Thursday, 27 October 2011



Finance (Pay Revision Cell - C) Department
No.14/2003/Fin                              Thiruvanathapuram, Dated 17th January, 2003
Sub : Payment of House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance at enhanced rate-Employees of Grama Panchayat areas added with Corporation and Municipal Towns of Thrissur and Kollam-Clarifications issued
Ref : 1. G. O. (P) No. 3000/98/Fin Dated 25.11.1998
2. G. O. (Ms) No. 237/99/LSGD Dated 10.12.1999
3. Circular No. 34/2001/Fin Dated 8.5.2001
4. Government Letter No. 81186/PRC.C3/2001/Fin Dated 8.10.2001
5. D.O. Letter No. Co-ord. 11/10-38/HRA. V/182 dated 25.10.2002 from the Deputy Accountant General (Accounts & VLC), Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram
As per the Government Letter cited, it has been instructed that employees working in Grama Panchayat areas which are added with Thiruvananthapuram City Corporation and Neyyattinkara Municipality are eligible for House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance at the rate applicable to respective Corporation and Municipial areas subject to the conditions as contemplated in Government Circular cited above. Subsequently, the Deputy Accountant General in his letter refferred to above has sought clarification as to whether the employees working in Grama Panchayat areas which are merged with Thrissur and Kollam Municipal Corporations are eligible for House Rent Allowance at the rates applicable to respective Municipal Corporations (“C” class cities).
Government have examined the issue and are pleased to clarify that the employees working in the Grama Panchayat areas which are merged with Thrissur and Kollam Municipal Corporations shall be eligible for House Rent Allowance at the rates applicable to respective Municipal Corporations (“C” class cities) with effect from 1.10.2000.
By Order of the Governor
K.J. Raju
Additional Secretary (Finance)
Economy - Economy in expenditure - Abolition of posts kept vacant over one year - Modification - Orders issued
G. O. (P) No. 110/2003/Fin        Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 21st February 2003
Read : 1. G. O.(P) No. 1208/2001/Fin Dated 22.10.2001
As per the Government Order read, it was ordered that all posts lying vacant over one year should be abolished.
On review Government have found that there are a number of posts lying vacant in various departments, for over one year on account of the following reasons:
(a) Vacancies reported to Public Service Commission but advice not yet received.
(b) Promotions kept in abeyance for want of finalisation of Special Rules.
(c) Stay orders from High Court.
In the circumstances Government have examined the matter and are pleased to exempt the above three categories from the purview of the Government Order read above.
By order of the Governor
Sudha Pillai
Principal Secretary (Finance)
Stores purchased Department-purchase of Hospital-furniture Equipments from SIDCO by Government Department/Public Sector undertaking/Local bodies without tender-period of Validity-Extended-orders issued
G. O. (RT) NO. 14/2003/SFD                               Thiruvananthapuram, Dated19.3.2003
Read : 1. G. O. (Rt) No. 53/399/SFD dated 7.12.1999
2. G. O. (Rt) No. 27/2000 SFD dated 31.3.2000
3. G. O. (Rt) No. 7/2001 SFD dated 7.2.2001.
4. Lr. No. PF&M/Sl.on/2001-02 dated 30.1.2003 from the Chairman & Executive Director, SIDCO
In the Government order read as first paper above orders were issued permitting all Government Departments/public sector under takings etc. to place their orders for purchase of Steel Fabricated Hospital Furniture including Hospital and Lab Equipments except on items covered under rate contract and Directors General of supplies and Disposals rate contract directly from Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDCO) without following tender formalities for a period of one year from the date of issue of the order in relaxation of para 57 (a) (1) of store purchases Manual, provided the concession would be applicable only to the products manufactured data SIDCO own premises and the price were fixed as per the Government order read as second paper above. Later as per the validity of the above orders up to 7.12.2001. The Chairman & Executive Director of SIDCO was requested Government to extend the concession for a further period of two more year from 7.12.2002. 2. Government have examined the matter in detail and the pleased to extend the validity of the Government order read as first on condition that there is no variation in the prices of the items of Hospital and Lab Equipments from the rates fixed in G. O. (RT) No. 27/2000/SPD dated 31.3.2000 and subject to the following conditions also. (1) Heads of Department/Public sector undertakings/Legal self Government Department place orders for purchases of stell Fabricated Hospital Furniture, Hospital Equipments and Lab Equipments from SIDCO which are purely manufactured locally by SIDCO and the SSI Units in the state registered with SIDCO.
(ii) The direction issued in the circular No. 2117/A3/2002/SFD dated 4.9.2002 as amended in circular No. 4361/A3/2001/SFD dated 18.3.2002 (Copy attached) will be followed strictly by the purchasing officers before orders are placed with the SIDCO.
By order of the Governor
K. Gopakumar
Joint Secretary to Government

\¼À Pn.(2) 44404/02                    klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 17/1/03
B^okv HmÀUÀ \¼À 1/2003
hnjbw : klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Sm-À B^oknkv e`nç¶ Hm.]nIÄ, Hm.]nIsf kw_Ônç¶ hnhc§Ä \S]Sn{Iaw kw_ Ôn¨v
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okn e`nç¶ Hm.]nIÄ, Hm.]nIsf kw_Ônç¶ hnhc§Ä F¶nhsb kw_Ôn¨v \nehn hyàamb [mcWtbm,  Hm.]n.IfpsS \nehnepÅ AhØtbm Adnbm³ Ignbp¶nÃ. Ìm^v aoÁnwKpIfnepw aÁpw amÀK \nÀt±i§Ä \ÂInbn«ps­¦nepw BbXn\v Dt±in¨ {--]tbmP\w e`n¡m¯ kmlNcyamWv \nehnepÅXv.  Hm.]n. X]m sk£\n e`nç¶Xp apX \S]Sn Ahkm\n¸nç¶Xphsc \nÝnXamb Hcp \S]Sn{Iaw BhiyamsWì Imé¶Xn\m C¡mcy¯n NphsS ]cmaÀinç¶ amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^oknkv e`nç¶ Hm.]n.IÄ X]m sk£\n \nìw Id­v \¼À C«Xnëtijw sU]yq«n                                                               cPnkv{SmÀ (`cWw) sk£³ amÀ¡v sNbvXv em B^okÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw, em B^okÀ ]cntim[n¨Xnëtijw XncnsI X]m sk£s\ GÂ]nt¡­Xpw X]m sk£³ Sn.Hm.]n. AìXs¶ --_Ôs¸« sk£ë \ÂtI­XpamWv.  sk£³ kq{]­pamÀ At¸mÄ Xs¶ Snbmsâ ssIhiw kq£n¨n«pÅ \nÝnX tImf§Ä DÄs¡mÅp¶ cPnÌdn (amXrI CtXmsSm¸w AS¡w sN¿p¶p.-- Aë-_Ôw-- (1) tcJs¸Sp¯epIÄ hcpt¯­Xpw. Hm.]nsb kw_Ôn¨ sk£³ ssIImcyw sN¿p¶ C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ, em B^okdpsS ssIhiw kq£n綠 cPnÌÀIqSn tcJs¸Spt¯­XpamWv.  Hm.]n. ^bem¡nb tijw, ^bent\msSm¸w sk£\nse Hm.]n cPnÌÀ IqSnh¨v em B^okÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw cPnÌdn em B^okÀ H¸v tcJs¸Spt¯­XpamWv.  sk£³ X¿mdm¡n kaÀ¸nç¶ hkvXpXm kw{Ka dnt¸mÀ«v sk£³ kq{]­v/tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ/AUojW cPnkv{SmÀ apJm´ncw em B^okÀ¡v  ]cntim[\ív \ÂtI­Xpw hkvXpXm kwKa dnt¸mÀ«v Abç¶ thfbnepw FXnÀkXyhmMvaqew ^b sN¿p¶Xv, CS¡me hn-[n, A´nahn[n F¶nh At¸mÄ Xs¶ em B^okÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw, em B^okdpsS A`n{]mbw Bcmtb­XpamWv.  Hcp Hm.] kw_Ôn¨v ^b \S]Sn Ahkm\n¸nç¶Xn\v ap¼v \nÀ_Ôambpw em B^okÀ¡v ^b Ab¨v Ab¨v A`n{]mbwBcmªncnt¡­XmWv.
H.]n. cPnÌÀ  sk£³ kq{]­v/_Ôs¸« sU]yq«n cPnk.{SmÀ/tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ / AUnjW cPnkv{SmÀ F¶nhÀ¡v X³]Xnhv t]cns\m¸w ]cntim[\ív kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw aq¶p amk¯nsemcn¡Â em B^okÀ¡v \nÀ_Ôambpw ]cntim[\ív kaÀ¸nt¡­XpamWv.
CtXmsSm¸w tImSXobe£y tIkpIsf kw_Ôn¨v  Aë_Ôw 2.³ {]ImcapÅ s{]mt^mÀabn (amXrI CtXmsSm¸w DÅS¡w sN¿pì.) Hê cPnÌÀ kq£nt¡­Xpw, Hm.] kw_Ôn¨pÅ ta ]cmaÀin¨v FÃm \S]Sn{Ia§fpw C¡mcy¯nepw ]ment¡­XpamWv.
Hm.]nbn³taepw, tImSXobe£y tIkpIfn³taepw DÅ \S]Sn{Ia§-Ä sk£\nepw em B^okdpsS ssIhiapÅ cPnÌdpIfn tcJs¸ Spt¯­ NpaXe _Ôs¸« sk£³ ssIImcyw sN¿p¶ ¢mÀ¡v/C³kvs]ÎÀamcn \n£n]vXambncnç¶Xpw C¡mcy¯n D­mhp¶ hogvNív Snbm³amÀ am{Xw D¯chmZnIfmbncnç¶XpamWv.
Hm.]n./tImSXobe£y  tIkpIsf kw_Ônç¶ hnhc§Ä kq£nç¶XnëÅ cPnÌÀ kÀ¡mÀ AwKoImcw hm§n Kh¬saâv {]Êv aptJ\ {]nâv sNbvXp e`nç¶Xphsc sk£ëIÄ Sn. cPnÌÀ FgpXn  kq£nt¡­XmWv.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv

1. O.P.No.
2. File No.
3. Name(s) of the petitioner (s)
4. Name (s) of the Respondent (s)
5. Date of receipt of notice
6. Date of return of notice
7. Date of posting for first hearing
8. Number and date of letter requesting the Advocate General to enter appearance
9. particulars of stay order or interim direction if any
10.Action taken for getting the stay order vacated
11. Whether stay order was  vacated/extended/made absolute
12. Date of forwarding the Statement of Facts
13. Details of further communications, if any,  from the Advocate General
14. Date of judgement and Gist of the final order passed
15. Direction if any, given by the Court to the department and the limit, if any, prescribed               for complying with the direction
16.Action taken to comply with the Courts direction and the number and date o f    communication in which it was complied with
(a) Number of the OPs and gist of Court order to be implemented
(b) Date of receipt of the order
(c) Date on which tim e limit expires.
(d) Date on which petition for extension of time filed.
(e) Date on which extension of time, if any granted, expires
(f) Date on which the order of the court implemented
(g) Number and date of the appeal/review/revision if any filed, and gist of the order
(h) Date of receipt of the final order of the court
(i) Date of expiry of the time limit in the final order
(j) Whether moved for further extension of time, if so, date or which affidavit filed.
(k) Whether extension of time granted, if so date on which time limit expires
(l ) Date on which final  orders of the court are implemented

\¼À. kn._n.(2)                        klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 21.01.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 2/03
hnjbw : klIcWhæ¸v-kwØm\s¯/_m¦pIÄ \ÂInhê¶ ImÀjntIXc hmbv]IfpsS ]eni\nc¡v ]pXp¡n \nÝbnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨ D¯chv-- ip²o]{Xw ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : Cu B^oknsâ 45/ \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\bnse kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i¯n JWvUnIbnse hmNIw Xmsg¸dbp¶ {]Imcw Xnê¯n hmbntç­XmWv.  ]p\À hmbv]bmbn {]mYanI kwL§-Ä PnÃm _m¦nt\bpw,  PnÃmklIcW _m¦pIÄ klIcW _m¦ns\bpw kao]nçhm³ ta¸dª coXnbn Ém_pXe¯nepÅ BëIqeyw e`n¡Wsa¦n Izm­wsshkv tÌÁvsaâv IpSn At]£tbmsSm¸w \nÀ_Ôambpw kaÀ¸n¨ncn¡Ww
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀPv
No. MT(2) 32958/2002           Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 22-1-2003
Circular No.3/2003
Sub : Kerala State Co-operative Institute of Information Technology Electronics & Communications Ltd.No.4435- “COSTECH”-Formal sanction for conducting computerliteracy programme-Instructions issued
Ref : Letter No. COS/LIT/TRA/04 dated, 4.1.03 of Managing Director,  “COSTECH”
A 100% State Computer Literacy campaign in Co-operative Sector was inagurated at Thiiruvananthapuram on December 2nd, 2002 on the occassion of World Computer Literacy Day celebrations.  “COSTECH” a state level Co-operative society in information Technology is programming to provide 100% Computer Literacy to the people in Co-operative sector within next Six months.  So they requested to give permission for conducting Literacy programme in the state and to give direction to the Co-operative Societies in the State to the participate in the bring computer awarness to the employees of the Co-operative sector, “COSTECH”, (Kerala State Co-operative Institute of Information Technology Electronics & Communications Ltd.No.4435) is permitted to conduct Computer Literacy Programme to the employees of Co-operative Societies in the State.  With direction to the Co-operative Societies in the State to Co-operative with the “COSTECH” on the basis of the programmes scheduled by them allowing employees to participate in the  Computer Literacy Programme.  The Co-operative Societies may utilise their own funds for providing computer Literacy to the employees in the regard.
J. Raveendraraju
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in-charge
No.CB(4)46969/2002                          Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 23-1-2003
Circular No.4/2003
Sub : Newly registered unlicensed urban Co-operative banks violation of BR Act 1949. Action taken in the light of the judgement of honourable High Court Kerala Instructions Issued
Ref : Common judgment of the honourable High Court of Kerala in OP No. 29903 and 12 other OPs of 2001 and OP. No. 2029 and 20 other OPs of 2002 dated 29-11-2002
The registration  of new unlicensed urban co-operative banks as per the provisions of rule 15(1) A(3) of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act. 1969 were challenged a number of original petition field before the Honourable High Court of Kerala.  In a common judgement cited, the Honourable High Court of Kerala on 29th November 2002 has directed, the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, the Government and the RBI to take appropriate steps in the light of and to set things in order withing two months in respect of cases where action has been intiated already for violation of statutary provision and in other cases within two months from the date of receipt of appropriate representation.  A meeting of the High level officers of the Reserve Bank of India and the Officers of the Government of Kerala Department of Co-operation in this connection was held on 30-12-2002 to discuss and to comply with the judgement.  The following decision were taken in the said meeting.
(1) Circular instruction may be issued to all registered unlicensed urban Co-operative Banks to stop any violation of Banking Regulation act based on the common judgement of the Honourable High Court of Kerala.
(2) Convert the existing registered unlicensed Urban Co-operative Banks into Urban Co-operative Societies by making corresponding changes in clauses of the bye-laws,
(3) After completing all formalities, the registered unlicensed Urban Co-operative Banks (after con-version into societies) will report the fact to the Reserve Bank of India through the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.  In the above circumstances, the following instructions are issued.
(4) All registered un licensed Urban co-operative Banks are directed to stop any violation of Banking Regulation Act based on the common Judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala.
(2) All the existing Unlicence urban Co-operative Banks are directed to change their names as Urban Co-operative Societies by making corresponding changes in the clauses of the Bye-laws within 2 months from the date of this circular.
All Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (General) in the districts are directed to report the fact to the Reserve Bank of India through this office after completing all formalities within stipulated time limit.  Any delay in this matter will be viewed seriously.
J. Raveendra Raju
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\¼À. F.Un.FÂ(2) 2228/2003            klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 23.1.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 5/2003
hnjbw : klIcW h æ¸v- Iw]yq«dnsâ tXbvam\ ^­v BUnÁn IW¡mç¶Xn\v amÀ¤ \nÀt±iw \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
I¼yq«À Øm]n¨n«pÅ klIcW Øm]\§fnse BUnÁv \S¯p¶ Ahkc¯n I¼yq«dnsâ tXbvam\ ^­v IW¡mç¶Xv FÃmklIcW Øm]\§fnepw Htc coXnbneà F¶Xv {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì. ]e BUnÁÀamêw C¡mcyw klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmêsS {i²bn sIm­phcnIbpw  Hê s]mXp amÀ¤ \nÀt±iw C¡mcy¯n BhiyamsW¶v AdnbnçIbpw sNbvXncnçì.  Cu kmlNcy¯n I¼yq«dnsâ tXbvam\ ^­v IW¡mç¶Xn\v Xmsg ]dbp ¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
I¼yq«dnsâ tXbvam\w aq¶v hÀjwsIm­v Xoc¯¡ hn[¯n Xmsg ]dbpw {]Imcw IW¡mt¡­XmWv.
        H¶mw hÀjw                 34 iXam\w
        c­mw hÀjw                 33 iXam\w
        aq¶mw hÀjw                 33 iXam\w
apIfnse \nÀt±i§Ä I¼yq«À Øm]n¨n«pÅ FÃm hn`mK§fnepw s]« klIcW Øm]\§Äçw _m-[IamWv.  klIcWkwL§fnse BUnäÀamÀ tXbvam\^­v IW¡mçt¼mÄ C¡mcyw IÀi\ambpw ]men¨ncnt¡­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À.                                     klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn
kÀçeÀ \¼À 6/2003
hnjbw : tIcf tÌäv tIm.Hm¸tdÁohv tlmkv]nÁ tImw¹Ivkv Bâv skâÀ t^mÀ AUvhm\nkvUv saUn¡Â kÀÆokkv enanÁUv \¼À 438 ]cnbmcw Ønc\nt£]¯pI kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. 16.9.02 î kÀ¡mÀ Xe¯n IqSnb tbmKXoêam\w
2. ta klIcWkwL¯nse amt\PnwKv UbdIvSdpsS 16.1.2003 se I¯v \¼À tIcf tÌÁv tIm Hm¸tdÁohv tlmkv]nÁ tImw¹Ivkv Bâv skâÀ t^mÀ AUzm³kvUv saUn¡Â kÀÆokvUv enanÁUn Ønc \nt£]w \S¯nbn«pÅ {]mYanI kwL§fpsS \nt£]¯pI Xncn¨v \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v _Ôs¸«hêsS Hê tbmKw kÀ¡mÀ Xe¯n IqSn {]kvXpX tbmK¯nse Xoêam\{]Imcw Xmsg¸dbp¶ hnhc§Ä Adnbnçì. \nt£]hpw ]¯ciXam\w ]enibpw tNÀ¯v XpI Hmlcnbmbn amdp¶Xn\v \S]Sn kzoIcn ¡mhp¶XmWv. HmlcnsbSp¡m³ XmÂ]cyanÃm¯ kwL§Ä¡v Ønc\nt£]w \S¯nb XobXn apX Sn. XpIív 10.5% ]eni klnXw Ønc\nt£]w ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¡mhp¶XmsW¶ kqN\ (2) se I¯v {]Imcw Sn. klIcW kwL¯nse amt\PnwKv UbdIvSÀ Adnbn¨ncnçì
Sn.klIcW kwL¯n Ønc\nt£]w \S¯nbn«pÅ klIcW kwL§fpsS enÌv CtXmsSm¸w Abçì. Xm¦fpsS PnÃbn {]hÀ¯nç¶, C{]Imcw \nt£]w \S¯nbn«pÅ klIcW kwL§fpsS Hê tbmKw hnfnçIbpw ta¸dª Sn klIcW kwL§fpambn NÀ¨ sNbvXv DNnXamb Hê ]cnlmcw ImtW­Xpw B hnhcw tIcfm  tÌÁv tIm.Hm¸tdÁohv tlmkv]nÁ tImw¹ Ivkv amt\PnwKv UbdÎsd tcJmaqew Adnnbnt¡­XpamWv.  Xm¦Ä kzoIcn¨ \     \S]Sn{Ia§Ä Cu Hm^nzknteçv Adnbnt¡­pamWv
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À Pn1 /7399/2003                       klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 21.3.03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 7/2003
hnjbw :- klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS \nb{´W¯n {]hÀ¯nç¶ hnhn[ As]Ivkv klIcWØm]\§fnse sNbÀam³/{]knUâpamÀ¡v tlmWtddnbw hÀ²n¸n¨p \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ :- 1) klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 26.4.00 se kÀçeÀ \¼À 19/2000
2) kl.kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 22.10.02se Fw.]n. (4) 34406/02 \¼À D¯chv
3) kl.kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS kn.Fk.(1)54201/99 \¼À D¯chv
4) kl.kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 21.7.00 se Fw.]n. 5/24114/00 \¼À D¯chv
5) tIcf kwØm\ klIcW I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³ amt\PnwKv UbdÎdpsS 20.11.02 se I¯v
6) tIcf tIcIÀjI klIcWs^Utdj³ amt\PnwKv UbdÎcpsS I¯v
kqN\ 1 {]Imcw tIcf kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v F¶oØm]\§fnse {]knUâpamÀ¡v {]Xnamkw 4000/- cq] hoXhpw kqN\ 2 {]Imcw tIcf tIc IÀjI klIcW s^Utdj³ sNbÀam\v 2500/- cq]bpw, kqN\ 3 {]Imcw tIcf kwØm\ I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³ {]knUân\v 2500/ cq]bpw, kqN\ 4 {]Imcw tIcf kwØm\ klIcW dºÀ amÀ¡ÁnwKvs^Utdj³ sNbÀam\v 3000/ cq]bpw tlmWtddnbw AëhZn¨psIm­v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¨n«p­v.  kqN\ 5,6 F¶nh {]Imcw bYm{Iaw tIcf kwØm\ klIcW I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³ {]knUânîw, tIcf tIc IÀjI klIcW s^Utdj³ sNbÀamîw, AhÀ¡v e`nç¶ tlmWtddnbpw  XpI 4000/ cq]bmbn hÀ²n¸n¡sa¶v Bhiys¸«nêì.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS \nb{´W¯n ]dbp¶ As]Ivkv klIcW kwL§fnse sNbÀam³/{]knUâpamÀ¡v  hnhn[ \nc¡nemWv Ct¸mÄ tlmWtddnbw \evIn hê¶Xv  F¶ kmlNcy¯nepw Ah GIoIcnç¶Xv DNnXambncnçw  F¶Xn\mepw Sn XpI hÀ²n¸n¡Wsa¶ Bhiyw D¶bn¨ncnç¶Xn\mepw kwØm\s¯ klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS \nb{´W¯nepÅ Xmsg ]dbp¶ As]Ivkv klIcW Øm]\§fnse {]knUâv/sNbÀam³ F¶nhêsS tlmWtddnbw {]Xnamkw 4000/- cq]bmbn ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨psIm­v D¯chmçì.
1) tIcf kwØm\ klIcW I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³ FdWmæfw
2) tIcf tIcIÀjI klIcW s^Utdj³, Xnêh\´]pcw
3) tIcf kwØm\ klIcW d_À amÀ¡ÁnwKv s^Utdj³, FdWmæfw
FdWmæf¯pÅ tIcf kwØm\ klIcW luknwKv s^Utdj³, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW amÀ¡ÁnwKv s^Utdj³, F¶o klIcW As]Ivkv Øm]\§fnse {]knUâpamÀçw 4000/ cq] {Ia¯n tlmWtddnbpw \nPs¸Sp¯pì.
{]kvXpX \nc¡v _Ôs¸« As]Ivkv klIcW s^UtdjîIfnse Ct¸mgs¯ `cWkanXn NmÀPv FSp¯ XobXn apX {]m_ey¯n hê¶Xmbncnçw.
sP. cho{µ cmPp
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv

\¼À.kn.Pn.(1) 6954/2003                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 21.2.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 8/2003
hnjbw : 24-maXv klIcW \nt£] kamlcW bÚt¯msSm¸w \S¯p¶ æSnÈnI \nÀ½mÀÖ\ ]cn]mSn - IrXyambn hmbv] Xncn¨Síp¶hÀ¡v ]eni Cfhv \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v  
kqN\ : 1. 11.2.2003Â IqSnb PnÃm klIcW _mèIfpsS kt½f\ Xoêam\w
2. 11.2.2003 _lp: klIcW XpdapJ hæ¸v a{´nbpsS A²y£Xbn IqSnb 24-.mwaXv \nt£] kamlcW bÚw IpSnÈnI \nÀamÀÖ\w F¶nhIsf kw_Ôn¨v IqSnb kwØm\Xe tbmK Xoêam\w
kwØm\s¯ hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS B`napJy¯n \S¯s¸Sp¶ 24.mwaXv klIcW \nt£] kamlcWbÚt¯msSm¸w hmbv]m IpSnÈnI ædípI F¶ e£yt¯msS \S¯nhê¶ æSnÈnI \nÀ½mÀÖ\ ]cn]mSn 2003 amÀ¨v amkw XobXn apX XobXnhsc \S¯m³ kqN\ Hì, c­p {]Imcw Xoêam\n¨n«p­v.
klIcW kwL§fn \ns¶Sp¯ hmbv] IrXyambn Xncn¨Síp¶hÀ¡v t{]mÕml\w \Âæ¶Xn\v \nt£] kamlcW bÚw BNcnç¶ Imebfhn hmbv] XpI IrXyambn ASíp¶hÀ¡v AXmXv kwL§ÄXs¶ Hê iXam\w (1%) ]eni Cfhv \ÂtI­XmWv. IqSmsX {]kvXpX Imebfhn Ønc \nt£]§Ä¡v 1/2% IqSpX ]enibpw \ÂtI­XmWv. \nt£] kamlcW bÚw Bcw`nç¶ amÀ¨v Hì apX Xs¶ CXn\vv {]m_eyw \ÂtI­XmWv \nt£] kamlcW bÚw Ahkm\n¨v 10 Znhk§Ä¡Iw NphsS tNÀ¯ncnç¶ hnhc§Ä PnÃm Xe¯n t{ImUoIcn¨v Cu B^oknteív Ab¨pXtc­XmWv.
1. IpSnÈnI \nÀ½mÀÖ\ ]cn]mSn \S¸nem¡nb kwL§fpsS F®w
2. Cu Imebfhn IrXyambn Xncn¨S¨ hmbv]IfpsS F®w
3. IrXyambn Xncn¨S¨ hmbv]XpI
4. IrXyambn Xncn¨S¨ ]eni
5. 1% ]eni Cfhv \ÂInb XpI
31.3.2003 hsc {]m_ey¯nepÅXpw 31.3.2002 hscbpÅ IpSnÈnI AS¨pXoÀç¶Xn\v klIcW kwL§Äçw æSnÈnI¡mcmb hmbv]¡mÀçw hfsctbsd {]tbmP\{]Zhpamb  h¬ssSw skÁnÂsaâv ]²Xn ív \nt£] kamlcW bÚ Imebfhn IqSpX {]Nmcw ]camh[n æSnÈnI ]ncns¨Spç¶Xn\v kwL§Ä {iaw \St¯­XmWv.  {]kvXpX ]²Xnbn {]Jym]n¨n«pÅ FÃm BîIqey§fpw IÀi\ambpw \ÂtI­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ-.C³.NmÀÖv
\¼À kn.(00) 40790/2002                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, 22.2.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 9/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v- kwØm\s¯ hmbv]m klIcW Øm]\§Ä-- Ønc \nt£]§Ä¡v ]camh[n ]eni \nc¡v ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨Xv- \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ : 1. Cu B^oknse 21.11.2002 se 46/2002-. mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. 11.2.2003 Â IqSnb sk³{SÂ _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv Xoêam\w
3. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW _m¦nsâ 21.2.03 se BÀ. F^v. Un/Pn.Un/333/746/2002.2003 \¼À I¯v
kwØm\s¯ klIcW hmbv]m kwL§Ä, _m¦pIÄ hnhn[Xcw \nt£]§Ä¡v \ÂIn hê¶ ]camh[n ]eni \nc¡n ædhv hê¯p¶ Imcyw 11.2.2003  IqSnb sk³{S _m¦v tIm¬^d³kn FSp¯ Xoêam\w kqN\ (2) {]Imcw ip]mÀi sN¿pIbp­mbn.  AXn\ëkrXambn ]pXp¡nb ]camh[n ]eni \nc¡v iXam\w ImW NphsS tNÀçì.
\¼À          Ønc                kwØm\       PnÃm    {]mYanI ImÀjnI
           \nt£]§fpsS             klIcW   klIcW  hmbv]m klIcW
              Imemh[n                  _m¦v       _m¦v    kwLw/_m¦v
1. 15 Znhkw apXÂ 45 Znhkw hsc    4.75          5.00             5.50
2. 46 Znhkw apXÂ 179 Znhkw hsc    5.75                 6.00             6.00
3. 180 Znhkw apXÂ 364 Znhkw hsc   6.25                 6.50             7.00
4. Hê hÀjw apXÂ aqì hÀjw hsc 7.00          7.25             7.75
5. aq¶v hÀjhpw AXn\v apIfnepw     7.25          7.50             8.00
taÂ]dbp¶ \nt£]§fpsS ]pXp¡nb ]eni \nc¡v 22.2.2003 apX {]m_ey¯n hêt¯­XmWv. \nt£]§Ä kzoIcnç¶Xpw klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ ap³Ime§fn ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pÅ kÀçedpIfnse hyhØIÄ¡v hnt[bambn«mbncnt¡­XmWv.  F¶m {]kvXpX Ønc \nt£]§Ä¡v ]eni \nc¡v 1.3.2003 apX 31.2.2003 hscbpÅ Imebfhn \S¯p¶ \nt£] kamlmc bÚ¯n 1/2% IqSpX \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À. kn._n.(2) 40790/2002              klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 22.2.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 10/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v- kwØm\s¯ klIcW kwL§Ä/_mèIÄ \ÂInhê¶ {lkzIme ImÀjnI/ImÀjntIXc hmbv]IfpsS ]eni \nc¡v ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨Xv - \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ : 1. Cu B^oknse 21.11.2002se 45/ \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. 11.2.2003 Â IqSnb sk³{SÂ _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv Xoêam\w
3. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW _m¦nsâ 21.2.03 se BÀ.F^v.Un./Pn. Un/333/746/2002.2003 \¼À I¯v
kqN\ c­nse Xoêam\aëkcn¨v \_mÀUn \nìw ]p\Àhmbv] ]¯v PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ¡v e`yamIm¯ kmlNcy¯n Xmsg ]dbp¶ coXnbn {lkzIme ImÀjnI hmbv]ív \nehnepÅ ]eni\nc¡v ]p\À \nÀ®bw sNbvXncnçì.
kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v PnÃm _m¦n\v sImSp¡p¶Xv PnÃm klIcW _m¦v {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä¡v _mèIÄ sImSpç¶Xv 9.5% kÀÆokv klIcWkwLw _m¦v KpWt`mIvXmhn\v sImSpç¶Xvv 10.5%.
klIcW kwL§fpsS ImÀjntIXc {lkzIme ]p\Àhmbv]çÅ ]eni \ncçIÄ Xmsg¸dbp¶ coXnbn ]p\À\nÀ®bw \S¯n D¯chmbn«p ­v.  AXëkcn¨v kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v PnÃm klIcW_mèIÄ¡v 10.50% Dw, PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä¡v/_mèIÄ¡v 11%Dw \nc¡n ImÀjntIXc ]p\À hmbv]IÄ sImSpt¡­XmWv.  PnÃm klIcW _m¦v t\cn«v \Âæ¶ hyànKX hmbv]bpsS ]p\Àhmbv]ív kwØm\ klIcW _m¦n\v 11% ]eni CuSmt¡­XmWv.
ZoÀLIme hmbv]bpsS KUp¡Ä IrXyambn ASíp¶ KpWt`màm¡Ä¡v ^vtfm«nwKv ]eni AëhZnt¡­XmWv.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀPv
\¼À.]n.Án.(1) 37274/02                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 22.2.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 11/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v . klIcW Øm]\§fn \n¶v hnZym`ymk ^­v ]ncníp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : (1) 13.11.2002Â IqSnb klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnÌÀamêsS kt½f\¯nse Xoêam\w
(2) 05.9.1988se kÀçeÀ \¼À 35/88
13.11.2002. I®qcn h¨v tNÀ¶ klIcWkwLw P\dÂ/BUnäv hn`mKw   tPmbnâv cPnÌmÀamêsS kt½f\¯nse NÀ¨bn hnZy`ymk ^­v C\¯n  hensbmê XpI klIcWØm]\§fn \nìw e`nçhmëÅXmbn {i²bnÂs¸SpIbp­mbn. klIcW kwL§fpsS BUnäv kÀ«n^n¡äv e`n¨v 2 amk¯n\Iw hnZy`ymk ^­v hnlnXw tIcf kwØm\ klIcW _m¦n ASíWsa¶ 1969se tIcf klIcWkwLw N«w 53 (2) se \n_Ô\ Nne klIcWkwL§Ä ]men¡m¯Xn\memWv Cu C\¯n h³XpI IpSnÈnIbmbn«pÅXv.
kqN\(2) se kÀçeÀ \nÀt±iw Cu hnjb¯n \ÂInbnêìsh¦nepw BbXv bYmtbmKyw ]menç¶nsöv {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì.  AXn\m hnZy`ymk ^­v C\¯n ASímîÅ XpI DS³Xs¶ kwØm\ klIcW_m¦nsâ A¡u­n klIcWkwL§Ä ASt¡­XmWv.
C{]Imcw ASímîÅ XpIIÄ ASípìs­¶v _Ôs¸« P\dÂ/BUnäv hn`mKw klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{Smdpamêw, klIcWkwLw AknÌâv cPnÌÀamêw, klIcWkwLw C³kvs]ÎÀamêw, BUnäÀamêw Dd¸mt¡­Xpw, klIcWkwL§fpsS ]cntim[\mthfbnepw BUnäv ]qÀ¯nbmç¶ kab¯pw kÀçeÀ {]ImcapÅ \nÀt±iw ]men¨n«ps­¶v Dd¸phêt¯­XpamsW¶v \nÀt±inçì.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³.NmÀÖv
\¼À. kn._n.(1) 27812/01                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 22.2.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 12/2003
hnjbw : kwØm\ IpSnÈnI \nhmcW¯n\v h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn. \S¸mç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ : 1. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.9.2001se 35/01 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 29.11.2001 se 35/01 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 26.3.2002 se 8/02 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
4. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 30.3.2002 se 9/01  -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
5. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 17/02, 20/02. 47/02, 49/02, 9/03, 10/03 \¼À kÀçedpIÄ
ta kqNn¸n¨ kÀçedpIÄ {]Imcw tIcf¯n kwØm\ kÀ¡mcnsâbpw `mcXob dnkÀhv _m¦nsâbpw \nb{´W¯n {]hÀ¯nç¶ klIcW Øm]\§fnse æSnÈnI ædíp ¶Xn\mbn Hê Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸mçIbp­mbn.  {]kvXpX ]²XnbpsS Imemh[n 31.3.2003 hsc ZoÀLn¸n¨p \ÂInbn«p­v..  CXv kw_Ôn¨v NphsS tNÀç¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä IqSn \Âæì.
1. h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn {]Imcw æSnÈnIbmb hmbv]IÄ¡v  \nÝbn¨ncnç¶ ]eni NphsS tNÀçì.
{Ia     hmbv]bpsS hnhcw   kwØm\ klIcW     kÀhokv klIcW
\¼À                          _m¦v PnÃm klIcW     _m¦v/kwLw KpW
                                _m¦v/{]mYanI_m¦n\vv       t`màmhn\v v
                                /klIcWkwL§Ä¡v    sImSpç¶Xv
1. {lkzIme ImÀjnI hmbv]        9%                             9 1/2% 10
ImÀjntIXc hmbv]IÄ 1/2%
2. 50000 cq] hsc                     11%                             12%
3. 5001 apXÂ 2 e£w         cq] hsc      121/2%                          13%
4. 2 e£w cq]ív apIfnepÅXv       15%                             14%
2) Cu B^oknse 41/ \¼À kÀçednse JÞnI 3(1)se hyhØ ap³Ime {]m_e yt¯msS Hgnhm¡nbncnçì.

3) h¬ssSw skänÂsaânsâ Imemh[n 31.3.2003 hscbmWv ZoÀLn¸n¨p \ÂInbn«pÅXv C{]Imcw IpSninIbmb hmbv]IfpsS 10% XpI 31.3.2003  KpWt`màmhn\v ASímhp¶Xpw tijn¨ XpI 10 KUp¡fmbn AS¨pXoÀ¡mhp¶XpamWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv

\¼À.kn.Pn. 1/9723/2003                     klIcWkwLw cPnÌmÀ B^okv,
                                             Xnêh\´]pcw, 28.2.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 13/2003
hnjbw : {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§Ä aptJ\ IrXyambn hmbv] Xncn¨Síp¶ IÀjIÀ¡v {Ko³ ImÀUv k{¼Zmbw GÀs¸Sp¯p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 11.2.2003  Xnêh\´]pc¯v kwØm\klIcW _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv lmfn h¨p IqSnb PnÃm _m¦v kt½f\¯nse Xoêam\w
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fn \nìw Ct¸mÄ hnXcWw sN¿p¶ {lkzIme hmbv]IÄ Xncn¨v AS¨p Ignªm IÀjIÀ¡v ASp¯ hmbv] AîhZn¨p In«p¶Xn\v D­mæ¶ ImeXmakw Hgnhmç¶Xn\v IrXyambn hmbv] ASíp¶ IÀjIÀ¡v {Ko³ ImÀUv k{¼Zmbw \S¸nemçhm³ kqN\ {]Imcw Xoêam\n¨n«p­v.
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv] klIcW kwLhpambn AXnse AwKamb IÀjIsâ hmbv]m {]hÀ¯\§Ä hnebnê¯n IrXyambn hmbv] ASíp ¶XmsW¶v t_m[ys¸Sp¶ IÀjI\v `cWkanXn Xoêam\{]Imcw {Ko³ ImÀUv AîhZn¡mhp¶XmWv. {Ko³ImÀUv e`nç¶ IÀjIsâ hmbv]m Bhiyw hnebnê¯n `cWkanXn s{IUnäv enanäv \nÝbn¨p \ÂtI­XmWv.
{Ko³ImÀUpÅ IÀjIsâ At]£ {]Imcw {IUnäv enanänsâ ]cn[nçÅnepÅ XpI No^v FIvknI}«ohn\v AîhZn¡mhp¶XmWv. hmbv]m æSnÈnI hê¯nbm {Ko³ ImÀUnîÅ AÀlX \jvSs¸Sp¶XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À. kn._n. 5 /41671/2002                klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, 3.3.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 14/2003
hnjbw : klIcW Øm]\§fn hymP sabn {Sm³kv^À/Unamâv {Um^väv F¶nh D]tbmKn¨pÅ ]WwX«n¸v XSbp¶XnîÅ \nÀt±i§Ä kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : tImgnt¡mSv PnÃm klIcW _m¦nsâ 18.11.02 se I¯v
tImgnt¡mSv PnÃm klIcW  _m¦nsâ AgnbqÀ imJbn \nìw \ÂInsb¶ hymtP\ Unamâv {Um^väv IrXraambn krjvSn¨v Im\dm _m¦nsâ sN½mSv imJ aptJ\ ae¸pd0 PnÃm klIcW _m¦nsâ sN½mSv imJ bn \nìw ]Ww X«n¸v \S¯p¶Xn\v {ian¨Xmbn kqN\{]Imcw Adnbn¨ncnçì. Un.Un.bnse tImUv\¼dn hyXym kw I­t¸mgmWv Ir{Xna Un.Un.bmsW¶v a\knem¡m³ km[n¨Xv.  hfsc KqVambpw Bkq{XnXambpw hymPtcJIÄ Na¨v klIcW Øm]\§fn \nìw ]Ww X«n¸v \S¯p¶ Hê kwLw CXnë ]n¶n {]hÀ¯nç¶Xmbn kwibnt¡­nbncnçì. C{]ImcapÅ Zpjn¨ {]hWXIÄ klIcW _m¦nwKv {]kvXm\¯nsâ \ne\n¸nîw hfÀ¨ípw kÂt]cnîw If¦w hê¯p¶Xn\m hymPtcJIÄ Na¨pÅ ]Wm]lcW¯ns\Xnsc AXoh Pm{KXbpw {i²bpw ]peÀt¯­Xpw, DNnXamb \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mtÅ­XpamWv..  BbXn\m Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀtZi§Ä kwL§Ä IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­XmWv
1. Unamâv {Um^väpIÄ \ÂIpt¼mÄ amkvIv am\zen \njvIÀjn¨ FÃm kpc£nXXz§fpw IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­XmWv.
2. {Um^väpIÄ/sabn {Sm³kv^dpIÄ F¶nh aptJ\bpÅ ]WanS]mSpIfn AXoh Pm{KX ]peÀt¯­XmWv.
3. henb XpIIÄçÅtXm kwibw tXmì¶tXm Bb {Um^väpIÄ/sabn {Sm³kv^dpIÄ F¶nhbn ]WanS]mSpIÄ \S¯p¶Xnîap¼mbn _Ôs¸« Øm]\§fpambn t^m¬ aptJ\ _Ôs¸«v IrXyX Dd¸phêt¯­XmWv.
4. GsX¦nepw Xc¯nepÅ X«n¸pItfm ]Wm]lcWtam {i²bnÂs¸«m _Ôs¸« t]meokv A[nIrXsc ASnb´ncambn hnhcw [cn¸nt¡­Xpw Ipä¡msc kw_Ôn¨pÅ hnhc§Ä bYmkabw \ÂtI­XpamWv.
5. FÃm klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amêw Cu kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§Ä kwL§fpsS {i²bnÂsIm­p htc­Xpw Bhiyamb taÂ\S]SnIÄ bYmkabw kzoIcnt¡­XpamWv.
6. Cu kÀçeÀ ssI¸änb hnhcw Adnbnt¡­XmWv.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
No. G(1) 9223/2003                 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 4-3-2003
Sub : Co-operation Department - National savings Collection - Review Meeting of District Collectors - Attendance - Instructions - Issued - regarding
Ref : D.O.No.4466/NDS-B1/2002/Fin. dated 20.2.2003 of the Chief Secretary of Kerala
Hon’ble Chief Secretary vide his letter referred above has informed that the Chief Minister has convened a Special Meeting of District Collectors exclusively to review the small Savings Collection in each district.  In the meeting many District Collectors opined that many district officers to whom targets are assigned do not take proper initiative to submit collection reports.  As an active deposit mobilization is a must to sustain the financial credibility of the sate, it is requested in the reference cited to give instructions to all concerned officers of the department.
A Government is keenly watching the progress of collection and the all-out participation, of all district officers are required for the success of National Savings Collection process.  Therefore all district Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (General) are directed to participate with the collection process of National Savings Scheme and also to attend the review meetings periodically convened by the District Collectors.  Joint Registrars are also requested to furnish with monthly collection statistics regarding National Savings to this office.
J. Raveerdra Raju
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\¼À kn._n.(1) 27812/01                  klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 14.3.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 16/03
hnjbw : kwØm\¯pÅ klIcWkwL§fnse æSnÈnI \nhmcW¯n\v h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn \S¸mç¶Xv Xnê¯Â D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ : 1. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.9.2001se 35/01 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 29.11.2001 se 41/01 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 26.3.2002 se 8/02 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
4. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 9/02, 17/02, 20/02, 47/02, 49/02, 9/03, 10/03 F¶o \¼À kÀçeÀ
5. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.2.2003 se 12/03 \¼À kÀçeÀ
ta {]kvXmhn¨ kÀçedpIÄ {]Imcw tIcf¯n kwØm\ kÀ¡mcnsâbpw `mcXob dnkÀÆv _m¦nsâbpw \nb{´W¯n {]hÀ¯nç¶ klIcW Øm]\§fnse æSnÈnI ædíp¶Xn\mbn Hê Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸mçIbp­mbn.  h¬ ssSw skänÂsaânsâ Imemh[n 31..3.2003 hscbmWv ZoÀLn¸n¨p \ÂInbn«pÅXv.
kqN\ 5 {]Imcw 27.8.2003  Cu B^okn \nìw 12/03 \¼cmbn Cd¡nbn«pÅ kÀçednse aq¶mw JÞnI Xmsg ]dbp¶ {]Imcw Xnê¯n hmbnt¡­XmWv.
IpSninIbmb XpI (skänÂsaâp XpI) bpsS 10% Cu Imemh[n ap¼v (31.3.2003) ASíp¶hÀ¡v h¬ssSw skänÂsaânsâ BëIqeyw e`yamæ¶XmWv.  F¶m skänÂsaâv XpIbpsS _m¡nhcp¶ XpI ]camh[n 10 {]Xnamk KUp¡fmbn 1.4.2003 apX AS¨pXoÀ¡Â Ahkcw \ÂtI­XpamWv.  31.3.2003 \Iw 10% ASíp¶hÀçw XpSÀì {]Xnamk KUp¡Ä ASíp¶hÀ¡v am{Xsa h¬ ssSw skänÂsaânsâ BîIqeyw In«pIbpÅp.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n.(1) 27812/2001                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 22.3.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 17/2003
hnjbw : klIcWkwL§fnse æSnÈnI \nhmcW¯nëÅ h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn \S¸mç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.9.2001 se 35/2001- -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. klIcWkwLw cPn kv{SmdpsS 20.11.2001 se 41/2001 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 26.3.2002se 8/2002 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
4. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 9/2002, 17/2002, 20/2002, 47/2002, 49/2002, 9/2003, 10/2003  F¶o \¼À kÀçedpIÄ
5. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.2.2003 se 12/2003 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
6. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 14.3.2003 se 16/2003 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\ 1se kÀçeÀ {]Imcw kwØm\s¯ klIcW hæ¸nsâ Iogn {]hÀ¯nç¶ FÃm hmbv]m klIcW Øm]\§fnsebpw IpSnÈnI ædíp¶Xn\mbn Hê h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn 1.10.2001 apX 6 amk¡met¯ív \S¸mçIbp­mbn.  31.3.2001se æSnÈnIímWv Sn ]²XnbpsS BëIqeyw _m[Iam¡nbXv. Sn ]²XnbpsS {]tbmP\w IqSpX AwK§Ä¡v e`yamæ¶Xnsâ `mKambn Imemh[n ho­pw ZoÀLn¸nçIbpw A{]Imcw h¬ssSw skänÂsaânsâ Imemh[n 31.3.2003\v Ahkm\nçIbpamWv.
h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn Aëkcn¨v æSnÈnIbpsS 10% ASípIbpw F¶m hyImXamb {]tXyI ImcW§fm 31.3.2003 \Iw _m¡n XpI AS¨ pXnÀçhm³ Ignbm¯hêamb hmbv]m¡mêsS A`yÀ°\ IW¡nseSp¯v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±iw FÃm klIcW kwL§fpsSbpw Adnhnteçw Bhiyamb \S]SnIÄçambn \Âæì.
1. h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn Aëkcn¨v æSnÈnI¯pIbpsS 10% AS¨v At]£ kaÀ¸nçIbpw Imemh[nç ap¼v  H¶mtbm XhWIfmtbm apgph³ XpIbpw AS¨p¯oÀ¡Wsaìw \nÀt±in¨nêì.A{]Imcw 10% XpI AS¨v At]£ kaÀ¸nçIbpw F¶m 31.3.2003 \v ap¼v _m¡n XpI AS¨p¯oÀ¡m³ IgnbmsX hêIbpw sNbvXhÀ¡v AhchêsS At]£ {]Imcw 31.3.2003 \v tijw _m¡n¯pI ]camh[n ]¯p {]Xnamk XhWIfmbn AS¨pXoÀ¡m³ AîhmZw \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
2. 31.3.2001\v tijw ( 31.3.2002 hsc) æSnÈnIbmbn hmbv]IÄ¡v h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv {]ImcapÅ BëIqeyw \Âæhm³ AXmXp kwL§Ä¡v A[nImcap­mbncnçsa¶v t\cs¯ Adnbn¨nêì.  Sn. hn`mK¯nepÅhÀ¡v ta¸dª BëIqey¯n\v AÀlXbp­mbncnçw.
3. _m¦nwKv dKptej³ BIvSnsâ ]cn[nbn hê¶ klIcW Øm]\§Ä dnkÀÆv _m¦nsâ \nÀt±i¯nîw, kwØm\PnÃm klIcW_m¦pIÄ sk³{S _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv Xoêam\{]Imcw AwKoIcn¨n«pÅ skänÂsaâv kvIoan\v hnt[bambpw ta \nÀt±i§Ä \S ¸nemt¡­XmWv.
4. ta¸dª BîIqeyw e`nç¶Xn\v BbXnteípÅ At]£IÄ _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ(P\dÂ)¡v \ÂtI­Xpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ Sn At]£bnt·Â ta¸dª BîIqeyw \Âæ¶XnëÅ \nÀt±iw _Ôs¸« kwL§Ä¡v \ÂtI­XpamW.
5. Cu \nÀt±i§Ä FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fpw ]mençìs­¶v FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw Dd¸phcpt¯­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnmv{SmÀ C³nNmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n(2) 40790/02                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 26/3/03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 18/03
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v kwØm\s¯ {XnXe klIcW_m¦pIÄ \ÂIn hê¶ ImÀjntIXc hmbv]IfpsS ]eni \nc¡v hniZamç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : Cu B^oknse 21.11.2002 se 45/ \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\bnse kÀçednte ív _Ôs¸«hêsS ASnb´nc {i² £Wn¨psImÅpì. AXn H¶mw JÞnIbn {]mYanI -_m¦pIÄ Fs¶gpXnbXnt\mSv tNÀ¯v  PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ tIcf kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v Fì IqSn hmbnt¡­XmWv. AXëkcn¨v kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v, PnÃmklIcW_m¦pIÄ, {]mYanI klIcW_m¦pIÄ/kwL§Ä F¶nh hyànKX ImÀjntIXc hmbv]ív kqN\  kÀçedn ]cmaÀin¨ {]Imcw c­p e£w cq]ív apIfn   D ÅXn\p ]camh[n 14%  ]eni am{Xta CuSm¡m³ ]mSpÅp.  Cu \nÀt±iw IÀi\ambpw Cu  kwØm\¯nse FÃm hmbv]m klIcW _m¦pIÄ/kwL§Ä F¶nhIÄ IrXyambpw ]men¨ncnt¡­XmWv.
sP. cho{µ cmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À kn.Pn.1 /6954/2003                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 29.3.02
kÀçeÀ \¼À 19/2003
hnjbw : 24 -maXv klIcW \nt£] kamlcW bÚ¯nsâ Imemh[n 2003 G{]n 15 mw XobXn hsc ZoÀLn¸nç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. 25.2.2003se Pn.H. (BÀän) 137/2003/klIcW \¼À kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv
2.klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 21.2.2003 se 8/2003 \¼À kÀçeÀ.
3. Cu B^oknse 27.2.2003 se CtX \¼À I¯v
kwØm\s¯ klIcW _m¦nwKv taJebn kwØm\ kÀ¡mcnsâ B`napJy¯n kqN\ (1) se D¯chv {]Imcw \S¯p¶ 24 -mw aXv klIcW \nt£] kamlcW bÚ¯nsâ Imemh[n 2003 -mw am­v G{]n amkw 15 -mw XobXn ZoÀLn¸n¨ncnçì.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À Fw.]n.(2) 12518/2003                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^nkv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 9.4.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 20/2003
hnjbw : d_vtIm \mfntIc kwkv¡cW ]²Xn aäv kwL§fn IqSn \S¸mç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\:---- --- tIcf kwØm\ dºÀ klIcWkwLw (d_vtIm) ¢n]vXw \¼À       4412 sâ 28.2.2003 se At]£
]¨tX§bn \nìw t\cn«v, sIm{] B¡msX Xs¶, \qX\amb kmt¦XnI hnZy D]tbmKn¨v shfn¨®  D­mç¶ Hê ]²Xn XpS§p¶Xnë Bkvt{Senbbnse tIm¡\«v ]k^n¡v ss{]häv enanäUv F¶ I¼\nbpambn d_vtIm IcmdnteÀs¸«ncnçIbmsWìw Cu ]²Xn kwØm\s¯ XncsªSp¡s¸Sp¶ 200 {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fn IqSn \S¸m¡m\mWv Dt±inç¶sX¶pw, d_vtIm Adnbn¨ncnçì.
]¨t¯§bn  \nìw  t\cn«v shfns¨®sbSp綠  kmt¦XnI hnZysb UbdÎv ssat{Im  FIvkvs]ÃÀ (Un.Fw.C.) kmt¦XnI hnZy F¶mWv Adnbs¸Sp¶Xv.  Cu kmt¦XnI hnZybîkcn¨v tX§ DS¨pIgnªv H¶c aWn¡qdn\Iw  Xs¶ shfns¨®sbSp¡phm³ km[nçw.  ]c¼cmKXamb C¶s¯ cnXnbn \nìw XnI¨-pw hyXyØamb coXnbmWnXv.
Hmtcm kwL¯nëw bqWnäv XpS§p¶Xn\v 15 skâv Øew BhiyamWv. 2000 NXpc{i ASn hnkvXoÀ®apÅ sI«nSamWv BhiyapÅXv.  bqWnäv XpS§p¶Xn\mhiyamb sI«nSw, b{´kma{KnIÄ, {]hÀ¯\ aqqe[\w XpS§nbhímbn 18.72 e£w cq] sNehv hêw. apX apS¡v kw_Ôn‑¨v hniZhnhcw NphsS sImSpçì.
1. Øew 15 skâv                     2.00 e£w cq]
2. sI«nSw                              4.00 e£w cq]
3. b{´mkma{KnI-Ä                  11.00 e£w cq]
4. sshZypXoIcWw                   0.25 e£w cq]
5. ]ehI                              0.96 e£w cq]
6. {]hÀ¯\ aqe [\w               0.51 e£w cq]
                                BsI 18.72 e£w cq]
CXn 2.5 e£w cq]  tI{µ \mfntIc t_mÀUn \nìw k_vknUn e`n¡m³ km[yXbps­ìw, bqWnäpIÄ¡mhiyamb b{´kma{KnIÄ sam¯ambn hntZi¯p\nìw CdçaXn sNbvXpw B`y´cambn kamlcn¨pw Hmtcm kwL¯nëw \Âæ¶XmsWìw Hcp bqWnän\v Zn\w{]Xn 2000 \mfntIcamWv Bhiyambn hê¶sXìw DÂ]mZn¸nç¶ shfns¨® apgphîw d_vtIm hm§n d_vtImbpsS ap{ZW¯n hn]W\w \S¯p¶Xpw CXnsâ ]qÀ® D¯chmZnXzw d_vtImív am{Xhpambncnçw Fìw Adnbn¨ncnçì. Hmtcm kwL¯nëw AhchêsS apSç apXen³ta 12% ]enibpw 15% em`hpw (sam¯w 27%) Dd¸phê¯nbncnçw. Cu F Ãm sNehpIfpw Ign¨v kwL¯nî e`nç¶ hêam\w Bbncnçw. F¶m bYmkabw \njvIÀjnç¶ coXnbn DÂ]mZ\£aX km[yambm am{Xta taÂ]dª  hêam\w kwL¯nî e`yamhpIbpÅp.
Hmtcm bqWnänîw 12 sXmgnemfnIsf  Bhiyambn hêw.  sXmgnemfnIsf \nbamëkrX AëaXnç hnt[bambn \nbanç¶XnëÅ ]qÀ®amb  D¯chmZnXzw  AXmXp  kwL¯n\mbncnçw. ChêsS thX\w kwLw Xs¶ \ÂtI­XmWv. F¶m DÂ]mZ\sNehv GIoIcnç¶Xv  \njvIÀjn¡s¸Sp¶ GIoIrX thX\w am{Xta sXmgnemfnIÄ¡v \ÂIm³ ]mSpÅp.  kwLw, bmsXmcp  ImcWhimepw aäp Øm]\§Ät¡m, hyànIÄt¡m Sn kmt¦XnIhnZy ssIamdm³ ]mSpÅXÃ.  kwLw D­mç¶ shfns¨®bpw  DÂt]m¸¶§fmb NIncn, Nnc«, tX§]ncn, tX§mshÅw F¶nhbpw aäv {]Xn^ew Hìw CÃmsX d_vtImsb Xncnt¨Â¸nt¡­XmWv.  ta¸dª hyhØIfS§p¶ Icmdn Hmtcm kwLhpw H¸pht í­Xpw A{]Imcw Icmdnse hyhØIÄ ]qÀ®ambpw ]mençìs­¶v Dd¸phcpt¯­XpamWv.
Cu ]²Xnbn XmÂ]cyapÅ {]mYanI ImÀjnI klIcW kwL§Ä s{]mt]mkepIÄ  _Ôs¸« P\d hn`mKw klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v \ÂtI­Xpw P\d klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ AÀlXs¸« kwL§sf sXcsªSp¯v cPnkv{Smsd Adnbnt¡­XpamWv.  A´na enÌv cPnkv{SmÀ {]kn²s¸Sp¯p¶Xpambncnçw.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À Pn.(1) 12665/03                       klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 16.4.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 21/03
 hnjbw : klIcWw klIcW kwL§fnse AUvan\nkvt{SäÀamcpsS `cW Imemh[n ZoÀLn¸nç¶ At]£ AUvan\nkvt{SäÀamsc \nban¨ D¯chnsâ ]IÀ¸v DÅS¡w sN¿p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v \nÀt±iw   ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ : klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 6.9.97 se 21/97 \¼À kÀçeÀ
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS `cW\nb{´W¯n DÅ klIcW Øm]\§fn AUvan\nkvt{SäÀamcpsS `cW Imemh[n ZoÀLn ¸nt¡­n hê¶ kµÀ`§fn Sn Imemh[n ZoÀLn¸nç¶XnëÅ Xoêam\w hyàamb ip]mÀitbmSpIqSn Imemh[n Ahkm\nç¶Xn\v c­pamkw apt¼ Ab¨pXtc­XmsWìw, Imemh[n ZoÀLn¸n¨p \ÂIn Ignªm aqì amk¯n\Iw \nbamîkrXw sXcsªSp¸pIÄ \S¯m³ \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡­XmsWìw kqN\ kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw \nÀt ±iw \ÂInbn«p­v.  A{]Imcw Imemh[n  ZoÀLn¸nç¶Xnte¡v kaÀ¸nç¶ At]£Ifn ]eXnepw AUvan\nkvt{SäÀamsc \nban¨ 1969 se tIcf klIcWkwLw \nba¯nse hyhØbpsS hnhc§Ä hyàambn tcJs¸Sp¯p¶Xn hogv¨ hê¯p¶ Imcyw {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì.  C¡mcW¯m CXp kw_Ôn¨ D¯chpIÄ ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xn\v _p²nap«p­mçì.
BbXn\m 1969 se tIcf klIcWkwLw \nba¯nse hæ¸p 32 {]Imctam, hæ¸v 33 {]Imctam klIcW Øm]\§fn \nban¨n«pÅ AUvan\nkvt{SäÀamêsS `cW Imemh[n ZoÀLn¸nç¶XnîÅ At]£IÄ kaÀ¸nçt¼mÄ Sn At]£tbmsSm¸w AUvan\nkvt{Säsd \nban¨ D¯chnsâ ]IÀ¸v IqSn \nÀ_Ôambpw DÄs¸Spt¯­XmsW¶v \nÀt±inçì.
PnÃm P\d hn`mKw klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Sn \nÀt±ihpw, kqN\ kÀçednse \mÀt±i§fpw IÀi\ambn ]menç¶tXmsSm¸w ta \nÀt±i§Ä _Ôs¸« FÃm DtZymKØ·mscbpw Adnbnt¡­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À F.Un.FÂ(2) 12657/2003            klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^ok,v
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 21.4.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 22/2003
hnjbw : kvIqÄ tImtfPv klIcWkwL§fpsS IWç hÀjw kw_Ôn¨v
kvIqÄ/tImtfPv klIcWkwL§fpsS IWç hÀjw ]e PnÃIfnepw Pëhcn amkw H¶mw XnbXn apX Unkw_À amkw 31 -mw XnbXn hscbmbn sXämbn IW¡mç¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì. {]kvXpX klIcW kwL§fpsS hmÀjnI tÌms¡Sp¸v Unkw_À 31 -mw XnbXnbmWv  \S¯nhê¶Xv. icnbmb Hcp amÀ¤\nÀt±i¯nsâ A`mhamWv C{]Imcw sXämb coXnbn IWç hÀjw IW¡m¡m³ CSh¶n«pÅXv.  BbXn\m Xmsg¸dbp¶  \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1969se tIcf klIcW kwLw \nbaw hæ¸v 2(bp) {]Imcw FÃm hn`mKw klIcW Øm]\§fpsSbpw IWç hÀjw G{]n Hì apX amÀ¨v 31 hscbmbn IW¡m¡nbnê¶Xmbn hyàam¡nbn«p­v. kvIqÄ/tImtfPv klIcW kwL§Ä DÄs¸sS 1969 se tIcf klIcW kwLw \nba¯n³Iogn hê¶ FÃm hn`mKw klIcW kwL§Äçw Sn IWç hÀjw _m[IamsW¶v CXn\m Adnbn¨psImÅpì.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPkv{SmÀ C³  NmÀÖv
No.HV.(2) 31614/ 2002             Office of the Registrar of co-operative societies,
                                                   Thiruvananthapuram, Dated, 22.4.2003
CIRCULAR No. 23/2003
Sub : Co-operative Department Kerala Women Co-operative Federation Limited No. - share - permission issued - Regarding
Ref : Resolution No. board of Directors of the Kerala Women Co-operative education Limited No. 4440 dated 5.4.2003
The managing committee of the kerala women co-operative Federation Limited No,4440 as per the resolution under reference Ist cited has requested to issue necessary permission to all co-operative societies under the administrative control of this Department in the State, to take share in the above society.  As per clause 4(c) of the bye-laws of the said Federation permit the Federation to accept “C” class share from other co-operatives other than women cooperatives.
According to section 57(c) of the kerala co-operative societies Act 1969, Co-operative societies can invest in the shares or securities if any other society approved for the purpose, by the Registrar.  The proposal was examined in detail with reference to the provision of the kerala co-operative Societies Act 1969.
In the circumstances stated above all the co-operative societies (except) those coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act in the state coming under the administrative control of the Co-operative Department are permitted to take shares, in the kerala women co-operative Federation Limited No.4440, thiruvananthapuram subject to the bye-laws provisions and Board resolutions of the societies.
J. Raveendra Raju
Registrar of Co-operative Societies In Charge
\¼À kn._n.(3) 16597/2003                klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 26.6.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 24/03
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v- klIcW C³jzd³kv kwLw ¢n]vXw \¼À.4428 (tImbn³kv) C^vtIm tSmtIzm bpambn [mcW klIcW Øm]\§fpsS FÃmhn[ C³jzd³kv CS]mSpIfpw klIcW C³jzd³kv kwLhpambn \S¯p¶Xn\v \nÀt±iw \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcW C³jzd³kv kwLw ¢n]vXw \¼À 4428 AUvan\nkvt{SäÀamêsS 16.4.02se 1 -mw \¼À \S]Sn {Iaw
2. klIcW C³jzd³kv kwLw ¢n]vXw \¼À 4428 (tImbn³kv) amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ/sU]yq«n cPnkv{SmdpsS 22.4.03 se I¯v
1969 se tIcf klIcW \nba¯në Iogn C³jzd³kv dKpteädn Bâv Uhe]vsaâv AtXmdnänbpsS hyhØIfpw, \nÀt±i§Äçw AëkrXambn, tIcf¯n C³jzd³kv _nkn\kv \S¯p¶Xn\mbn cq]oIcn¡s¸« klIcW C³jzd³kv kwLw ¢n]vXw \¼À 4428, kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\ hn]peoIcW¯n\mbn C^vtIm . tSmtIzm P\d I¼\nbpambn [mcW ]{X¯n  H¸ph¨n«p­v.
klIcW taJebn C´ybnse Gähpw henb kwcw`§fmb C´y³ ^mÀtagvkv s^À«nssetkgvkv enanäUv (C^vtIm), {InjIv`mcXn tIm-Hm¸tdäohv enanäUv (t{Im^vtIm), F¶nhbpsS C³jpd³kv taJebnse kwbpà kwc`amWv. C^vtIm tSmtIzm P\d C³jzd³kv taJebnse 49 iXam\hpw, {In_vtImív 20 iXam\hpw, C´y³ s]m«mjv enanäUn\v 5% hpw P¸m\nse tSm¡ntbm assd³ Bâv ^bÀ C³jzd³kv I¼\n¡v 26 iXam\hpw Hmlcn ]¦mfn¯apÅ kwbpà kwcw`amb C^vtIm tSm¡ntbm P\d C³jpd³kv I¼\n enanäUv (sF.än.Pn.sF) klIcW Øm]\§fneqsS P\d C³jpd³kv ] ²XnIÄ \S¸nem¡m\mWv Dt±inç¶Xv. tIcf¯n Cu ]²Xn \S¯n¸nsâ tImÀ¸tdäv GPâmbn tIzmbn³kv {]hÀ¯nç¶Xn\mbn«mWv [mcW ]{X¯n H¸n«n«pÅXv.  FÃm PnÃm BØm\§fnepw Hm^okpIÄ Xpdç¶Xnîw Xocpam\n¨n«p­v.
BIbm klIcW kwL§sf Cu \qX\kwcw`¯n FÃm klmbhpw ]n³XpWbpw \ÂtI­Xv klIcW {]Øm\¯nsâ ISabmWv.
Sn kmlNcy¯n tIcf¯nse FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fpw AhcpsS FÃmhn[ C³jzd³kv CS]mSpIfpw klIcW C³jzd³kv kwLw ¢n]vXw \¼À 4421  (tIzmbn³kv) ambn \S¯phm³ XmÂ]cys¸Spì.
sI. tIih³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ.C³NmÀÖv
\¼À kn.Pn. (1) 6954/03                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 2/5/03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 25/03
hnjbw : IrXyambn hmbv] Xncn¨Síp¶hÀ¡v ]eni Cfhv GÀs¸Sp¯p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1) 11.2.2003Â IqSnb PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIfpsS kt½f\ Xocpam\w
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 21.2.2003 se 8/2003 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
3) klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 28.3.2003 se 13/2003 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
kwØm\s¯ FÃm hmbv]m klIcWkwL§fn \ns¶Sp¯ hmbv]IÄ IrXyambn Xncn¨Síp¶hÀ¡v t{]mÂkml\w \Âæ¶Xnte¡mbn \nt£]I kamlcWbÖw BNcnç¶ Imebfhn hmbv] XpI IrXyambn ASíp¶hÀ¡v AXmXv klIcWkwL§Ä Xs¶ Hcp iXam\w (1%) ]eni Cfhv \ÂtI­XmsW¶v kqN\ (2) {]Imcw \nÀt±iw \ÂInbn«p­mbncpì. F¶m \nt£]I kamlcW bÚw Ct¸mÄ Ahkm\n¨  kmlNcy¯n hmbv]XpI IrXyambn AS¨p XoÀç¶hÀ¡v {]tbmP\w e`nç¶Xnte¡mbn Sn klIcW kwL§fnse hmbv]¡mÀ¡v Hcp iXam\w 1% ]eni Cfhv AXmXv kwL§Ä Xs¶ XpSÀìw \Âæ¶XnîÅ AîhmZw CXn\m \Âæì.
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§fn \nìw Ct¸mÄ hnXcWw sN¿p¶ hmbv] Ir Xyambn  Xncn¨Síp¶ IÀjI\v {Ko³ ImÀUv AîhZnç ¶Xnte¡mbn kqN\ 3 {]Imcw ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pÅ kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§Ä¡v IqSpX {]Nmcw \Âæ¶XnîÅ {iaw \St¯­XmWv.
sP. cho{µcmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv

\¼À Pn.(1) 2861/2002                      klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 22.5.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 26/2003
hnjbw : klIcWw. [\kw_ÔaÃm¯ BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIÄ klIcW BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnbv¡v ssIamdp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ : 1) 02.1.2003-se Pn.H.(]n) \¼À 1/2003/ kl: \¼À t\m«n^nt¡j³
2) Pn.H.(]n) \¼À 110/2003/ kl: \¼À t\m«n^nt¡j³
kqN\ H¶nse t\m«n^nt¡j³ {]Imcw Xncph\´]pcw BØm\ambn klIcW BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXn cq]oIcn¨psIm­v kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¨n«p­v. 1999se tIcf klIcWkwLw(t`ZKXn) \nba¯nse hæ¸v 02.1.2003 apX {]m_ey¯n hê¯nsIm­v kqN\ c­v {]Imcw kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¨ncnçì..  AXnsâ ASnØm\¯nÂta t`ZKXn \nba{]Imcw 1969se tIcf klIcW kwL \nba¯nse 69,70,70 F, 70 _n F¶o hæ¸pIfn (A²ymbw. 9) sIm­ph¶ t`ZKXnIÄ 02.1.2003 apX {]m_ey¯n h¶ncnçì. hæ¸v 69 {]Imcw [\kw_ÔaÃm¯ XÀ¡§Ä hæ¸v 70 F {]Imcw cq]oIcn¨n«pÅ klIcW BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnív d^À sNt¿­XmsW¶v hyhØ sNbvXn«p­v.  [\kw_Ôamb XÀ¡§Ä cPnkv{SmÀ‑çw d^À sNt¿­XmWv.
klIcW BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXn cq]oIcnç¶tXmsS cPnkv{SmdpsStbm AYhm XÀ¡§Ä XoÀ¸mç¶XnëÅ A[nImct¯mSpIqSn Kh¬saâv \nban¨ GsX¦nepw BfpsStbm Asæn cPnkv{SmÀ \nban¨ BÀ_nt{SädpsStbm ap¼n XoÀ]mImXncnç¶ XÀ¡§Ä [\kw_ÔaÃmsXbpÅ XÀ¡§sf kw_Ôn¨msW¦n Ah BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnív ssIamäw sNt¿­XmsW¶v hæ¸v _n  hyhØ sNbvXn«p­v.  A{]Imcw tIkpIÄ ssIamäw sN¿p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v NphsS tNÀ¯ncnç¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1. klIcW cPnkv{SmdpsStbm, klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsStbm, klIcWkwLw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmdpsStbm ap¼msI ^b sN¿pIbpw hæ¸v 70(4) (F) {]Imcw \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¨p hcnIbpw sN¿p¶ [\kw_ÔaÃm¯ tIkpIÄ BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnív _Ôs¸«hÀ t\cn«v ssIamäw sNt¿­XmWv.
2. hæ¸v 70 (_n), hæ¸v 70(4) (kn) F¶nh {]Imcw ssIamäw/d^À sNbvX D¯chv d±m¡n  tIkv Ubdn DÄs¸sS XncnsI hm§nt¡­XmWv.  A{]Imcw XncnsI e`nç¶ tIkpIÄ BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnív t\cn«v ssIamäw sNt¿­XmWv.
3. [\kw_ÔaÃm¯ tIkpIÄ XncnsI kaÀ¸nçt¼mgpw BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnív ssIamäw sN¿pt¼mgpw Bhiyamb tcJs¸Sp¯epIÄ BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkv cPnÌÀ hêt¯­XmWv.
4. tIkpIÄ BÀ_nt{Sj³ tImSXnív ssIamäw sN¿pt¼mÄ hnhcw _Ôs¸« I£nIsf Adnbnt¡­XmWv.
5. 0425 - 800 - 98 F¶ A¡u­v slÍn BÀ_nt{Sj³ ^okv ASt¡­XmWv.
Cu \nÀt±i§Ä bYmtbmKyw ]menípìs­¶v _Ôs¸«hÀ Dd¸v hcpt¯­XmWv.
sP. cho{µ cmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n.(1) 14796/2003                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 13.5.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 27/2003
hnjbw : ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbn ASí ImÀjnI taJebnse hnebnSnhv. ZpcnXw IW¡nseSp¯p 31.8.03 hsc Sn PnÃbn am{Xw HäXhW XoÀ]m¡m³ ]²Xn \o«nsImSpç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\: 1. 27.9.2001 se 35/2001. 1 \¼À apX Sn hnjb¯n 18/30 -mw \¼dmbn 26.3.2003 hsc Cd¡nbn«pÅ kÀçedpIÄ
2. ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbnse ASbv¡m IÀjIêsS \nthZ\w
ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbn \sÃmê hn`mKw P\§Ä ASím Irjnbpw AXnt\mSî_Ôn¨pÅ sXmgnepIfn apgpInbn«pÅhêamWv. BtKmfh¡cW¯nsâ Zqjy^eambn ASím D¸¶§Ä¡v KWyamb hnebnSnhp­mbn.  ASp¯ Imes¯mìw \ymbamb hne In«psa¶v {]Xo£bpanÃ.  Cu ZpØnXnbn ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbnse hmbv]m klIcW Øm]\§fnse æSnÈnI¡mÀ¡v am{Xambn HäXhW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²XnbpsS BîIqeyw 31.8.03 hsc \o«n D¯chmbncnçì.
31.8.2003 \Iw apgph³ æSnÈnIbpw AS¨p XoÀ¡m³ Ignbm¯hÀ¡v æSnÈnI XpIbpsS 10% kwL¯n 31.9.03 \Iw AS¨p At]£ kaÀ¸n¡mhp¶Xpw _m¡n æSnÈnI XpI 1.9.03 apX KUp¡fmbn AS¨p XoÀ¡mhp¶XpamWv.  Sn At]£bpsS Hê ]IÀ¸v Adnhnte¡mbn ImkÀtKmUv PnÃm P\d hn`mKw klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v _Ôs¸« æSnÈnI¡mÀ Ab¨psImSpt¡­XpamWv.  ImkÀtKmUv PnÃíI¯pÅ FÃm hmbv] klIcW Øm]\§fpw hmbv]m æSnÈnI¡mcmb ASím IÀjIÀ DÄs¸sSbpÅ AÀlXs¸«hÀ¡v Sn HäXhW XoÀ¸m¡  ]²XnbpsS BëIqeyw \ÂIm³ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv.
]cmXnIfpambn Ah At¸mgt¸mÄ ]cnlcn¨v Sn ]²XnbpsS BëIqeyw FÃm hmbv]m æSninI¡mÀçw icnbmb coXnbn In«pìs­ìw ImkÀtKmUv PnÃm P\d hn`mKw klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ Dd¸p hêt¯­Xpw Sn ]²XnbpsS {]Xnamk AhtemI\ dnt¸mÀ«v Cu B^okn IrXyambn Ab¨pXtc­XpamWv.  {]kvXpX Imebfbn Sn æSnÈnI¡mcmb AwK§fpsS FÃm P]vXn \S]SnIfpw ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbnse FÃm hmbv]m klIcWkwL§fpw \ndp¯nhbvt¡­XmWv.
sP. cho {µ cmPp
klIcWkwLw cPnkv {SmÀ C³.NmÀÖv
\¼À                                     klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn
kÀçeÀ \¼À 28/2003
hnjbw : BUnäv klIcW Øm]\§fpsS A¡u­vkv tÌäpsaâpIfpw sjUyqfpIfpw BhiytcJIfpw kaÀ¸n¡mXncnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
klIcW Øm]\§fpsS BUnäv bYmkabw æSninI IqSmsX \S¯pI F¶Xv Øm]\§fpsS kpKaamb {]hÀ¯\¯n\v AXy´mt]£nXamWv. klIcW Øm]\§fnse \nbamëkrX BUnäv tPmenIÄ kaImeamç¶Xn\mbn«mWv sI.Fkv. BÀ 1mw `mKw N«{]Imcw {]tXyI kaIme BUnäÀ XkvXnIIÄ krjvSnç¶Xpw klIcW BUnäÀamsc A¯cw XkvXnIIfn \nbanbç¶Xpw,  F¶m BUnäv æSninI IqSmsX \S¡Wsaìs­¦n kwLw `mchmlnIfpsS BßmÀ°amb klicWw IqSn e`yamtI­Xp­v.
kwØm\s¯ Nne klIcW Øm]\§Ä dn¡mÀUpIfpw IWçIfpw bYmkabw FgpXn XoÀ¡mXncnç¶Xpw B­hkm\ tÌäpsaâpIfpw ]«nIIfpw IrXykab¯v X¿mdm¡n kaIme BUnäÀamÀ¡v kaÀ¸n¡mXncnç¶Xpw BUnäv æSninI hê¶Xn\v ImcWambn XoÀ¶n«p­v. C{]Imcw BUnäÀ æSninI D­mæ¶Xmbn kÀ¡mcnsâ {i²bnepw s]«ncnçì. BbXn\m FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fpw 1969 se tIcf klIcWkwLw N«w 33  Aëimknç¶ hn[¯nepÅ FÃm tÌäpsaâpIfpw cPnÌdpIfpw Bhiyamb aäv  tcJIfpw X¿mdm¡n IrXyambn kaIme BUnäÀ¡v e`yamt¡­ XmsWìw klIcW Øm]\§fpsS taÂ{]ImcapÅ ]nghpaqew BUnän æSninI D­mImsX t\mt¡­XmsWìw Aëimknçì.
kaIme BUnäÀamÀ, BUnäv æSninI XoÀç¶Xnëth­n bYmkabw dn¡mÀUpIfpw IWçIfpw FgpXn XoÀ¡m¯ kwL§fpsS t]cnepw IrXykab¯v B­hkm\ BUnäv tÌäpsaâpIfpw aäpw X¿mdm¡n BUnäÀamÀ¡v kaÀ¸n¡m¯ kwL§fpsS t]cnepw 1969 se tIcf klIcW kwLw N«§Ä 29, 30, 33 F¶nhbn Aëimknç¶ {]ImcapÅ \nba]camb \S]SnIÄ ssIsImtÅ­XpamWv.
sP. cho{µ cmP p
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³.NmÀÖv
\¼À F¨ 19833/2003                klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 31.5.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 29/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v-  kwØm\s¯ {]mYanI luknwKv klIcW Øm]\§fpsS \nba\w Fgp¯v ]co£ \S¯p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kwØm\¯v klIcW hæ¸nsâ \nb{´W¯n {]hÀ¯nç¶ {]mYanI luknwKv klIcW kwL§fn Poh\¡mêsS \nba\¯n\mbpÅ Fgp¯v ]co£ \S¯p¶Xv tIm.Hm¸tdäohv kÀÆokv FIvkmant\j³ t_mÀUv aptJ\ Aà F¶v cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bnÂs¸«n«p­v.. 1969se tIcf klIcWkwLw \nba¯nse N«w 15 (1) (kn) Aëkcn¨v luknwKv klIcWkwL§sf hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS ]«nIbnemWv Xcw Xncn¨n«pÅXv.  1969se tIcfm klIcWkwLw \nbaw 80._n Aëkcn¨v {]mYanI hmbv]m kwL§fnse Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡v apXepÅ XkvXnIIfnteív \nba\¯n\v Fgp¯v ]co£ \S¯p¶Xn\v tIm.Hm¸tdäohv kÀÆokv FIvkmant\j³ t_mÀUns\bmWv A[nImcs¸Sp¯nbn«pÅXv. BbXn\m {]mYanI luknwKv klIcWkwL§Ä t\cn«v Fgp¯v ]co£ \S¯p¶Xv {]kvXpX klIcWkwLw \nba¯nse 80 _n (1) se hyhØIÄ¡v hnê²amWv F¶v Iméì.  ta kmlNcy¯n {]mYanI luknwKv klIcW kwL§fn Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡v apXepÅ XkvXnIIfnteív \nba\¯n\mbpÅ Fgp¯v ]co£ \St¯­Xv tIm.Hm¸tdäohv kÀÆokv FIvkmant\j³ t_mÀUv aptJ\ thWw F¶v Adnbnçì. ta¸dª \nÀt±iw FÃm {]mYanI luknwKv klIcWkwL§fpsSbpw {i²bn sIm­phtc­Xpw kwL§Ä Cu \nÀt±iw IÀi\ambn ]mençìs­¶ Imcyw PnÃm (P\dÂ) klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ Dd¸phêt¯­Xpw hogvNIÄ Imé¶ ]£w DNnXamb \S]Snbpw ssIsImtÅ­XpamWv.
sP. cho{µ cmPp
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³.NmÀÖv
No. HV (2) 31614/2002          Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 3.06.2003
CIRCULAR No. 30/2003
Sub : Co-operative Department Kerala Women Co-operative Federation Ltd. No.4440 permission to Co-operative for taking shares modified orders issued - regarding
Ref : 1) Resolution No.I dated 5.4.2003 of the Board of Directors of the Kerala Women Co-operative Federation Ltd. No. 4440
2) Circular No. 23/03 dated  22.4.2003
In partial modification of circular No.23/03 dated 22.04.03, all the Co-operative Societies coming under the administrative control of the Co-operative Department are permitted to take shares, in the Kerala Women Co-operative Federation Ltd. No.4440, Thiruvananthapuram subject to the bye-laws, provisions and Board resolutions of the societies.
The Co-operative Societies coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act are also permitted to invest in the shares of the Kerala Women Co-operative Federation Ltd., (Vanitha Fed) subject to guide lines and instructions of the Reserve Bank of India.
J. Raveendra Raju
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
F.Un.FÂ.2 /22685/2003                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 12.6.03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 31/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hnZym`ymk ^­v ]ncnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : kwØm\ klIcW bqWnbsâ 4.6.2003 se C.F^v. (1) 3651/2003 \¼À I¯v
kwØm\ klIcW bqWnbsâ Ct¸mgs¯ {]hÀ¯\w kw_Ôn¨pw hêam\ amÀ¤§sf kw_Ôn¨pw 30.5.2003  _lpam\s¸« tIcf klIcWhæ¸p a{´nbpsS tN_dn  IqSnb D¶XXetbmK¯n NÀ¨ sN¿pIbp­mbn.  bqWnbsâbpw klIcW hæ¸nse PnÃm DtZymKØ·mêsSbpw Iq«mb {]hÀ¯\¯neqsS Cu {]XnkÔn ]cnlcnç¶Xn\v ASnb´nc DuÀÖnX \S]SnIÄ ssIsImtÅ­XmsW¶v _lpam\s¸« a{´n \nÀt±in¨Xnsâ ASnØm\¯n kwL§fn \nìw e`nt¡­ klIcW hnZym`ymk ^­v Unamâv If£³ FSpç¶Xnîw AXp{]Imcw hnZy`ymk^­v kab_ÔnXambn tiJcnç¶Xnepw Xoêam\nçIbpw kwØm\ klIcWbqWnb\nse klIcW hnZym`ymk C³kvs]tÎgvkv/aäv DtZymKØÀ F¶nhsc Unamâv If£³ tiJcW¯n\v th­n NpaXes¸Sp¯nbncnçIbmWv.
ta¸dª kmlNcy¯n {]kvXpX DtZymKØ·mÀ _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ(BUnäv), AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (BUnäv) F¶o B^okpIÄ kµÀin¨v hnhc§Ä tiJcnç¶Xn\v ]camh[n klmb klIcW§Ä sNbvXpsImSpt¡­XmsWìw hnZym`ymk ^­v tiJcW¯n\v kwL§fpambn _Ôs¸«v Bhiyamb \nÀt±i§Ä \ÂIn bqWnb\nse klIcW hnZym`ymk C³kv{SÎÀ aptJ\ klIcW hnZym`ymk^­v tiJcWw DuÀÖnXs¸Sp¯p¶Xnîw FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (BUnäv), AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (BUnäv) F¶nhsc NpaXes¸Sp¯pì.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n. (2) 25179/2003               klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 18.6.03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 32/2003
hnjbw : klIcWhæ¸v- kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ, kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v, AÀ_³ klIcW _mèIÄ  {]mYanI ImÀjnI klIcW kwL§Ä/-_mèIÄ- {]knUâv/sNbÀam³amÀçÅ tlmWtddnbw hÀ²n¸nç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ : cPnkv{SmcpsS 19/2000 \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\ 1 {]Imcw kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {KmahnIk\ _m¦v, AÀ_³ klIcW _mèIÄ {]mYanI ImÀjnI klIcWkwL§Ä/_mèIÄ F¶nhbpsS {]knUâpamêsS Zn\_¯, bm{X]Sn, koänwKv ^okv, tlmWtÁnbw F¶nh ]p\À\nÝbn¨v \ÂInbnêì.  F¶m ta kwL§fpsS/_mèIfpsS {]hÀ¯\ ssh]peoIcW¯nsâ ASnØm\¯n ta klIcW _mèIfpsS/kwL§fpsS {]knUâvamêsS tPmen hfscb[nIw hÀ²nçIbpw Snbm·mcpsS tkh\w _m¦n\v ssZ\wZn\ Bhiyambn hê¶Xv ]cnKWn¨pw, tlmWtÁnbw hÀ²n¸nt¡­XmsW¶v klImcnIfn \n¶v BhiyapbÀ¶Xnsâ ASnØm\¯nepw Xmsg ]cmaÀinç¶ _mèIfpsS/kwL§fpsS {]knUâpamêsS {]Xnamk tlmWtÁnbw tIcf klIcW N«w 49 \v hnt[bambn ]p\À\nivNbn¨p sIm­v D¯chmæì.
                Øm]\w              \nehnepÅ \nc¡v     ]pXnb \nc¡v
kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v                   4000                    5000
PnÃm klIcW _m¦v                       3250                    4000
kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI
{KmahnIk\ _m¦v                           4000                    5000
t{KUv                                          2000                    2500
¢mkv  I                                                           1500                    2000
        II                                                         1300                    1500
        III                                                        1100                     1300
                Øm]\w              \nehnepÅ \nc¡v     ]pXnb \nc¡v
¢mkv  IV                                                        1000                    1200
            V                                                         800                    1000
ImÀjnI hmbv] klIcW kwL§Ä
t{KUv                                          2000                    2500
¢mkv  I                                                           1500                    2000
        II                                                         1300                    1500
        III                                                        1100                     1300
        IV                                                        1000                    1200
            V                                                         800                    1000
            VI                                                        600                    800
Sn \nc¡v XpIív 1.6.2003 apX {]m_eyap­mbncnç¶XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À ^n³.G.(2) 33362/2003               klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 05.08.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 33/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v - kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ, aäp A¸Ivkv s^UtdjîIÄ - sshkv {]knUâv/sshkv sNbÀam³amÀ - tlmWtddnbw \nÝbn¨psIm­v D¯chmæì
kqN\ : 1. cPnkv{SmcpsS 19/2000 \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. cPnkv{SmcpsS 7/2003 \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. cPnkv{SmcpsS 32/2003 \¼À kÀçeÀ
kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {KmahnIk\ _m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ F¶nhbpsS {]knUâpamÀ¡v tlmWtÁnbw \nÝbn¨psIm­v kqN\ 1 {]Imcw D ¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¨nêì. kqN\ 2 {]Imcw, kwØm\¯nse aäv A¸Ivkv s^UtdjëIfpsSbpw {]knUâpamêsSbpw tlmWtÁnbw ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨psIm­v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡pIbpw kqN\ 3 {]Imcw tIcf kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {KmahnIk\ _m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ F¶nhbpsS {]knUâv/sNbÀam³amêsS tlmWtÁnbw Sn Øm]\§fpsS tPmen --`mcw IW¡nseSp¯v ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨psIm­v ho­pw D¯chv ]pds¸SphnçIbp­mbn. F¶m Sn Øm]\§fnse {]knUâpamÀ¡v bmsXmê {]Xn^ehpw \nÝbn¨p \ÂInbn«nÃ.  A¸Ivkv _mèIfpsSbpw s^UtdjëIfpsSbpw, PnÃm klIcW _mèIfpsSbpw {]hÀ¯\ssh]peyIcW¯nsâ `mKambn, sshkv {]knUâpamÀçw tlmWtÁnbw \ÂtI­XmsW¶v IméIbm Xmsg ]cmaÀinç¶ Øm]\§fpsS sshkv {]knUâpamÀç IqSn tIcf klIcW N«w 49\v hnt[bambn {]Xnamk tlmWtÁnbw \Âæ¶Xn\v D¯chmæì.
1. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW  _m¦v                               2000/- cq]
2. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v     2000/- cq]
3. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³ ¢n]vXw 2000/- cq]
4. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW d_À amÀ¡änwKv s^Utdj³ ¢n]vXw    2000/  cq].
5. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW amÀ¡änwKv s^Utdj³ ¢n]vXw          2000/ cq]
6. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW tIc IÀjI s^UtdjÀ ¢n]vXw         2000/ cq]
7. tIcf kwØm\ klIcW luknwKv s^Utdj³ ¢n]vXw    2000/- cq]
8. PnÃm klIcW _mèpIÄ                                        2000/ cq]
Sn \ncçIÄ 1.6.2003 apX {]m_eyap­mbncnç¶XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À C.Fw.(3) 29407/02                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 24.06.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 34/03
hnjbw : klIcW Øm]\§fn apkvfnw Poh\¡mÀ¡v shÅnbmgvN PpwA \akvImc¯n\v t]mImëÅ AëaXn kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1) Ihf§mSv kÀÆokv klIcW _m¦nse {io. sI.F. apl½Zv jm^nbpsS 17.07.02se \nthZ\w
2) kÀ¡mcnsâ 23.4.03se 7700/kn2/02/kl:\¼À I¯v
FdWmæfw PnÃbnse Ihf§mSv kÀÆokv klIcW _m¦nse Poh\¡mc\mb {io. sI.F. apl½Zv jm^n kqN\ (1) {]Imcw, shÅnbmgvN D¨ív 12.30 apX 1.30 hscbpÅ kabw ]Ånbn {]mÀ°\ív t]mæhm³ aäv kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡v DÅXpt]mse, apÉnw§fmb klIcWkwLw Poh\¡mÀçw {]mÀ°\ív t]mæ¶Xn\v 12.30 apX 1.30 hscbpÅ kabw AëhZn¨p In«p¶Xn\v kÀ¡mcnt\mSv At]£n¨ncnçì.
kÀ¡mÀ kqN\ (2) {]Imcw klIcW Øm]\§fnse apÉnw Poh\¡mÀ¡v shÅnbmgvN Ppw-A.\akvImc¯n\v ]Ånbn t]mæ¶Xn\v kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀçÅXpt]mse tPmen¡v XSÊap­m¡m¯ coXnbn AëhmZw  \Âæ¶XmsW¶v Adnbn¨ncnçì.
Sn kqN\(2) {]ImcapÅ kÀ¡mÀ I¯nsâ ASnØm\¯n klIcW Øm]\§fnse apÉnw Poh\¡mÀ¡v Ppw.A \akvImc¯n\v shÅnbmgvN D¨ív 12.30 apX 1.30 hscbpÅ kabw ]Ånbn t]mæ¶Xn\v AîhmZw \ÂIns¡mÅpì.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv.
\¼À kn._n.(1) 14796/2003                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 1.07.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 35/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v. {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn (h¬ ssSw skänÂsaâv) ho­pw \S¸nemç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
kqN\: \_mÀUnsâ F³._n. ] (H.]n.BÀ.) 308._n/F.131 (dnsshkvUv H.än.Fkv.2000-.2004 XobXn 31.5.2003 \¼À I¯v (kÀçeÀ \¼À.123/]
{]mYanI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§fn ap¼v \S¸nem¡nb Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â (h¬ssSw skänÂsaâv) ]²Xn aqew, kwL§fpsS æSninI XpIbn \sÃmê iXam\w CuSm¡m³ IgnbpIbpw, kwLmwK§Ä¡v Imcyamb Bizmkw e`nçIbpw sNbvXn«p­v.  klIcWtaJebn \S¸nem¡nb Cu ]²Xn In«m¡Sw ]ncns¨Spç¶Xn\v klmbIcambnêì F¶v I­Xnsâ ASnØm\¯n kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v, PnÃm klIcW_m¦v F¶nhbn  Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn ho­pw  Hê XhW IqSn \S¸nemç¶Xn\v \_mÀUv kqN\ kÀçeÀ {]Imcw amÀ¤\nÀt±iw \ÂInbn«p­v.  C{]Imcw kwØm\ PnÃm klIcW _mèIfn Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸nemç¶Xn\v 23.6.2003 \v IqSnb sk³{S _m¦v tIm¬^d³kn Xoêam\nçIbpw sNbvXn«p­v. AXnsâ ASnØm\¯n {]mYanI hmbv] kwL§fnepw Hcn¡ÂIqSn Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸nem¡m³ Xmsg ]dbp¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Â¡p hnt[bambn Xocpam\n¨n«p­v.
1. {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fn 31.3.2001  æSnÈnIbmbn \nÂç¶ hmbv]IÄ, AwK§Ä¡v 31.12.2003 \Iw Cu ]²Xn{]Imcw AS¨pXoÀ¡mhp¶XmWv. A{]Imcw hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸nç¶Xn\v ]ng]eni, Iq«p]eni aäv A\ma¯v sNehpIÄ F¶nh Hgnhm¡n, 31.3.2001se _m¡n \n¸v hmbv]mXpIbpw ]enibpw tNÀ¶ skänÂsaâv XpIív 12% (]{´­v iXam\w) ]eni \ÂInbm aXnbmæ¶XmWv.  F¶m  Fs´¦nepw ImcWhim Sn XobXn¡Iw H¶n¨v XpI ASím³ km[n¡msX h¶m 31..3.2001 se _m¡n\n¸v XpIbpsS (apXepw ]enibpw tNÀ¶ XpI) 10 iXam\w AUzm³kmbn 31.12.2003 \v ap¼v ASímhp¶Xpw tijnç¶ XpI XpSÀ¶v 10(]¯v) {]Xnamk XhWIfmbn 31.3.2001 apX 12% (]´­v iXam\w) ]enitbmSpIqSn Xs¶ AS¨p XoÀ¡mhp¶XmWv.  Hcp XhW AS¨tijw ]n¶oSpÅ KUp¡Ä apS¡w hê¯p¶ ]£w ]²XnbpsS B\pIqeyw \jvSs¸Sp¶XmWv.
2. æSninI CuSmç¶Xn\v BÀ_nt{Sj³ tI kv ^b sNbvXn«pÅ tIkpIfn CXn\Iw hn[nbmbn«nsæn Sn ]²XnbpsS BëIqeyw \ÂIn hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸n¡mhp¶Xpw Sn. hnhcw BÀ_nt{Säsd Adnbnt¡­Xpw BWv.
3.  BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIfn AhmÀUv e`nçIbpw F¶m FIvknIyqj³ s]äoj³ CXphscbpw ^b sN¿mXncnçIbpw BsW¦n Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw XpI AS¨v hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸n¡mhp¶XmWv.
4.  FIvknIyqj³ tÌPn Ccnç¶ tIkpIfnepw Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw BëIqeyw \ÂImhp¶Xpw, A{]Imcw hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸n¨p Ignªm skbn Hm^oksd tcJmaqew Adnbnt¡­XpamWv.
5. Cu ]²Xn klIcW ImÀjnI {KmahnIk\ _mèIÄ, luknwKv klIcW  kwL§Ä XpS§n FÃm hn`mK¯nepapÅ {]mYanI hmbv]m kwL§Äçw _m[Iambncnç¶XmWv.
6.  Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xnsb¸än kwLw/_m¦v AwK§Ä¡nSbn hym]Iamb {]NmcWw \ÂIWsa¶v \nÀt±inçì.
7.  tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ (P\dÂ)/AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) kwLw {]Xn\n[nIfpsS tbmK§Ä hnfn¨p tNÀ¯v, CXn\v Bhiyamb amÀ¤ \nÀt±iw \ÂtI­Xpw CSínsS hnebnêt¯­XpamWv.
sI. tIih³,
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³.NmÀÖv
\¼À kn. Pn. (1) 21402/2003               klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 14.07.2003
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 36/2003
hnjbw : tIcf klIcW hnIk\ t£a\n[n t_mÀUv  AwK kwL§sf tNÀ¡p¶XnëÅ Xo{h bXv\ ]cn]mSn amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. 3.7.2002se PnH.]n 108/2000/kl. \¼À t\m«n^nt¡j³.2. 23.62003 se Pn.H.(]n) 1127/2003/kl \¼À t\m«n^nt¡j³
3. klIcW hnIk\ t£a\n[n t_mÀUv sk{I«dnbpsS 24.5.2003 se Pn.20.5.2003 \¼À I¯v
1969 se tIcf klIcW kwLw \nba¯nse sk£³ 57(F) bn hyhØ sNbvX {]Imcw tIcf klIcW t£a hnIk\ kvIow 2000 BhnjvIcnçIbpw kqN\ (1) se t\m«n^nt¡j³  {]Imcw  Xnêh\´]pcw BØm\ambn  tIcf  klIcW hnIk\ t£a\n[n t_mÀUv cq]oIcn¨psIm­v kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]pds¸SphnçIbp­mbn.  {]kvXpX kvIoan AwK§fmæ¶ kwL§fpsS BkvXn, ^­v F¶nh hmbv]m CS]mSnëw hnIk\ {]hÀ¯\¯nîw D]tbmKnç¶Xphgn kw`hnímhp¶ \jvSw \nI¯p¶Xnëw, kwL§fpsS Xm¸cyw kwc£nç¶Xn\v DXæ¶ hnIk\¯nîw t£a¯nîw th­nbmWv t£a\n[n D]tbmKnç¶Xv. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS `cW \nb{´W¯n hê¶ FÃm klIcW Øm]\§Äçw, 1969 se tIcf klIcW \nba{]Imcw cPnÌÀ sNbvXn«pÅXpw, Cu kvIow _m[Iam¡ns¡m­v kÀ¡mÀ AXmXp Ime§fn hnÚm]\w sN¿p¶Xpamb klIcW Øm]\§Äçw Cu ]²Xn _m[Iambncnçw.  tIcf klIcW t£a hnIk\ kvIow 2000Â, kwØm\s¯ apgph³ {]mYanI klIcW Øm]\§tfbpw/_mèItfbpw. A¸Ivkv, sk³{S klIcW Øm]\§tfbpw AwKamçI F¶ e£yt¯msS Hcp Xo{hbXv\  ]cn]mSn \S¸nemç¶Xn\v 23.05.2003 \v tNÀ¶ klIcW hnIk\ t£a\n[n t_mÀUnsâ `cWkanXn Xoêam\n¨ncnçIbmWv.  klIcW Øm]\§fpsS hnIk\w, t£aw F¶nh e£yam¡ns¡m­v {]hÀ¯nç¶ klIcW hnIk\ t£a\n[n t_mÀUnsâ {]kvXpX Xo{hbXv\ ]cn]mSnbpsS kpKaamb \S¯n¸n\v klmbIcamçw hn[w Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1. Dt±i e£yw ssIhcním³ klIcW Øm]\§Ä ]ckv]cw klIcníWw F¶ klIcW XXzw kmÀhtZiobambn AwKoIcn¡s¸«Xpw, CXv ^e{]Zambn {]mtZinIhpw, tZiobhpw, A´ÀtZiobhpamb Xe§fn {]mtbmKnIambn \S¸nem¡n klIcW {]Øm\¯n\v Iêt¯Inb Aë`h§Ä AîhÀ¯n¨psIm­v cq]oIrXamb tIcf klIcW t£a hnIk\ kvInw-2000  kwØm\s¯ apgph³ klIcW Øm]\§fpw AwKambn tNê¶Xv A`nejWobambncnçì.
2. tIcf klIcW t£a hnIk\ kvIow-2000  AwKamæ¶Xn\v kqN\ 2se kÀ¡mÀ D¯chn \n Ýbn¡s¸«n«pÅ {]mYanI hnlnXw, XpSÀìÅ hmÀjnI hcnkwJy ]pXp¡Â F¶nhímhiyambn hê¶ XpI Øm]\§fpsS P\d ^­n \nìw hn\ntbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv.
{]mYanI hnlnXw: Øm]\¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\aqey¯nsâ ASnØm\¯nemWv IW¡mt¡­Xv. As¸Ivkv, sk³{S klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v Hmtcm 1000/- cq]íw 2/- cq] {Ia¯n ]camh[n 2 e£w cq]bpw, asäÃm klIcW Øm]\§Äçw Hmtcm 1000/ cq]ípw 1/- cq] {Ia¯n ]camh[n 1 e£w cq]bpamWv {]mYanI hnlnXambn kwL§Ä AStí­Xv.
hmÀjnI hcnkwJy ]pXp¡Â: As¸Ivkv, sk³{S klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v {]mYanI hnlnX¯nsâ 10 iXam\hpw, asäÃm klIcW Øm]\§Äçw {]mYanI hnlnX¯nsâ 5 iXam\hpamWv hmÀjnI hcnkwJy ]pXp¡Â \nc¡mbn \nÝbn¨ncnç¶Xv.
3.dnkÀÆv _m¦nsâ \nb{´W¯n hcp¶ klIcW Øn]\§Ä¡v _lpam\s¸« tIcfm sslt¡mSXnbpsS hn[nbpsS ASnØm\¯n Cu t£a\n[nbn AwKamæ¶Xnëw hnlnXw ASíp¶Xnîw hnthN\m[nImcw D­mbncnç¶XmWv.  IqSmsX C¡mcyw dnkÀÆv _m¦nsâ \n_Ô\IÄ¡\pkrXambncnç¶XpamWv.  kvIoan hnlnXw ASíp¶Xns\Xnsc Nne klIcWkwL§Ä _lpam\s¸« sslt¡mSXnbn tIkv ^b sNbvXn«pÅXpw AXn³ta A´na hn[n ]pds¸Sphním¯Xpamb kmlNcy¯n kvIoan AwKamæ¶Xnëw hnlnXw ASíp¶Xnîw klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v hnthN\m[nImcw D­mbncnç¶XmWv.
4. Xo{hbXv\ ]cn]mSnbpsS hnhcw FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fpsSbpw {i²bnÂs¸Sp¯n, Sn ]cn]mSnbpsS kpKaamb \S¯n¸nîw hnPb¯nîw th­ ]qÀ® klIcWw PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amêsS `mK¯p\nìw D­mtI­XmWv.  CXnsâ ]ptcmKXn hnebnê¯p¶Xnte¡v, kvIoan AwKambn tNê¶ klIcW Øm]\§fpsS t]cp hnhcw, AS¨  {]mYanI hnlnXw F¶nhbS§p¶ {]Xnamk ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«v X¿mdm¡n cPnkv{SmÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw Hê {]Xn t£a\n[n t_mÀUv sk{I«dnív Ab¨psImSpt¡­XpamWv.
Cu \nÀt±i§Ä bYmhn[n ]mençìs­¶v _Ôs¸«hÀ FÃmw Dd¸phêt¯­XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n. (2) 40790/02                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 10.07.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 37/03
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v..kwØm\s¯ hmbv]m klIcW Øm]\§Ä. Ønc\nt£]§Ä¡v ]camh[n ]eni \nc¡v ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨Xv kw_Ôn¨v D¯chv ip²n]{Xw ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : Cu B^oknse 22.2.03se 9/ \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\bnse kÀçedn \nÀt±in¨ncnç¶ \nt£]§fpsS ]eni \nc¡n {Ia\¼À c­n 46 Znhkw apX 179 Znhkw hscbpÅ Ønc\nt£]§Ä¡v {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw/ _mèIÄ 6% ]eni \nc¡v F¶Xv 6.5% ]eni \nc¡v F¶v Xnê¯n hmbnt¡­XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv

No. EM(1) 7499/02                   Office of the Registrar of Co-operative societies,
                                                  Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 17.7.2003
CIRCULAR No. 38/2003
Sub : Co-operative Institutions-surrender of Earned leave for the purpose of encashment sanction orders - issued
Ref:- 1. Circular No. 10/2002 dated 30.3.2002
         2. G.O.(P) No. 56/2002/Fin dated 16.1.2002
         3. G.O.(P) No. 349/2002/Fin dated 3.6.2002
         4. G.O.(P) No. 328/2003/Fin dated 19.6.2003
As per the Government Order 2nd cited the Surrender of Earned Leave for the purpose of encashment was discontinued to Government Servants.  Accordingly as per reference first cited Surrender of Earned Leave was discontinued to employees of Co-operative Institutions, under the Administrative control of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.  Now Government have ordered that surrender of Earned Leave has to be restricted to 10 days in a year.  Accordingly Registrar felt it necessary to extend the same facility to the Employees of operative Institutions also.
In the above circumstances it is hereby ordered that the employees of the Co-operative Institution are permitted to Surrender of Earned Leave for 10 days in a year from 2003 onwards.  If any excess surrender of Earned Leave salary is drawn by any employee against this circular that should be recovered from them.
The Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (General) and (Audit) of the District will bring the contents of this circular to the notice of all co-operative Institutions in the District concerned.
K. Kesavan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\¼À kn._n. (4) 42360/01                klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 17.07.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 39/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v. klIcW AÀ_³ _mèIfn Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn (h¬ ssSw skänÂsaâv ) \S¸nemç¶XnëÅ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. `mcXob dnkÀÆv _m¦nsâ 12.2.2003 se _n.]n.Un.1298/09/140/00 (H.än.Fkv/2002.2003 \¼À I¯v)
2. `mcXnb dnkÀÆv _m¦nsâ 3.6.2003 se _n.]n.Un. 04/09/140/00 (H.än.Fkv/2002.2003 \¼À I¯v)
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS \nb{´W¯n kwØm\¯v {] hÀ¯nç¶ {]mYanI klIcW AÀ_³ _mèIfn ap¼v \S¯nb Hä XhW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn (h¬ ssSw skänÂsaâv) ho­pw \S¸nemç¶Xn\v kqN\ (2) {]Imcw dnkÀÆv _mèv \nÀt±iw \ÂInbn«p­v.  2002-.mwam­n C{]Imcw H¯p XoÀ¸p ]²XnbneqsS kwØm\¯v {]hÀ¯nç¶ klIcW AÀ_³ _mèIÄ¡v kwibmkv]Zhpw In«m¡Sambn  XoÀ¯Xpamb \njv{Inb BkvXnIfpsS {F³.]n.F.) iXam\w KWysmb coXnbn Xmgv¯ns¡m­p hcm³ Ignsª¦nepw, `mcXob dnkÀhv _m¦v Ct¸mÄ \njv¡Àjn¨mncnç¶ tXmXn \n jv{Inb BkvXn Xmgv¯nsIm­p hcmëw \ne\nÀ¯mîw Ignbm¯ kmlNcy¯n Hä XhW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn ZoÀLn¸n¡Wsa¶ Bhiyw AÀ_³ klIcW _m¦IfpsS `mK¯p \n¶v DbÀ¶Xnsâ ASnØm\¯n Xmsg ]dbp¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä¡v hnt[bambn {]mYanI klIcW AÀ_³ _mèIfn Hä XhW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn ho­pw \S¸nemçhm³ \nÀt±inçì.
 1. 31.3.2001 hscbpÅ Imemh[n IgnªXpw XhW æSnÈnI BbXpw kwibmkv]Zhpw In «m¡Shpw DÄs¸sSbpÅ FÃmXcw hmbv]IÄ¡pw Cu ]²Xn _m[IamWv.
2. Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw 31.03.2001  æSnÈnIbmbn \nÂç¶ apgph³ XpIbpw 31.12.2003 \Iw AS¨p XoÀ¡mhp¶XmWv. A{]Imcw hmbv] IW¡v Ahkm\n¸nç¶Xn\v ]ng ]eni, Iq«p]eni, aäp A\ma¯v sNehpIÄ F¶nh Hgnhm¡n 31.03.2001 se _m¡n \n¸v hmbv]mXpIbpw ]enibpw tNÀ¶ skänÂsaâv XpIív 12% tam \nehnepÅ \nct¡m GXmWv ædhv B \nc¡n ]eni \ÂInbm aXnbmæ¶XmWv.
3.  Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw H¯p XoÀ¸mæ¶ XpI, sam¯ambn«mWv AStí­Xv.  F¶m GsX¦nepw ImcWhim Sn XnbXn¡Iw AS¨p XoÀ¡m³ IgnbmsX h¶m 31.03.2001 se _m¡n \n¸p XpIbpsS (apXepw ]enibpw tNÀ¶ XpI) 10% AUzm³kmbn 31.12.2003 \v ap¼v ASímhp¶Xpw _m¡n XpI 10 {]Xnamk XhWIfmbn  31.3.2001 apX¡v 12% ]enitbmSpIqSn Xs¶ AS¨p XoÀ¡mhp¶XmWv. Hê XhW AS¨ tijw ]n¶oSpÅ KUp¡Ä apS ¡whê¯p¶ ]£w Cu ]²XnbpsS BëIqeyw \jvSs¸Sp¶XmWv.
4.  BÀ_nt{Sj³ tIkpIfn AhmÀUv e`nçIbpw F¶m FIvknIyqj³ s]änj³ CXphscbpw ^b sN¿msXbncnçIbmsW¦n Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw Hê H¯pXoÀ¸v hyhØ \S¸nem¡m³ AXmXp PnÃbnse tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v At]£ \ÂæIbpw, tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS D¯chnsâ ASnØm\¯n Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw XpI AS¨v hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸n¡mhp¶XmWv.
5. FIvknIyqj³ tÌPn Ccnç¶ tIkpIfnepw Cu ]²Xn {]ImcapÅ BîIqeyw \ÂImhp¶Xpw, BbXn\v AXmXv PnÃbnse P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v At]£ \ÂIn tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamêsS D¯chnsâ ASnØm\¯n Cu ]²Xn {]Imcw XpI AS¨v hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸n¡mhp¶XmWv.
6. Cu ]²XnbneqsS \Âæ¶ BîIqeyw kÀ¡msc `mcXob dnkÀÆv _mt¦m \nI¯p¶XÃ.
7. _m¦n\v e`nç¶ At]£IÄ bmsXmê Xc¯nepÅ thÀXncnthm, hnthN\tam CÃmsX `cWkanXn ]cntim[n¨v amÀ¤\nÀt±i¯n\v hnt[bambn Xoêam\nt¡­XmWv.
8. Cu ]²XnbpsS Iogn C\n ]dbp¶ Xc¯nepÅ hmbv] DÄs¸Sp¯m³ ]mSpÅXÃ..
F) a\]qÀÆambn hogvN hê¯p¶ hmbv]IÄ
-_n) Ir{Xna tcJ Na¨v FSp¯n«ps­¶v Is­¯nb hmbv]IÄ
kn) i¼f¯n \n¶v CuSm¡m³ D`bI£n k½Xw hyhØ sNbvX hmbv]IÄ
Un) _m¦nsâ `cWkanXn AwK§Ät¡m, AhêsS Dd¸n³tatem {]tXyI XmÂ]cy{]Imctam  aäv Øm]\§Ät¡m \ÂInbn«pÅ hmbv]IÄ
C) kÀ¡mÀ Kymc­nbpÅ hmbv]IÄ
F^v) kÀ¡mcnsâ, kÀ¡mÀ Øm]\§Ät¡m \ÂInb hmbv]IÄ
Cu ]²Xn, FÃm P\d tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamêw {]Xnamkw AhtemI\w sNbvXv ]ptcmKXn hnebnêt¯­Xpw, CXnsâ B\pIqeyw hmbv]IÄ ]camh[n {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\v {]bXv\nt¡­XpamWv. Cu ]²Xn \S¯n¸neqsS FÃm klIcW AÀ_³ _mèIfpsSbpw \njv{Inb BkvXn ]camh[n æd¨v `mcXob dnkÀÆv _mèv \njvIÀjnç¶ Xc¯n F¯n¡m³ FÃm  _mèIfpw {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmW. FÃm _mèIfpw C{]Imcw H¯pXoÀ¸m¡nb hmbv]IfpsS hniZhnhcw AXmXp PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnmv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amsc  Hmtcm amkhpw Adnbnt¡­Xpw, BbXv t{ImUoIcn¨ PnÃm Xe dnt¸mÀ«v Hmtcm amkhpw 5-mw XobXn¡p ap¼v cPnkv{Smsc Adnbnt¡­XpamWv.  Cu ]²Xn \S¯n¸v a\¸qÀÆw \S¸nem¡m³ hntbmPn¸v ImWnç¶ _mèIÄ¡v FXnsc tIcf klIcW \nba¯n Aîimknç¶ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶XpamWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n.(1)14796/03                    klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 17.07.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 40/2003
hnjbw : Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸nemç¶Xn hogv¨ hê¯p¶Xns\Xnsc \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. cPnkv{SmêsS 35/2001 \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. cPnkv{SmêsS 35/2003 \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. cPnkv{SmêsS 49/2002 \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\ kÀçedpIÄ {]Imcw  Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn (h¬ ssSw skänÂsaâv ]²Xn){]mYanI kÀÆokv klIcW _mèIÄ, {]mYanI  klIcW ImÀjnI hnIk\ _mèIÄ, AÀ_³ _mèIÄ, luknwKv klIcW kwL§Ä, aäp {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§Ä F¶nhbn  \S¸nemç¶Xn\v \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¨n«p­v.  F¶m ]e hmbv]m klIcWkwL§fpw Sn ]²Xn  \S¸m¡m³ hnapJX ImWnç¶Xmbn  {i²bnÂs¸«n«p­v. IÀjIêÄs¸sSbpÅ hmbv]¡mÀ¡v Bizmkw \Âæ¶tXmsSm¸w klIcWkwL§fpsS æSninI ædíphmîw e£yan«v \S¸nemç¶ Cu ]²Xn FÃm hmbv]m kwL§fnepw              \ nÀ_Ôambpw \S ¸nemt¡­XmWv. BbXn\m P\d hn`mKw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ {]mYanI klIcW ImÀjnI hnIk\ _mèIfnse AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ/hmeypthj³ B^okÀamÀ F¶nhÀ AhchêsS `cW \nb{´W¯nepÅ klIcWkwL§Ä Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn {]ImcapÅ BîIqeyw hmbv]¡mÀ \Âæ¶p F¶v Dd¸v hêt¯­XmWv. GsXènepw klIcWkwL§Ä Cu BîIqeyw \Âæ¶nà Fì  I­m A¡mcyw _Ôs¸« bqWnäv  C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ tPmbnâv  cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bn sIm­phcnIbpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ kwL§Äs¡Xnsc cPnkv{SmdpsS \nÀt±i§Ä AhKWn¨Xn\v \nbamîkrXamb \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mÅpIbpw sNt¿­XmWv.
AtXmsSm¸w Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²XnbpsS BîIqeyw \Âæ¶nsöv ImWn¨v e`nç¶ ]cmXnIfn ta ASnb´nc {]m[m\yw \ÂIn At\zjWw \S¯n, ]cmXnbn Ig¼ps­ìw, ]cnKW\mÀlamsWìw Is­¯nbm BîIqeyw \ÂIm³ _Ôs¸« kwL¯n\v \nÀt±iw \ÂæIbpw, \nÀt±iw AhKWnçIbmsW¦n kwL¯ns\Xnsc \nbamîkrXamb \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mtÅ­XpamWv. 
Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn {]m_ey¯nepÅ  Imebfhv apgph³ kwL¯n \S¯p¶ ]cntim[\Ifn C¡mcyw IqSn  DÄs¸Spt¯­Xpw, BbXv {]Xnamk kt½f\§fn AhtemI\w \St¯­XpamWv.
]cntim[\ \S¯p¶ kwL§fn Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²XnbpsS BîIqeyw \ÂImXncnçIbpw F¶m BbXv _Ôs¸« taeptZymKسamÀ¡v bYmkabw dnt¸mÀ«v sN¿mXncnçIbpw, \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡mXncnçIbpw sN¿p¶ DtZymKسamÀs¡Xnsc in£W \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶XmsWìw, Adnbnçì.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 5861/02                            klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 17.07.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 41/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fn \nìw AwK§Ä¡v \Âæ¶ hnhn[ C\w hmbv]IÄçw, PnÃm klIcW _m¦n \nìw {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä¡v \Âæ¶ hmbv]IÄçapÅ Hmlcn Aî]mXw GIoIcn¨psIm­pÅ \nÀt±i§Ä \S¸nemç¶XnepÅ hogvN XpSÀ \S]Sn kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 3.1.2000 se 3/2000 \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 2.4.2002 se 11/2002 -mw \¼À kÀçeÀ
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW Øm]\§Ä, ^mÀtagvkv kÀÆokv klIcW _mèIÄ , _m¦nwKv dKptej³ BÎnsâ ]cn[nbn hcm¯ ImÀjntIXc hmbv]m klIcWkwL§Ä F¶nhbn \nìw AwK§Ä¡v \ÂImhp¶ hnhn[ C\w hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[nbpw, Hmlcn Aî]mXhpw kqN\(1) se kÀçeÀ aptJ\ \nÝbn¨n«p­v.  {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä aptJ\ AwK§Ä¡v hnhn[ Bhiy§Ä¡v hmbv] \Âæ¶Xn\v kqN\ H¶nse kÀçeÀ {]Imcw \nÝbn¨n«pÅ Hmlcn Aî]mXw, PnÃm klIcW _m¦n \nìw {]kvXpX Bhiy§Ä¡mbn {]mYanI klIcW kwL§sfSpç¶ hmbv]IÄ¡pw _m[Iam¡ns¡m­v kqN\ (2) se kÀçeÀ aptJ\ \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¨ncnçì. {]kvXpX kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§Ä {]mYanI klIcWkwL§fpw PnÃm klIcW _mèIfpw IÀi\ambn ]menç¶nà F¶v {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçIbmWv.  BbXv Sn kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§fpsS Dt±i e£y§sf _m[nç¶XmIbm BbXv XStb­XmsW¶v t-_m[yambXn\m Xmsg ]dbpw{]ImcapÅ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1) klIcW hæ¸nse Xeq¡v AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ {P\dÂ) B^okn {]hÀ¯nsbSp綠 bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ AhchcpsS bqWnänse  Htcm  {]mYanI hmbv]m  kwL§fnepw 20.8.2003 \Iw ]cntim[\ \S¯n klIcW Øm]\§Ä Sn kÀçe À \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn  ]mençìs­¶v Dd¸v hêt¯­XpamWv {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§Ä bYmhn[n ]menç¶nà Fìw \nÀt±i¯n\v hnê²ambn Hmlcn CuSm¡n hê¶Xmbpw Imé¶ ]£w Xmsg ]dbpw{]ImcapÅ Hê tÌävsaâv klnXw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v dnt¸mÀ«v \ÂtI­XmWv.
1.       kwL¯nsâ t]cv, \¼À            :
2.       hmbv]bpsS hnhcw, hmbv]m XpI   :
3.       CuSm¡nb Hmlcn XpI              :
4.       Hmlcn hmbv]m Aë]mXw           :
2) C{]Imcw bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ kaÀ¸nç¶ tÌävsaâv klnXapÅ dnt¸mÀ«v AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amÀ t{ImUoIcn¨v PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v (P\dÂ) 31.9.2003 \Iw kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw, PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Sn dnt¸mÀ«v ]cntim[n¨v hogvN hê¯nbn«pÅ klIcW Øm]\§-Äs¡Xnsc klIcW \nbaw/N«w. Aëimknçw {]Imcw IÀi\ \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mtÅ­XpamWv.  kÀçeÀ \nÀt±iw \S¸nem¡nbXnsâ hnhcw, hogvN¡mÀs¡Xnsc ssIs¡m­ \S]SnbpsS hnhcw F¶nhbS§p¶ PnÃmXe dnt¸mÀ«v klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v 05.09.2003 \Iw kaÀ¸nt¡­XmWv.
3) PnÃm klIcW _mèIfn \nìw {]mYanI klIcW Øm]\§Ä FSpç¶ hmbv]Ifn Sn kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]mençìs­¶v PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) ]cntim[n¨v Dd¸p hêt¯­XmWv. PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i§Ä ]menç¶nà Fìw, \nÀt±i¯n\v hnê²ambn Hmlcn CuSmç¶Xmbpw ]cntim[\bn Is­¯p¶ ]£w, JÞnI 1.  tcJs¸Sp¯nb Xc¯nepÅ Hê tÌävsaâv klnXw klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v dnt¸mÀ« sNt¿­XmWv.
CXv kw_Ôn¨v AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, hmeypthj³ B^okÀamÀ, _Ôs¸« bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ F¶nhêsS \nb{´W¯nepÅ  klIcW Øm]\§fn cPnkv{SmÀ \nÀt±in¨Xn IqSpX HmlcnIÄ AwK§fn \n¶v CuSmç¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs¸SpIbpw _Ôs¸« DtZymKسamÀ BZyw \ÂInb dnt¸mÀ«v, icnbmbn ]cntim[n¡msXbmWv \ÂInbsXìw {i²bnÂs¸«mÂ, _Ôs¸« DtZymKسamÀs¡Xnsc in£W \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶XmsWìw  Adnbnçì.
Sn ]cntim[\ ]qÀ¯nbm¡nb tijw XpSÀ¶v _Ôs¸« hæ¸v DtZymKسamÀ \S¯p¶ ]cntim[\IfnseÃmw Xs¶ Hmlcn Aî]mXw IrXyambn ]mençìt­msb¶v ]cntim[nt¡­Xpw C¡mcy¯n \nÀt±i§Ä ]menç¶nsæn BbXv DS³ dnt¸mÀ«v sNt¿­XpamWv.  tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamêsS {]Xnamk Un.H. \tcäohv dnt¸mÀ«n Ahkm\ `mK¯v aäv Imcy§Ä FìÅXn Hmlcn Aë]mXw kw_Ôn¨v F¶ ioÀjI¯n C¡mcyw {]tXyIw ]cmaÀint¡­XmWv.
kwL¯n IWçIÄ ]cntim[nç¶ BUnäÀamÀ BUnäv hn`mK¯nse aäv taeptZymKØ·mêw kwLw kµÀi\ thfbn ta Imcy§Ä ]cntim[nt¡­Xpw kÀçeÀ \nÀt±i{]Imcw Hmlcn Aî]mXw hmbv] \Âæ¶Xn ]mençìs­¶v Dd¸mt¡­XpamWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
No.ADL. (1)44544/2002        Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 1.8.2003
CIRCULAR No. 42/2003
Sub : Execution Petitions-Collection of fee for execution of decisions -Awards, Decrees, Orders - revision of rates regarding
Ref:- 1. This Office Circular No.11/2001 dated 8.2.2001
2. Government Ltr.No.10559/db1/02/Co-op dated 19-1-02 and 17-5-2003 of Co-op (B) Department, Thiruvananthapuram
In supersession of the orders read as Ist above and in exercise of the powers conferred Under Sub Rule (2)74 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, 1969, the Registrar of Co-operative Societies prescribes the revised fees for the various services under execution of decisions, awards, decrees or orders etc.
I. Execution Petition Fee                                                       Rs        Ps
1. If the value of  the subject matter is less than Rs.500/-       20/-
2. If the value of Rs.500/- and above                                       50/-
II. Fee for notice or summons
1. When sent by Registered post                                            Actual cost
2. When served by an officer of the Department
for the first person in the same village                                         6/-
3. For every additional person in the same village
if the process be applied for at the same time                              4/-
III. Attachment fee per case                                                   50/-
IV. Sale Fee                                                                              50/-
V.  Objection fee                                                                      50/-
VI. Attachment before judgment                                        100/-
The above revised rates will come into force with effect from 1-8-2003.
K. Kesavan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
No. ADL(1) Pd1 3/2003         Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 1-8-2003
CIRCULAR No. 43/2003
Sub : Liquidation of Co-operative Societies-Levy of Liquidation Charges-instructions issued
Ref : 1. This Office Circular No.21/95 Dated 18-7-1995
2. Government Letter No.10559/D1/02/Co-op Dated 19-11-02 and 17-5-2003 of Co-op (B) Department, Thiruvananthapuram
In supersession of the orders read as Ist above and in exercise of the powers conferred Under Sub Rule (7) of Rule 69 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rule 1969, the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Prescribes the following rate of levy of liquidation charges.
a) The Liquidators through out the state will levy 20% of the total cash collection towards cost of liquidation.
b) Out of 20% so collected 3/4 (ie.15%) shall be remitted to Government.
c) The remaining 1/4 (ie.5%) of the total cash collection left to the liquidators to meet essential contingent charges of liquidation.
Cash collecction means the Assets of the liquidated societies realised by the liquidator during the process of liquidation including deposits, and investments with drawn.  Withdrawals from the savings and current accounts of the societies of  deposits made by the liquidators out of collections will not however be treated as cash collections.
The revised rates will come into force with effect from 1.8.2003,
K. Kesavan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
No.                                          Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 1-8-2003
CIRCULAR No. 45/2003
Sub : Department of Co-operation-proper maintenance of Loan Ledgers, Prompt realisation of loan instalments and interest thereon etc. and proper preparation of DCB Statements - Instructions - issued - regarding
Read : 1. Circular No.26/80 dated 4.8.1980 of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
2. Circular No.38/84 dated  1.9.1984 of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
3. Circular No. 30/87 dated  2.7.1987      of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
4. Circular No. 33/87 dated 17.7.1987     of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
5. Circular No. 5/89 dated 30.1.1988       of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
6. Circular No. 29/90 dated 24.2.1990     of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
7. Circular No.33/93 dated 31.5.1993      of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
8. Circular No.12/99 dated 29.3.1999      of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
9. Government Circular No.43/2003/Fin.dated 12.6.2002.
10. D.O. Letter No. Fin.A.(1) 29232/2003 dated 11.7.2003 from the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
Instructions regarding the importance and necessity of proper maintenance of loan Pedgers, timely realisation of loan instalments and interest thereon, preparation of correct Demand Collection Balance Statement etc; were issued from time to time from this office.  But it has been noticed that inspite of repeated instructions the loan ledgers are not being maintained properly in the officers of the Joint Registrars (General) and Assistant Registrars (General) and that adequate care has not been taken by most of the department officers for the prompt realisation of loan instalment and interest thereon.  This is one of the main reason attributed to the accumulation of huge arrears of loans and interest due to Government from Co-operative Societies.  The slackness and indifference shown by many department officers in realising the loan instalments together with interest/penal interest had adversely affected the collection process.
The above mentioned sorry state of affairs in the matter of maintenance of loan Ledgers and realisation of loan instalment together with interest had resulted in  adverse observation from the comptroller and Auditor General of India, committee on public Accounts etc.  The observation in this regard contained in para 10.1.7 and 10.1.8 of the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General for the year ended 31.3.1997 (Revenue Receipts) is extracted below for information and strict compliance.
1. Loan ledgers are the basic records of loans in which initial information such as sanction order, date of drawal, amount, rate of interest, other terms and conditions, particulars of repayment, balance amount etc., are to be noted.  In the Department of Co-operation, in the case of loans to Primary Co-operative Societies/Banks.  Assistant Registrars and in case of loans to District level and apex societies, Joint Registrars are responsible for recovery of loan.  Loan ledgers are to be maintained in the offices of Assistant Registrars at Taluk level and Joint Registrars at district level.
2.  Loan ledgers were not maintained properly either by the Joint Registrars or the Assistant Registrars whose offices were subjected to audit.  The registrars maintained by them didnot contain details such as number and date of order sanctioning of loan, amount, rate of interest and other relevant information.
3.  Details of remittances such as chalan number, date of remittance and amount remitted were not authenticated by any officer.
4. Instalments of principal, interest and penal interest due from the loanees were not worked out and demand notices issued one  month in advance as required under the Kerala Financial Code.
5. The amounts shown in the loan ledgers maintained by the Assistant Registrars were not reconciled with that shown in the registrars maintained by the Joint Registrars despite specific direction (July 1987) of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
6. Though the Joint Registrar were responsible to maintain the accounts and watch the recovery of the loan amount and interest due, the ledgers maintained by them didnot contain the details of loans issued to the Apex Societies and proper steps were not being taken by the Joint Registrars to recover the dues from Apex Societies.
7. Demand, Collection and Balance Statements are intended to indicate the exact position of the revenue due, collected and revenue outstanding during a particular period and serve as on instrument of internal control system.  But the demand, collection and balance statements prepared by the departments under review didnot depict the exact position and hence didnot serve the purpose for which it has been prepared.
Recommendations No,19 to 24 and 26 of the 47th Report of the Comm ittee on Public Accounts Committee (2001-2004) are extracted below for information and strict compliance.
19.  The Committee understands that Government sanction loans to Government Commercial Undertakings, Co-operative Societies and Private parties and interest thereon is one of the sources of revenue to the State.  The Committee noties that Government have to pay interest to various financial institutions from which funds are obtained for this purpose, as per the terms and conditions agreed upon with these institutions. The state, District and Taluk Level Offices of Industries.  Co-operation and Agriculture Departments are empowered to sanction loans to the user Agencies.  It is the responsibility of the officers aforesaid to see that the loans are repaid with interest according to the terms and conditions fixed.  The committee notices that recovery of loans and interest thereon by the departments is not upto the mark at the loanees on various reasons.   The committee notices that recovery of loans are repaid with interest according to the terms and conditions fixed.  The committee notices that recovery of loans and interest thereon by the departments is not upto the mark at the loanees on various reasons.  The Committee also notes the huge difference between the budget estimates and actuals during 1995-96 in the Agriculture department and the steady decline of recovery from Rs. 328.48 lakhs in 1992-93 to Rs.0.62 lakh in 1995-96 when there was increase in the amount outstanding.  It has come to the notice of the committee that the witness could not offer a reasonable reply for the heavy arrears in repayment of loan due from public sector and other undertakings, Co-operative Institutions and individuals.  The Committee is of the view that one of the reasons for heavy arrears in repayment of loan is the absence of proper internal control mechanism to watch the repayment and realisation of interest receipt.  Absence of suitable action on the part of the concerned Administrative Departments, laxity  in the maintenance of records inability of the loanees to repay the amount etc. also hinder prompt recovery of loans.  The Secretary, Finance (Expenditure) informed that though the Department issues circulars and orders in this regars, they lack effective follow up action.  He also informed that the concerned Administrative Department  has to take a key role in the matter.  The Committee views the matter with serious concern and suggests that a separate centralised control mechanism should be evolved in the Finance Department for the co-ordination and e ffective monitoring of recovery of loans and its interest receipts to Government.
20.  The Committee also urges all Administrative Department to observe the general instructions and conditions on which the loans are granted in accordance with the procedures contained in Chapter IX of Kerala Financial Code. Vol.I.
21.  The Comittee finds that there is absolutely no justification for non-maintenances of records such as loan ledgers, DCB Registers etc: showing the details like sanctioning order, date of drawal, amount, rate of interest particulars of repayment etc; relating to the loans sanctioned by the various levels of officers in the Industries, Co-operation and Agriculture Departments..  The Committee also notes that the concerned /administrative Departments failed to maintain the important records properly and upto date.   Even  the limited records maintained do not consist of all the relevant details.  The Committee is of the view that absence of proper and up dated records makes it difficult for timely recovery of loans.  The Committee therefore, urges these Departments to maintain the records with all relevant details as required by the rules and regulations in this regard. The Committee also urges to initiate action against those controlling officers of Administrative Departments who fails to maintain the records and registers in respect of loans and interest regularly and properly.
22.  During evidence the Committee was informed that a major pare of the arrears pending relates to Public Sector Undertakings and that majority of them are running in loss.  It was also stated that certain proposal for the onetime settlement have been submitted before ERC to recommendation.   The Committee suggest to expedice action in the matter and desires to be furnished with the details regarding the action taken in  cases which had been submitted before ERC.  The Committee also urges the Departments (Industries, Co-operation and Agriculture) to chalk out some effective measures to clear the arrears pending with the various institutions and individuals.
23.The Committee notices the absence of proper internal Audit and reconciliation of loan ledgers in connection with the loans sanctioned by Government through the Administrative Departments even fai to issue demand notices to the loanees.  The Committee urges the Government to give necessary instructions to ensure accounting and auditing proper and upto date in respect of ledgers, records etc; relating to Government loans.
24. The Committee was informed that the Administrative Departments didnot supply sufficient details required by the Finance Department.  The Committee desires the Administrative Departments to furnish all the relevant information relating to the loans sanctioned, as required by the Finance Department without any lapse in future.
26.  The Committee notes the diversion of funds by the Institutions and individuals and non-remittance of the amount arguing the occurrence or loss.  The Committee urges the Industries, Co-operation and Agriculture Department to ensure that the loanees utilises the amount sanctioned for the same purpose for which it was sanctioned.
It has been noticed that there are short demand of interest penal interest   due to wrong/defective application of interest rate and wrong computation of interest. Timely demand notices are not being issued to the loanees one month in advances as contemplated in Chapter IX of  Kerala Financial Code Volume I by most of the Joint Registrars as well as the Assistant Registrars (General).
As per the general instructions on repayment of loans, interest etc; issued by Government, amount paid by the loanee shall be adjusted first towards interest dues, if any, and the balance only shall be adjusted towards principal.  It has been observed in Audit para 10.1.11 of the Report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended 31.3.1997 (Revenue Receipt) that failure to follow these general instructions by the Co-operative Department had resulted in short realisation of principal and interest.
It is the responsibility of the Joint Registrars (General) concerned to watch the recovery of loans together with interest in the case of loans paid to District level, Regional Societies also.  This is not being done by the Joint Registrars (General) concerned.  The concurrent Auditors of these institutions should furnish the details if any, as required by the Joint Registrars (General) in this regard.
In respect of loans sanctioned under NCDC schemes, effective rate of interest which are application only to prompt repayment, are seen applied for calculation of interest in respect of defaulters as well. In some cases, penal interest on defaulted loan are not being charged.  There were short demand interest due to this incorrect of computation of interest in many cases.  Penal rate of interest shall be payable on overdue instalments (Principal and interest) for the period of delay.
Demand, Collection and Balance Statement are not being prepared by the departmental officers do not reveal incorrect position of arrear,  Year-wise analysis of arrears, category analysis of arrears of principal and interest/ penal interest.  No proper Demand Collection Balance Statement is seen prepared by income offices.  The Demand collection Balance Statement prepared by the Joint Registrars (Gl.) have no relevancy with reference to the loan ledgers maintained in their offices and office of the Assistant Registrars (General), Demand Collection Balance statements prepared by the departmental officers do not depict the correct position of outstanding loans and interest/penal interest.  In the case of some Joint Registrars (General), seperate Demand Collection Balance Statement for state Government loans and loans under NCDC Schemes are not being prepared.
In some cases, the loan account in the ledger is seen closed by simply noting the ward ‘loan closed’ in red ink.  The details regarding the repayment of principal instalments, payment of interest/penal interest are not seen recorded in the ledger.  Moreover, the closure entry is seen not attested by any responsible officer.
It is one of the Primary responsibility of the departmental officers to ensure that the loan ledgers are maintained properly with upto date information and full details and loan instalments together with interest/penal interest are realised promptly.  This is inevitable to watch repayment of loan principal instalments and interest/penal interest.  The laxity on the part of departmental officers in the matter of proper maintenance of loan ledgers and realisation of loans instalments together with interest/penal interest is viewed with serious concern. The above mentioned sorry state of affairs prevailing in the department in the matter of maintaining the basic records in respect of revenue due to Government and realisation of the same has been brought to the notice of all Joint Registrars (General) vide D.O. letter 10th cited, for strict compliance.  This sorry state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue any further.  In this circumstance, in addition to the instructions in this regard issued from this office from time to time, the following instruments are issued for strict compliance .
1. Loan ledgers should be maintained properly in the offices of the Joint Registrars (General) and Assistant Registrars (General).  The loan ledgers maintained by them should contain details such as number and date of sanctioning the loan, amount of loan, date of disbursement of the loan/each instalment of loan, rate of interest, number of instalments for repayment of the loan, rate of each instalment and other relevant information.
2.Details of remittances such as chalan number, date of remittance, name of treasury, amount each remitted towards payment of principal instalments and interest payment should be recorded in the loan ledgers.
3. The entries in the loan ledgers maintained in the offices of the Assistant Registrars (General) should be reconciled with that of shown in the loan ledgers maintained in the offices of the Joint Registrars (General) atleast once in a quarter.
4.  The Joint Registrars (General) and Assistant Registrars (General) will be personally responsible for the maintenance of loan ledgers  in their offices with upto date full details.
5.  All entries in the loan ledgers should be attested by a responsible officer.
6.  The Joint Registrars (General) each should be make necessary arrangements to complete the loan ledgers maintained in his office and offices of the Assistant Registrars (General) under his control as instructed above on or before 15.10.2003 positively and furnished a certificate to the effect that “the loan ledgers maintained in his office and those in the offices of the Assistant Registrars (General) are completed in all aspect as instructed in circular No.45/2003 dated 8.2003 of the Registrar of co-operative societies”.  The certificate should be furnished so as to reach office on or before 30.11.2003 positively.
1. The orders sanctioning loan should be accompanied by a Statement in the proforma given in the Annexure I to Government Circular 9th cited.
2. The Joint Registrars (General) should keep a close watch on timely repayment loans granted to Co-operative Institutions and recovery of interest thereon.
3. Instalments of principal, interest and penal interest due from the loanees should be worked out in advance and Demand Notices should be sent of the borrowers one month in advance of the due date regarding repayment of the principal and payment of interest in the form given in Annexure III to Government Circular 9th cited.
4. The Joint Registrars (General) should review, atlear quarterly principal repayments/Interest payments due from the loanees and in defaulted cases, a fresh notice in the form given in Annexure IV to Government Circular 9th cited should be served on the loanees to arrange payment with penal interest/higher rate of interest.
5. The receipt towards loan instalments and interest should be reconciled with the treasury accounts promptly.
6. Penal interest should be charged on overdue instalments of principal and interest for the period of delay.
7. Short demand of interest on account of the wrong application of rate of interest should not be occured.
8. Amount paid by the loanees shall be adjusted first towards interest dues if any, and the balance only shall be adjusted towards principal.
9. In the case of chronic defaulters, action under Revenue Recovery Act should be initiated under intimation to this office.  A separate register should be maintained in the offices of the Joint Registrar (General) and Assistant Registrar (General) for recording the details of cases advised to action under Revenue Recovery Act and amount collected under Revenue Recovery Act.
10. Since it is the responsibility of the Joint Registrar (General) to watch the recovery of loans issued to the District level and Regional Co-operative Societies, they should serve timely demand notices to the concerned institutions also one month in advance in form given in Annexure III to Government Circular 9th cited, promptly for remitting the Government dues under loans and interest including penal interest as instructed in the circular 4th cited.
11.  In the case of defaults for repayment of loans and payment of interest and penal interest in respect of Apex level Institutions/Federations.the Joint Registrar (General) should intimate the details of defaults to this office in the form given in Annexure II to Government circular 9th cited for taking appropriate action against the institutions concerned for realising the arrears of Government dues.
12. The Joint Registrar (General) should chalk out an action plan for the realisation of all arrears of loan instalments and interest/penal interest within a period of one month positively.
13. In the case of loans under NCDC schemes penal rate of interest should be charged on overdue instalments (principal and interest) for the period of delay since in respect of loans under prompt repayment as mentioned above.
1.The Demand, Collection and Balance Statement prepared by the Joint Registrar (General) and Assistant Registrar (General) should reveal the correct position of outstanding loans , arrears year-wise analysis of arrears, category-wise analysis of arrears of principal and interest etc.
2. The Demand, Collection and Statements should have relevancy with reference to the loan ledgers maintained in the offices of the Joint Registrar (General) and Assistant Registrar (General).
3.  The Demand, Collection and Balance Statements should depict the correct positions of outstanding dues.
4. As the Government is closely watching the repayment of loans under NCDC schemes, hereinafter separate DCB Statement in respect of Government loans and loans under NCDC schemes should be prepared and furnished to this office.
5. Quarterly, Half-yearly and yearly DCB statements should be prepared and submitted to this office promptly.
6. If there is any difference in the opening balance of a DCB statement with reference to the closing balance of the previous DCB statement, satisfactory explanation for difference should be specifically stated in the DCB statement.
7. Arithemetical inaccuracy should not be occurred in the DCB statement.
8. As the DCB statements are intended to indicate the exact position of the revenue due, collected and revenue outstanding during a particular period and serve as an instrument of internal control system the DCB statements should be prepared with atmost care so as to serve the purpose for which they are incended.
1. The department officers should observe the general instructions and conditions on which the loans are granted in accordance with the procedures contained in Chapter IX of Kerala Financial Code Volume.I.
2. The department officers should ensure that the loanees utilise the amount sanctioned for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.
3. A copy of the Government circular 9th cited is enclosed.  The Instructions contained therein should be scrupulously complied with.
The above instructions should be strictly adhered to.
Receipt of this circular should be acknowledged.
K. Kesavan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\¼À Fw.]n.(4) 31369/2003                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 21.8.2005
kÀçeÀ \¼À 46/2003
hnjbw : ae_mÀ doPnbW tlmÀ«n IĨd s{]mUyptkgvkv t{]kÊnwKv Bâv amÀ¡änwKv klIcWkwLw en.\w.4436 (tlm]vtIm) D¸mZn¸nç¶ ssPh {io hf§fpsS  hn¸\ t{]mÕmln¸nç¶Xn\v klIcWkwL§Ä¡v \nÀt±iw \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1) kwLw `cWkanXnbpsS 17.7.2003se \¼À Xoêam\w
2) kwL¯nsâ 5.0.2003 se At]£
3) hb\mSv PnÃm klIcWkwLw P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS 6.8.2003se kn.Fkv.2868/2003 \¼À I¯v
tIcf kwØm\w apgph³ {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbpÅ ae_mÀ doPnbW tlmÄ«n IĨd s{]mUytkgvkv t{]mkknwKv Bâv  amÀ¡änwKv klIcWkwLw en.\,4436 (tlm]vtIm) D¸mZn¸nç¶ ssPh- ssPh{io F¶o hf§Ä kwØm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§Ä \S¯p¶ hfw hnXcWtI{µ§Ä {]m[anI amÀ¡änwKv klIcWkwL§Ä, klIcW tÌmdpIÄ, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW amÀ¡änwKv s^Utdj³ F¶nh hgn hnXcWw sN¿p¶Xnë ta¸dª kwL§Ä¡v \nÀt±iw \Âæ¶Xn\v kwLw `cWkanXn kqN\ H¶nse Xoêam\{]Imcw hb\mSv PnÃm klIcWkwLw P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ aptJ\ klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n¨n«p­v.
taÂhf§Ä aäv klIcWkwL§Ä hgn hn]W\w sN¿p¶XneqsS D¸mZI kwLt¯msSm¸w hn]W\w \S¯p¶ kwL§fpsSbpw _nkn\Êv hÀ²n¸nçIbpw IÀjIÀ¡v {]tbmP\ {]ZambncnçIbpw sN¿psa¶v Iméì.
Cu kmlNcy¯nÂ, tlm]vtIm D¸mZn¸nç¶ ssPh ssPh{io F¶o hf§Ä kwØm\s¯ taÂ]dª klIcW kwL§Ä hm§n hnXcWw \S¯phm³ XmÂ]cys¸Spì.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À Fw.]n.(4) 32108/2003                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 21.3.2000
kÀçeÀ \¼À 47/2003
hnjbw : ae_mÀ doPnbW tlmÀ«n IĨd s{]mUyqtkgvkv t{]mkÊnwKv Bâv amÀ¡änwKv klIcWkwLw en. \w.4436 (tlm]vtIm) D¸mZn¸nç¶ I¸Xê shfns¨®bpsS hn¸\ t{]mÂkmln¸nç¶Xn\v klIcWkwL§Ä¡v \nÀt±iw \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ : 1) kwLw `cWkanXnbpsS 17.7.2003 se 10 mw \¼À Xnêam\w
2) kwL¯nsâ 19.7.2003 se At]£
3) hb\mSv PnÃm klIcWkwLw P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS 24.7.2003 se kn.Fkv./2634/2003 \¼À I¯v
tIcf kwØm\w apgph³ {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbpÅ ae_mÀ doPnbW tlmÀ«nIĨd s{]mUyptkgvkv t{]mkÊnwKv Bâv amÀ¡änwKv klIcWkwLw en.\.4436 (tlm]vtIm) D¸mZn¸nç¶ I¸Xcp F¶ {_mâv \ma¯nepÅ shfns¨® kwØm\s¯ klIcW tÌmdpIÄ, {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§Ä \S¯p¶ D]t`màr hn]W\ tI{µ§Ä, klIcW I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³, \oXntÌmdpIÄ F¶nh hgn hn¸\ t{]mÕmln¸nç¶Xn\v kwØm\s¯ FÃm klIcWkwL§Äçw \nÀt±iw \Âæ¶Xn\v kwLw `cWkanXn kqN\ H¶nse Xoêam\{]Imcw hb\mSv PnÃm klIcWkwLw P\d hn`mKw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ aptJ\ klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n¨n«p­v.
tIc IÀjIÀçw, tIcf¯nse km[mcW D]t`màm¡Äçw klmbIamb coXnbnÂ, ip²amb ae_mÀ sIm{] D]tbmKn¨v tlm]vtIm D¸mZn¸nç¶ I¸Xê F¶ {_mâv \ma¯nepÅ shfns¨®bpsS hn]W\w ip²amb shfns¨® \ymbamb hne¡v e`yamçI F¶ e£yt¯mSpIqSnbpÅXmsW¶v Iméì.
Cu kmlNcy¯nÂ, tlm]vtIm D¸mZn¸nç¶ IÂ]Xê F¶ {_mâp \ma¯nepÅ shfns¨® kwØm\s¯ ta¸dª FÃm klIcWkwL§Äçw hm§n hn¸\ \S¯phm³ XmÂ]cys¸Spì.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnmv{SmÀ
\¼À kn._n.(1) 14796/03                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 08.08.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 48/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v- Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn- {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä¡v PnÃm _mèIÄ/A¸Ivkv Øm]\§Ä F¶nhbn \n¶v e`nç¶ hmbv]IÄ¡v \S¸nemç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 35/2001 kÀçedpIfpw XpSÀìÅ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§fpw
2. cPnkv{SmdpsS 25/2003 \¼À kÀçeÀ
kwØm\s¯ hmbv]m klIcWkwL§fnse In«m¡Sw ]ncns¨Sp¡p¶Xnte¡mbn kqN\ (1) {]Imcw Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸nemçIbpw, Sn ]²Xn {]Imcw kwL§fpsS  æSninI XpIbn \sÃmê iXam\w CuSmçhm³ IgnbpIbpw kwL§Ä¡v Imcyamb Bizmkw e`nçIbpw sNbvXn«p­v.  kqN] (2) {]Imcw Sn ]²Xn ho­pw \S¸nemç¶Xn\v \nÀt±iw \ÂæIbpw, Sn ]²Xn Ct¸mÄ \S¸nem¡n hcnIbpw sN¿pì­v.  F¶m {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä PnÃm _mèIÄ/ aäv A¸Ivkv Øm]\§Ä F¶nhbnÂ\n¶v FSp¯n«pÅ hmbv]IÄ¡v Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²XnbpsS {]tbmP\w e`nç¶nÃmsb¶v {i²bnÂs¸«n«p­v.  BbXn\m {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä¡v PnÃm _mèpIÄ, A¸Ivkv _mèIÄ aptJ\ \ÂInbn«pÅ hmbv]IÄ¡v Sn ]²Xn¡mbn klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ AwKoIcn¨n«pÅ hyhØItfmSp IqSn Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸nem¡m³ th­ AëhmZw CXn\m \Âæì.
tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ(P\dÂ)amÀ kwL§Ä/PnÃm _mèIÄ XpS§nbhív Bhiyamb amÀ¤ \nÀtZiw \ÂtI­Xpw ]ptcmKXn CSínsS hnebnêt¯­XpamWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À Fkv.än.F.(1) 35495/2003            klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 26/8/03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 49/03
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v. tIcf¯nse klIcW hæ¸nsâ IognepÅ klIcW kwL§fnse 2002.2003 hÀjs¯ hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ tiJcn¨v X¿mdm¡n Abç¶Xnte¡v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä \Âæì.
(1) 2002.2003 hÀjs¯ ØnXn hnhc¡WçIfn 2002 G{]n amkw XobXn apX 2003 amÀ¨v amkw XobXn hscbpÅ Imebfhnse hnhc§Ä BWv DÄs¸Spt¯­Xv.
(2) kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v, PnÃm klIcW_mèIÄ, aäv As]Ivkv kwL§Ä F¶nhbpsS ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ Cu B^okn \nìw t\cn«v tiJcnç¶XmWv.
(3) klIcW hæ¸nsâ Ingn \nehnepÅ klIcW ImÀjnI {KmahnIk\ _m¦v DÄs¸sS asäÃm klIcW Øm]\§fpsSbpw ({]hÀ¯nç¶Xpw, AÃm¯Xpw) ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ kÀ¡nÄ Xe¯n Xs¶ tiJcnt¡­XmWv.
(4) ap³ hÀj¯n D]tbmKn¨ AtX ^md§Ä Xs¶bmWv 2003.2003 hÀjt¯ípw D]tbmKnt¡­Xv.  ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ tiJcnç¶Xnteímhiyamb ^md§Ä _Ôs¸« klIcW kwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ  (P\dÂ) amÀ Cu B^okn \nìw tiJcn¨v _Ôs¸« klIcWkwLw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ  (P\dÂ) amÀç Ime Xmakw hê¯msX hnXcWw sNt¿­XmWv.
(5) kwL§fpsS hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ klIcWkwLw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)amÀ NpaXes¸Sp¯p¶ bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀXs¶ tiJcnt¡­XmWv.
(6) klIcW kwL§fn \nìw ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ tiJcnç¶ tPmenbpsS NpaXe _Ôs¸« klIcWkwLw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) bqWnäv C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ¡v hoXn¨v \ÂtI­Xpw C{]Imcw hoXnçt¼mÄ Hmtcm DtZymKØîw \nÝnX XobXnçÅn Xs¶ hnhc§Ä tiJcnçhm³ Ignbp¶{X kwL§Ä am{Xta \ÂInbn«pÅp F¶v Dd¸phêt¯­XpamWv. Hmtcm DtZymKØëw \ÂInbn«pÅ kwL§fpsS t]ê hnhcw kqNn¸nç¶ \S]Sn  ]IÀ¸v _Ôs¸« klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amÀçw, Cu Hm^oknteípw 30.9.2003 \Iw FÃm klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)  amêw Ab¨p sImSpt¡­XmWv.
(7) tiJcn¡s¸« hnhc§Ä Xmeq¡v AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ Xe¯n Xs¶ t{ImUoIcWw \S¯nbtijw am{Xta klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^nknteív Abíphm³ ]mSpÅp. t{ImUoIcW¯n\v ap¼mbn 2002.2003 hÀjs¯ \¼À tÌävsaân DÅ FÃm klIcWkwL§fpsSbpw hnhc§Ä DÄs¸Sp¯nbn«ps­ìw FÃm tImf§fpw ]qcn¸n¨n«ps­ìw Ah icnbmb coXnbn Xs¶bmsWìw AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) amÀ Dd¸v hêt¯­XmWv.
kÀ¡nÄ Xe¯n s{ImUoIcn¨ tS_nfnsâ Hê ]IÀ¸v klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^oknteípw Hê ]IÀ¸v AXmXv tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ B^oknteípw Ab¨p sImSpt¡­XmWv. Hê ]IÀ¸v AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) B^oknÂXs¶ kq£nt¡­XpamWv.
(8) Hmtcm klIcW kwL¯nsâbpw AwKkwJybn ]«nIPmXn ]«nI hÀ¤w h\nX F¶nh XcwXncn¨v \ÂtI­XmWv..  FÃm tS_nfpIfpw (Hmtcm C\w klIcWkwL¯nsâbpw) kÀ¡nÄ Xe¯n t{ImUoIcn¨ hnhc§Ä (BsI) FgpXphm³ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv.
(9) tS_nÄ 15 X¿mdmçt¼mÄ {lkzIme (tjmÀ«v tSw) a[yIme (aoUnbw tSw) ZoÀLIme (temwKvtSw) F¶nhbpsS hnhc§Ä {]tXyIw (aqì hn`mKw) tS_nfpIfn X¿mdm¡n Abtí­XmWv.
(10) 26, 28, 29, 34,40 F¶o tS_nfpIfn ØnXn hnhcIWçIÄ X¿mdm¡n Abípt¼mÄ Hmtcm C\w kwL§fpsSbpw hnhc§Ä {]tXyIw {]tXyIambn X¿mdm¡nbn«ps­¶v Dd¸p hêt¯­XmWv.
(11) dnt¸mÀ«v sN¿p¶ IWçIfpsS IrXyX Dd¸p hê¯phm³ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv.. ap³ hÀjs¯ dnt¸mÀ«pambn H¯pt\mçt¼mÄ Akm[mcW  hyXymkw {i²bnÂs¸«m AXnîÅ ImcWw  ASnçdn¸mbn \ÂtI­XmWv.
(12) hyàXbpÅ tÌäpsaâpIÄ am{Xta cPnkv{SmÀ¡v Abíphm³ ]mSp    Åp.  hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ X¿mdmçt¼mÄ XpI Bbnc¯n\v (1000) icnbm¡n Abçhm³ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv. bqWnäv FÃm tS_nfpIfnepw hyàambn FgpXnbncn¡Ww.
(13) tS_nÄ  43 teív Bhiyamb  hnhc§-Ä  _Ôs¸« klIvWkwLw  tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (BUnäv) X¿mdm¡n Ab¨pXtc­Xmiv.
(14) hmbv]m kwL§fpsS hmÀjnI hnhc¡WçIÄ (tS_nÄ 10 apX 17 hsc) X¿mdmçt¼mÄ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv\m kwL§À, ^mÀtagvkv klIcWkwL§Ä, ]«nI PmXn klIcWkwL§Ä, ]«nI hÀ¤ klIcWkwL§Ä F¶nhbpsS hnhc§Ä {]tXyIw {]tXyIw Xs¶ X¿mdmt¡­XmWv.
(15) tS_nfpIfn DÄs¸Sp¶ IWçIfpsS IrXyX ]cntim[nçIbpw sN¡v enÌnse \nÀt±i§Ä HmtcmXcw klIcW kwL§fpsSbpw Imcy¯n icnbmsW¶v Dd¸phê¯pIbpw sNt¿­XmWv.
(16) Hmtcm C\w klIcW kwL§fpsSbpw hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ X¿mdm¡n \ÂtI­ tS_nfpIfpsS Hê ]«nI CtXmsSm¶n¨v Abípì. Cu ]«nIbn ]cmaÀin¨n«pÅ tS_nfpIÄ Xs¶bmWv Hmtcm C\w kwL¯nîw D]tbmKn¨n«pÅsX¶v Dd¸p hê¯nb tijambncn¡Ww Ah Cu B^oknteív Abt¡­Xv.
(17) \¼À tÌäpsaân ]cmaÀin¨n«pÅ FÃm klIcWkwL§fpsSbpw hmÀjnI ØnXn hnhc¡WçIÄ AS§nb FÃm tS_nfpIfpw 31/10/2003 \v ap¼mbn AXmXv AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ {P\dÂ)amÀ cPnkv{SmÀ B^okn F¯nt¡­XmWv. ap³ hÀj§fn hê¯nb ImeXmakw C\nbpw BhÀ¯n¡mXncn¡m³ {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv.
(18) \¼À tÌäpsaâpw  kwL§fpsS enÌpw
Hmtcm kÀ¡nfnepw 31/3/2003 \v \nehnepÅ klIcW kwL§fpsS ]qÀ®amb t]cv, cPnÌÀ \¼À, X]m taÂhnemkw, cPnÌÀ sNbvX XobXn, F¶nh DÄs¸Sp¶ enÌv C\w Xncn¨v X¿mdm¡nbXpw \nÝnX  s{]mÀ{^mÀabn X¿mdm¡nb \¼À tÌävsaâpw c­p tIm¸nIÄ Cu B^okn F¯nt¡­XmWv. kwL§fpsS enÌn Hmtcm C\¯nepw {]hÀ¯nç¶ kwL§fpsS hnhc§Ä BZyw \ÂInb tijw AXnë sXm«p Xmsg Xs¶ {]hÀ¯\klnXamb kwL§fpsSbpw enIzntUj\n XpSê¶ kwL§fpsSbpw ]pXnbXmbn cPnÌÀ sNbvX kwL§Ä Ds­¦n AhbpsSbpw hnhc§Ä \ÂtI­XmWv.
kwL§fpsS enÌpw \¼À tÌäpsaâpw 30/9/2003 \v ap¼mbn Xs¶ Cu  B^okn F¯n¨ncnt¡­XmWv.
(19) ta {]ImcapÅ kab]cn[níI¯pXs¶ ØnXn hnhc§Ä \Âæìt­m F¶v _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Dd¸phêt¯­XmWv.
kÀçeÀ ssI¸änb hnhcw Adnbnt¡­XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv

Table No.                               Details
9,9A,9B          Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development                               Banks
10-17               Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS, FSS, SC and ST)
10                    Number, Membership and coverage
11                    Liabilities, Assets and Coverage
12                    A Classification of Loans and Advances issued 12B and outstanding                                 by purpose
13                    Classification of overdues by period
14                    Cropwise classification of short term advances made of Seasonal                            agricltural operations
15                    ST Classification of loans issued, recovered, 15 MT outstanding                              and overdue.  According to size 15LT of ownership holding (sepa                          rate tables must be used for short term, Medium term and Long term.
16                    Classification of Loans and advances issued to members of                                     Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by purpose.
17                    Financed by commercial Banks including Regional Rural Banks.
19-21               Primary Co-operative Urban Banks and Employees                                Co-operative Society (Coming Under B.R. Act)
19                    Number, Membership, Liabilities, Assets and operations
20, 20A           Classification of Loans issued and outstanding by purpose
21                    Classification of overdues by period
22-25               Primary Non-agricultural Credit Societies (not under B.R. Act),                                    Urban Banks, ECS, Others
22                    Number, Membership, Liabilities and Assets
23                    Operations
24                    Classification of Loans issued, outstanding by 24A purpose                                     Primary Non Agricultural Credit Socities
25                    Classification of overdues by period
26-40               Non-Credit Societies
26                    Marketing Societies (General and Special)
27                    Processing Societies
28.1                 Poultry
   .2                  other Livestock societies
29                    Farming Societies (Collective and Joint)
32                    Other Industrial Societies
34                    Consumer Societies (Wholesale and Primary Consumer, School                               Colleges and Central Co-operative Stores)
35                    Distribution of Consumer goods by Co-operative Societies in                                  rural areas
36                    Housing Societies
37                    Co-operative Industrial Estate Societies
38                    Labour Contract and Construction Societies
39                    Forest Labourer’s Societies
40                    Other Non-Credit Societies
                        Better Farming, Irrigation, Land Colonisation, Rubber Plantation,                           Rubber Karshaka, Agricultural Others, Transport, Vanita,                                  Rickshaw Pullers, Autorikshaw, Lime Shell, Lime Burners,                                   Washermen, Hospital and Lispensaries, Litarary Writers, Printing,                           Taxi Drivers, Chethu Thozhilali, Canteen, Social Welfare,                                    Educational, Tailors, Non-Agricultural Others
43                    Audit and Audit Classification of Societies
44                    Societies under Liquidation
45                    Co-operative Unions and Supervisory Institutions
46A                 Administrative staff Co-operative Department
46B                 Employment in Co-operative Societies
47                    Arbitration and Execution cases for recovery of Loans and Advances
48                    Embesslement cases
49                    Suspension of Committees of Management of Societies
50                    Supersession
51                    Data Relating to Income and Expenditure of Co-operative Societies
\¼À kn._n.(1) 18559/03                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 29.8.03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 50/2003
hnjbw : skIyqcnssätkj³ BÎv klIcW _mèIfn \S¸nemç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ : 22.4.2003 Â IqSnb sk³{SÂ _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv tbmK \S]Sn{Iaw.
kwØm\s¯ klIcW _mèIfnse F³.]n.F. (\njv{Inb BkvXn)  ædíp¶Xnte¡mbn skIyqcnssäskj³ Bâv I¬kv{S£³ Hm^v ss^\m³jy AkÁvkv Bâv F³t^mgvkvsaâv Hm^v skIyqcnän  CâÌv BÎv 2002 klIcW _mèIfn \S¸nemç¶Xns\ kw_Ôn¨v 22.4.2003  IqSnb sk³{S _m¦vkv tIm¬^d³kn NÀ¨ sN¿pIbpw, tI{µ Kh¬saâv 28.1.2003 se hnÖm\{]Imcw klIcW _mèIsfbpw Cu \nba¯nsâ ]cn[nbn sIm­p h¶n«pÅXn\m  Cu \nbaw kwØm\s¯ klIcW _mèIfn \S¸nemç¶Xn\v hniZamb amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ \ÂtI­XmsW¶v  kqN\bnse tbmKw Xoêam\nçIbpw sNbvXn«p­v.
klIcW _mèIÄ F¶m _m¦nwKv sdKptej³ BÎv 1949 sk£³ 5 (knkn 1) ]cn[nbn hê¶ kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v,  PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ ss{]adn klIcW _mèIÄ F¶nhbmWv.  Cu BÎnsâ A²ymbw 111 hnh£nç¶Xv ]Wbm[mc hkvXp ]nSns¨Sp¡emWv.  AXmbXv hmbv]IÄ, In«m¡S§Ä Bbn amdpt¼mÄ Ahív X¶n«pÅ PmayhkvXp tImSXnbn hyhlmc§Ä¡v t]mImsX _mèIÄ¡v t\cn«v Xs¶ AhImiw Øm]n¨v ]nSns¨Sp¡mw FìÅXmWv hyhØ.
22.4.2003 se sk³{S _m¦vkv tIm¬^d³knse {]kvXpX Xoêam\¯nsâ ASnØm\¯n skIyqcnssäskj³ BÎnse Xmsg ]dbp¶ hyhØItfmSpIqSn skIyqcnssätkj³ Bâv do I¬kv{S£³ Hm^v ss^\m³jy Akävkv Bâv C³^Àtaj³ Hm^v skIyqcnän CâÌv BÎv 2002 kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _mèIÄ, ss{]adn klIcW _mèIÄ (_m¦nwKv sdKptej³ BÎv 1949 sk£³ 5 (knkn 1) ]cn[nbn hê¶h F¶hnbn \S¸nemçhm³ th­ \nÀt±iw Xmsg ]dbp¶ {]ImcW ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1. _m¦v \Âæ¶ hmbv]IÄ¡v CuSmbn \ÂInbn«pÅ ]Wbm[mc hkvXphnepÅ _m¦nsâ AhImiw hmbv]IÄ Xncn¨S¨nsæn tImSXnbpsStbm _yqéIfpsStbm CSs]SepIÄ IqSmsX Xs¶ Øm]ns¨Sp¡mhp¶XmWv.
2.GsX¦nepw tem¬ A¡u­pIÄ F³.]n.F. Bbn«ps­¦n A§s\bpÅ hmbv] æSnÈnI¡mÀ¡v t\m«okv XobXn apX 60 Znhk¯n\Iw æSnÈnI AS¨pXoÀ¡Ww F¶v _m¦pIÄ t\m«okv \ÂIWw.
3.æSnÈnI¡mÀ¡v \Âæ¶ t\m«okn AhÀ \ÂImëÅ XpIbpsS hnhc§fpw _m¦v ssIhis¸Sp¯m³ Dt±inç¶ PmayhkvXphnsâ hnhc§fpw ImWn¨ncn¡Ww.
4. hmbv] FSp¯bmÄ AbmfpsS æSnÈnI ta¸dª 60 Znhk¯n\Iw apgph\mbn AS¨pXoÀ¯nsæn _mèIÄ¡v Xmsg --]dbp¶  amÀ¤§Ä kzoIcn¡mhp¶XmWv.
F) ]Wbm[mc hkvXp _m¦n\v ssIhis¸Sp¯mw
_n) ]Wbm[mc hkvXphnsâtbm Øm]\¯nsâtbm NpaXe _mèIÄ¡v GsäSp¡mw
kn. C{]Imcw GsäSpç¶ `cWNpaXe _mèIÄ¡v t\cn«v Asæn _mèIÄ A[nImcs¸Sp¯nb DtZynKس aptJ\tbm \nÀhln¡mhp¶XmWv.
Un). hmbv] FSp¯bmÄ¡v ]pdta \n¶v GsX¦nepw C\¯n XpI e`nçìs­¦n BbXv _m¦n\v hm§mhp¶XmWv.
5. ]Wbs¸Sp¯nbncnç¶ hkvXp/Øm]\w hnäp In«p¶ ]Ww æSnÈnI AS¨p XoÀ¡m³ ]cym]vXasæn _m¡n XpIív sUäv dn¡hdn ss{S_yqWÂ/tImSXn aptJ\ hkqem¡mw.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv

\¼À kn._n.(1) 14796/03                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 30.8.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 51/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v {]mYanI hmbv] klIcWkwL§Ä Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn Imemh[n ZoÀLn¸nç¶Xpw \n_Ô\Ifn t`ZKXn hê¯p¶Xpw kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : cPnkv{SmêsS 25/2003 \¼À kÀçeÀ
klIcW hæ¸nsâ/`cW \nb{´W¯nepÅ {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fn kqN\ {]Imcw Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xnbn \S¸mç¶Xn\v ]pXnb \nÀt±iw \ÂInbnêì. F¶m 18.8.2003  IqSnb tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmcpsS tbmK¯n DbÀ¶ A`n{]mbw IW¡nseSp¯v klImcnIfn \nìw e`n¨ \nthZ\§Ä ]cnKWn¨pw Sn ]²XnbpsS Imemh[n ZoÀLn¸nç¶Xnîw ætdIqSn DZmcamb kao]\w kzoIcn¨v Sn kÀçedn \nÀt±in¨ amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä NphsS ]cmaÀinç¶ t`ZKXnIÄ hê¯p¶Xnîw Xoêam\n¨n«p­v.
1. {]mYanI hmbv] klIcWkwL§fn 31.3.2002  æSnÈnIbmbn \nÂç¶ hmbv]IÄ, AwK§Ä¡v 31.3.2004 \Iw Cu ]²Xn{]Imcw AS¨p XoÀ¡mhp¶XmWv. A{]Imcw hmbv]m IW¡v Ahkm\n¸nç¶Xn\v ]ng ]eni, Iq«p]eni, aäv A\ma¯v sNehpIÄ F¶nh Hgnhm¡n 31.3.2002 se _m¡n \n¸v hmbv]XpIbv¡v 12% (]{´­v iXam\w) ]eni \ÂInbm aXnbmæ¶XmWv. F¶m GsX¦nepw ImcWhim Sn XobXn¡Iw H¶n¨v XpI ASím³ km[n¡msX h¶m 31.3.2002se _m¡n \n¸v hmbv]XpIbpsS 10% AUzm³kmbn 31.3.2004 \v ap¼v ASímhp¶Xpw, tijnç¶ XpI XpSÀìÅ 10 (]¯v) {]Xnamk XhWIfmbn  31.3.2002 apX Cu XpIbv¡v 12% ]enitbmSpIqSn AS¨v XoÀ¡mhp¶XpamWv.  Hcp XhW AS¨ tijw ]n¶oSpÅ KUp¡Ä apS¡w hcp¯p¶ ]£w Cu ]²XnbpsS BëIqeyw \jvSs¸Sp¶XmWv.
2. FIvknIyqj³ tÌPn Ccnç¶ tIkpIfnepw Cu ]²Xn{]ImcapÅ BëIqeyw \ÂInhp¶Xpw ta JÞnIbn ]cmaÀin¨ {]Imcw 10% XpI AS¨v Ignªm skbn Hm^oksd tcJmaqew Adnbnt¡­Xpw Sn BÄ skbn \S]SnIÄ Xm¡menIambn \nÀ¯n ht¡­Xpw _m¡n XpI XpSÀìÅ ]¯v {]Xnamk XhWIfmbn ASím¯ ]£w, Cu BëIqeyw \jvSs¸Sp¶Xpw, XpSÀ¶v \nbamîkrXapÅ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡mhp¶XmWv.
kqN\ (1) kÀçednse  \nÀt±i{]ImcapÅ skänÂsaâv XpI IW¡m¡n CXn\Iw XpI AS¨hÀ¡pw 1.4.2003 ëw 1.3.2003 ëw CSív hmbv] IW¡v Ahmkm\n¸n¨hÀçw Cu BëIqeyw _m[Iamt¡­Xpw Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn{]Imcw BWv XpI AS¨sX¶v IW¡m¡n AS¨XpI ]p\À\nÀ®bw \S¯n IqSpXembn XpI AS¨n«ps­¦n AwK§Ä¡v XncnsI \ÂæItbm AhêsS t]cn atäsX¦nepw hmbv]  _m¦n Ds­¦n BbXv hchv hípItbm sNt¿­XmWv. kqN\ kÀçednse aäv amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä¡v bmsXmcp  amähpw CÃmsX AtX]Sn XpScp¶XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À                                      klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn
kÀçeÀ \¼À 52/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v sNdpInS h\hn`h tiJcW¯n teÀs¸«ncnç¶ ]«nI hÀ¤ klIcWkwL§fpsS ss_emt`ZKXn kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. 24.06.2003  _lp klIcWhæ¸v a{´nbpsS km¶n[y¯n IqSnb tbmKXoêam\w
sNdpInS h\hn`h tiJcWw ]«nIhÀ¤ klIcWkwL§Ä XpSê¶Xnîw  BbXnîth­n  h\hn`h tiJcW¯n GÀs¸«ncnç¶ ]«nIhÀ¤kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn h\whæ¸nse t^mdÌÀ dm¦nwKn ædbm¯ Hcp DtZymKØs\ DÄs¡mÅn¡m\mhiyamb ss_et`ZKXn hê¯p¶Xnëw, h\wkwc£W¯nsâ aäv {]hÀ¯\§Ä IqSn GsäSp¡m\mhiyamb hyhØ h\hn`h tiJcW¯n GÀs¸«ncnç¶ kwL§fpsS ss_tembn DÄs¸Sp¯p¶XnëÅ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶Xnëw kqN\ H¶nse tbmK¯n Xoêam\saSpçIbpw Sn Imcy§Ä DÄs¸Sp¯n th­ \S]Sn kzoIcnç¶Xn\v kqN\ c­p{]Imcw At]£n¨n«p­v.  BbXn\m C¡mcy¯n Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä  ]pds¸Sphnçì.
sNdpInS h\hn`h tiJc¯nteÀs¸«ncnç¶ ]«nIhÀ¤klIcW kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn h\whæ¸nse t^mdÌÀ dm¦nwKn- ædbm¯ Hê DtZymKØs\ DÄs¡mÅnç¶Xnîw h\w kwc£W¯nsâ aäv {]hÀ¯\§Äçw IqSn GsäSp¡m\mhiyamb hyhØIÄ ss_tembn DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xnîw th­ \S]SnIÄ FÃm ]«nIhÀ¤ klIcWkwL§fpw kzoIcnt¡­XmWv.
]«nIhÀ¤ klIcW kwL§fpsS ss_embn Bhiyamb t`ZKXnIÄ hê¯p¶XnëÅ \S]SnIÄ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ kzoIcnt¡­XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv

\¼À kn.]n.(1) 27052/2003                klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 30.9.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 53/2003
hnjbw : klIcWhæ¸v {]mYanI hmbv]m klIcWkwL§Ä Aäem` hn`P\w hnZy`ymk ^­nte¡v XpI hI amäp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 2.5.2000 XobXnbnse Pn.H.(]n) \¼À 80/2000/kl. D¯chv
tIcf klIcW N«w 53  hê¯nb t`ZKXn Aëkcn¨v 1000/--- --cq]tbm AXn IqSpXtem Aä em`apÅ Hmtcm kwLhpw C{]Imcw AStí­ XpI  ]camh[n 40,000/- cq]bmbn \nPs¸Sp¯nbn«p­v.  F¶m hÀ²n¸n¨ XpI IW¡m¡mhp¶ XobXnsb kw_Ôn¨v Nne amÀ¤\nÀt±iw \ÂIWsa¶v Nne klIcWkwL§Ä At]£n¨ncnç¶Xn\m NphsS ]cmaÀin¨nê¶ \nÀt±iw \Âæì.
99-.2000 hÀjs¯ em`hn`P\w kw_Ôn¨pÅ Xoêam\w FSpç¶Xn\mbn hnfn¨p tNÀ¯ hmÀjnI s]mXptbmKw 2.5.2000 XobXnç ap¼msW¦n hnZym`ymk ^­nte¡v hIamäp¶ ]camh[n XpI 25000/- cq]bmbn \nPs¸Sp¯mhp¶XmWv. F¶m {]kvXpX Bhiy¯nteçÅ hmÀjnI s]mXptbmKw 2.5.2000 \v tijw BWv hnfn¨p Iq«p¶sX¦n hnZym`ymk ^­nte¡v Aäem`¯nsâ 5% ]camh[n 40,000/- cq]bmbn \nPs¸Sp¯n  hIamtä­XmWv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv

\¼À Pn.(1) 41085/03                      klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 3.10.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 54/2003
hnjbw : klIcWhæ¸v  klIcWkwL§fpsS ]cntim[\ dnt¸mÀ«pIfpsS kaÀ¸Ww \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 13/88 \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 35/91 \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 53/93 \¼À kÀçeÀ
4. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 13/94 \¼À kÀçeÀ
5. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmcpsS 9/97 \¼À kÀçeÀ
kqN\ kÀçedpIÄ {]Imcw klIcWkwL§fn \St¯­ BIkvanI/hniZ ]cntim[\IÄ kw_Ôn¨ \nÀt±i§fpw Hcp amkw \S¯nbncnt¡­ ]cntim[\IfpsS e£yhpw \nÝbn¨p\ÂInbncnçì.  F¶m klIcWkwL§fn Sn ]cntim[\IÄ \S¯p¶Xn hogvN hcp¶Xmbpw, ]cntim[\ dnt¸mÀ«pIfnt·Â XpSÀ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶Xn ImeXmakw D­mæIbpw {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì.  BbXn\m klIcWkwL§fnse BIkvanI/hniZ ]cntim[\IÄ e£yw Aëkcn¨v \S¯p¶Xnëw ]cntim[\m dnt¸mÀ«pIfnt·Â bYmkabw \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnç¶Xnîambn kqN\ kÀçedpIfnse \nÀt±i§Ä¡v  ]pdta NphsS tNÀ¯ncnç¶ \nÀt±i§fpw IqSn ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1. PnÃm klIcWkwLw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂamÀ) Hmtcm klIcWkwL§fnepw SmÀPäîkcn¨v \S¯p¶Xnîw BIkvanI/hniZ ]cntim[\IfpsS dnt¸mÀ«v {]tXyIw {]tXyIambn FÃmamkhpw XobXn¡v ap¼mbn klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­XmWv. A{]Imcw ]cntim[\bn Is­¯p¶ {Iat¡SpIfpw Ahbv¡v ta kzIIcn¨  \S]SnIfpsS hnhchpw Sn dnt¸mÀ«n DÄs¸Spt¯­XmWv.
2. Xmeq¡nse AknÌâv cPnkv{SmcpsS (P\dÂ) amÀ SmÀPäîkcn¨v \S¯p¶ ]cntim[\IfpsS dnt¸mÀ«v kzoIcn¨v \S]SnIÄ klnXw _Ôs¸« PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v FÃmamkhpw XobXn¡v ap¼mbn \-ÂtI­XmWv.
3. klIcWkwLw C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ SmÀPäëkcn¨v \S¯p¶ ]cntim[\IfpsSbpw Ahípta kzoIcn¨ \S]SnIfpsS hnhchpw _Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v FÃmamkhpw XobXnç ap¼mbn \ÂtI­Xpw _Ôs¸« AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ JÞnI 2se hnhct¯msSm¸w PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­XpamWv.
4. PnÃbn tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ, AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, klIcWkwLw C³kvs]ÎÀamÀ F¶nhÀ \S¯nb BIkvanI/hniZ]cntim[\IfpsS dnt¸mÀ«v NphsS tNÀ¯ncnç¶ hnhc§Ä klnXw FÃm amkhpw XnbXn¡v ap¼mbn klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v Ab¨p Xtc­XmWv.
F.     ]cntim[Isâ HutZymKnI taÂhnemkw
_n.    klIcWkwL¯nsâ t]cv.
kn.    BIkvanI/hniZ ]cntim[\
Un.    Is­¯nb {Iat¡SpIÄ
C.      kzoIcn¨ \S]SnIÄ
F^v. ]cntim[\bn ædhv h¶n«ps­¦n AXnsâ ImcWw
5. taÂhnhc§Ä klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ¡v Ab¨pXê¶XnëÅ t\mU B^okÀ PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v B^oknse sU]yq«n cPnkv{SmÀ (`cWw) Bbncnçw.  hnhc§Ä kaÀ¸nç¶Xnep­mæ¶ hogvNív tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmtdmsSm¸w sU]yq«n cPnkv{Smdpw (`cWw)  D¯chmZn Bbncnçw.
tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ ta \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn  ]menç¶tXmsSm¸w At±l¯nsâ  IognepÅ aäv DtZymKسamcpsS {i²bn sIm­phtc­Xpw Ah hogvN IqSmsX \S¸nemç¶XnîapÅ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnçIbpw sNt¿­XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À kn._n.3 /37150/2003                klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ  B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 03.10.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 55/2003
hnjbw : klIcW hæ¸v klIcW _m¦pIfpsS ZpÀNnehpIÄ \nb{´nç‑¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 22/72 \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 13/74 \¼À kÀçeÀ
3. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 24/91 \¼À kÀçeÀ
4. klIcWkwLw  cPnkv{SmdpsS 9/94 \¼À kÀçeÀ
5. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmepsS 13/95 \¼À kÀçeÀ
6. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 32/01 \¼À kÀçeÀ
7. kÀ¡mcnsâ 30.01.2003se Pn.H.(]n) \¼À 70/2003/^n³ \¼À D¯chv
kwØm\s¯ Nne klIcW _m¦pIÄ, aä {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä F¶nh bmsXmê \nb{´WhpanÃmsX A\mhiyambn hml\§Ä ]pXnbXmbn hm§pIbpw, ]pXnbh hm§n Npcp§nb Imes¯ D]tbmK¯nëtijw ædª hneív hnÂçIbpw sN¿p¶Xmbpw, Nne {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä/ _m¦pIÄ kwLw `mchmlnIÄ¡pw Poh\¡mÀçw kwLw sNehn samss_ t^méIÄ hm§n \Âæ¶Xmbpw, Nne PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ No^v FIvknIyp«ohv Hm^okÀ¡v ]pdta, imJm amt\PÀamcpsS ho«n _m¦v Nnehn sSent^m¬ AîhZn¨p \ÂIn, t^m¬ hmSIbn\¯nepw aäpw  XpI NnehnSp¶Xmbpw {i²bnÂs¸«n«p­v. kqN\bn kÀçeÀ {]Imcw amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä \ÂInbn«ps­¦nepw kÀ¡mÀ ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pÅ [\hn\ntbmKw kw_Ôn¨ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§fpsSbpw, kqN\ kÀçedpIfpsS A´:k¯ív \nc¡m¯ Xc¯n kwLw apX ZpÀhn\ntbmKw sN¿p¶ \S]Sn, {]Øm\¯ns\ s]mXp P\§fpsSbpw, klImcnIfpsSbpw CSbn CSbn tamis¸Sp¯m³ am{Xta D]Icn¡q Fì Iméì.  ]e klIcW _m¦pIfpsSbpw kwK§fpsSbpw hcpam\¯n KWyamb ædhp­mhpIbpw, hmbv]IÄ Xncn¨Síp¶Xn IÀjIêÄs¸sSbpÅ AwK§Ä {]bmks¸SpIbpw sN¿p¶ thfbnÂ, Hä¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xnt]mepÅ \S]SnIÄ aptJ\, Øm]\§fpsS æSninI \nt£]w ædímîw aäpw \S]SnIÄ Bhnjv¡cnçt¼mÄ Sn BëIqey§Ä \Âæ¶Xn\v ]e kwL§fpw hnapJX Im«pIbpw, AtXkabw AwK§fpsS \nt£]hpw aäpw kzcq]n¨v PnÃm klIcW _m¦n \nìw kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v/\yq t_mÀUv F¶nhbn \nìw hmbv]bmbn e`nç¶ ^­nsâ hn\ntbmKw kq£vaXtbmSpw AwK§Ä¡pw  Øm]\§Äçw {]tbmP\Icamæ¶XmsW¶v hnebnê¯n {]hÀ¯nt¡­ `cWkanXn¡v Sn Øm]\¯nsâbpw AwK§fpsSbpw XmÂ]cy¯nep]cn, kz´w Xm-Â]cy§fpw, kuIcy§fpw hÀ²n¸nç¶Xn\v \nba]cambn bmsXmcp A[nImchpansöv HmÀ½s¸Sp¯pì.
Hcp ]©mb¯v/Xmeq¡v am{Xw {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbnepÅ kwL§Ät]mepw kwL¯nsâ s]mXp^­v hn\ntbmKn¨v hml\§Ä hm§pIbpw, kwLw {]knUânîw `cWkanXn AwK§Äçw Poh\¡mÀçw kwLw sNehn samss_ t^méIÄ hm§n \ÂæIbpw, Nnehv hlnçIbpw sN¿p¶Xv kwLw ^­v ZpÀhn\ntbmKw sN¿p¶Xn Ihn ªv asämìasÃìw HmÀ½s¸Sp¯pì.
Hmtcm hÀjhpw ]pXnb hml\§Ä hm‑§pIbpw Ime¸g¡anÃm¯ hml\§Ä ædª hneív hnÂç¶XneqsSbpw, s]mXpP\§fpsS CSbn klIcW {]Øm\s¯¸än tamiamb {]XnÑmb D­m¡mîw CSbmhpIbpw sN¿pì.
Cu ØnXn XpSê¶Xv Øm]\§fpsS {]hÀ¯\s¯bpw, km¼¯nI ØnXnsbbpw kmcambn _m[nçsa¶Xn\mepw, NnehpIÄ \nb{´nt¡­XmsW¶v \nÀt±inç¶tXmsSm¸w NphsS ]cmaÀinç¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì.
1. taen  FÃm klIcW _m¦pIfpw {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fpw ]pXpXmbn hml\§‑Ä hm§pt¼mgpw hnÂçt¼mgpw s]mXp^­v hn\ntbmKnç¶Xn\v klIcW hæ¸nsâ ap³IqÀ AëaXn \nÀ_Ôambpw hm§nbncnt¡­XmWv.
2. klIcW Øm]\§Ä, hml\§fpsS D]tbmKw kw_Ôn¨v k_v dqfpIÄ \nÀ_Ôambpw AwKoIcn¨v  hm§nbncnt¡­XmWv.
3. kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v, aäv A]Ivkv klIcW Øm]\§Ä F¶nh bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw, {]knUâv/amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ HgnsIbpÅ `cWkanXn AwK§Ät¡m Poh\¡mÀt¡m kwLw Nnehn samss_ t^méIÄ hm§n \ÂæItbm, {]Xnamk Nnehv  hln¡mt\m ]mSpÅXÃ.   {]knUâv, amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ F¶nhêsS  samss_ t^méIÄçÅ {]Xnamk sNehv FbÀssSw NmÀÖpIÄ, kÀÆokv NmÀÖpIÄ F¶nhbpÄs¸sS {]Xnamkw (Bbncw cq]) cq]bn A[nIcn¡m³ ]mSpÅXÃ.
PnÃm klIcW _m¦v {]knUânsâ t^mWnsâ D]tbmKw {]Xnamkw 600 cq]bn A[nIcn¡m³ ]mSpÅXÃ.
samss_ t^mWnsâ D]tbmKw, HutZymKnI Bhiy¯nî am{Xw Bbn \nPs¸Spt¯­Xpw Sn XpIbn A[nIcn¨phê¶ NnehpIfpw A\utZymKnI Bhiy§ÄçÅ t^m¬ NmÀÖpIfpw _Ôs¸«hÀ kz´w ssIbn \n¶v hlnt¡­XpamWv.
4. {]mYanI klIcW kwL§Ä/_mèIÄ {]knUâv DÄs¸sSbpÅ I½än AwK§Ät¡m DtZymKسamÀt¡m _m¦v/kwLw Nnehn samss_ t^méIÄ hm§n \ÂImt\m, {]Xnamk sNehv hln¡mt\m ]mSnÃ.
5. _m¦v/kwLw Nnehn hm§nb samss_ t^méIÄ, Sn Øm]\§‑Ä DSs\ Xncns¨Spt¡­Xpw, IW£ëIÄ d±m¡m³ \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡­XpamWv.
ta \nÀt±i§Ä¡v hncp²ambn {]hÀ¯nç¶ klIcW kwL§Äs¡Xnsc \S-]Sn kzoIcnç¶Xpw, Øm]\¯n\p­mb \jvSw D¯chmZnIfn \n¶v CuSmç¶Xn\v \S]Sn kzoIcnç¶XpamWv. _Ôs¸« hæ¸v DtZymKسamÀ FÃm Øm]\§fpsSbpw {i²bn Cu kÀçeÀ \nÀt±iw sIm­phtc­Xpw, Ah IÀi\ambn ]men¡s¸Sp¶XmsW¶v Dd¸v hcpt¯­XpamWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À Pn.(1) 36702/2003                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ  B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 10.10.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 56/2003

hnjbw : klIcWhæ¸v - P]vXn \S]SnIfpsS `mKambn«pÅ sN­bSn Ignbp¶Xpw Hgnhmç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ :
tIcf klIcW kwLw N«w 81  CfImXv apXepIÄ P]vXn sN¿p¶Xns\  kw_Ôn¨v ]cmaÀin¨n«p­v. Sn N«¯n 2.5.00 apX {]m_ey¯n h¶ t`ZKXnbn Hgnhm¡m³ h¿m¯ kmlNcy¯n am{Xta P]vXn \S]SnbpsS `mKambn sN­sIm«n ]ckyw \ÂtI­XpÅp Fì hyhØ sNbvXn«p­v.  F¶m Nne skbnÂkv Hm^okÀamÀ Sn t`ZKXnbpsS Dt±iyip²n IW¡nseSp¡msX  FÃm tIkpIfnepw sN­bSn \S¯p¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs¸«ncnçì. CfIm¯ apX P]vXn sN¿p¶Xn\v Bhiyamb ]ckyw \Âæ¶Xn\v \nehnepÅ kwhn[m\w Xs¶ aXnbmæsa¶Xn\m P]vXn \S]SnIfpsS `mKambn sN­bSn ]camh[n Hgnh0m¡Wsa¶v \nÀt±inçì. GsX¦nepw kmlNcy¯n P]vXn \S]SnbpsS `mKambn sN­bSn A\nhmcyamsW¶v skbnÂkv Hm^okÀ¡v  D¯a t_m²yaps­¦n BbXv ImcyImcWklnXw, PnÃbnse tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)s\ tcJmaqew Adnbnt¡­Xpw, tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS tcJmaqeapÅ AëhmZt¯msS am{Xta sN­bSn \S¯m³ ]mSpÅp Fìw CXn\m \nÀt±inçì.
Sn \nÀt±iw _Ôs¸« skbnÂkv Hm^okÀamÀ IÀi\ambn ]mençìs­¶v tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ Dd¸phêt¯­XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À C.Fw. (2) 35427/02                  klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 7.11.03
kÀçeÀ \¼À 57/03
hnjbw : klIcWw- {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fnse Ass{]kÀ XkvXnI Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡v XkvXnIív Xpeyambn \ÂIWsa¶ Bhiyw kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. cPnkv{SmdpsS 13.9.84 se 37(F)/ 84 \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. tIcf klIcW hÀt¡gvkv s^Utdj³ {]knUânsâ At]£
3. kÀ¡mcnsâ 18.8.2003 se 5106/kn1/03/kl \¼À I¯v
kqN\ kÀçeÀ H¶v {]Imcw {]mYanI klIcW kwL¯nse ssS¸nÌpamsc Pq\nbÀ ¢À¡nt\msSm¸w Xpe\w sNbvXv D¯chmbncnçì.
\nehnepÅ i¼f ]cnjv¡cW D¯chpIfn Ass{]kd\³amêw Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡pamcpw Htc XkvXnIbnembXn\m Ass{]kd³amsc IqSn Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀçamêsS XkvXnIív kam\ambn ko\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡nsâ s{]mtamj³ \ÂIWsa¶v kqN\ c­v {]Imcw At]£ e`n¨Xnsâ ASnØm\¯n kÀ¡mcnsâ kqN\ aq¶nse \nÀt±i¯nsâ  ASnØm\¯n Xmsg ]dbpw {]Imcw D¯chmæì.
\nehnepÅ i¼f ]cnjvIcW D¯dhpIfn Ass{]kd³amÀçw Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡³amÀçw Htc i¼f kvsIbn kÀ¡mÀ AëhZn¨n«pÅXn\mÂ, Fkv.Fkv.FÂ.kn.tbm AXne[nI tbmKyX t\Snbn«pÅXpw, aqì hÀjw Ass{]kdmbn tPmen t\m¡nbn«pÅXpamb Poh\¡msc Pq\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡nsâ ko\ntbmcnän enÌn Sn tbmKyX t\Sp¶ apdív Gähpw ASp¯ Pq\nbdmbn Øm\w \ÂIn `mhnbnep­mæ¶ ko\nbÀ ¢mÀ¡nsâ XkvXnIIfn DtZymK¡bäw \ÂImhp¶XmWv.
FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamêw Cu kÀçeÀ {]Imcw klIcWkwL§fnse ko\ntbmdnän enÌv X¿mdmçs¶¶v Dd¸v hcpt¯­XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀPv
\¼À kn._n(2) 12545/2003                klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 6.11.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 58/2003
hnjbw : kzÀ®¸Wb hmbv]m ]²Xn \nehnepÅ klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v kzÀ®¯nsâ KpW\nehmchpw, Xq¡hpw IrXyambn Adnbp¶Xn\v sIÂt{Sm¬ hnIkn¸ns¨Sp¯n«pÅ sIÂ{tSm¬ tdmt_m KmÀUnbÀ F¶ D]IcWw hm§p¶Xn\v AëhmZw \Âæ¶Xn\v AëhmZw \Âæ¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : sIÂt{Sm¬ amt\PnwKv UbdÎdpsS 5.7.2003se I¯v.
kwØm\s¯ s]mXptaJe Øm]\amb sIÂt{Sm¬ kzÀ®¯nsâ ]cnip²nbpw Xq¡hpw IrXyambpw hfsc s]s«ìw Adnbp¶Xn\v sIÂt{Sm¬ tdmt_m KmÀUnbÀ F¶ t]cnÀ Hcp CeIvt{SmWnIv  D]IcWw hnIkn¸ns¨Sp¯n«p­v.  C´ym Kh¬saânsâ CeIvt{SmWnIv doPnbW sSÌv Xncph\´]pcs¯ dnPnbW emt_md«dnbpw Cu D]IcWw ]cntim[n¨v AwKoImcw \ÂInbn«pÅXmbpw kqN\ {]Imcw sIÂt{Sm¬ Adnbn¨n«p­v.
kzÀ®¸Wb hmbv]m ]²Xn \nehnepÅ Øm]\§Ä¡v ]Wbambn e`nç¶ GXv BIrbnepÅ kzÀ®m`cW¯nëw \nivNnX  am\ZÞ{]ImcapÅ ]cnip²n Dt­msb¶v Ass{]kdpsS tkh\w IqSmsX Cu D]IcW¯nsâ klmbt¯msS hfscs]s«¶v Dd¸v hcp¯m³ Ignbp¶XmWv.  kzÀ®¸Wb hmbv]m ]²Xn \nehnepÅ kÀ¡mÀ DSaØXbnepÅ [\Imcy Øm]\§fnepw Npcp¡w Nne klIcW Øm]\§fnepw Cu D]IcWw ^e{]Zambn D]tbmKn¨p hcp¶Xmbn Adnbm³ Ignªn«p­v.
kzÀ®¯nsâ KpW\nehmcw Adnbp¶XnëÅ D]IcWw I¼yq«À, CeIvt{SmWnIv shbnânwKv sajo³ Ch DÄs¸sSbpÅ kwhn[m\¯n\v GItZiw Hcp e£w cq] hnebmWv I¼\n \nÝbn¨n«pÅXv. Ct¸mÄ I¼yq«dpw CeIvt{SmWnIv shbnânwKv sajoëw kz´ambn«pÅ Øm]\§Ä Ch ho­pw hmt§­nbnÃm¯Xn\m hnebn AXn\ëkcn¨n«pÅ ædhv \ÂImsa¶v sIÂt{Sm¬ \nÝbn¨n«p­v.  Cu D]IcWt¯msSm¸w hm§p¶ I¼yq«À aäv Bhiy§Äçw {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯m³ Ignbp¶XmWv.
ta hkvXpXIÄ ]cnKWn¨v kzÀ®¯nsâ KpW \nehmcw ]cntim[nç¶Xn\v sIÂt{Sm¬ hnIkn¸ns¨Sp¯n«pÅ sIÂt{Sm¬ tdmt_m KmÀUnbÀ F¶ D]IcWw hm§p¶Xn\v kzÀ®¸Wb hmbv]m ]²Xn \nehnepÅ kwØm\s¯ klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v CXn\m AëhmZw \Âæì.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼À C.F(1) 32364/2003                   klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                           Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 31.10.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 59/03
hnjbw : klIcWw.klIcW _m¦v/kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡v NmÀPv Aeh³kv AëhZnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
klIcW _m¦pIfnÂ/kwL§fn 15 Znhk¯ne[nIw A[nI tkh\w \S¯p¶ Poh\¡mÀ¡v NmÀPv  Aeh³kv \ÂInhcpì­v. sI.Fkv.BÀ. hmeyw 1 N«w 53 (kn) {]Imcw aq¶v amk¯n IqSpX NmÀPv Aeh³kv \Âæhm³ ]mSnsöv \njvIÀjn¨n«p­v.  F¶m ]e klIcW _m¦pIfnepw/kwL§fnepw 3 amk¯n IqSpX NmÀPv Aeh³kv \Âæ¶ hnhcw Cu B^oknsâ {i²bnÂs¸«n«p­v.  klIcWkwLw/_m¦v Poh\¡mcpsS tkh\ thX\ hyhØIÄ sI.Fkv.BÀ. Aëkcn¨v BbXn\m NmÀPv Aeh³kv kw_Ôn¨v sI.Fkv.BÀ. N«§Ä klIcW kwLw/_m¦v Poh\¡mÀçw _m[IamWv.
hyàamb ^oUÀ ImäKdn N«§Ä klIcW kwLw/_m¦pIÄ¡v klIcW hæ¸n \nìw AwKoIcn¨v \ÂInbn«pÅ kmlNcy¯n tIcf klIcWkwLw N«w 185 {]ImcapÅ {]tamjëIÄ tbmKyXbpsSbpw ko\ntbmdn«nbpsSbpw ASnØm\¯n klIcW kwLw/_m¦pIÄ¡v \S¯mhp¶XmWv.  C{]Imcw sN¿pIbmsW¦n _m¦pIfnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v A[nI NpaXe \ÂtI­ kmlNcyw D­mhpIbnÃ. BbXn\m t\cn«v \nba\w \St¯­p¶ XkvXnIIÄs¡mgnsI aäv XkvXnIIfnte¡v _m¦nwKv/kwL¯n\v ko\ntbmdnän, tbmKyXIÄ F¶nh {]Imcw {]tamj³ \St¯­Xpw, Poh\¡mÀ¡v A[nI NpaXe \ÂIn NmÀÖv Aeh³vkv \ÂIn A[nIsNehv hcp¶ kmlNcyw taen Hgnhmt¡­sXìw GsX¦nepw kmlNcy¯n Hcp Poh\¡mc\v A[nI NmÀÖv \ÂtI­nh¶m 3 amk¯n A[nIcn¡m³ ]mSnsÃìw \nÀt±inçì.
klIcWkwLw BUnäÀamÀ BUnänÄ 3 amk¯n IqSpX NmÀÖv Aeh³kv \ÂInbXmbn IméIbmsW¦n Sn XpI BUnän XStb­XmsW¶v \nÀt±inçì.
Cu D¯chv Ct¶ XobXn apX {]m_ey¯n hcp¶XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
\¼À C.F.(1) 8774/2002                 klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 17.11.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 60/2003
klIcWkwLw C³kvs]ÎÀ/BUnäÀamÀ, AknÌâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, sU]yq«n cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, tPmbnâv vPnkv{SmÀamÀ, AUnjW cPnkv{SmÀamÀ XpS§nb XkvXnIIfnepÅ DtZymK سamÀ¡v Xncn¨dnb ImÀUv \Âæ¶Xn\v \S]SnIÄ ]qÀ¯nbm¡nbn«p­v.  Hmtcm Hm^oknteçw Bhiyamb ImÀUv klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okn \nìw hnXcWw sN¿p¶Xpw, CXn\mbn Hmtcm \nb{´W DtZtmKØëw CtXmsSm¸w Aë_Ôambn tNÀç¶ amXrIbnm Hcp cPnÌÀ kq£nt¡­Xpw hnXcW¯n\mbn e`n¨Xpw, \ÂInbXpapÄs¸sS FÃm hnhc§fpw tcJs¸Spt¯pw NmÀÖv ssIamdp¶ thfbn Sn. cPnkvÌdn kvtäm¡v ]cntim[n¨v tcJs¸Sp¯n ssIamtd­Xpw BWv.  F®¯n Fs´¦nepw hyXymkw h¶m DS³ Xs¶ BbXv tcJmaqew _Ôs¸«hÀ, cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bn sIm­phtc­XmWv.
\nb{´tWmtZymKØêsS B^okqIfn tPmen t\mç¶ C³kvs]ÎÀ/BUnäÀamcpsS ImÀUv \Âæ¶Xpw XncnsI G¸nç¶Xpw cPnÌdn tcJs¸Spt¯­Xpw _Ôs¸­ DtZymKسamcpsS ssIsbm¸v hmt§­XpamWv.  Øew amdn t]mæt¼mtgm, dn«bÀ sN¿pt¼mtgm BbXv XncnsI hm§nbXnëtijw am{Xta FÂ.]³.FÂ.kn. \ÂImhq FìwAdnbnçì. A{]Imcw XncnsI e`nç¶ ImÀUpIÄ, AhbpsS Nph¶ ajnbn Iym³k Fì tcJs¸Sp¯n kq£nt¡­Xpw, \nb{´tWmtZymKس X¿mdm¡n NmÀÖv FSpç¶hêw, \Âæ¶hêw GsäSpt¡­XmWv.  ]«nIbpsS ]IÀ¸v _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v \ÂtI­XmWv.
GsX¦nepw ImcWhim sFUânän ImÀUv \jvSs¸«pt]mbmÂ, B hnhcw 2 Znhk¯n\Iw \nb{´tWmtZymKØs\ Adnbnt¡­Xpw, \nb{´tWmtZymKس A¡mcyw t_m²ys¸«Xnîtijw, Uyq¹nt¡äv ImÀUv \ÂImhp¶XpamWv.  A{]Imcw Uyq¹nt¡äv ImÀUv \Âæ¶Xn\v {]tXyI At]£bpw t^mt«mbpw \ÂtI­Xpw sFUânän ImÀUv \jvSs¸«pt]mbn Fì ImWnç¶ kXyhmMvaqew IqSn NphsS ]cmaÀinç¶ amXrIbn \ÂtI­XmWv.
Rm³...........................................t]cv..................................................... ...................XkvXnIbn tPmen t\mç¶ F\n¡v klIcW hIp¸p  \ÂInbncnç¶.......................\¼À sFUânän ImÀUv, \jvSs¸«pt]msb¶v CXn\m {]XnÖ sN¿pì.
t]cv    :
H¸v      :
C{]Imcw hnXcWw sN¿p¶ ImÀUn\v apIfn ajnbn Uyq¹nt¡äv F¶v henb A£c¯n tcJs¸Spt¯­Xpw, cPnÌdnepw A{]Imcw tcJs¸Sp¯epIÄ hcpt¯­XmWv.
ta \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­Xpw, Ch FÃm _Ôs¸«hêw ]mençìs­¶v Dd¸v hcpt¯­XpamWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
\¼Àän (1) 42242/02                    klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xnêh\´]pcw, XobXn 21.11.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À 61/2003
hnjbw : ]«nIPmXn/]«nIhÀ¤ klIcWkwL§Ä¡v dnthmÄhnwKv ^­nÂ\nìw [\klmbw e`yamç¶XnëÅ ssKUvsse³kv ]pds¸Sphnç¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : CÃ
klIcWhæ¸nsâ A[nImc¯n hê¶än. klIcWkwL§Ä AXmXv PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ)amêsS hyIvXamb ip]mÀi klnXw kÀ¡mÀ AwKoIcn¨ \nÝnX t^md¯n AwKoIcn¨ \n_Ô\IÄ¡v hnt[bambn [\klmb At-]£ kaÀ¸nt¡­XmWv.
klIcWhæ¸nsâ A[nImc¯n hê¶ AXmXvän. klIcWkwL§Ä [\klmb At]£än. s^Utdj³ amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ aptJ\ Snbmsâ hyIvXamb A`n{]mbw klnXw  Abtí­XmWv. CXp kw_Ôamb \n_Ô\IÄ Sn kwL§fpw ]men¨ncnt¡­XmWv.
dnthmÄhnwKv ^­n \nìw klmbw e`yambXv ]n³hen¨v D]tbmKnç¶ tcJIÄ klIcWhæ¸nsâ IognepÅ klIcWkwL§Ä AXmXv PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ hgn kÀ¡mÀ AwKoIcn¨ DS¼Sn klnXw kaÀ¸nt¡­Xpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ BbXnsâ hn\ntbmKw ho£nt¡­Xpw hn\ntbmK kÀ«n^nt¡äv kÀ¡mcnte¡v Ab¨psImSp¯v hnhcw klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smsc Adnbnt¡­XpamWv.
klIcWhæ¸nsâ A[nImc¯n³ Iogn AXmXvän klIcWkwL§Äçw [\klmbw s^Utdj³ apJm´ncw \Âæ¶Xpw BbXv ]n³henç¶XnëÅ AîhmZwän s^Utdj³ amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ, N«§fn \njv¡Àjn¨n«pÅ {]Imcw DS\Sn H¸ph¨v \ÂtI­Xpw XpIbpsS hn\ntbmKw Fw.Un. Xs¶ ho£nçIbpw, hn\ntbmKkÀ«n^nt¡äv bYmkabw kÀ¡mcnte¡v Ab¨psImSp¯v hnhcw klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smsd amt\PnwKv UbdÎÀ Adnbnt¡­XpamWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀç th­n
No. MT (1) 44205/2003          Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 29.11.2003
CIRCULAR No.62/2003
Sub : General permission to all Co-operative Institutions in Muvattupuzha, Kothamangalam and Kunnathunadu Taluk in Ernakulam District for talking shares in the Muvattupuzha Co-operative Super speciality Hospital Limited No. K.1018 - regarding
Ref : 1. Resolution No.87 dated 27.8.2003 of Board of Directors of Muvattupuzha Co-operative Super Speciality Hospital Limited No, 1018
2. Letter No. H.M./7004/2003 dated 13.11. 2003 of Joint Registrar (General), Ernakulam
The Board of Directors of Muvattupuzha Co-operative Super Speciality Hospital Limited No.E.1018 as requested to accord permissive sanction to all co-operative Institutions in Ernakulam District to take share in the above society vide resolution No.87 dated 27.8.2003.  As per clause 5 a (3) of the bye-law of the above society the co-operative Institutions are permitted to subscribe share in the said society.
According to section 57(c) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969, Co-operative Societies can invest in the share/securities of any other society approved for the purpose by the Registrar.  The Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (General). Ernakulam has also recommended the proposal.  The proposal was examined in detail with reference to the provisions of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969.
In the circumstances stated above all the co-operative societies in Muvattupuzha, Kothamangalam and Kunnathunadu Taluk in Ernakulam District coming under the Administrative control of the Co-operative Department except coming under provisions of Banking Regulation Act are permitted to take shares in the Muvattupuzha Co-operative Super speciality Hospital Limited No.E.1018 subject to the bye-law provisions and Board Resolution of the Societies connected.
K. Kesavan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\¼À kn._n. (2) 40790/2002             klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 18.11.2003
kÀçeÀ \¼À.63/2003
hnjbw : klIcWhæ¸v kwØm\s¯ klIcWkwLw/_m¦pIÄ \ÂIn hê¶ ImÀjnI hmbv]IfpsS ]eni \nc¡v ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨Xv \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphnçì
kqN\ : 1. Cu B^oknse 22.2.2003se 10/ \¼À kÀçeÀ
2. 25.10.2003 se sk³{SÂ _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv Xoêam\w
\_mÀUnsâ ]p\Àhmbv]m ]²Xnbn {lkzIme ImÀjnI hmbv]IÄçÅ ]eni\ncçIÄ ]pXpç¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v 25.10.2003  IqSnb sk³{S _m¦v tIm¬^d³kv NÀ¨ sNbvXv ]p\Àhmbv]m ]²Xn {]Imcw \Âæ¶ 25,000 cq] hscbpÅ ImÀjnI hmbv]ív {]mYanI kwL§Ä CuSmç¶ ]camh-[n ]eni\nc¡v 8.5 iXam\ambn ædhp sN¿p¶Xn\v kqN\ (2) {]Imcw Xoêam\w FSp¯n«p­v.  AXn\îkrXambn \_mÀUnsâ ]p\Àhmbv]m]²Xn{]ImcapÅ {lkzIme ImÀjnI hmbv] ]eni\ncçIÄ Xmsg ]dbp¶{]Imcw ]p\À\nÀ®bw sNbvXncnçì.
{Ia    hmb]mXpI                     kwØm\          PnÃm    {]mYanI
\¼À                                    klIcW             klIcW           _m¦v/
                                           _m¦v           _m¦v      kwL§Ä
1   25,000/ cq] hscbpÅ hmbv]IÄ           6.25%            6.75%       8.50%
2  25,000/ cq]íp apIfn                6.25%            6.75%       9.00%
]qXnb ]eni \nc¡v 18.11.2003 apX {]m_eyw D­mbncnç¶XmWv.
sI. tIih³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³NmÀÖv
No. Fin A(2) 526000/2003     Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 29.12.2003
CIRCULAR No.64/2003
Sub : Co-operative Department-Government dues-Arrears of loans, retirement of share capital contribution audit fees, cost of staff/Audit Cost, dividend and guarantee commission due from Co-operative Institutions-Intensive collection drive during the period from 1.1.2004 to 29.2.2004-Instructions issued
Ref :
1. The State Government is providing sustantial financial assistance by way of loan, share capital contribution etc; to Co-operative for implementing various development schemes.  Necessary rules have also been framed for repayment of loans, retirement of share capital contribution and payment of penal interest for belated repayment of dues to Government.  The arrears due to Government towards loans, retired portion of share (direct participation), Audit fees, and cost of staff posted under Rule 156, Part 1 K.S.R. have increased considerely on the past few years due to various reasons.  The negligence on the part of departmental officers in pursuading the societies to remit Government dues is one o f the reasons for the accumulation of heavy arrears.  It has been brought to my notice that the Assistant Registrars (General) in the Taluk are not taking proper action to see that the dues are remitted by societies promptly.  The Joint Registrars (General) are also no seen taking any effective steps for collection of arrears of Government dues.  The Joint Registrars (General) and Assistant Registrar (General) are personally responsible for collection of above said Government dues.
2.In the conference of the joint Registrars (General) held on 30.10.2003, the Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation had directed to launch a Special Collection Drive for the realisation of all arrears due to Government from the Co-operative (Vide items 7 of the minutes of the conference)
3. Taking into accounts of all these facts it has been resolved to launch a special collection drive during the period from 1.1.2004 to 29.2.2004 for the collection of all arrears due to Government from the Co-operative.
4. The Joint Registrars (General) will convene the Conference of Assistant Registrars (General) and Inspectors in the Circles and appraise them of the necessity and importance in the collection of Government dues especially since the arrears position has reached an alarming stage.  The target fixed for collection drive period is 100% of the outstanding arrears of Government dues as on 31.12.03 on the basis of the above target Joint Registrar (General) shall fix the target for the Assistant Registrars (General) in each circle under their control and the Assistant Registrars (General) in turn shall fix the target for Unit Inspectors.  The Deputy Registrars (Administration) and Assistant Registrars  (Planning in the office of the Joint Registrars (General) will be in-charge of collection drive.  The Joint Registrars should be in overall charge of the operation in the district and he may provide the maximum possible facilities for the collection drive.  Statement showing the progress achieved in Special Collection drive should be sent by the Joint Registrars (General) to the Registrar of Co-operative Societies on or before 20.3.2004 in proforma A to F Specimen copy enclosed without fall.  The details of Government loans and share and NCDC loans and share may be furnished in separate forms.
5. It has been noticed that there is lack of proper monitoring of repayment of NCDC  loans/shares by the beneficiary societies to the State Government.  The repayment of the loans received from NCDC and payment of its interest are being made by the State Government promptly.  Therefore it is a must that NCDC loans /share are repaid by the beneficiary societies to State Government promptly without making any arrears at any time. But it is noticed with serious concern there are substantial arrears of  NCDC loans/shares.  This sorry state affairs has to be changed forthwith.  In order to achieve this the Joint Registrars (General) should ensure that all arrears of NCDC loans/shares are cleared fully during the Special Collection Drive period.
6. As regards the collection of cost of Auditors under Rule 156. Part 1, K.S.R.., it is noticed that there are arrears pending collection in various districts eventhough the cost of audit should be collected in advance.  The Joint Registrars (Audit) in the district as well as Assistant Registrars (Audit) in Taluk are personally responsible for the collection of Government dues in this regard from the Co-operative Institutions in the districts including Apex Institutions.  The Joint Registrars (Audit) should see that 100% of the arrears are collected and advance collection are made as per the standing orders.  The Joint Registrars(Audit) should see that 100% of the arrears are collected and advance collection are made as per the standing orders.  The Joint Registrars (Audit) should furnish the progress achieved during the special collection drive period in proforma C,D and E (Specimen copy enclosed) to the Registrars of Co-operative Societies on or before 20.3.2004 without fail.
7. The time limit fixed for the submission of progress of statement should be strictly adhered to.
Receipt of the Circular should be acknowledged.
K. Kesavan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge

\¼À : F.-Pn.F (2) 10657/2003         kl-I-cWkwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                           Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw, 15-þ12-þ2003
kl-I-cW kwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ
tPmbnâv cPn-kv{SmÀ (P-\-dÂ)
hnjbw : kvIqÄ/tImtfPv kl-I-c-W-kw-L-§-fpsS IW¡v hÀjw kw_-Ôn-¨v
kqN\ : 21-þ04-þ2003 se 22/2003-þmw \¼À kÀ¡p-eÀ
kqN\ kÀ¡p-eÀ {]Imcw kvIqÄ/tImtfPv kl-I-cWkwL-§fpsS HmUnäv hÀjw G{]n 1 apX amÀ¨v 31 hsc-bmbn IW-¡m-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn hyà-am-¡n-bn-«pÅ kml-N-cy-¯n kvIqÄ/ tImtfPv  kl-I-c-W-kw-L-§-fpsS hmÀjnI tÌm¡v ]cn-tim-[\ amÀ¨v 31-þmw XobXn \S-t¯-­-Xm-sW¶pw kvIqÄ/tImtfPv kl-I-cW kwL-§-fpsS 2003 P\p-hcn 1 apX 2004 amÀ¨v 31 hsc-bpÅ HmUnäv 15 amk-t¯¡v H¶n¨v \S-t¯-­-Xm-sW¶pw Adn-bn¨p sImÅp-¶p. 
Xm¦-fpsS hniz-kvX³
kl-I-cWkwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ¡p th­n
kn.-]n. (2) 3015/2002                                kl-I-c-W-kwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncp-h-\-´-]p-cw, XobXn 05-þ03-þ2003
kl-I-cW kwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ,
FÃm tPmbnâv cPn-kv{SmÀamÀ¡pw (P-\-dÂ)
hnjbw : kl-I-cWw þ {]Xnamk \nt£] ]²Xn þ ^okv Npa-¯p-¶Xv þ kw_-Ôn-¨v
kqN\ : Cu B^o-knse 16-þ10-þ2002 se kn.-]n. (2) 8015/02 \¼À C­m-kv
kqN\ C­m-knsâ XpSÀ¨-bmbn Xmsg ]dbpw {]Imcw Adn-bn-¡p-¶p.  kÀÆokv kl-I-cW _m¦p-IÄ¡pw Fwt¹m-bokv kl-I-cW kwL-§Ä¡pw {]Xn-amk \nt£] ]²Xn XpS-§m³ A\p-hmZw \ÂIp-¶-Xn\p ap¼v Sn ]²Xn aptJ\ kwL-¯n\v e`n-¡m-hp¶ em`-¯nsâ (I-½o-j-sâ) 1% XpI Xmsg ]d-bp¶ ioÀj-I-¯nsâ {Sj-dn-bn AS-bvt¡-­-Xm-Wv.
                2425                                        Co-Operation
                          800                                        Other Receipts
                            93                                        Other items
kl-I-cW kwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ¡p th­n
\¼À. kn.-]n. (2) 14284.2003                kl-I-cWkwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                           Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw, XobXn 27-þ12-þ2003
kl-I-cW kwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ
1. FÃm tPmbnâv cPn-kv{SmÀamÀ¡pw (P-\-dÂ)/ (B-Un-äv)
2. I¬I-dâv BUn-äÀamÀ (PnÃm kl-I-cW _m¦v)
hnjbw : kzÀ®-]-Wb hmbv]-I-fn³ta kzÀ®]­w teew sN¿p-t¼mÄ skbnÂkv SmIvkv \ÂIp-¶Xv kw_-Ôn¨v
kqN\ : kÀ¡m-cnsâ 27-þ10-þ2003 se 678/kn. 1/03/kl \¼À I¯v
kl-I-cWØm]-\-§Ä kzÀ®-]-Wb hmbv]-I-fn³ta CuSmbn kzoI-cn-¡p¶ kzÀ® ]­-§Ä teew sN¿pt¼mgpw hn¸\ XnIpXn CuSm-t¡-­-Xp-t­m F¶Xv kw_-Ôn¨v \nIpXn hIp-¸p-ambn IqSn-bm-tem-Nn-¨-t¸mÄ kzÀ®m-`-cW-§Ä teew  sN¿p-t¼mgpw hn¸\\nIpXn Npa-t¯-­-Xm-sW¶pw C¡m-cy-¯n sslt¡m-SXn 1169/00, 1902/00, 38941/01 F¶o tIkp-I-fpsS hn[n-bn ]cm-aÀiw \S-¯n-bn-«p-s­¶pw Adn-bn-¨n-cn-¡p¶p F¶pw BI-bm kzÀ®-]-­-§Ä teew sN¿p-t¼mÄ skbnÂkv SmIvkv CuSm-¡p-¶pt­m F¶v Dd¸v hcp-¯-W-sa¶pw kqN\ {]Imcw kÀ¡mÀ Adn-bn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶p. 
ta \nÀt±iw _Ô-s¸« FÃm kl-I-cW Øm]-\-§-fp-sSbpw {i²-bn sIm­p htc-­Xpw BbXv ]men-¡p-¶pt­m F¶v Dd¸v hcp-t¯-­-Xp-am-Wv. 
Xm¦-fpsS hniz-kvX³
kl-I-c-W-kwLw cPn-kv{SmÀ¡p th­n
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
kl-I-cW kwL-§Ä \S-¯p¶ HmW-N-´-IÄ¡v Xt±i kzbw-`-cW Øm]-\-§-fn \n¶pw km¼-¯nI klmbw \ÂIp-¶-Xn\v A\p-aXn \ÂIn D¯-chv ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¡p-¶p
Xt±i kzbw-`-cW (sI) hIp¸v
k:D. (km-[m)- \¼À 3086/03/X kz`h       Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw, XobXn 25-þ08-þ2003
]cm-aÀiw : 20-þ08-þ2003 se a{´n-k`m Xocp-am-\w ­ sFäw \¼À H/F þ 5
]cm-aÀi-¯nse Xocp-am-\-{]-Imcw kl-I-cW kwL-§Ä \S-¯p¶ HmW-¨-´-IÄ¡v 3,000/þ cq] hoXw (aq-Æm-bncw cq]) km¼-¯nI klmbw \ÂIp-¶-Xn\v kwØm\s¯ Xt±i kzbw-`-cW Øm]-\-§Ä¡v (tImÀ¸-td-j-\p-IÄ, ap\n-kn-¸m-en-än-IÄ, {Kma-]-©m-b-¯p-IÄ) A\p-aXn \ÂIn D¯-chv ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¡p-¶p. 
KhÀW-dpsS D¯-c-hn³ {]Im-cw
F³. eX
tPmbnâv sk{I-«dn


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