ¸pI¸n¨Xp kw_Ôn¨ hnhc§Ä klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpsS AÀ² HutZymKnI hnhcW dnt¸mÀ«pIfn DÄs¡mffnt¡XmWv.
klIcW kÀ¡pednse aäp \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]ment¡XpamWv.
hn. ]n. tPmbv sF. F. Fk.v
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À Fw.än 1. 31080/99 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀB^okvv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 5þ6þ2000
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡pw
hnjbw: te_À tIm¬{SmIväv klIcW kwL§Ä ¢mknss^ sN¿p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 13þ11þ97 se Pn.H (Fw.Fkv) 135/97 klIcW\¼À D¯chv.
13þ11þ97 se Pn.H (Fw.Fkv) 135/97 klIcW\¼À D¯chv {]Imcw te_À tIm¬{SmIväv klIcW kwL§sf ¢mknss^ sN¿p¶Xn\p A[nImcw cPnkv{SmÀ¡msW¶ncns¡ ]e Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw te_À tIm¬{SmIväv klIcW kwL§sf ¢mknss^ sN¿p¶Xmbn cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p. BbXnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±iw FÃm P\d hn`mKw Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamcptSbpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcptSbpw {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯p¶p.
13þ11þ97 se Pn.H (Fw.Fkv) 135/97 klIcW \¼À D¯chv.{]Imcw te_À tIm¬{SmIväv klIcW kwL§sf ¢mknss^ sN¿p¶Xn\pff A[nImcw cPnkv{SmÀ¡mWv. cPnkv{SmÀ ¢mknss^ sNbvX kwL§Ä¡p am{Xta Pn.H (Fw.Fkv) 135/97 klIcW \¼À 13þ11þ97 se D¯chnse 4(vi){]Imcapff FenPn_nenän kÀ«n^n¡äv \ÂIm³ ]mSpffp. Cu \nÀt±iw FÃm P\d hn`mKw Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamcptSbpw {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯p¶p.
Xm¦fpsS hnizkvX³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡pthn
No.CB(4)36585/99 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, dated, 26-04-2000
Sub: Kerala State-Co-operative Bank / District Co-operative Banks / Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank / Primary Agricultural and Rural Development Banks / Urban Banks / Primary Credit Societies (Agricultural and Non Agricultural Credit Socieites) - Payment of TA, DA and siting fees to board of Directors - Honorarium to Residents Revised rates fixed-regarding.
Ref: 1) Proceedings No.08(1)416859/97 RD is. Dated 21-10-98 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
2) Circular No.,57/93 dated, 18-09-1993 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
3) Circular No.14/95 dated,20-06-1995 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
4) Circular No.27/96 dated, 7-11-1996 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
5) Circular No.56/93 dated, 14-09-1993 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
6)Proceeding No.CIT (3) 15642/98 dated, 22-06-1999 of Registrar of Co- operative Societies.
7. Request dated, 02-08-99 of the Kerala Urban Co-operative Bank Federation Association
8. Request dated, 20-11-98 of the Kerala Primary Co-operative Societies Association
9. Request of the Management of primary Agricultural and Rural Development Banks
As per references read as 1 to 6 above, the rates of TA,DA, and siting fees payable to the members of the Board of Dire ctors and Honorarium to the Presidents of the Kerala State Co-operative Bank, District Co-operative Bank/Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Bank Primary Agricultural and Rural Development Bank/Urban Co-operative Bank/and Primary Agricultural and non Agricultural Credit Societies were fixed.
Requests have been received vide reference 7, 8 and 9 above to enhance the present rates paid towards TA, DA, and siting fees of the members of the Board of Directors and honorarium of presidents.
After examining the matter in detail and considering the fact that the present rates were fixed long ago the maximum rates of DA, and sitting fees payable to the presidents and members of the Board of Directors and honorarium of the President, of Kerala State Co-operative Banks,District Co-operative Bank Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks Primary Agricultural and Rural Development Bank, Urban Banks and Primary Credit Societies including Agricultural and on Agricultural and composite Credit Societies in the State are revised and refixed under Rule48(5) and Rule 49 of KCS Rules 1969, as detailed in the annexure appended to this circular. The revised rates will take effect from 1-04-2000.
K. Chandrasena Prasad
Additional Registrar (Consumer)
In Charge of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À : C.Fw.(2) 16821/2000 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smcm^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn : 2-.5.2000.
kÀçeÀ \¼À 21/2000
hnjbw : klIcW Øm]\§Ä -- klIcW Øm]\§fnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v kab_ÔnX lbÀt{KUv BîIqeyw kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. Pn.H. (Fw.Fkv.) 7/96 XnbXn:25.1.96.
2. 30.4.97 se 15/97mw \¼À kÀçeÀ.
3. Pn.H.(]n)47/2000/ kl: XnbXn 22.3.2000.
klIcW Øm]\§fnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v kab_ÔnX lbÀ t{KUv kqN\ (1) {]Imcw AîhZn¨n«pÅXn\v kqN\ (2) {]Imcw i¼f kvsIbnepIÄ \nÀ®bn¨p \ÂInbncnçì.
kqN\ (3) {]Imcw {]mYanI klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fw ]cnjv¡cn¨v D¯c hmbn«pv. Sn D¯chn kab_ÔnX t{KUv s{]mtamjWsd ASnØm\¯n \nehnepÅ i¼f \nc¡pIfn \n¶pw hyXyØamb \nc¡v klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ \nÀ®bn¨v \ÂInbn«ps¦n AXn\p kam\amb ]pXnb \nc¡pIÄ cPnkv{SmÀ \nÀ®bn¨ \ÂIWw F¶p hyhØ sNbvXn«pv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 15/97 \¼À kÀçeÀ {]Imcw \nehnepÅ i¼f kvsIbnepIfn \n¶pw hyXykvXamb cp i¼f kvsIbnepIfmWv lbÀt{KUv i¼f kvsIbnembn \nÀ®bn¨v \ÂInbn«pv. Sn kvsIbnepÅXv ]cnjv¡cn¨ i¼f kvsIbnepIÄ Xmsg ]dbpw {]Imcw \nÀ®bn ¨p \ÂIn D¯chmæì
\nehnepffXv ]cnjv¡cn¨Xv
2410-4300 6600-175/2-6950-200/4
-13085-400/1-13485(25 hÀjw)
2340-4180 6425-175/3-6950-200/4
10985-350/6-13085 (25 hÀjw)
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmêsS
NmÀÖv hln¡p¶ AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (I¬kyqaÀ)
No.G(2)17683/200 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram Dated 6.5.2000
Sub: Co-operation Department-The Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act 1985-Eradication of illegal Dual Graduated unstamped Measuring tapes and Non-standard units-instructions issued Regarding.
Ref: Letter No. D2-1125/2000 Dated 29-2-2000 from the controller of Legal Metrology, Thiruvananthapuram.
As per letter cited the controller of Legal Metrology has informed that the standards of Weights and Measure Act 1976 and the standards of Weights and Measure (Enforcement) Act 1985 provides for the use of only metric units in any commercial transaction, industrial production or for protection. Manufactures, sale and Use of instruments which non standard units inscribed on them is a violation of the provision of law. usage of dual graduated tapes or scales (i.e. inch, Feet/Cm,Mt) are not permissible under law. As per section 39(1) of the standards of weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act 1985, keeping of non-standard weights and Measures for use in transaction or for industrial production or for protection shall be pun ished with fine, which may extend to two thousand rupees and for the second or subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year and also with fine. Several Corporate companies are still using non-standard dual graduated (Inch,Feet/Cm,Mtr) Measuring tapes in their day to day filed/production activity. He has also informed that they are launching a special cam paign program to eradicate such non-standard dual graduated illegal measuring tapes.
Therefore all joint Registraar (General) are requested to advise Co-operative institution in their District to comply the above instruction strictly.
K. Chandrasena Prasad
Additional Registrar (Consumer)
In Charge of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À C.Fw.(2) 24139/2000 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 13.6.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 31/2000
hnjbw: klIcW {]mYanI klIcW kwL§Ä Poh\¡mcpsS i¼f ]cnjv¡cWw amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 22.3.2000 se Pn.H. (]n) 47/2000/kl \¼À D¯chv.
kqN\bnse kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv {]Imcw kwØm\s¯ {]mYanIklIcW kwL§fnse Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fhpw Aeh³kpIfpw 1.4.99 apX ]cnjv¡cn¨n«pv. i¼f]cnjv¡cWw kw_Ôn¨v NphsS tNÀ¡p¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±È§Ä \Âæì.
1. 1.4.99 setbm Hm]vj³ XnbXnbnsetbm ASnØm\¯n i¼ft¯mSpIqSn1.1.96 se £ma_¯ Iq«nb XpIbpsS AtXmsSm¸w Sn. XpIbpsS 12% hÀ±\hv IW¡m¡n BbXpw IqSn Iq«n In«p¶ XpI ]cnjv¡cn¨v i¼f kvsIbnense tÌPmsW¦n AXnsem AÃm¯ ]£w ASp¯ kvtÁPnsem ASnØm\ambn \nÀ®bnt¡XmWv C{]Imcw i¼fw \nÀ®bnçt¼mÄ Poh\¡mc\v Gähpw æd ª hÀ±\hv 350 cq] e`nt¡XmsW¶v i¼f ]cnjv¡cW D¯chn Dd¸phê¯nbn«pv. i¼f \nÀ®bw i¼f \nÀ®b tÌÁvsaâv H]vj³ tÌÁpsaâv ChbpsS amXrIIÄ Aî_Ôambn tN À¯n«pv.
2. Poh\¡mcsâ kÀÆokv ssZÀLyw ]cnKWn¨v A©v hÀj¯n\v H¶v, ]¯v, hÀj¯n\v cv, Ccp]Xv hÀj¯n\v aq¶v F¶o {Ia¯n ]cnjv¡cn¨ i¼f¯nse C³{Insaâv \nc¡n ]camh[n aq¶p C³{Insaâv kÀ hokv shbntÁPmbn A\phZn¡mhp¶XmWv.
3. ]cnjv¡cn¨ i¼f kvsIbnen- i¼fw \nÀ®bn¡pt¼mÄ GsX¦nepw Poh\¡mcsâ ASnØm\ i¼f kvsIbnensâ ]camh[n XpIbpw IhnbpIbmsW¦n i¼fw ]camh[n XpI \nÀ®bnt¡Xpw A[nIw hê¶ XpI t]gvkW t] Bbn \ne\nÀ¯n `mhnbn DmImhp¶ hÀ²\bn ebn¸nt¡XmWv. C§s\bpÅ t]gvkW t] £ma_¯ ho«phmSI _¯ XpS§nb B\pIqey§Ä¡v IW¡v Iq«phm³ ]mSnÃm¯XmWv.
4. Hcp Poh\¡mcsâ ASnØm\ i¼fw ]cnjv¡cn¨ i¼f kvsIbnensâ ]mcay¯nse¯pIbmsW¦n Ahkm\w hm§nb hmÀjnI C³{Insaâv \nc¡n ]camh[n aq¶v hmÀjnI C³{Insaân\v AÀlXbpmbncn¡pw. (ÌmKnt\j³ C³{Insaâv).
5. tIcf klIcW N«w 188 Aë_Ôw 111  {]Xn]mZn¨n«pÅ Hmtcm XkvXnIípapÅ ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbn kqN\ H¶nse Kh¬saâv D¯chnse 1.11 Aî_Ô§fmbn tNÀ¯n«pv.
6. kwØm\ kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡v 1.4.99  \nehnepmbncp¶Xpw XpSÀ¶v ImemIme§fn kÀ¡mÀ ]pds¸Sphnç¶ D¯chpIÄ {]Imcw e`nç¶Xpamb £ma_¯¡v klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡v AÀlX Dmbncnç¶XmWv. ]pXnb i¼fkvsIbn Aîkcn¨pÅ ASnØm\ i¼fambncn¡Ww £ma_¯¡v IW¡mt¡Xv.
7.ho«phmSI _¯bmbn ASnØm\ i¼f¯nsâ 5% \nc¡n ]camh[n 600 cq] hsc 1.3.2000 apX \ÂImhp¶XmWv. 30.12.95 se Pn.H.(]n.)181/95 kl.\¼À D¯chv {]Imcw hm§n h¶ncp¶ ho«phmSI XpIbn ædhv hcnIbmsW¦n B ædhv kwc£nç¶XmWv. C§s\ kwc£n¡s¸Sp¶
XpI ]pXp¡nb \nc¡nse `mhn hÀ²\bn X«n¡gnt¡XmWv.
8. {]mYanI klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡v saUn¡Â Aeh³kmbn 1000 cq] 1.4.2000 apX \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
9.kwØm\ kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡Àlamb \nc¡nepw hyhØbnepw knän tIm¼³tkädn Aeh³kv {]mYanI klIcWkwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡pw 1-.3.2000 apX \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
10.kwØm\ kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡Àlamb \nc¡nepw hyhØbnepw lnÂ{SmIvkv Aeh³kv {]mYanI klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡pw 1.3.2000 apX \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
11. I®S hm§p¶XnëÅ Aeh³kmbn 300 cq] kÀhokn Hcn¡Â am{Xw F¶ hyhØbn Poh\À¡v do Cwt]gvkvsaâmbn 1.3.2000 apX \ÂImhp¶XmWv. CXn\v kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡v _m[Iamb asäÃm hyhØIfpw _m[Iambncnçw.
12. i¼fw ]cnjv¡cW D¯chn\v 1.4.99 apX-Â {]m_eyapmbncn¡pw £ma_¯ HgnsIbpÅ ]cnjv¡cn¨ \nc¡nepÅ Aeh³kpIÄ¡v 1.3.2000 apXte {]m_eyapÅp.
13.Poh\¡mÀ¡v 1.4.99 apX 31.3.2000 hscbpÅ Imebfhnse (2 ZnhkapÄs¸sS) GsX¦nepw XobXnbn ]pXnb i¼fkvsIbn Hm]vj³ \ÂImhp¶XmWv. C{]ImcapÅ Hm]vj³ i¼f ]cnjv¡cW D¯chv \nehn h¶ 22.3.2000 apX Bdv amk¯n\Iw \ÂInbncnt¡XmWv. \nivNnX kab ]cn[n¡pÅn Hm]vj³ \ÂImXncp¶m {]kvXpX Poh\¡mc³ 1.4.99 apX ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbnenÂHm]väv sNbvXXmbn IW¡m¡n ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbnen i¼fw \nPs¸Spt¯XmWv. ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbnen i¼fw \nÀ®bn¨v Hcp hÀjw ]qÀ¯nbmæt¼mÄ am{Xta ASp¯ hmÀjnI C³{Insaân\ÀlcmæIbpÅp t\m AXn\p tijtam DÅ \nba\§Ä DtZymKIbä§Ä ]pXnb kvsIbnen \S¶Xmbn IW¡m¡s¸Sp¶XmWv. {]kvXpX XobXns¡m AXn\p tijtam \nban¡s¸« Poh\¡msc kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw Ahsc ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbnen \nban¨Xmbn am{Xw IW¡m¡n Sn XkvXnIbnse an\naw ASnØm\ i¼fw \ÂtIXmWv. Poh\-¡mc\v sam¯w XpIbn Fs´¦nepw ædhv kw`hn¡pIbmsW¦n AXv t]gvkW Aeh³kmbn \ne\nÀ¯p¶Xpw `mhnbn Dmæ¶ hÀ²\bn ebn¸nt¡XpamWv.
15.Pn.H.(]n.)47/2000/kl {]ImcapÅ i¼f]cnjv¡cW D¯chnsâ ]cn[nbn hê¶ Poh\¡mÀ¡v Sn D¯chnsâ Aî_Ôw 1  tcJs¸Sp¯nbncp¶ i¼f \nc¡pIfnse sXm«pbÀ¶ i¼f \nc¡nte¡v 25.1.96 se Pn.H.(Fw.Fkv) 7/96 se hyhØIÄ¡v hnt[bambn 1.4.99 apX kab _ÔnX t{KUv s{]tamj\v AÀlX Dmbncn¡p¶XmWv. kab_ÔnX t{KUv s{]tamjsâ ASnØm\¯n \nehnepÅ i¼f \nc¡pIfn \n¶pw hyXyØambn \nc¡v klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ \nÀ®bn¨v \ÂInbn«pÅXn\v 2.5.2000 se 21/2000 \¼À kÀçeÀ {]ImcapÅ ]pXnb i¼f \nc¡n\v AÀlXbpmbncnçw. C¯c¯n kab_ÔnX tKUv s{]tamj³ \Âæ¶Xn\v _Ôs¸« `cWkanXn Asæn Xpeyamb A[nImcn Xoêam\saSpt¡Xpw AXmXv Xmeq¡nse P\d hn`mKw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmêsS AwKoImcw hm§nbncnt¡XpamWv.
16. 1969 se tIcf klIcW \nbaw Aî_Ô N«w F¶nhbnse hyhØIÄ {]Imcw Poh\¡mÀ¡v e`n¨psImncn¡p¶ aäîIqey§Ä XpSÀ¶pw e`nç¶XmWvx. F¶m sXämbn IWçIq«nbXpaqetam ]gb i¼f]cnjv¡cW D¯chpIfnse hyhØIÄ sXämbn hymJym\n¨v i¼fw \nÀ®bn¨Xpaqetam bYmÀ°¯n A\Àlamb i¼fw ssI¸äp¶hcpsS Imcy¯n kwc£Wsam¶pw e`nç¶XÃ.
17. i¼f ]cnjv¡cW D¯chnse hyhØIÄ kw_Ôn¨v Fs´¦nepw kwibaps¦n _Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ aptJ\ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v FgptXXpw A{]Imcw e`nç¶ kwib§Ä¡v hyàamb A`n{]mb klnXw klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡b¨p XtcXpw kwib \nhÀ¯n hêt¯XpamWv.
18.i¼f ]cnjv¡cWw \S¸n hê¯pt¼mÄ Fs´¦nepw A]mIX t_m²ys¸SpIbmsW¦n Øm]\¯nsesk{I«dntbm apJy DtZymKØt\m AXmXv PnÃIfnse P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmcpsS {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯n D¯chv hmt§XmWv. s]mXphmb hniZoIcWtam hymJym\tam Bhiyaps¦n BbXv klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdn \n¶pw hmt§XmWv.
19. klIcW Øm]\¯nse No^v FIvknIyp«ohnsâ ip]mÀibpsS ASnØm\¯n aäv Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fw kwLw `cWkanXn \nÀ®bn¨v \ÂtIXmWv. No^v FIvknIyp«ohnsâ i¼fw \nÀ®bw kwLw `cWkanXnbpsS ip]mÀi hnebnê¯n Xeq¡nse P\d hn`mKw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ \St¯Xpw i¼fw AëhZn¨p \ÂtIXpamWv.
20. km¼¯nIambn ]nt¶m¡w \n¡p¶tXm km¼¯nI {]m]vXnbnÃm¯tXm Bb klIcW kwL§sf kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw {]kvXpX kwL§sf i¼f ]cnjv¡cW¯n \n¶pw Hgnhm¡p¶Xn\v ImcyImcWklnXw _Ôs¸« `cWkanXn Xoêam\n¨t]£nt¡Xpw BbXv ]cntim[n¨v bpàsa¶v t_m²ys¸Sp¶ ]£w CfhîhmZw klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ \Âæ¶XmWv. Bhiysa¶v ImÂtaÂ{]Imcw samgn hm§p¶Xn\v Ime]cn[nbpw \nÝbn¡p¶XmWv.
21. 1.4.99  kwLw GXp ¢mknemtWm DÄs¸«n«pÅXv B ¢mknse i¼famWv \nÀ®bw sNbvXp \ÂtIXv.
22. taÂ{]ImcapÅ \nÀt±i§fpw hniZoIcW§fpw PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ _Ôs¸«v klIcW kwL§fpsS {i²bn sImphtcXpw i¼f \nÀ®bw icnbmb hn[¯n \S¯nbn«ptm F¶p Dd¸phêt¯XpamWv. Xmeq¡nse C³kvs]ÎÀamcpw BUnäÀamêw X§fpsS A[nImc]cn[nbnÂs¸« klIcW kwL§fn i¼f \nÀ®bw \S¯nbn«pÅXv ]cntim[nt¡Xpw ]cntim[\bn A]mIXIÄ {i²bnÂs¸«m Bbh ]cnlcnç¶Xn\v kwL§Ä¡v \nÀt±iw \ÂtIXmWv. C{]Imcw \S¯p¶ ]cntim[\bpsS ]qÀ¯nIcW dnt¸mÀ«v
_Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ apJm´ncw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡XpamWv.
Statement of fixation of pay in the Revised Scale Sanctioned as per G.O.(P) 47/2000 dated 22-3-2000
1. Serial No. :
2. Name of Employee :
3. Designation :
4. Date of entry in regular Service :
5. Date of option in the revised
Scale of pay. :
6. No. of years of qualifying service
as on the date of option :
7. Existing Scale of pay :
8. Revised scale of pay :
9. Existing Basic pay (Excluding
Stagnation increment) :
10. Add 148% of D.A. as on 1-1-96
(1510 point) of Basic pay in Col.9) :
11.Total of (9+10)
12. Quantum of fitment increase 12%
for the amount arrived at Col.11
subject to a minimum of Rs.350 :
13. Amount of stagnation increment if
any drawn at the time of fixation. :
14. Total (Col.11 + 12) + 13) :
15. Stage in the revised scale of pay :
16 Weightage as per para 3 of the
G.O.(P) 47/2000 Co-op dated
22-3-2000) :
17. Total 15 + 16 :
18. Stage (Basic pay) in the revised
Scale :
19. Next increment date :
20 Remarks :
Signature of the Head of the Office
Recommendation of the Board of Directors
Signature of President
Order of the sanctioning authority
Head of Office Signature of sanctioning authority
\¼À kn.Pn. (1) 23339/2000 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 14-.6.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 32/2000
hnjbw:- klIcW kwL§fnse I¼yq«Àh¡Ww \S]Sn {Ia§Ä eLqIcnç¶XnîÅ \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\:1. Cu B^oknse 18.9.1993 se 59/93 \¼À kÀçeÀ.
2. Cu B^oknse 4.5.1998 se 13/ \¼À kÀçÀ.
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§-Ä I¼yq«Àh¡cnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v, amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä kqN\bnse kÀçedpIÄ {]Imcw ]pds¸Sphn¨nêì. AXëkcn¨v kwL§Ä I¼yq«Àh¡cnç¶XnîÅ AëhmZw PnÃIfnse P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamêsS ip]mÀiIfpsS ASnØm\¯n- Cu B^okn \n¶mWv \ÂIn hê¶Xv. CXv ImeXmak¯n\nSbmçì Fì Iméì. {]hÀ¯\ hnIk\hpw IÌaÀ kÀÆokpw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xnëw Dd¸p hê¯p¶Xnëw XzcnX KXnbnepÅ I¼yq«Àh¡cWw FÃm¯cw klIcW kwL§fnepw Hgn¨p IqSm\mhm¯XmWv CXn\mbn 2 tImSnbnÂ]cw cq] {]hÀ¯\ aqe[\tam hnäphcthm DÅ FÃm kwL§fpsSbpw I¼yq«Àh¡cW¯nîÅ At]£ AëhZn¡phm³ PnÃIfnse P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamsc CXn\m A[nImcs¸Sp¯pì.
kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\¯n\v I¼yq«Àh¡cWw BhiyamsW¶v ImWp¶ ]£w Ah ]cntim[n¨v D¯ct_m²yw h¶v A¯cw kwL§Ä¡p {]hÀ¯\aqe[\w, hnäphchv kw_Ôn¨v ]cn[nbn \nìw DNnXsa¦n Hgnhv \ÂInbpw I¼yq«Àh¡cW¯n\v tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v Xs¶ AîaXn \ÂImhp ¶XmWv.
sI. N{µtk\ {]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS NmÀPv hlnç¶
AUnjWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ I¬kyqaÀ
\¼À: F.Un.FÂ. (1) 12917/2000 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smcm^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn 20.6.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 33/2000
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v.enIyptUj³ enIyptUj\nemb klIcW kwL§fpsS A´na kam]vXoIcW \S]Sn ]qÀ¯oIcnç¶XnëÅ kab]cn[n. \nivNbnç¶Xv. kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. 1969 se tIcf klIcW\nbaw hæ¸nsâ D] hæ¸v(1)
2. 2.5.2000 se Akm[mcW KÌn Pn.H.(]n) \¼À 80/2000/ kl. ( t]Pv) dqÄ 69 D] dqÄ(112)
klIcW \nba¯nse 73(2F) hæ¸v {] Imchpw klIcW N«§fnse N«w 69 D] N«w 12 {]Imchpw enIyptUäv sN¿s¸« kwL¯n enIyptUÁdpsS \nba\ XobXn apX aq¶p hÀj¯nëÅn enIyptUj³ \S]SnIÄ ]qÀ¯oIcnt¡XmWv. F¶m enIyptUädpsS \nb{´W¯n\XoXamb ImcW§fm {]kvXpX kab ]cn[nbvçÅn enIyptUj³ \S]Sn ]qÀ¯oIcnçhm³ km[n¡msX h¶m enIyptUäÀ kab]cn[n \o«n In«p¶Xn\mbn aXnbmb ImcWw tcJs¸Sp¯n cPnkv{SmdpsS AëaXn¡mbn At]£nt¡XmWv. \nehn enIyptUäv sNbvXp 3 hÀjw Ignªn«pw enIyptUj³ \S]Sn ]qÀ¯oIcn¡m¯ kwL§sf kw_Ôn¨v 1999se klIcW t`ZKXn \nbaw {]m_ey¯n h¶ XobXn apX Hê hÀj¯nëÅn kam]vXoIcW \S]Sn ]qÀ¯oIcnt¡XpamWv.
Cu kÀçeÀ {]ImcapÅ \nÀt±§Ä \nÀ_Ôambpw ]men¨ncnt¡XmWv. Sn \nÀt±i§Ä ]mençìs¶v AXmXp tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Dd¸p hêt¯XmWv. Bbh ]menç¶Xnepmæ¶ hogv¨ KpêXcamb IrXyhntem]ambn IW¡m¡n B hiyamb taÂ\S]Sn kzoIcnç¶XpamsW¶v HmÀ½n¸nçì.
sI. N{µtk\ {]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS NmÀPv hlnç¶
AUnjWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ I¬kyqaÀ
\¼À F.Un.FÂ.(5) 25748/2000. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 23þ6þ2000
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 34/2000
hnjbw: klIcW hIp¸v FIvknI}j³þFIvknI}j³ tIkpIÄ Hcp hÀj¯n\pffn XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xns\ kw_Ôn¨pw klIcW kwLw t`ZKXn \nehn hcp¶XpapX \nehnepff tIkpIÄ Hcp hÀj¯n\pffnepw XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. 1969 se tIcfm klIcW \nbaw 75 mw hIp¸nsâ D]hIp¸v (1).
2. 2þ5þ2000 se Akm[mcW Kkän Pn.H.(]n.) \¼À 80/2000 D¯chv {]Imcw hcp¯nb klIcW N«§fnse t`ZKXn.
klIcW kwLw N«§fnse N«w 91 D]N«w (2) {]Imcw FIvknI}j³ tIkpIÄ Hcp hÀj¯n\pffn XoÀ¸m¡n \S]Sn ]qÀ¯oIcnt¡XmWv. skbn B^okÀ¡v P]vXn sN¿m\pff kvYmhc PwKa kz¯pIÄ ImWn¨p sImSp¡m\pff D¯chmZn¯w hn[nssIhi¡mc\n \n£n]vXamWv. \nÀ±njvS kab¯n\Iw CXn hn[n ssIhi¡mc³ ]cmPbs¸SpIbmsW¦nÂ, hn[n ssIhi¡mc\v ]pXnbXmbn FIvknI}j³ tIkv ^b sN¿m\pff AhImiw \ne\ndp¯ns¡mv Bhiyamb t\m«okv \ÂIn skbn Hm^okÀ¡v tIkpIÄ XoÀ¸m¡mhp¶XmWv. \nehn Hcp hÀj¯ne[nIw ]g¡apff FIvknI}j³ tIkpIÄ 1999 se klIcW t`ZKXn \nbaw {]m_ey¯n h¶v Hcp hÀj¯n\pffn XoÀ¸m¡n \S]Sn ]qÀ¯oIcnt¡XmWv. Cu \nÀt±iw FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw IÀi\ambn ]men¨ncnt¡XmWv. CXn hogvN hcp¯p¶hÀs¡Xnsc \S]Sn ssIs¡mffp¶XmsW¶pw HmÀ½s¸Sp¯p¶p.
sI. N{µtk\ {]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS NmÀPv hln¡p¶
AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (I¬k}aÀ)
\¼À kn.Pn.(1)23339/2000 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 14þ6þ2000
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 32/2000
hnjbw: klIcW kwL§fnse Iw]}«ÀhXvIcWw \S]Sn{Ia§Ä eLqIcn¡p¶Xn\pff \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. Cu Hm^oknse 18þ9þ1993 se 59/93 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
2. Cu Hm^oknse 4þ5þ1998 se 13/98 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä Iw]}«ÀhXvIcn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä kqN\bnse kÀ¡pedpIÄ {]Imcw ]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p. AX\pkcn¨v kwL§-Ä Iw]}«ÀhXvIcn¡p¶Xn\pff A\phmZw PnÃIfnse P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpsS ip]mÀiIfpsS ASnkvYm\¯n Cu Hm^okn \n¶mWv \ÂIn hcp¶Xv. CXv Ime Xmak¯n\v CSbm¡p¶p F¶v ImWp¶p. {]hÀ¯\ hnIk\hpw IkväaÀ kÀhokpw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\pw Dd¸p hcp¯p¶Xn\pw XzcnX KXnbnepff Iw]}«ÀhXvIcWw FÃm¯cw klIcW kwL§fnepw Hgn¨p IqSm\mhm¯XmWv. CXn\mbn 2 tImSnbnÂ]cw cq] {]hÀ¯\ aqe[\tam hnäp hcthm Dff FÃm kwL§fptSbpw Iw]}«ÀhXvIcW¯n\pff At]£ A\phZn¡phm³ PnÃIfnse P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamsc CXn\m A[nImcs¸Sp¯p¶p.
kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\¯n\v Iw]}«ÀhXvIcWw BhiyamsW¶p ImWp¶ ]£w Ah ]cntim[n¨v D¯a t_m[yw h¶v A¯cw kwL§Ä¡v {]hÀ¯\ aqe[\w/hnäp hchv kw_Ôn¨v ]cn[nbn \n¶pw DNnXsa¦n Hgnhv \ÂInbpw Iw]}«ÀhXvIcW¯n\v tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡p Xs¶ A\paXn \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
sI. N{µtk\{]kmZv
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS NmÀPv hln¡p¶
AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (I¬k}aÀ)
Co-operation (B) Department
G. O. (P) No.108/2000/Co-op. Thiruvananthapuram, 3rd July, 2000.
S.R.O.No. 616/2000- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 57 A of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969), the Government of Kerala hereby make the following Scheme for the establishment of a fund under the said Act and for matters connected there with, namely:-
1. Short title extent and commencement-
(1) This scheme may be called the Kerala Co-operative Welfare and Development Scheme, 2000.
(2) It shall apply to all societies under the control of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. It shall also apply to any other society registered under the Kerala co-operative Societies Act, 1969 as may be notified by Government from time to time.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions-
(1) In this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Act” means the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (21 of 1969);
(b) “Fund” means the Kerala Co-operative Development and Welfare Fund established in accordance with the provisions of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 and the scheme;
(c) “Contribution” means the sum of money payable to the Fund by the Societies at the rates specified in paragraph 3;
(d) “Board” means the Kerala Co-operative Development and Welfare Fund Board Constituted under paragraph 4 ;
(e) “Secretary-Treasurer” means the Secretary-Treasurer of the Board;
(f) “Working Capital” means working capital arrived as per the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, 1969;
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in this Scheme and defined in the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (21 of 1969), shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Establishment of the Fund-
(1) There shall be established a co-operative Development and Welfare Fund for the payment of grant or loans to societies for safeguarding the interest of the member societies against any loss or damage to their assets and properties and for utilising for their developmental activities.
(2) The Fund shall vest in and be administered by the Board.
(3) The Fund shall consist of:-
(a) Initial contribution from the member societies at the rate of Rs. 2 per Rs. 1000 of the working capital subject to a maximum of Rs. 2 lakhs, at the time of admission.
(b) Annual renewal contribution at the rate of 10% of the initial contribution.
(c) Grant or loans or advances if any made by the State Government.
(d) All sums received by the Board from such other sources as may be decided by the Government.
(e) Any other amount received by the Board towards the fund.
4. Constitution of the Board-
(1) The Government shall constitute a Board to be called “The Kerala Co-operative Development and Welfare Fund Board” for the administration of fund.
(2) The Board shall consist of the following members, namely:-
1. President, Kerala State Co-operative Bank.
2. President of any one of the District Co-operative Bank to be nominated by Government
3. Two representatives of the committee of the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies to be nominated by Government.
4. A representative of the committee of non-agricultural credit societies to be nominated by Government.
5. Chairman, State Co-operative Union.
6. Two eminent co-operators to be nominated by Government.
7. Secretary, Co-operation.
8. Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
9. Secretary of the Board.
(3) One of the members shall be nominated or appointed by Government as the Chairman of the Board.
(4) The term of the Board shall be for a period of 5 years.
(5) The Board shall be body corporate by the aforesaid name having perpetual succession and a common seal.
(6) The Board shall be responsible for the proper administration of the fund.
(7) Not less than five members of the Board shall form the quorum. Each member present shall have one vote and every issue shall be decided by majority of votes and in the event of equality of votes the Chairman shall exercise a second casting vote.
(8) Subject to the provisions herein contained, the Board shall have power to frame subsidiary rules and regulations for the conduct of its business.
(9) The board may delegate to the Secretary-Treasurer such of its powers, as in the opinion of the Board, are necessary for the management of the fund.
(10) All contracts and agreements shall be made and executed in the name of the Board and signed on its behalf by the Secretary-Treasurer.
(11) The Board shall be the authority for sanctioning the assistance from the fund.
(12) A member of the board shall cease to be a member if he dies, resigns his membership or becomes of unsound mind or insolvent or is convicted of a criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
(13) Resignation of membership shall be tendered to the Chairman of the board and shall become effective from the date of its acceptance or on the expiry of 30 days after the date of resignation, whichever is earlier.
(14) Vacancies in the Board shall be filled up in the manner in which the Board was originally constituted.
(15) The Board shall meet as and when it is found necessary for the transaction of the Fund, but in any case at least six times a year.
(16) (a) The Secretary-Treasurer of the Fund shall be a Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
(b) The Board may appoint such other staff or make such other arrangements as they may deem necessary for the efficient control, management and administration of the Fund; provided that the sanction for creation of posts should be obtained from Government.
(17) It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer-
(a) To keep in safe custody of all records of the Board;
(b) To conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the Board;
(c) To issue all notices for convening the meetings of the Board;
(d) To keep minutes of all meetings of the Board;
(e) To manage the properties and funds of the Fund;
(f) To maintain or cause to be maintained the accounts of the Fund;
(g) To sue and to be sued on behalf of the Fund; and
(h) To exercise all other powers and execute such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Board.
(18) No remuneration except T.A. and D.A. shall be paid to any of the members of the Board without the previous approval of Government.
5. Remittance and Deposit of Contribution to the Fund-
A Society admitted to the scheme shall contribute to the fund at the rates specified in the paragraph 3. The contribution shall be remitted in the account of the Board in the manner as prescribed by the Board. All the money belonging to the Fund shall be deposited in the District Co-operative Bank in the name of Secretary-Treasurer.
6. Withdrawal of Funds-
Withdrawal of any amount from the accounts of the Fund shall be regulated in the manner to be determined by the Board. Such withdrawal shall be made by cheque or requisitions signed by the Secretary-Treasurer.
7. Utilisation of the Fund-
The Fund shall be utilised for the following purposes namely:-
(a) To rehabilitate the society on the basis of specific projects, either by way of loans or subsidy or both; or
(b) To make good the loss or damage to the assets, properties and the funds of the participating societies, except the loss sustained due to mismanagement; or
(c) To implement developmental projects by way of loans.
8. Expenditure from the Fund-
All expenses of the Board for, the administration of the fund, shall be met from the fund.
9. Conditions for payment of assistance to Co-operative Societies from the Fund-
The Societies contributing to the fund only shall be eligible for getting the assistance by way of grant or loans.
10. Sanctioning of the assistance-
(1) The Board is the authority to sanction the assistance under the scheme.
(2) The Board shall frame such regulations as are necessary for sanctioning the assistance. Such regulations shall inter alia contain the details of procedure for applying for the assistance, the enquiries to be conducted, the verification to be made, the documents to be obtained, the quantum of the amount of assistance to be sanctioned, the mode of repayment, the rate of interest on loans if any to be charged, the securities to be obtained and other required details. The regulations shall have to be approved by Government.
11. Accounts and Audits-
(1) The accounts kept by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Fund shall be audited annually by an Auditor appointed by the Director of Co-operative Audit and a report consisting of income and expenditure statement and the balance sheet duly certified, shall be furnished by him to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Fund. He will place the report before the Board within 30 days of its receipt.
(2) Copies of the annual accounts of the Fund duly audited and certified by the Auditor shall be submitted by the Secretary-Treasurer to the Government of Kerala every year.
12. Annual Report-
An annual report on the working of the Fund shall be prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer and shall after approval by the Board, be presented to the Government of Kerala.
By order of the Governor
Kuruvilla John
Secretary to Government
Explanatory Note
(This does not form part of the notification, but is intended to indicate its general purport.)
As per section 57A of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 amended as per the Kerala Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 1999, Government may, by notification in the Gazette, frame a scheme to be called the Co-operative Welfare and Development Scheme for the establishment of fund under the Act.
This notification is intended to achieve the above object.
\¼À Pn.(1)2958/2000 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 25þ7þ2000
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡pw
hnjbw: klIcWwþP\d þ 2000 se tIcf klIcW kwLw (t`ZKXn) N«w þ Nne ^okpIfpsS hÀ²\ kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 2þ5þ2000 se Pn.H.]n.80/2000/kl: \¼À t\m«n^nt¡j³
kqN\bnte¡v Xm¦fpsS {i² £Wn¡p¶p. kqN\ {]Imcw 1969 se tIcf klIcW kwLw N«§fn t`ZKXn hcp¯n 2000 mamv tabv 2 apX {]m_ey¯n h¶n«pv. Sn t`ZKXn {]Imcw klIcW N«w 25(2)þkwL¯nse IW¡pIÄ ]cntim[n¡p¶Xnepff ^oknepw, N«w 32 (3) þ kwL¯nse _p¡pIfnse tcJIÄ Xocpam\§Ä apXembhbpsS km£ys¸Sp¯nb ]IÀ¸pIÄ¡pff NmÀPnepw, N«w 120þtcJIfpsS Xnc¨nen\pff ^oknepw hÀ²\ h¶n«pv. Sn hÀ²\ ASnb´ncambn klIcW kvYm]\§fpsS {i²bn sImphtcXmWv.
Xm¦fpsS hnizkvX³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No. 7755/B1/2000/F&CSD Food& Civil Supplies (B) Department,
Thiruvananthapuram, 16-10-2000
Sub: Avoidance of misuse of ration cards-use of documents other than family ration cards for identification purpose-Regarding.
At present several Government authorities insist on production of ration cards either singly or along with other document for purposes of identify for availing benefits of various public services. Therefore ration cards are claimed even by these who have no intention of buying ration articles. The prevalence of such cards loads to large scale leakages of essential ration items. Misuse of family ration cards lead to circulation of a large number of false ration cards also in the State. Government of India in letter dated 28-6-2000 have stressed the need to stop misuse of family ration cards and to adopt alternative method for identification. So as to avoid misuse of ration cards, it has been felt desirable that other alternative methods have to be used for identification of persons viz. Passport, driving license, voter’s identify card, bank pass book, Electricity payment bills or identify card issued by the income tax authorities for verifying the identity of individuals. Those departments are also be requested to issued necessary instructions to the concerned offices/agencies coming under their administrative control to this effect. This has the approval of the Chief Minister.
Dinesh Sarma
Secretary to Government
\¼À Pn.1 2958/2000 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 25.7.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 39/2000
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v 1969 se tIcf klIcWkwLw \nba¯ntebpw N«§fntebpw t`ZKXnIÄ klIcWkwL§fnse \nbamhen t`ZKXn \nÀtZiw ]pds¸Sphnçì.
kqN\: 1) 1999 se tIcf klIcWkwLw (t`ZKXn) \nbaw (2000 se H¶mw BÎv)
2. 8/2000 \¼À kÀçeÀ.
3.2000 se tIcf klIcW kwLw (t`ZKXn) N«w
1969 se tIcf klIcWkwLw \nbaw, kqN\ Hì{]Imcw t`ZKXnIÄ hê¯n, t`ZKXn \nba¯nse hæ¸v 13 ({][m\ hæ¸v 28 _n), hæ¸v16 ({][m\ hæ¸v 57 F 57 _n 57 kn) hæ¸v 17 ({][m\ \nba¯nse A[ymbw 8), hæ¸v 18 ({][m\ \nba¯nse A[ymbw 9), hæ¸v 21 {][m\\nba¯nse hæ¸v 80 _n) F¶nh HgnsIbpÅ aäv hæ¸pIÄ 2000 Pëhcn HìapX- {]m_ey¯n h¶n«pv. Cu t`ZKXnIÄ¡ëkrXambn 1969 se tIcf klIcWkwLw N«§Ä kqN\ 3 {]Imcw t`ZKXn hê¯n. 2000 tabv cp apX- {]m_ey¯nepw h¶n«pv. AXnsâ ASnØm\¯n NphsS tNÀ¯ncnç¶ klIcWkwLw \nba¯nsebpw N«§fnsebpw hyhØIÄ¡ëkrXambn klIcWkwL§fnse \nbamhen / D]\nba§fn Bhiyamb t`ZKXn h ê¯p¶XnëÅ ASnb´nc \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnçhm³ IÀi\ \nÀt±iw \Âæì.
1) hæ¸v 20, N«w 28.
klIcW kwL§fn kPoh AwK¯n\v thm«hImiw e`n¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨mWv CXnse hyhØ. hæ¸v 20sebpw N«w 28 sebpw hyhØIÄ {]ImcapÅ t`ZKXnIÄ klIcWN«w 28(1) se kab ]cn[nsb kw_Ôn¨ t`ZKXn N«w 28  {]Xn]mZn¨ncnç¶ kPoh AwK§-ÄçÅ cPnÌdpIÄ \nbamëkrXw FgpXn kq£nt¡Xps¶v hæ¸nse ---_Ôs¸« DtZymKØÀ Dd¸phêt¯XmWv.
2) hæ¸v 28:
hæ¸v 28 {]Imcw kwLw `cWkanXnbpsS Imemh[n A©phÀj¯n- A[nIcn¡m¯ Imebfhnte¡v ZoÀLn¸n¨ncnçìv. Cu hæ¸nse hyhØ {]ImcapÅ t`ZKXn `cWkanXn AwK§fpsS ]camh[n F®w kw_Ôn¨v hæ¸v 28 (1 F bpw) hæ¸v 28 (1 _n)bpw {]ImcapÅ t`ZKXnIÄ.
hæ¸v 28 {]Imcw kwLw `cWkanXnbn h\nXm AwK¯n\pw, ]«nIPmXn / ]«nIhÀK hn`mK¯nÂs¸« AwK¯nëapÅ kwhcWw kw_Ôn¨v t`ZKXnIÄ.
3. N«w 34:
{]mXn\n[y s]mXptbmK¯nsâ LS\ Imemh[n XpS§nbhçÅ t`ZKXnIÄ ta \nÀt±in¨ kwLw \nbamhenIfpsSbpw / D]\nba§fnsebpw t`ZKXnIÄ ASnb´ncambn \S¸nemç¶XnîÅ \S]SnI-Ä kzoIcnç¶Xnt\msSm¸w kqN\ cnse kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§fpw IÀi\ambn ]men¡Wsa¶v HmÀ½s¸Sp¯p¶p.
sI. N{µtk\ {]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS NmÀPv hlnç¶
AUnjWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ I¬kyqaÀ
\¼À 02/24139/2000 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv
Xncph\´]pcw, 14þ8þ2000
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 40/2000
hnjbw: {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fnse Poh\¡mcpsS i¼f ]cnjv¡cWwþkvämKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv i¼f \nÀ®b¯n\v IW¡m¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨þ amÀ¤\nÀt±iw t`ZKXn kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. 13þ6þ2000 se 31/2000 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
2. kÀ¡mcnsâ 24þ7þ2000se 7565/kn.3/2000/kl \¼À I¯v
{]mYanI klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fw ]pXp¡nb kvsIbnen \nÀ®bn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v kqN\ (1) {]Imcw amÀ¤\nÀt±i§fpw, i¼f \nÀ®b kvsääpsaâpw ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p. i¼f \nÀ®b kvtääpsaân ASnkvYm\ i¼fw kvämKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv Hgnhm¡n IW¡m¡p¶Xn\mWv \nÀt±in¨ncp¶Xv. F¶m kqN\(2) {]Imcw kvämKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv ]pXp¡nb \nc¡nse i¼f \nÀ®b¯n\v thn ASnkvYm\ i¼fambn¯s¶ IW¡mt¡XmsW¶v kÀ¡mÀ Adnbn¨ncn¡p¶p. AXn\m kvämKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv ]pXp¡nb \nc¡nse i¼f \nÀ®b¯n\v ASnkvYm\ i¼fambn¯s¶ IW¡m¡mhp¶XmsW¶v \nÀt±in¡p¶p. ]pXp¡nb i¼f \nÀ®b kvtääpsaâpw CtXmsSm¸w tNÀ¡p¶p.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
klIcWw þ kwkvYm\ klIcW _m¦pIfntebpw PnÃm klIcW _m¦ntebpw ]mÀ«v ssSw In³P³kn Poh\¡mÀ¡pff saUn¡Â Aeh³kv ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨psImv D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
klIcW (_n) hIp¸v
Pn.H.(BÀ.än) \¼À 439/2000/kl: Xncph\´]pcw 17þ10þ2000
]cmaÀiw: 1. 21þ10þ97 se k.D.(km[m) 396/97/kl: \¼À kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 17þ6þ2000se C.(1) 2317/2000 \¼À I¯v
kwkvYm\ klIcW _m¦ntebpw PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIfntebpw ]mÀ«v ssSw In³P³kn Poh\¡mÀ¡p ]cmaÀiw 1 se kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv {]Imcw A\phZn¨n«pff {]XnhÀj saUn¡Â Aeh³kv 300 cq]bn \n¶pw 500 cq]bmbn (Aªqdp cq] am{Xw) hÀ²n¨psImv kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
KhÀ®dpsS D¯chn³{]Imcw
]n.sI.hnjvWp \¼qXncn
AÀ sk{I«dn
No.(V2) 28723/2000 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 3.8.2000
Sub:- Co-operative Department - Reorganisation of Vigilance Wing-Duties and functions of Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) Instructions issued.
Ref:- This Office Circular No.22/88 dated; 14-6-88 and 40/91 dated 27.12.1991
2. G.O. (MS) No. 74/2000 dated 17.4.2000
3. G.O. (Rt) No. 256/2000 dated 22.6.2000
As per the Government Orders the Post of Asst.Registrar of Co-op:Societies (Vigilance) have been upgraded to the post of Deputy Registrar of Co-op: Societies (Vigilance). A Conference of Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) had been held on 19-7-2000. On the basis of discussions held and decision arrived at, the following instructions are issued in supersession of the earlier instructions issued in this regard.
The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance will hereafter be under the direct control of the Registrar of Co-Op:Societies.
2.2. The joint Registrar (Vigilance) in the office of the Registrar of Co-Op: Societies will be the immediate controlling officers of the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance).
1.3. Subject to the overall control of the Registrar of Co-op: Societies and the Addl. Registrar of Co.op: Societies (Credit & Vigilance Officer) in the Office of the Registrar of Co-op: Societies the joint Registrar Vigilance will be responsible for.
(a) Approval of monthly Tour programmes and Tour Di aries of the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance).
(b) Review of work of the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) Monthly.
1.4. The Addl. Registrar (Credit and vigilance officer) in the office of the Registrar of the Co-op: Societies will be the reporting officers in respect of the writing up of the confidential Reports (performance appraisal) of the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) and the registrar of Co-op: Societies will be the reviewing Officer.
2.01. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance will conduct enquiry and submit report on all the complaints and petitions received by them from their controlling officer within the time prescribed promptly.
2.02. They should give priority to the complaints and petitions referred to them by Government and Registrar of Co-op:Societies.
2.03. They will enquire the complaints on suspected misappropriation, fabrication of records, falsification of accounts and serious irregularities in the Co-op: institutions and such other similar matters referred to them by the Government/Registrar of Co-op: Socieites.
2.04. The Deputy Registrars(Vigilance) will also enquire on allegations of corruption and other irregularities, in which departmental personnel are involved.
2.05. An onymous/pendenymus petitions against Co-operative institutions and Departmental Officers of the rank up to Assistant Registrars will also be enquired into by the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) as and when referred to by their controlling officers, Registrar of Co-op: Societies and Government.
2.06. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance will furnish a report on the work done/attended to by them monthly on or before 10th of the succeding month to the Registrar of Co-op: Societies in the name cover of the joint Registrar (Vigilance) in this office in the form prescribed in Annexure I to IV. The monthly tour diary of the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) should be submitted in proforma prescribed in Annexure V to this circular.
2. The advance Tour Programme of the Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) for a month should reach this office in duplicate before the 25th of the month preceeding the month to which the programme relates. It should be sent in the name cover of the joint Registrar (vigiance). The joint Registrar (Vigilance will after scrutiny and subject to modifications if any will return one copy duly approved within 3 days from the date of receipt of the same in this office.
3. Details of work done (Annexure VII) for the month (Prescribed by Vigilance and Anti Burea) should reach this office on or before 3rd Working day of the succeeding month without fail.
4. No deviation from the approved tour programme will be permitted in a routine manner. However if for any urgent and convincing reasons, any deviation is necessary the Deputy Registrar of Co-op:Societies (Vigilance) may report the details to the joint Registrars (Vigilance) in this office, seek sanction for deviation and then perform the programme.
5.The Deputy Registrar of Co-op:Societies (Vigilance) will give a copy of the approved Tour Programme to the joint Registrar of Co-op: Societies (General) to whom they are attached. Incase there are more than one Joint Registrar coming under his jurisdiction the other Joint Registrar / Joint Registrars should also be intimated about the details of his approved Tour programme, as far as his work in that District/Districts is concerned.
6. A copy of the approved Tout Programme should be exhibited at a prominent place near the seat of the Deputy Registrar in the office of the joint Registrar to whom the Deputy Registrar (Vigilance is attach ed.
7. The Deputy Registrars (vigilance will keep close liaison with the Joint Registrars (General and Audit) in the Districts coming under his jurisdiction.
Whenever the Registrar of Co-op; Societies or any Addl.Registrar or Joint Registrars (Vigilance) visit the offices to which the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) attached, the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) should necessarily meet them and appraise them of the developments/up to date positions in respect of the cases/ petitions entrusted to with the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance)
The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) may if found necessary consult the joint Registrars (General and Audit) of the District and Asst. Registrars(General & Audit) of the Taluk in respect of matters in which the Co-operative institutions coming under the jurisdiction of the joint Registrar of the joint Registrars and Assistant Registrars.
The Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) can request the service of the Asst.Registrars (General and Audit) of the Taluks if found necessary. The Assistant Registrars (General & Audit) of the Taluks will also make available the service of the field staff under them, if so requested by the Deputy Registrar of Co-op: Societies (Vigilance) for discharging their duties
The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) should be present in their office on all Wednesdays and receive complaints/representation from public. Joint Registrar concerned will ensure his presence in the office on Wednesdays. Separate attendance register will be maintained.
1.09. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) will enquire the complaint petitions entrusted to them by the controlling officers Registrar and Government in detail and should furnish a conclusive report covering all points raised in the petition by the petitioner. The petitioner should be heared and ev idence taken in support of his allegations. If the Petitioner absconds himself from the enquiry the fact may be recorded and furnish the report on the complaint accordingly. Their report shall not be merely general observation or of the nature of passing remarks and recommending further enquiry Their reports shall be complete in all respects and they shall not recommed further enquiry or inspection.
1.10. In the course of enquiry on petitions, by the Deputy Registrar (Vigilance), serious irregularities involving misappropriation of funds, falsification of accounts, fradulent, transactions and other irregularities are brought to his notice, the Deputy Registrar(Vigilance) will furnish a detailed preliminary report to the joint Registrar of the District, through his controlling officer for appropriate action. In case of misappropriation of funds immediate appropriate action should be simultaneously taken by the Deputy Registrar(Vigilance) for recovery of the misappropriated funds and also for launching persecution steps by himself against the delinquents by utilising the services of the officers working in the Taluk. The Deputy Registrars(Vigilance) will inspect Asst, Registrars Office(General & Audit)one each under their jurisdiction in a month.The inspection report will be forwarded to the Registrar in the name cover of joint Registrar(Vigilance).
1.11. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) will conduct surprice inspection of at least three societies in a month. They should also be on tour for at least for 15 days during each month the surprise inspection report should be in the proforma prescribed as Annexure VI.
1.12. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) will ensure that the local Officer dose not take parallel action in the cases dealt with by them. This can be done by advising local Departmental Officer not to proceed with simultaneous action in cases where Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) is pursuing similar action. This does not, however, mean that the local Assistant Registrar or Inspector should wait for the arrival of the Deputy Registrar(Vigilance) for proceeding against those who have committed irregularities, defalcation etc. The local Assistant Registrar (General) or Inspector can proceedaction soon on detection of the irregularity.
1.13. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) will specially note that in order to file cases on misappropriation, falsification of accounts, ect. through audit or enquiry under Section 65 of the Act or detailed inspection of the accounts of the Society to bring out complete details of the same is not necessary in the first instance. An effective inspection of the records and detection of a few cases of falsifications will be sufficient for filing of the prosecution case. Further when the Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) visits a Society for enquiring a complaint the enquiry should be completed in one stretch as far as possible and report submitted without delay.
1.14. In selecting societies for surprise inspection, the Deputy Registrars should not concentrate only on one or two circles and one or two Inspection of societies under their jurisdication, all types of Societies in all the circles should be taken for surprise inspection on rotation basis. A registrer to watch this should also b e maintained in their offices.
2. Complaints of routine nature or those relating to unimportant matters, audit defects, staff matters, disqualification of Board of Directors etc. shall not be referred to the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) for enquiry and report.
3.01. The Joint Registrars of the Districts will forward those complaints and petitions which are to be enquired in to b y the Vigilance Wing of the Department, to the Deputy Registrars(Vigilance) for enquiry and report under intimation to the Registrar of Co-op: Societies. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) will forward the reports on such petitions to the Joint Registrars of the District concerned within the time prescribed therein to the concerned Join Registrar who will take further action.
3.02. Enquiries under Section 65 and Section 60 and inspection 65 of the Kerala Co-op: Societies Act shall not be entrusted to the Asst.Registrars (Vigilance) without the permission of the Registrar of Co-op; Societies.
3.03. In the case of petitions/complaints received in the Registrar of Co-op;Societies Office which are to be enquired into by the Vigilance Wing such petitions shall be forwarded to the concerned Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) by the respective sections for enquiry by the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) . Follow up action on reports of such petitions complaints will be taken by the respective sections in the head Office.
The Set up of the Vigilance Wing be as follows:-
Name of the post
and Headquarters
1. Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
2. Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
3. Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
4.Deputy Registrar (Vigilance
5. Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
6. Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
7. The Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) will be given Indentification cards from the Office of the Registrar of Co-op: Societies, for which a passport size photograph of the Deputy Registrar(Vigilance) may be furnished for Further action. When an officer is transferred from the post of Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) he should surrender the identification card to this office, at the time of handing over charge of records and files to his successor.
8.The Joint Registrar (General) to whom the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) are attached will provide them the necessary seating arrangemets and with necessary furniture and other facilities in the office. They may also provide an almirah with lock and key for the safe custody of their files and records.
9. The joint Registrar(General of the Districts will provide the office vehicles to the Deputy Registrars(Vigilance ) if requested by them subject to the convenience of the joint Registrars.
10. The Deputy Registrars(Vigilance) will furnish the details of pending files/petitions/cases registered by police Criminal cases pending with the Courts etc. as on the date of their taking charge to the joint Registrars (Vigilance of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Thiruvananthapuram, immediately.
11. The receipt of the circular may be acknowledged by all concerned.
For Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Sl. No. | Name of Society | Name and address of the petitioner | Date of receipt of petition with (Ref.No.) and date | Nature and subject matter of complaints | Date of enquiry | Date of disposal, submission date of report to controlling officer, Registrar of Co-operative Societies |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | |
No. of Petitions pending at the beginning of the month
No. of Petitions received during the month
No. of Petitions disposed / reports submitted during the month
No. of Petitions pending at the end of the month
Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sl.No. | Name of Society and the name of the petitioner | Nature of Complaint | Date from which pending | Present stage of action | Remarks |
Petitions pending period Numbers
6 months – 1 year ………..
1 year - 2 year ………..
2 year and above ………..
Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sl. No. | Name of Society with Crime No. / O.S. No. | Name and address of the accused | Nature of the case registered and the Court in which the criminal cases are pending | Remarks |
Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sl. No. | Name of Society | Name & addresses of the accused | Nature of the case registered with section of the IPC etc. | Present stage of the case registered | Name of Police Station in which the case is pending |
Cases registered as at the beginning of the month
Cases registered during the month
Cases charge sheeted to the Courts during the month
Cases pending at the end of the month
Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
TOUR DIARY OF SRI ………………………………………………… ……
DEPUTY REGISTRAR (VIGILANCE) ………………………………...........
FOR THE MONTH OF ……………………………………………………….
Date and hour Departure Arrival | Place From To | Mode of conveyance used | Distance traveled in Kms | Name of Institution and place | Purpose of visit | Details of work done | Date of submission of report (to whom with No. and Date) | Remarks |
To be submitted in duplicate to the controlling officer
Deputy Registrar (Vigilance)
\¼À.FkvänF(1) 20000/2000 BÀknFkv klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smcm^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn 7.9.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 44/2000
hnjbw: klIcW hæ¸v tIcf¯nse klIcW hæ¸nsâ IognepÅ klIcW kwL§fnse 1999.2000 hÀjs¯ hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIfpsS tiJcWw kw_Ôn¨v
1999.2000 hÀjs¯ hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ tiJcn¨v X¿mdm¡n Abç¶Xnteç Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä \--Âæì.
(1) 1999.2000 hÀjs¯ hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ X¿mdmt¡Xv 1999 G{]n- 1 apX 2000 amÀ¨v 31 hscbpÅ Imebfhnse hnhc§fmbncn¡Ww.
(2) kwØm\ klIcW --- _m¦v tI{µ `qhnIk\ _m¦v, PnÃm_m¦pIÄ, {]mYanI `qhnIk\ _m¦pI-Ä F¶o Øm]\§fpsS ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ Cu B^okn \nìw t\cn«v tiJcnç¶XmWv.
(3) klIcW hæ¸nsâ Iogn \nehnepÅ aäv FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fptSbpw ({]hÀ¯nç¶Xpw, AÃm¯Xpw) ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ Xmeq¡v Xe¯n- Xs¶ tiJcnt¡XmWv.
4. 1998.99 hÀj¯n D]tbmKn¨ AtX ^md§Ä Xs¶bmWv 1999.2000 hÀjt¯çw D]tbmKnt¡Xv. hnhc§Ä tiJcnç¶Xnte¡v Bhiyamb ^md§Ä tiJcnç¶Xn\v Hcp DtZymKØs\ FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amêw Cu B^nknte¡v \ntbmKnt¡Xpw BbXv tiJcn¨v _Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amÀ¡v Xmakw hê¯msX hnXcWw sNt¿XmWv.
(5) kwL§fpsS hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc IWçI-Ä AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amÀ NpaXes¸Sp¯p¶ bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ Xs¶ tiJcnt¡XmWv. Bhiysa¶v tXmì¶ ]£w AXmXp BUnäÀamêsS tkh\w IqsS D]tbmKs¸Sp¯mhp¶XmWv.
(6) klIcW kwL§fn \nìw ØnXn hnhcIWçIÄ tiJcnç¶ tPmenbpsS NpaXe _Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ¡v hoXn¨p \-ÂtIXmWv. C{]Imcw hoXnçt¼mÄ Hmtcm DtZymKØëw \nÝnX XnbXnçÅn Xs¶ hnhc§Ä tiJcn¡m³ Ignbp¶{X kwL§Ä am{Xta \ÂInbn«pÅp F¶v Dd¸p hêt¯XmWv. Hmtcm DtZymKØëw \ÂInbn«pÅ kwL§fpsS t] êhnhcw kqNn¸nç¶ \S]Sn D¯chnsâ ]IÀ¸v -_Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ(P\dÂ)amÀçw Cu B^oknteçw 30.9.2000 \Iw FÃm AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amcpw Ab¨p XtcXmWv.
7) tiJcn¡s¸« hnhc§Ä kÀ¡nÄ Xe¯n- Xs¶ t{ImUoIcWw \S¯nb tijw am{Xta cPnkv{SmÀ B^oknte¡v Abçhm³ ]mSpÅp. t{ImUoIcW¯n\v ap¼mbn Bhiyamb FÃm hnhc§fpw DÄs¸Sp¯nbn«ps¶pw, FÃm tImf§fpw icnbmb hn[¯n Xs¶bmWv ]qcn¸n¨n«pÅsXìw tcJs¸Sp¯nb hnhc§Ä ]qÀ®ambpw icnbmsWìw, AXmXp AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ(P\dÂ) amÀ Dd¸p hêt¯XmWv.
ap³hÀj§fn kÀ¡nÄXe t{ImUoIcWw \S¯msX ]e kÀ¡nfpIfn \nìw dnt¸mÀ«pI-Ä Ab¨pX¶nêì. taen AXv BhÀ¯n¡m³ ]mSnà F¶v {]tXyIw HmÀ½s¸Sp¯pì.
kÀ¡nÄ Xe¯n t{ImUoIcn¨ tS_nfnsâ Hê tIm¸n cPnkv{SmÀ B^oknteçw, Hê tIm¸n AXmXp tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)¡pw Ab¨p sImSpt¡Xpw, Hcp tIm¸n kÀ¡nÄ Hm^okn Xs¶ kq£nt¡XpamWv. tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)amÀ AXmXp PnÃIfpsS t{ImUoIcWw \S¯nb tS_nfpIÄ PnÃmXe B^okn Xs¶ kq£nt¡XmWv.
(8) Hmtcm kwL¯nsâbpw AwK kwJybn- ]«nIPmXn, ]«nIhÀ¤w h\nX F¶nh thÀXncn¨v \ÂIWw. FÃm tS_nfpIfnepw Hmtcm C\w kwL§fpsSbpw kÀ¡mÀ Xe¯n t{ImUoIcn¨ hnhc§Ä- (BsI FgpXphm³ {]tXyIw {i²n¡Ww.
(9) tS_nÄ 15 X¿mdmçt¼mÄ {lkzIme (tjmÀ«v tSw), a²yIme (aoUnbw tSw), ZoÀLIme (temwKv tSw) F¶nhbpsS hnhc§-Ä {]tXyIw {]tXyIw tS_nfpIfn Xs¶ X¿mdmt¡XmWv.
(10) tS_nÄ 26,29,34,40 F¶nhbn ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ X¿mdm¡n Abçt¼mÄ, Hmtcm C\w kwL§fptSbpw hnhc§Ä {]tXyIw {]tXyIambn X¿mdm¡nbn«ps¶v Dd¸p hêt¯XmWv.
(11) dnt¸mÀ«p sN¿p¶ IWçIfpsS IrXyX Dd¸phêt¯XmWv. ap³hÀjs¯ dnt¸mÀ«pambn H¯pt\m¡pt¼mÄ Akm[mcW hyXymkw {i²bn s¸«m AXn îÅ ImcWw ASnçdn¸mbn \ÂtIXmWv.
12.) kab]cn[nçÅn Xs¶ FÃm dnt¸mÀ«pIfpw sXäpIqSmsX _Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) Cu B^okn F¯n¨ncnt¡XmWv. ap³ hÀj§fn hê¯nb ImeXmakw C\nbpw BhÀ¯n¡mXncn¡m³ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡XpamWv.
(13)AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amÀ \nÝnX kab ]cn[nçÅn Xs¶ hnhc§Ä cPnkv{SmÀ¡v \ÂInbn«ptm F¶v AXmXp tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\d-Â) amÀ Dd¸p hêt¯XmWv.
(14) hyIvXXbpÅ tÌäpsaâpI-Ä am{Xta cPnk{SmÀ¡v Abçhm³ ]mSpÅp. bmsXmê ImcWhimepw ImÀ_¬ tIm¸nIÄ Abçhm³ ]mSnÃ.
15. tS_n-Ä \¼À 43 te¡v Bhiyamb hnhc§Ä tiJcn¨v t{ImUoIcn¨v Ab¨v Xtc NpaXe AXmXp tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (BUnäv) amÀ¡mbncnçw.
16. \¼À tÌäpsaâpw kwL§fpsS enÌpw.
Hmtcm kÀ¡nfnepw 31.3.2000 ¯n\v \nehnepÅ kwL§fpsS ]qÀ®amb t]cv, cPnÌÀ\¼À, X]m taÂhnemkw, cPnÌÀ sNbvX XobXn F¶nh DÄs¸Sp¶ enÌv C\w Xncn¨v X¿mdm¡nbXpw \nÝnX s{]t^mÀambn- X¿mdm¡nb \¼À tÌäpsaâpw cpw tIm¸nIÄ Cu B^okn F¯nt¡XmWv.. kwL§fpsS enÌn Hmtcm C\¯nepw {]hÀ¯nç¶ kwL§fpsS hnhc§Ä BZyw \ÂInbtijw AXnë sXm«p Xmsg Xs¶ {]hÀ¯\ clnXamb kwL§fpsSbpw, enIyptUj\n XpSê¶ kwL§fptSbpw hnhc§Ä \-ÂtIXmWv. ]pXnbXmbn cPnÌÀ sNbvX kwL§Ä Ds¦n BbXpIqsS hyàamt¡XmWv. kwL§fpsS enÌpw \¼À tÌäpsaâpw 5.10.2000 ë ap¼mbn Xs¶ Cu B^okn F¯n¨ncnt¡XmWv.
17.\¼À kvtääpsaân ]cmaÀin¨n«pÅ FÃm kwL§fptSbpw hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ AS§nb FÃm tS_nfpIfpw 30.10.2000 ¯n\p ap¼mbn AXmXp AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ(P\dÂ) amÀ cPnkv{SmÀ B^okn F¯nt¡XmWv. hmbv]m kwL§fpsS hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ (tS_n-Ä 10 apX 17 hsc) BZyw Xs¶ Abt¡XmWv. {]kvXpX tS_nfpI--Ä {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä, ]«nIhÀ¤ klIcW kwL§-Ä, ^mÀtagvkv klIcWkwL§Ä F¶nhbpsS hnhc§---- Ä {]tXyIw {]tXyIambn Xs¶ X¿mdm¡n XtcXmWv.
(18) Hmtcm C\w kwL¯nsâbpw hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc IWçIÄ X¿mdm¡n \ÂtI tS_nfpIfpsS Hê ]«nI CtXmsSm¶n¨v Abçì. Cu ]«nIbn- ]cmaÀin¨n«pÅ tS_nfpI-Ä Xs¶bmWv Hmtcm C\w kwL¯nëw D]tbmKn¨n«pÅsX¶v Dd¸v hê¯nbtijambncn¡Ww Ah Cu B^oknte¡v Abt¡Xv.
(19) tS_nfpIfn- DÄs¸Sp¶ IWçIfpsS IrXyX ]cntim[nçIbpw sN¡v enÌnse \nÀt±i§Ä Hmtcm Xcw kwL§fptSbpw Imcy¯n icnbmsW¶v Dd¸v hê¯pIbpw sNt¿XmWv.
kÀçeÀ ssI¸änb hnhcw Adnbnt¡XmWv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
Table No.
9, 9A
No.CS (5) 18907/2000 Office of the Registrar of Co-op: Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 19-10-2000
CIRCULAR NO. 45/2000
Sub:- Protection of consumers from illegal and unethical trade practice followed by trades/Shopkeepers in the country circular instructions-regarding
Ref : 1. Letter No.0-11015/5/2000-CCM dated 17-4-2000 from the Director(Co-operation) Ministry of Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India with the D.O. letter No. II (ii) / 99 - CPU dated 22-12-’99 from Shri. Shanta Kumar, Minister for Consumer affairs and Public Distribution
2. Government letter No. 4492/P5/2000/Co-op dated 23-6-2000
In D.O.letter No.II (ii)/99-CPU dated 22-12-’99 from Shri.Shantakumar Hon’ble Minister for consumer Affairs and Public Distribution, Government of India informed that in the cash Memo/ Bills issued to the consumers, an unilateral conditions is included stating “Goods once sold will not be taken back/exchanged” etc. This condition is against the law. With a view to protect the consumers from this illegal trade practice being followed by a few traders/shopkeepers it is requested to take immediate action by issuing guidelines to ensure that the cash Memos/Bills issued in the State by the trades/shop keepers do not carry the condition that “Goods once sold will not be taken back/exchanged”.
In the circumstances all the Joint Registrars (General) are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Co-op: Societies/Stores coming under the control of Co-op: Departments to remove the conditions carrying in the cash memos/Bills issued by the Co-op: Societies/Stores that “goods once sold will not be taken back/exchanged”, You are also requested to ensure that the above instructions is strictly followed by all the Co-operative Societies/Stores.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À: C.Fw.(2) 7076/98 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smcm^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn 31--..10.2000
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 46/2000
hnjbw : {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fn ]mÀ«v ssSw tPmen sN¿p¶ Poh\¡mêsS thX\w ]cnjv¡cnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ : 1. kÀ¡mcnsâ 21.10.2000 se 5167/kn1/98/klIcW \¼À I¯v.
2. 25.11.98 se 3000/98/]n³. \¼À kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv.
{]mYanI klIcW kwL§fn ]mÀ«v ssSw tPmen sN¿p¶ Poh\¡mêsS thX\w ]cnjv¡cnç¶XnëÅ \nÀt±iw kqN\ (1) {]Imcw kÀ¡mÀ \ÂInbn«pv. BbXnsâ ASnØm\¯n Xmsg ]dbpw {]Imcw {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fnse ]mÀ«v ssSw Poh\¡mêsS thX\w ]cnjv¡cn¨v sImv D¯chmæì.
1) 100 NXpc{i aoädpw AXnë apIfnepw hnkvXoÀ®apÅ Hm^okpIÄ¡mbn am{Xw \nban¡s¸«ncnç¶ \nehnepÅ ]mÀ«v ssSw kzo¸ÀamÀçw ¢o\ÀamÀçw kÀ¡mÀ Øm]\§fn \nehnepÅ \nc¡n thX\w \Âæ¶Xn\v _Ôs¸« klIcW Øm]\§fpsS `cWkanXn¡v A[nImcw Dmbncnç¶XmWv.
2) kÀ¡mÀ Øm]\§fn \nehnepÅ \nc¡n thX\w \Âæ¶Xn\v km¼¯nI ØnXn A\phZn¡m¯ klIcW Øm]\§fpsS `cWkanXnIÄ¡v AhbpsS km¼¯nI tijn¡\pkcWamb coXnbn Ipdª \nc¡v, hnkvXoÀ®w Ch kw_Ôn¨pff hyhØ \ne\ndp¯ns¡mv thX\w \nÀ®bn¡p¶Xn\v A[nImcw Dmbncn¡p¶XmWv.
3) thX\w \nÀ®bnç¶Xn\pÅ kÀ¡mÀ \ncçI-Ä NphsS tNÀçì.
1.400 NXpc{i aoädn\v apIfnepw 1500 cq]bpw £ma_¯bpw
800 NXpc{i aoädn\v Xmsgbpw
2. 100 NXpc{i aoädn\v apIfnepw 1250 cq]bpw £ma_¯bpw
400 NXpc{i aoädn\v Xmsgbpw
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À.kn._n.(3) 2465/2000 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 4.11.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 48/2000
hnjbw : klIcW Øm]\§Ä imJIÄ amÁ Ah[n {IaoIcn¡Â kab amäw hê¯Â XpS§nb {IaoIcnç¶Xn\v amÀ¤ \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. kÀ¡mcnsâ 18-.12.89 se Pn.H. (Fw.Fkv.) 63/89/kl \¼À D¯chv
2. Cu B^oknse 23.4.81 se 17/ \¼À kÀçeÀ
kwØm\s¯ Nne {]mYanI kÀÆokv klIcW _m¦pI-Ä klIcW AÀ_³ _m¦pIÄ PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ F¶nh X§Ä¡v AëhZn¨p \ÂInb Øe¯p \n¶pw imJIÄ amän asämê Øe¯p {]hÀ¯\w \S¯p¶Xmbpw Ah[n Zn\§-Ä {]hÀ¯\ kabw F¶nhív amäw hê¯ntbm, ]pXp¡n \nÀ®bnt¨m {]hÀ¯n¨phê¶Xmbpw Cu Hm^oknsâ {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì. cPnkv{SmdpsS ap³ AëhmZanÃmsXbpÅ C¯cw \S]SnIÄ aqew Øm]\¯nse AwK§Äçw, CS]mSp¡mÀçw, Poh\¡mÀçw AkuIcyhpw, _p²nap«pw Dmçì Fìw {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì. C{]ImcapÅ ]cmXnIÄ Hgnhmç¶Xn\mbn Xmsg ]dbp¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1) A\nhmcyamb ImcWw IqSmsXbpw cPnkv{SmdpsS AwKoImcw hm§mtXbpw Hê {]tZi¯v AëhZn¨p \-ÂInb imJI-Ä asämê Øet¯¡v amän Øm]n¡m³ ]mSpÅXÃ.
2) AëhZn¨p \-ÂInb imJ asämê Øet¯¡v amän Øm]nt¡Xps¦n BbXnsâ ImcWw ImWn¨pÅ `cWkanXn Xoêam\w Cu B^okn-- \--ÂIn AëhmZw hmt§XmWv.
3. \nehnepÅ {]hÀ¯n Zn\§fpw {]hÀ¯\ kabhpw ]mentíXmWv.
4. {]hr¯n Znhk§fnse {]hÀ¯\ kab¯nëw amäw hêt¯Xps¦n BbXnëÅ ImcWw ImWn¨p Cu B^okn- \nìw ap³ AîhmZw hmt§XmWv.
5) _m¦nwKv dKptej³ BÎnsâ ]cn[nbn-Âs¸Sp¶ Øm]\§Ä¡v C¡mcy¯n-Âv dnkÀÆv _m¦v \-Âæ¶ \nÀt±i§fpw ]ment¡XmWv.
C{]Imcw kwØm\s¯ FÃm Øm]\§fpw, s]mXphmbn Hê GIoIcW coXn Ahew_nç¶Xv Cu taJebpsS {]hÀ¯\ ]ptcmKXnív DNnXambncn¡pw Fìw BbXn\m- Cu kÀçeÀ \nÀt±iw FÃm Øm]\§fpw IÀi\ambn ]ment¡XmsWìw Adnbnçì.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.CB(2) 36289/99 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 30.11.2000
CIRCULAR NO. 49/2000
Sub : Maximum rate of interest on Non-Agricultural Loans issued Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and for all the loans issued by other Credit Societies not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation (as applicable to Co-operative Societies) Act 1949-revised orders issued
Ref : 1. This Office Circular No.34/96 dated 30-12-1996
2. This Office Circular No. 18/98 dated 29-5-98
3. This Office Circular No.31/98 dated 29-7-98
4. This Office Circular No.16/2000 dated 7-4-2000
In view of the revision on the interest rates on the deposits accepted by the Co-operative Credit Institutions not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act ordered in the Circular fourth cited, it is found necessary that the maximum rate of interest to be charged on the ultimate borrower on all loans other than agricultural loans issued by Credit Co-operative Societies not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation (as applicable to Co-operative Societies) Act, 1949, is to be revised suitably. Accordingly the interest rates are revised as follows.
(i) Advances upto Rs.50,000/- (15% Fifteen percent)
(ii) Advances above Rs.50,000/- (16% Sixteen percent)
(iii) Advances above Rs.2,00,000/- (17% Seventeen percent)
The Board of Directions of Societies will however, be at liberty to fix the interest rate on the above loans not exceeding the above rate. The Societies should not realise any amount from the borrowers as additional interest by way of incidental expenses, cost of form, Stationery, folio charges etc.,over and above the specified rate. However penal interest can be realised on the defaulted amount as usual. For the Gold loans the insurance charge and appraiser charge shall be collected as prescribed in the circular second cited.
The other terms and conditions will be the same as was stipulated earlier. The revised rate will effect from 1st December 2000.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No.G.(1) 18799/2000 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 20-12-2000
CIRCULAR NO. 50/2000
Sub:- Co-operation-procedure for building construction by Co-operatives-partial modification-Instructions issued-regarding.
Reg:- 1.Circular No. 35/83, dated 12-7-83 of Registrar of Co-operatives Societies
2. Circular No. 26/85 dated 6-6-85 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
3. Government Letter No. 10964/B1/2000/Co-op dated 2-12-2000
As per the Circulars referred to above, instructions have been issued with regard to the procedure for purchase of land or building and construction of buildings by Co-operative Institutions. In the circular 1st cited, it was instructed that the valuation of the building should be done by the Public Works Department. As against this, representations have been received from societies that it is cumbersome job to get Valuation Certificate form Public Works Department Authorities.
Regarding the approval of plan and estimate and issue of Valuation Certificate for building construction by Co-operatives. Government vide letter 3rd cited have instructed to modify the circular partially.
Therefore, the above instruction in Circular No.35/83, Ist cited is partially modified to the effect that in the procedure for approval for building construction by Co-operatives with own fund or loan from non-Government Institutions, the plan and estimate will be scrutinised and approved by the Engineers of Government and Quasi Government Institutions, Local Bodies, Statutory Boards or any other Government Sponsored Organisation and retired Engineers, Registered/licenced Engineers and Architectural Consultants on completion of construction of the building, Valuation Certificate will be issued by Engineers in Government Department or Local Bodies not below the rank of Assistant Engineer(Buildings). This modification is also applicable to the instructions already issued in Circular No.26/85.2nd cited.
The above instruction shall be strictly followed. The Joint Registrars of Co-operative Societies (General) are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of all Co-operative Institutions for strict compliance.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À.kn.Fkv.(1) 40277/2000 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 4-.11.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 52/2000
hnjbw : tIcf kwØm\ ]«nIPmXn / ]«nIhÀ¤ hnIk\ klIcW s^Utdjsâ BbpÀ[mc BbpÀthZ Huj[§fpsS hn]W\w kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1.^Uv `cWkanXnbpsS 20.11.2000 se Xoêam\w.
2. s^Uv Fw.Un.bpsS 18-.11.-2000se I¯v.
kwØm\s¯ ]«nIPmXn / ]«nIhÀ¤ hn`mK§fpsS D¶a\w e£yam¡n klIcW taJebn ]«nIPmXn / ]«nIhÀ¤ klIcWkwL§fpsS Hê A¸Ivkv s^Utdj³, tIcf kwØm\ ]«nIPmXn ]«nIhÀ¤ klIcW s^Utdj³ ¢n]vXw F¶ t]cn 1981 apX kwØm\¯p {]hÀ¯n¨p hêìv. kwØm\s¯ 81 t^mdÌv sdbv©pIfnse sNdpInS h\hn`h tiJcWw kwØm\ kÀ¡mcnsâ AëhmZt¯msS s^Utdj\n A^nentbäp sNbvXn«pÅ 33 {]mYanI ]«nIhÀ¤ klIcWkwL§Ä hgnbmWv \S¯n hê¶Xv. AhÀ tiJcn¨phê¶ sNdpInS h\hn`mK§fn Huj[ aqeyapÅ h\hn`h§Ä sImv F³ km¼¯nIklmbt¯msS Huj[ \nÀ½mW¯n\mbn BbpÀ[mc F¶ Hê BbpÀthZ Huj[ \nÀ½mW bqWnän\v s^Utdj³ cq]w \ÂIn {]hÀ¯\w Bcw`n¨n«pv. A{]Imcw BbpÀ[mcbn \nìw hnhn[bn\w BbpÀthZ aêìIÄ X¿mdm¡n hn]Wnbn Cd¡nbn«pv.
s^Utdjsâ Cu D¸¶§Ä¡v klIcW kwL§Ä hgn hn]Wn e`yamç¶Xn\mbn s^Utdj³ amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ At]£ kaÀ¸n¨n«pv. s^Utdjsâ BbpÀ[mc D¸¶§Ä KpWta·bn IqSn Pn.Fw.]n. hyhØIÄ¡v AëkrXambn«mWv \nÀ½n¨p hê¶sX¶v s^Utdj³ Adnbn¨n«pv. Huj[§Ä Bhiyapff Øm]\§Ä¡v Huj[§fpw / D¸¶§fpw bYmkabw F¯n¨p sImSp¡m\pff kwhn[m\aps¶pw s^Utdj³ amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ Adnbn¨n«pv.
ta kmlNcy¯n tIcf kwØm\ ]«nIPmXn / ]«nIhÀ¤ hnIk\ s^Utdjsâ BbpÀ[mc BbpÀthZ Huj[§fpw/DÂ]¶§fpw I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdjsâ hnÂ]\ imeIÄ, Un¸mÀ«psaâv tÌmçIÄ, \oXn tÌmdpIÄ / \oXn saUn¡Â tÌmdpIÄ F¶nhbneqsS hnÂ]\ \S¯p¶Xn\v Bhiyamb \S]SnIÄ tIcfm tÌäv tIm. Hm¸tdäohv I¬kyqtagvkv s^Utdj³ kzoIcnt¡XmWv. BbpÀ[mc BbpÀthZ D¸¶§fpsS hnÂ]\ kw_Ôn¨ Imcyw tIcf kwØm\ ]«nIPmXn ]«nIhÀ¤ hnIk\ klIcW s^Utdjëw tIcf kwØm\ klIcW I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdjëw hyàamb Xoêam\¯nsâ ASnØm\¯n \S]Sn {Ia§Ä ]qÀ¯nbm¡nb tijw kzoIcnt¡XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
.No.CB(1) 33540/2000 Officer of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 29-12-2000
CIRCULAR No. 54/2000
Sub : Co-op: Department-Unautherised investment of funds by Co-operatives in Commercial Banks-Instructions-Regarding.
Ref : 1) This Office Circular No. 44/91 and 5/95
2) This Office letters No.CB(1) 15856/2000 dated 6-6-2000
3) This Office No.CB(1) 33540/2000 dated 16-8-2000
Directions was given to all the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and District Co-operative Banks not to invest or deposit their funds in Commercial Banks violating provisions in the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969, as per the letter cited above. Direction was also given to all Joint Registrars to watch such cases and to report with immediate effect. But inspite of all these instructions, it is noted that Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and District Co-operative Banks are depositing their funds in the Commercial Banks of all types, other co-operative societies etc., violating the provisions of Kerala Co-operatives Societies Act and the direction of Registrar of Co-operatives Societies.
This has caused considerable difficulties to the Co-operatives Credit system and is detrimental to the orderly development of the co-operative sector. Hence all Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and District Co-operative Banks are directed not to invest their funds with commercial banks without the prior permission of the Registrar of Co-operatives Societies. The deposits already made shall be withdrawn from such banks on maturity of the deposit and the amount withdrawn shall be deposited with the District Co-operatives Banks / State Co-operatives Bank as the case may be. No inter-bank transactions among Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and District Co-operatives Banks are allowed and Primary Agricultural credit Societies and District Co-operative Banks are not allowed to invest their funds in other co-operative institutions without the permission of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. Co-operative Banks coming under the Banking Regulation Act are also not allowed to make their deposits in non-banking financial institutions.
In view of the request made by come District Co-operative Banks that deposits of some amounts in commercial banks are necessary for operational reasons, District Co-operative Banks are allowed to deposit funds in commercial banks not exceeding 15% of the funds deposited in the Kerala State Co-operative Bank with the prior approval of the Joint Registrar’s concerned on a case to case basis. Before approving such deposits the Joint Registrars will satisfy themselves that the percentage is not exceeded.
All the primary Agricultural Credit Societies and the District Co-operative Banks shall scrupulously follow these instructions and the Joint Registrar of the districts concerned shall ensure that the banks are following these instructions strictly. Joint Registrars are directed to invoke rule 176 in case the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and District Co-operative Banks are acting against the directions of Registrar of Co-operative Societies contained in this circular. In cases, where the chief executives are making any deposits without the permission of the Board of Directors the shall be instructed to initiate disciplinary action against those officers. Any violations should also be brought to the notice of Registrar of Co-operative Societies. A monthly report about compliance, violations etc., will be sent by the Joint Registrars.
All Joint Registrars and General Manager of District Co-operative Banks shall acknowledge the receipt of this circular.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
ADL(3)36301/2000 Officer of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 30-12-2000
CIRCULAR No. 55/2000
Sub : Co-operative Department Kerala Co-operative Societies Act and Rules Disposal of Disputes under section 69 and Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969 (Amendment) Act 1999 - Delegation to officers to decide the cases revision-Regarding.
Ref : Registrar’s Circular No. 42/93 vide letter No.ADL(3) 42345/92 dated 6-7-93
In the circular referred above, authorisation had been issued to the different cadres of officers of the Co-operative department to accept and dispose off Arbitration cases, under sections 69 and 70 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act.1969 and under Rules 67 and 68 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules 1969.
Consequent on the liberalization of loan policies the business of co-operatives have increased abundantly. As such the number of arbitration cases from bigger Co-operative societies like District Co-operative Bank etc have also increased. Such cases are normally filed before the Additional Registrar of Co-operative Societies and Registrar of Co-operative Societies, based on the instructions contained in the above circular. This has caused much difficulties to these bigger societies, and they have appealed for the revision of the above circular so as to enable them to settle the case at District level. On examining these requests it is found necessary to revise the conditions in th e above circular. In this circumstances in supersession of the circular referred above the following revised limitations/Authorisation are made in respect of the arbitration cases to be dealt with under section 69 & 70 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969 (Amendment) Act 1999 and the Rules 67 & 68 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies 1969(Amendment) Rules 2000, there under.
A. Non Monetary Disputes
This order will be in force with immediate effect.
The disputes extertained asper the present procedure need not be re-allotted as per this circular, and they will be disposed off as per the existing procedures.
The orders contained In this circular will apply to the Co-operative institutions coming under the Administrative control of Co-operative department only.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Food & Civil Supplies (B) Department
No.7755/B1/2000/F & CSD Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 16-10-2000
Sub : Avoidance of misuse of ration cards - use of documents other than family ration cards for identification purpose-Regarding.
At present several Government authorities insist on production of ration cards either singly of along with other documents for purpose of identify for availing benefits of various public services. Therefore ration cards are claimed even by these who have no intention of buying ration articles. The prevalence of such cards loads to large scale leakages of essential ration items. Misuse of family ration cards lead to circulation of a number of false ration cards also in the State. Government of India in letter dated, 28-6-2000 have stressed the need to stop misuse of family ration cards and to adopt alternative method for identification. So as to avoid misuse of ration cards, it has been felt desirable that other alternative methods have to be used for identification of persons viz. Passport, driving licence, voter’s identify card, bank pass book, Electricity payment bills or identify card issued by the income tax authorities for veryfying the identity of individuals. Those departments are also be requested to issued necessary instructions to the concerned officers/agencies coming under their administrative control to this effect. This has the approval of the Chief Minister.
Dinesh Sarama
Secretary to Government
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
[\Imcy (]cntim[\m hn`mKw t\m¬ sSIv\n¡Â) hæ¸v kÀ¡mÀ hml\§fpsS Zpê]tbmKw XSb ]cntim[\ kw_Ôn¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì.
[\Imcy ]cntim[\m hn`mKw t\m¬ sSIv\n¡Â(F) hæ¸v
k.D.(]n) \¼À 1213/2000/[\ Xnêh\´]pcw 2000 HIvtSm_À 12.
kqN\ : 1. 13.11.1970 se k.D.(]n) \¼À 803/70/[\
2. 18.8.1998 se k.D.(]n) \¼À 1934/98/[\
kÀ¡mÀ hml\§Ä Poh\¡mÀ¡v kzImcy Bhiy¯n\v Hgn¨pIqSm³ Ignbm¯ kmlNcy§fn D¶X A[nImcnIfpsS tcJmaqeapÅ AëhmZt¯msS kqN\bnse D¯chn³{]Imcw D]tbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv. F¶mÀ kÀ¡mÀ hml\§Ä tjm¸nwKv, kn\na, amÀ¡äv Bcm[\meb§Ä, hnhmlw, Ip«nIsf hnZymeb§fn F¯nçI XpS§nb kzImcy Bhiy§Ä¡v D]tbmKnçhm³ ]mSnÃ. C¯c¯n kwØm\¯v H«msI kÀ¡mÀ hml\§fpsS Zpê]tbmKw XSbp¶Xn\v \nehnepÅ N«§Ä IqSpX IÀi\amt¡ BhiyIX kÀ¡mcn\v t_m²ys¸«ncnçì.
ta kmlNcy¯n t]meokv, BtcmKyw, Irjn, s]mXpacma¯v, PetkN\w DÄs¸SbpÅ FÃm kÀ¡mÀ hæ¸pIfpsSbpw hml\§Ä B^okv Bhiy¯n\ÃmsX D]tbmKnçìtmsb¶v ]cntim[nçhm³ [\Imcy ]cntim[\ (t\m¬sSIv\n¡Â) hn`mKs¯ \ntbmKn¨psImv D¯chmæì.
t]meokv UbdÎÀ P\d DÄs¸sS FÃm h渲y£³amcpw hml\§fpsS ]cntim[\bv¡v [\Imcy]cntim[\m hn`mKhpambn klIcnçhm³ th \nÀt±iw X§fpsS hæ¸nse _Ôs¸« DtZymKØÀ¡v ASnb´ncambn \ÂtIXmWv.
KhÀ®dpsS D¯chn³{]Imcw
[\Imcy {]n³kn¸Â sk{I«dn
The Government Order shown below was published in Kerala Gazette Extra Ordinary on 28 th December 2000 that is 7th Pousha 1922
Taxes (E) Department
G.O.(P) No. 177/200/TD Dated. Thruvananthapuram, 21st December 2000
S.R.O. No. 1194/2000 :- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 (17 of 1959), the Government of Kerala, being of opinion that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby remit the Stamp duty with which the document to be executed by the Co-operative Societies of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for their business purpose, are chargeable under the said Act.
By order of the Governor
V.S. Senthil
Secretary to Government
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
s]mXphnZym`ymkw - Kh¬saâv / FbnUUv kv¡qfpIfnse kv¡qÄ klIcW kwLw sk{I«dnamêsS NpaXe hlnç¶ A²ym]IêsS tlmWtädnbw ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì.
s]mXp hnZym`ymk (sP) hæ¸v
Pn.H.(Fw.Fkv.) 282/2000/s]m. hn. h. Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn 16.-8.-2000
]cmaÀiw: 1. Pn.H. (Fw.Fkv.) 119/81/s] XobXn 27 - 6 - 81
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS kn.Fkv.5. 1208/90 XobXn 25-8-90, kn.Fkv.(5) 48756/96 XobXn 15-2-97, kn.Fkv(5) 54092/98 XobXn 7-6-2000 I¯pIÄ
kwØm\s¯ Kh¬saâv/FbnUUv kv¡qfpIfnse kvIqÄ klIcWkwLw sk{I«dnamêsS NpaXe hlnç¶ A²ym]IÀ¡v, ]cmaÀiw 1 se kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv {]Imcw \nivNbn¨v {]Xnamkw ]camh[n tlmWtädnbw 50 cq]mbn \nìw 100 cq]bmbn (\qdv cq]) kwLw ss_emípw sI.Fkv.BÀ. ]mÀ«v H¶nse dqÄ 48se hyhØIÄçw hnt[bambn ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨psImv D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì.
KhÀWdpsS D¯chn³{]Imcw
sI. \fn\n
AUnjWÂ sk{I«dn
Co-operation Establishment - Departmental Officers appointed as Part-time Administrators in Co-operatives under Section 32 and 33 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act- rate of additional remundration-revised-Orders issued.
G..O.(Rt) No. 525/2000/Co-op Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 22-11-2000
Read : 1. G..O.(Rt) No.1568/74/ AD dated 5-7-1974
2. G.O.(P) No.1559/99/ (26) Fin dated 7-7-1999
3. Letter No.G(1) 36860/99 dated 19-1-2000, 20-7-2000 from the RCS, Thiruvananthapuram
As per Government Order read as first paper above. Government had granted permission under Rules 46 & 47 part I, Kerala Service Rules to the officers of Co-operative Department, appointed as Part Time Administrators in Co-operative Societies to receive additional remuneration subject Rules and subject to the condition that the additional remuneration should not exceed 20% of their basic pay.
2. As per Government Order read as II paper above Government ordered that the rates of charge allowance will be changed from 20% of pay to allowance equal to 10% of pay for holding additional charge.
3. The Registrar of Co-operative Societies therefore requested vide letter read as third paper above to fix the additional remuneration payable to Part Time Administrators appointed to manage the affairs of societies in view of Government Order 2nd Cited under Section 32 and 33 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act.
4. Government have examined the matter in detail and are pleased to revise the rate of change allowance of part-Time Administrators appointed to manage the affairs of Co-operative Societies as 10% of the Basic Pay in view of the G.O.(P)No.1559/99(26)/Fin,Dated.7-7-1999 subject to the conditions laid down in Rule 48 Part I. Kerala Service Rules.
By Order of the Governor
V.G. Indira Bai Amma
Joint Secretary to Government
The following notification was published in the Kerala Gazette Extra Ordinary in Vol. 45 No. 2107 dated 30th November 2000 that is 9th Agrahayana 1922.
Co-operation (B) Department
G.O.(P) No.149/2000/Co-op Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 17th November, 2000
S.R.O. NO. 1098/2000 :- WHEREAS, under sub-section 91 of section 59 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969 (21 of 1969), a Society shall not make a loan to any person or a society other than a member.
AND WHEREAS, a large number of public works of Local Self Government are undertaken through the Beneficiary Committiees constituted by the Local Self Government Institutions under people campaign programme. Beneficiary Committees enter into an agreement with the Local Self Government Institutions and based on the agreement, an advance not exceeding 25% of the cost of work or Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees one lakh) whichever is less is given by Local Self Government Institutions for executing the work and such advance is adjusted from future bills, by the Local Self Government Institutions. By experience it has come to notice that for works involving huge amounts, mobilisation of advances is not enough, and that the beneficiary Committee have to mobilise additional funds for completing the works in time.
AND WHEREAS, Government have considered the proposal of the Beneficiary Committee exploring the possibilities of availin g credit facilities from the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies of the locality having surplus funds after meeting the normal loan requirements to their members.
AND WHEREAS, the Government are satisfied that it is necessary in public interest, to exempt the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies having surplus funds from the prov isions of sub section (1) of section 59 of said Act for the limited purpose of enabling them to sanction cash credit or overdraft facility to the Beneficiary Committees appointed by the Local Self Government Institutions for the execution of Public works of such Local Self Government Institutions.
Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 101 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969, the Government of Kerala hereby exempt all the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies from the provisions of sub-section(1) of section 59 of the said Act for the limited purpose of enabling the said Primary Agricultural credit Societies to sanction cash Credit or Overdraft facility to the Beneficiary Committees for the execution of Public works of Local Self Government Institutions undertaken by such Committee on condition that such amounts should not exceed 50% of the cost of such work on the recommendation and guarantee executed by the rate prevailing for loans to non-agricultural purpose. The concerned Local Self Government Institutions shall give a guarantee to the said society that all dues to the Beneficiary Committee would be raised from the final bill and credited to the said society.
By Order of the Governor
C.P. Sreelatha
Additional Secretary to Government
The following notification was published in Kerala Gazatte Extra Ordinary Vol. 45 No. 1159 dated 21st June 2000 that is 31st Jyaistha 1922
Taxes (E) Department
G.O.(P) No. 92/2000/TD Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 12th June, 2000
S.R.O.No.563/2000 :- In exercise of the powers confered by section 78 of the Registration Act,1908(Central Act 16 of 1908), the Government of Kerala hereby make the following further amendment to Table of Fees prescribed in the notification issued under G.O.(P)147/77/TD. dated 23rd November 1977 and published as S.R.O.No.1112/77 in the Kerala Gazette No.50 dated 13th December,1977 namely.
In the said Notification, in Article I, in Note (vii) to sub-clause (i) of clause (a) after the words “two lakhs” the following words shall be inserted, namely:-
“and for the release deeds thereof”
This notification shall come into force at once.
By Order of the Governor
Nalini Netto
Secretary to Government
Explanatory Note
(This does not form part of the order but is intended to indicate its general purport)
As per G.O.(P) 251/95/TD dated 25-10-1995 Government have reduced registration fee from 2% to 1% for mortgaging the documents for securing agricultural loans through Co-operative Societies and housing loans through Housing Co-operative Societies up to two lakhs. But the registration fee for the release documents of the loans has not been reduced from 2% to 1%. So many representations have been received from the public on this issue. Government have examined the issue in detail and has decided to reduce the registration fee from 2% to 1% for the release deed executed for securing agricultural loans through Co-operative Societies and Housing loans through Housing Co-operative Societies up to Rs.2 lakhs.
The notification is intended to achieve the above object.
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
klIcWw -- kwØm\ klIcW _m¦ntebpw PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIfntebpw ]mÀ«v ssSw InP³kn Poh\¡mÀçÅ saUn¡Â Aeh³vkv ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨psImv D¯chp ]pds¸Sphnçì.
klIcW (_n) hæ¸v
Pn.H.(BÀ.än) \¼À 439/2000 kl Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn 17--10--2000
]cmaÀiw : 1. 21--10--97 se k.D.(km[m) 396/97/kl \¼À kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv.
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 17--6--2000 se C(1) 2317/2000 \¼À I¯v.
kwØm\ klIcW _m¦nsebpw PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIfntebpw ]mÀ«v ssSw InP³kn Poh\¡mÀ¡v ]cmaÀiw H¶nse kÀ¡mÀ D¯chp {]Imcw AëhZn¨n«pÅ {]XnhÀj saUn¡Â Aeh³kv 300 cq]bn \nìw 500 cq]bmbn (Aªqdv cq] am{Xw) hÀ²n¸n¨psImv kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì.
KhÀWdpsS D¯chn³ {]Imcw
]n.sI. hnjvWp \¼qXncn
AÀ sk{I«dn
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
s]mXphnZym`ymkw Kh¬sa³dv/FbnUUv kvIqfpIfnse kv¡qÄ klIcW kwLw sk{I«dnamcpsS NpaXe hln¡p¶ A²ym]IcpsS tlmWtddnbw ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p
s]mXphnZym`ymk (sP) hIp¸v
Pn.H. (Fw. Fkv.) 282/2000/ s]m. hn. h. Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 16.8.2000
]cmaÀiw : 1. Pn. H. (Fw.Fkv) 119/81/s] XnbXn, 27.6.81
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS kn. Fkv.(5) 12081/90
XnbXn, 25.8.90 kn.Fkv (5) 48756/96 XnbXn
15.2.97, kn.Fkv. (5) 54092/98 XnbXn 7.6.2000 I¯pIÄ
kwØm\s¯ Kh¬sa³dv/ FbnUUv kvIqÄ klIcW kwLw sk{I«dnamcpsS NpaXe hln¡p¶ A²ym]IÀ¡v, ]cmaÀiw 1 se kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv {]Imcw \nivNbn¨ {]Xnamkw ]camh[n tlmWtddnbw 50 cq]bn \n¶pw 100 cq]bmbn (\qdv cq]) kwLw ss_tembv¡pw, sI.Fkv.BÀ. ]mÀ«v H¶nse dqÄ 48 se hyhØIÄ¡pw hbt[bambn ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨psImv D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
KhÀ®dpsS D¯chn³ {]Imcw
sI. \fn\n
AUojWÂ sk{I«dn
The Government Order shown below was published in the Kerala Gazette Extra Ordinary Vol. 45 No. 2277 dated 28th December 2000 that is 7th Pousha 1922.
Taxes (E) Department
G. O. (P) No. 177/200/TD Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 21st December, 2000
S.R.R.No. 1194/2000 :- In Exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 (17 of 1959), the Government of Kerala, being of opinion that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby remit the Stamp duty with which the document to be executed by the Co-operative Societies of the Scheduled Castes and Secheduled Tribes for thier business purpose, are chargeable under the said Act.
By order of the Governor
V.S. Senthil
Secretary to Government
Explanatory Note
(This does not form part of the order, but is intended to indicate
its general purport)
The Stamp duty exemption ordered as per G. O.(Ms.) 795/60/Agri. dated 8th October, 1960 is not sufficient to give Stamp duty exemption for the registration of documents executed by the Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes’ Co-operative Societies have represented Government to allow the benefit of the Stamp duty exemption. Government have decided to allow the request.
The above order is intended to achieve this object.
No. MT (1) 42410/99 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 11.7.2001
Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
All Co-operative Hospitals
Sub : Co operative Department - Co-operative Hospital in Kerala Operation of X-rays machines by insufficiently trained technologists regarding
Ref : 1. Letter No. DRS/Co-op. Hospitals/99/01 dated 6.7.99 of the Director of Radiation Safety
2. This Office letter No. MT(1) 30383/99 dated 26.7.99
3. G. O. (Rt) 248/Co-op. Dted 19.5.2001
Director of Radiation safety vide letter 1st cited has informed that X-Ray machines can be operated for diagnestic purposes only by the technologist who have adequate training in all aspects related to those fields and whose qualifications are approved for the same. Government of Kerala and Kerala Public Service Commission have approved Diploma in Radiological Technology (DRT) (earlier CRA) course conducted by the Directorate of Medical Education for appointments as X-Ray Technologist or Radiographers. Direction of Radiation safety has also pointed that section 10.10 of Atomic Energy regulatory Board Code cited above states “Any person who contravenes the provisions of Radiation protection Rules 1971 elaborated in this code of any other terms or conditions of certification granted to him by the competent. authority is punishable under section 24-Section 25 and Section 26 of the Atomic Energy Act 1962. The punishment may include imprisonment or fines or both”.
Director has also requested Registrar of Co-operative Societies to direct all the Co-operative Hospital to ensure that the technologist who actually handle X-ray machines posses the Government approved qualifications mentioned earlier and asked Registrar of Cooperative Societies to take urgent steps to relieve the existing “Radiographers” who do not possess the approved qualification and re-deploy them if possible in other jobs and take necessary urgent steps to appoint X-ray Technologist/Radiuographers with Government approved qualification.
Accordingly copies of the reference letter I” cited were send all Co-operative Hospitals in Kerala for compliance, Government in G. O third cited asked Registrar of Co-op. Societies of direct the Co-operative Hospital Societies to re-deploy the radiographers/X-ray Technologist who do not possess the Government approved qualification I suitable posts.
Hence all Co-operative Hospitals in the state are directed to ensure that the technologist who actually handle X-ray machines possess the Government approved qualifications mentioned earlier and re-deploy the existing Radiographers who do not possess the approved qualification in suitable posts by giving them all legal protection.
Yours faithfully
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Co-operation Establishment - Departmental Officers appointed as Part-time Administrators in Co-operatives under Section 32 and 33 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act- rate of additional remundration-revised-Orders issued.
G..O.(Rt) No. 525/2000/Co-op Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 22-11-2000
Read : 1. G..O.(Rt) No.1568/74/ AD dated 5-7-1974
2. G.O.(P) No.1559/99/ (26) Fin dated 7-7-1999
3. Letter No.G(1) 36860/99 dated 19-1-2000, 20-7-2000 from the RCS, Thiruvananthapuram
As per Government Order read as first paper above. Government had granted permission under Rules 46 & 47 part I, Kerala Service Rules to the officers of Co-operative Department, appointed as Part Time Administrators in Co-operative Societies to receive additional remuneration subject Rules and subject to the condition that the additional remuneration should not exceed 20% of their basic pay.
2. As per Government Order read as II paper above Government ordered that the rates of charge allowance will be changed from 20% of pay to allowance equal to 10% of pay for holding additional charge.
3. The Registrar of Co-operative Societies therefore requested vide letter read as third paper above to fix the additional remuneration payable to Part Time Administrators appointed to manage the affairs of societies in view of Government Order 2nd Cited under Section 32 and 33 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act.
4. Government have examined the matter in detail and are pleased to revise the rate of change allowance of part-Time Administrators appointed to manage the affairs of Co-operative Societies as 10% of the Basic Pay in view of the G.O.(P)No.1559/99(26)/Fin,Dated.7-7-1999 subject to the conditions laid down in Rule 48 Part I. Kerala Service Rules.
By Order of the Governor
V.G. Indira Bai Amma
Joint Secretary to Government
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
s]mXphnZym`ymkw - Kh¬saâv / FbnUUv kv¡qfpIfnse kv¡qÄ klIcW kwLw sk{I«dnamêsS NpaXe hlnç¶ A²ym]IêsS tlmWtädnbw ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì.
s]mXp hnZym`ymk (sP) hæ¸v
Pn.H.(Fw.Fkv.) 282/2000/s]m. hn. h. Xnêh\´]pcw, XnbXn 16.-8.-2000
]cmaÀiw : 1. Pn.H. (Fw.Fkv.) 119/81/s] XobXn 27 - 6 - 81
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS kn.Fkv.5. 1208/90 XobXn 25-8-90, kn.Fkv.(5) 48756/96 XobXn 15-2-97, kn.Fkv(5) 54092/98 XobXn 7-6-2000 I¯pIÄ
kwØm\s¯ Kh¬saâv/FbnUUv kv¡qfpIfnse kvIqÄ klIcWkwLw sk{I«dnamêsS NpaXe hlnç¶ A²ym]IÀ¡v, ]cmaÀiw 1 se kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv {]Imcw \nivNbn¨v {]Xnamkw ]camh[n tlmWtädnbw 50 cq]mbn \nìw 100 cq]bmbn (\qdv cq]) kwLw ss_emípw sI.Fkv.BÀ. ]mÀ«v H¶nse dqÄ 48se hyhØIÄçw hnt[bambn ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨p sImv D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì.
KhÀWdpsS D¯chn³{]Imcw
sI. \fn\n
AUnjWÂ sk{I«dn
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