No.G. 56583/87.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Trivandrum, 19-1-1989
Sub: Kerala Labour welfare Fund Act 1975 (Act 11 of 1977) - Applications of the provisions to Co-operative Societies-Clarifications issued.
Ref: Government Letter No. 13973/C2/88/Co-op. Dated 11-11-1988.
Clarification has been sought for from this office by certain societies whether the provisions of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1975 (Act 11 of 1977) are applicable to the Co-operative Societies registered under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 and whether the societies and their employees are liable to make contribution to the Labour Welfare Fund constituted under Act 11 of 1977 in the light of the fact that a separate fund, viz, Kerala Co-operative Employees Welfare Fund has been set up as per G.O.Rt. 383/86/Co-op. Dated 30-9-86 from out of the contributions from employees of Co-operative societies as well as the employer societies. This matter has been referred to Government for clarifications and the Government in their letter referred to above have informed as follows:
According to section 2 (f) (5) of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1975, an establishment including a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act 22 of 1860) which employs on any working day during the preceding 12 months more than 20 persons will come under the purview of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act. Therefore the question whether the Co-operative Societies are commercial establishments or not, is irrelevant regarding the applicability of the provision of the Act 11 of 1977 to the Co-operative Societies and their employees. Moreover the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund and the Kerala Co-operative Employees Fund are entirely different since the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund provides Welfare Schemes for the entire labourers of the State.
In the above circumstances, it is hereby clarified that the provisions of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1975 (Act 11 of 1977) are applicable to the Co-operative Societies registered and governed by the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 and, therefore, the societies and their employees are bound to contribute their respective shares to the Fund created under the former Act.
The Societies are requested to take action on the matter on the lines indicated above.
P. Prabakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. EM (1) 63189/88.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Trivandrum, 23-1-89
Sub: Exemption under rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules for the purpose of promotion-date of effect of relaxation.
Ref: Judgement dated 3-12-87 in O. P. No. 8947/85.
Rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules empowers the Managing Committee of a society to relax the qualifications of an employee for purposes of promotion in deserving cases with the prior Approval of the Registrar and for reasons to be recorded in writing.
The Hon’ble High Court as per judgement dated 3-12-87, in O.P.No. 8847/85 between S.Gopakumar and Registrar of Co-operative Societies, held that as prior approval of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies is a condition precedent for giving relaxation from qualification under Rule 185 (2), the relaxation will operate only from the date of order of Registrar approving such relaxation unless the committee fixes a prior date from which the relaxation will operate and that it is approved by the Registrar.
The Joint Registrars, while exercising powers under Rule 185 (2) are requested to adhere to the observations of the court scrupulously. It should also be ensured that the Co-operative Institutions implement the orders issued by competent authority under Rule 185 (2) according to the above principle.
For Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À F.Un.FÂ.2.9700/89.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 18þ2þ1989
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 10/89
hnjbw: BUnävþklIcW kvYm]\§fpsS BUnäv ]qÀ¯n bm¡p¶Xnepff ImeXmakw Hgnhm¡p¶Xn\pff \S]SnIÄþ IW¡pIfpw sd¡mÀUpIfpw FgpXn kq£n¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v kwL§fpsS \nba]camb _m[yX Dd¸m¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
klIcW kwL§fpsS BUnäv bYmkabw IpSninI IqSmsX \S¯pI F¶pffXv kwL§fpsS kpKaamb {]hÀ¯\¯n\v AXy´mt]£nXamWv. BUnäv IrXykab¯v \S¡m¯Xp aqew kwL§fn ]Wm]lcWw, kwLw apXepIÄ ZpÀhn\ntbmKw F¶nh hÀ²n¡phm³ CSbpv. BUnäv bYm kabw \S¡Wsa¶ps¦n kwLw `mchmlnIfpsS BXvamÀ°amb klIcWw e`yamsb¦nse ]äpIbpffp. F¶m kwkvYm\s¯ ]e kwL§fpw dn¡mÀUpIfpw IW¡pIfpw bYmkabw FgpXn¯oÀ¡mXncn¡p¶Xpw Bhkm\ kvtääpsaâpIfpw ]«nIIfpw IrXykab¯v X¿mdm¡n BUnäÀamÀ¡v kaÀ¸n¡mXncn¡p¶Xpw BUnäv IpSninI hcp¶Xn\v Hcp ImcWambn XoÀ¶n«pv. BUnäÀamÀ Cu Imcy§Ä ]cnlcn¡p¶Xn\v klIcW kwLw BIvSnse N«§fpw \nba§fpw hn\ntbmKn¡m¯Xpaqew kwLw `mchmlnIÄ BUnäv k{¼Zmbs¯ AXÀln¡p¶ Kucht¯msS ho£n¡p¶nÃ. BUnäv IpSninI XoÀ¡p¶Xn\p thn bYmkabw dn¡mÀUpIfpw IW¡pIfpw FgpXn XoÀ¡m¯ kwL§fpsS t]cnepw IrXy kab¯v Bhkm\ BUnäv kvtääpsaâpIfpw ]«nIIfpw X¿mdm¡n BUnäÀ¡v kaÀ¸n¡m¯ kwL§fpsS t]cnepw klIcW kwLw BIvSnse N«§Ä 29, 30, 33 F¶nhbn A\pimkn¡p¶ \nba]camb \S]SnIÄ \S¯p¶Xn\v \nÀt±in¡p¶tXmsSm¸w _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY³amÀ Cu Imcy¯n bmsXmcp hn«phogvNbpw ImWn¡phm³ ]mSnÃmsb¶pw A\pimkn¡p¶p.
]n. {]`mIc³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.ADL (2) 4622/89.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Trivandrum, 18-2-1989
CIRCULAR No. 11/89
Sub: Audit-Simplification of Audit procedure-guidelines-issued.
In the conference of Department Officers held on 25-6-1988 and 28-6-1988 the question of arrears in audit came up for discussion. It was suggested that simplification of Audit procedure would be a remedy to ease the situation. Accordingly a committee was constituted vide Registrar’s proceedings ADL (2) 37721/88 dated, 16-7-1988 for making suggestions for simplification of audit procedure. The Committee submitted its report containing certain recommendations. The report was studied and in the light of those recommendations the following guidelines are issued.
1. During the course of audit of a Co-op. Society if the Auditor finds that the balances in the statements for shares, loans and deposits including chitty deposits (both debtor and creditor) actually agree with the personal ledger balances and their total agree with the balances in the general ledger cross checking of entries in the Day Book with personal ledger/chitty Day book with Chitty parade may be avoided by resorting to random checking only. However such random checking should cover at least 3 month’s period. In such cases the Auditor should obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive of the Society or from the head of the Internal Auditors (if the system of internal audit has been introduced) to the effect that the entire entries in the concerned ledgers have been checked and found that the balances in the ledgers are correct and that the balances in the schedules, agree with the ledger balances.
2. In the case of consumer societies where a satisfactory Double compartmental system subjected to effective internal audit is followed and where quarterly stock verification is done systematically, the Auditor need not check all the sales bills. The Auditor can limit his work to test check and checking sales totals in the sales Abstract Register with Day Book and Liability Register. But the entries regarding transfer of goods from godown or otherwise at resale value should be checked completely.
3. In school stores and societies having A.R.Ds etc. which sell goods / articles on fixed rates of commission, if the gross income received on account of fixed rate of commission agrees with the eligible commission the accounts relating to stock and sales may be test checked.
4. In cases of major irregularities noticed while resorting to any of the above methods, the Auditors shall check all accounts thoroughly.
5. Test audit whenever done should be done in the presence of the Auditor who did it.
6. The Assistant Registrars (Audit) have to assess in advance the exact volume of work in each of the societies in their circles and prepare Audit Programmes in such a manner that the audits of societies having very little transactions (like school stores, dormant societies. Etc.) and those having large volume of business are included in the programme of each month wherever possible. The present practice of completing the audits of societies having low volume of business first in preference to societies having fairly good volume of business should be stopped. The Audit Programmes should be got chalked out by the Assistant Registrars/Deputy Registrars (Audit) based on the norms fixed by the Registrar and audits done by the Auditors should be watched very closely. The norms fixed basically for determining the man days required for the completion of audit by each type of societies are shown in the enclosure attached.
The Deputy Registrars (Audit) and Assistant Registrars (Audit) will adhere to the guidelines contained in the Circular with immediate effect and attain substantial progress in the clearance of arrears of audit.
P. Prabakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No.EM (1) 43622/83.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Thiruvananthapuram, 12-4-1989
CIRCULAR No. 22/89
Sub: Co-operation – Granting of exemption from educational qualifications for purposes of promotion under Rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-op: Societies Rules- 1969- Guidelines for deciding deserving cases-issued.
Rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-op: Societies Rules 1969, as amended in G. O. (Ms) No. 18/88/Co-op: dated 17-6-1988 empowers the committee of a society to relax the qualifications of an employee for purpose of promotion in deserving cases with the prior approval of the Registrar and for reasons to be recorded in writing. Accordingly, the proposals received from the societies other than Apex and district level societies were being disposed of by the Joint Registrars in the districts under the delegated powers. In the absence of specific guidelines to decide whether a given case is a deserving one for being considered for promotion relaxing the qualification, decisions granting/refusing relaxation from the prescribed qualification were also found to be not uniform. So also a general tendency to recommend all cases for relaxation from the prescribed qualifications in a routine manner without going into the merits and without considering the effect of such exemption in the general working of the institution, has been noticed on the part of the management of the societies. Considering all these aspects, it is felt that specific instructions should be issued for the guidance of the officers exercising the powers under rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-op: Societies rules. Accordingly the following guidelines are issued with the approval of the Government for deciding as to whether any given case is a deserving one or not for relaxation of qualifications under rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-op: Societies rules 1969, for purpose of promotion of employees.
1. Exemption from academic qualification:
(i) Minimum qualification for ministerial and supervisory posts, other than those requiring technical qualification shall be S.S.L.C. Exemption from passing S.S.L.C. shall not be granted under any circumstances. However in the case of employees who were appointed directly to the ministerial posts before 1-1-1974, the above restriction will not apply.
(ii) Where academic qualification prescribed is graduation and above, exemption from acquiring the said qualification may be considered, if the incumbent satisfied the following conditions.
(a) Should have passed JDC or equivalent.
(b) Should have a minimum service of 5 years in the feeder category.
(c) Should not be less than 45 years of age.
2. Exemption from Training qualification:
(i) Employees of sub-staff category shall not be exempted from training qualification for purpose of promotion to the clerical category.
(ii) In the case of employees continuing in the ministerial and supervisory posts, exemption from training qualification may be considered if such employees have got a minimum service of 5 years in the feeder category and have passed 45 years of age.
3. General conditions to be satisfied:
(i) The Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Society relating to relaxation from qualification should indicate clearly the reason justifying the exemption and should certify the competency of the incumbent to hold the post to which he is being promoted based on performance appraisal.
(ii) The incumbent should not have been punished by imposing any of the following penalties within a period of 5 years prior to the date of the resolution.
(a) withholding of increment, with cumulative effect,
(b) withholding of promotion.
(c) Recovery from pay of the whole or part for any pecuniary loss caused to the society, by negligence or breach of orders or otherwise.
(d) Reduction to a lower rank.
(iii) For posts requiring technical and special qualifications other than those prescribed under Rule 186, exemption from relevant qualifications shall not be granted.
(iv) Exemption, being given to an individual should be for promotion to a specified post i.e., exemption from qualification should be obtained at the time of each promotion.
(i) Subject to the above guidelines, the Joint Registrar of the Districts are competent to dispose of all applications for exemption in respect of employees of societies having area of operation extending to less than a district. As regards applications for exemption in respect of employees of Co-op: Societies having area of operation extending to one District and above eligible proposals will be referred to Registrar of Co-operative Societies by the Joint Registrar concerned duly recommended and such applications will be disposed of by Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
(ii) Applications which do not strictly conform to the guidelines, but are considered as deserving cases for any special reasons, may be referred to Registrar of Co-operative Societies by the Joint Registrars concerned duly recommended and such applications shall be disposed of by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies only, irrespective of the type or area of operation of the society.
The procedure prescribed in Registrar’s letter No EM (2) 66638/88 dated 4-1-1989 with regard to filing of applications for exemption should be strictly followed. All the documents indicated there in and such other particulars as are considered necessary by the Joint Registrar should be obtained and scrutinised properly before taking a final decision on the application for exemption. Joint Registrars should exercise the power of exemption diligently and with utmost caution so as to ensure that only deserving cases are granted exemption.
The instructions issued in Registrar’s letter No EM (1) – 49346/88 dated 19-9-1988 to the Joint Registrars, to forward all applications relating to exemption under rule 185 (2) of the KCS Rules to Registrar, are hereby withdrawn. Hereafter only those applications which are to be disposed of by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies alone need be sent to Registrar. Receipt of this circular should be acknowledged.
P. Prabhakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À Pn.51552/88
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 18þ3þ1989
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 23/89
hnjbw: klIcW kwL§fnse `cWkanXnIfn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨pff amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä.
kqN\: Cu B^okn \n¶pw ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pff 4þ4þ1988 seän. 3þ5692/87 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
1987þse tIcf klIcW (t`ZKXn) \nbaw (1987þse 19þmw \¼À BIvSv) \nehn h¶tXmSp IqSn {]mYanIXe klIcW kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnIfnte¡v klIcW \nba¯nse 28þmw hIp¸nse 2þmw ]cnanXn hyhkvY {]Imchpw 31þmw hIp¸\pkcn¨pw \S¯nh¶ncp¶ \ma\nÀt±iw \nÀ¯em¡nb ]ivNm¯e¯nÂ, ]nt¶m¡ kapZmb¯nÂs¸« ]«nIPmXn ]«nI hÀ¤¡mÀ am{Xw DÄs¡mffp¶ kwkvYm\s¯ ]«nIPmXn/]«nI hÀ¤ klIcW kwL§fpsS `cWkanXn¡v klIcW kwL§fpsS icnbmb {]hÀ¯\¯n\v Bhiyamb amÀ¤ \nÀt±iw\ÂIp¶Xn\pw aäpambn `cWkanXnbn kÀ¡mÀ DtZymKkvY³amcmb FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xn\p thn kwL§fpsS \nbamhenbn Bhiyamb t`ZKXn hcp¯phm³ \S]Sn ssIs¡mffWsa¶v kqN\bn ImWn¨ncn¡p¶ kÀ¡pedn \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. CXns\ XpSÀ¶v ]«nIPmXn/]«nI hÀ¤ klIcW kwL§fÃm¯ aäp hn`mK¯nÂ/C\¯nÂs¸« ]e klIcW kwL§fpw `cWkanXnbn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xnte¡mbn ss_em t`ZKXn At]£IÄ kaÀ¸n¨p hcp¶ps¶v ]e PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw Cu B^oknte¡v FgpXn Adnbn¨n«pv. C¯cw ss_em t`ZKXn At]£IÄ ]cnKWn¡mhp¶XmtWmsb¶pw, BsW¦n Ah ]cnKWn¡p¶Xn\pff s]mXp amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä \ÂIWsa¶pw Cu tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Bhiys¸«n«pv.
klIcW kwL§fpsS `cWkanXn ss_embnse hyhkvY IÄ¡\pkrXambn AXmXp kwL¯nsâ s]mXptbmKw kwLSn¸n t¡XmsW¶v 1969þse tIcf klIcW \nba¯nse 28þmw hIp¸nse (1)þmw D]hIp¸n hyhkvY sNbvXncn¡p¶Xn\mÂ, kwL§fpsS ss_embn BbXn\p hyhkvYbps¦n kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯phm³ \nba]camb XSÊanÃ. F¶m klIcW kvYm]\§Ä klIcWXXz§f\pkcn¨v P\m[n]Xy amt\Pvsaân A[njvSnXambn {]hÀ¯nt¡Xn\m kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯pt¼mÄ s]mXptbmK¯m sXcsªSp¡s¸« `cWkanXn AwK§fpsS \nÀ®mbIamb kzm[o\¯n\pw ta[mhnXz¯n\pw tIm«w hcm¯ hn[¯n FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§fpsS F®w ]cnanXs¸Sp¯phm³ {i²nt¡Xpv. am{Xaà FÃmXcw kwL§fptSbpw `cWkanXnIfn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Spt¯ BhiyhpanÃ. Nne {]tXyI hn`mK¯nÂs¸« kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn am{Xta C¯cw AwK§sf DÄs¸Spt¯ Bhiyw hcp¶pffp.
ta hnhcn¨ncn¡p¶ kmlNcy¯nÂ, klIcW kwL§fpsS `cW kanXnIfn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v Xmsg ]dbp¶ s]mXp amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡p \ÂIp¶p.
1) kwkv¡cW {]hÀ¯\§fntem AXpt]mse Xs¶ kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\¯nsâ taÂt\m«¯n\pw \S¯n¸n\pw kmt¦XnI sshZKv²yw A\nhmcyambn«pff hn`mK¯nÂs¸« kwL§fntem `cWkanXnIÄ cq]oIcn¡pt¼mÄ kmt¦XnI hnZKv²sc A¯cw kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn DÄs¸Spt¯XmsW¶p ImWp¶psh¦n kmt¦XnI hnZKv²sc C¸dª hn`mK¯nÂs¸« kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnIfn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§fmbn DÄs¸Sp¯phm³ kwL§fpsS ss_ebn hyhkvY sImp hcmhp¶XmWv.
2) F³ XpS§nb [\Imcy kvYm]\§Ä klIcW kwL§Ä¡p km¼¯nI klmbhpw aäpw \ÂIpt¼mÄ B kvYm]\§fpsS Xm¸cyw kwc£n¡p¶Xn\pw km¼¯nI klmbw \ÂInbXn\pff hyhkvY¡\pkrXambpw kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\w ]ptcmKan¡p¶ps¶p Dd¸phcp¯p¶Xnte¡mbn C¯cw kvYm]\§fpsS {]Xn\n[nIsf DÄs¸Sp¯Wsa¶p \njv¡Àjn¡mdpv. C¯cw kµÀ`§fn Cu kvYm]\§sf {]Xn\n[oIcn¨v km¼¯nI Imcy hnZKv²sc/ amt\Pvsaâv hnZKv²sc/ kmt¦XnI hnZKv²sc kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnIfn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§fmbn DÄs¡mffn¡p¶Xnte¡mbn ss_embn hyhkvY sImphcmhp¶XmWv.
3) hyhkmbimeIfnepw AXpt]mse hfscb[nIw Poh\¡mcpw sXmgnemfnIfpw {]hÀ¯nsbSp¡p¶ FkvtääpIfnepw aäpw Poh\¡mcpsS / sXmgnemfnIfpsS t£a{]hÀ¯\§Ä em¡m¡n klIcW kwL§Ä cq]oIcn¨p {]hÀ¯n¡p¶pv. kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\¯n\pw ]ptcmKXn¡pw thn hyhkmbimebpsS/Fkvtäänsâ amt\Pvsaâv Imcyamb km¼¯nIhpw `cW]chpamb klmb§fpw sN¿pt¼mÄ amt\Pvsaânsâ km¼¯nIhpw AÃm¯Xpw Bb Xm¸cyw kwc£n¡p¶Xnte¡mbn amt\Pvsaânsâ {]Xn\n[nIsf FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§fmbn `cWkanXnbn DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xnte¡mbn ss_embn hyhkvY DÄs¡mffn¡mhp¶XmWv.
4) apIfn H¶p apX aq¶phscbpff JÞnIIfnse \nÀt±iw A\pkcn¨v kwL§fpsS ss_embn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf `cWkanXnbn DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xnte¡mbn hyhkvY sN¿pt¼mÄ AXmXp kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn s]mXptbmKw sXcsªSp¯ `cWkanXn AwK§fpsS \nÀ®mbI ta[mhnXz¯n\p bmsXmcp tIm«hpw X«m¯ hn[¯n Bbncn¡Ww FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§fpsS F®w \nÀ®bn¡p¶Xv. sXcsªSp¡s¸« `cWkanXn AwK§fpsS F®hpw FIvkv H^ntjym `cWkanXn AwK§fpsS F®hpw X½nepff A\p]mXw 2:1 F¶Xn \n¶pw A[nIcn¡m³ ]mSnÃm¯XmIp¶p. DZmlcW¯n\p sam¯w 9 AwK§fpff Hcp kwL¯nsâ `cWkanXnbn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§fpsS F®w bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw 3þ IqSpXembn \nivNbn¡m³ ]mSnÃm¯XmIp¶p.
5) apIfn 1,2 JÞnIIfnse \nÀt±ia\pkcn¨v kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnbn DÄs¸Sp¯p¶ FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§Ä kÀ¡mÀ, AÀ² kÀ¡mÀ, Xt±iob kzbw`cW kvYm]\§Ä, s]mXptaJem kvYm]\§Ä kwkvYm\/tZiob klIcW kvYm]\§Ä F¶nhnS§fnse hnZKv²cmb DtZymKkvY³amtcm Asæn kmt¦XnI sshZKv²yapffhtcm Xs¶ Bbncn¡Wsa¶v Dd¸phcpt¯XmWv.
apIfn {]Xn]mZn¨ncn¡p¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i¯nsâ shfn¨¯n thWw klIcW kwL§fpsS `cWkanXnIfn FIvkv H^ntjym AwK§sf DÄs¸Sp¯p¶Xn\pthnbpff ss_em t`ZKXn cPnkvt{Sj³ At]£Itfm kwLw cPnkvt{Sj³ At]£Itfm ]cnKWnt¡sX¶pw FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamscbpw Adnbn¡p¶p.
]n. {]`mIc³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.CB (1) 10871/88.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Trivandrum, 26-4-1989
CIRCULAR No. 24/89
Sub: Investment of Reserve Fund of affiliated Co-operative Societies/Banks-Accounting of-Procedure regarding.
Ref: Circular No. 33/88 issued in this office letter of even No. dated 20-8-1988.
In this office Circular No. 33/88 the procedure for the acceptance of Reserve Fund of the affiliated Co-operative Societies was prescribed. The rate of interest allowable and the periodicity of calculation of interest was specified in Paragraph 3, items 3 and 4 of the above circular. Consequent on the decision taken in the Central Banks conference held on 22-12-88 the following modifications are made to item 3 and 4 of Para (3) of the above circular.
Item 3 : The rate of interest on such deposits will be the maximum rate allowable for term deposits as fixed by Reserve Bank of India from time to time including also the discretionary additional rate of interest permitted by Reserve Bank of India.
Item 4 : The interest on such deposits will be calculated annually and the same will be received by the societies/Banks as and when demanded.
P. Prabhakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No.EM (2) 1674/89
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Trivandrum, 2-5-1989
CIRCULAR No. 26/89
Sub: Co-operation Department-Employees of Co-operative Societies-Employment assistance to dependants of employees dying in harness-Furnishing of application-Instruction issued.
Ref: G.O.(Ms.) No.43/88/Coop. Dated 13-10-1988.
As per the G.O. cited Government have issued orders incorporating amendment to the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, introducing a new Rule 188 A, making necessary provision to give employment assistance to the dependants of employees of Co-operative Societies, dying in harness. It is seen that the applications received for the employment assistance under the above said scheme are often devoid of essential details rendering it impossible to examine the case in the light of the G.O. cited. The following instructions are therefore issued with regard to the procedure to be followed in the submission of applications for employment assistance under the said scheme and for their disposal.
(1). It shall be competent for the committee of a society to appoint a person, who is a dependant of an employee, who dies while in service, with the prior concurrence of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. The application for such appointment, should therefore, be submitted by the eligible dependant in the ‘Form A’ appended to the president of the society concerned.
(2). The list of relatives of the deceased employee, eligible for employment assistance under the rules has been given in the G. O. cited. The application for appointment under the scheme shall be made by the dependant within one year from the date of death of the employee, where the dependant happens to be a minor the application shall be submitted within a period of 3 years from the date of attaining the age of majority. In case the application for employment assistance under the scheme is furnished by a dependant, not in accordance with the priority assigned in the rules, the persons who have higher priority for such employment assistance over the applicant shall furnish an unconditional statement agreeing to forfeit their claim for employment assistance under the scheme and giving consent to give appointment under the scheme to the applicant. A specimen form for giving the consent is appended as “Form B”.
(3). The Board of Directors/Committee of the society concerned shall consider the application with reference to the rules issued in the G.O. cited and take a decision on the request for employment assistance. A Model form of Resolution to the adopted in the matter is appended as “Form C”.
(4). The application in “Form A”, the agreement in “Form B” and the Board Resolution in “Form C” shall be forwarded by the society concerned to the Joint Registrar of the District. In the case of Apex Societies and Co-operative Institutions having area of operation extending to one District and above the applications may be furnished to Registrar of Co-operative Societies direct by the Society concerned.
(5). Registrar of Co-operative Societies/Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies of the District as the case may be will communicate his decision on the applications thus received as early as possible. No appointment under the scheme shall be made without the prior concurrence of the Registrar/Joint Registrar of the District as the case may be in writing.
(6). Joint Registrars are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of the field officers as well as the societies under their administrative control and ensure that all appointments made hereafter in the societies under the scheme conform to the guidelines issued in the G.O. cited. The receipt of the circular should be acknowledged.
P. Prabhakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Application for employment assistance under Rule 188-A,
Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules.
(Vide circular No.26/89 dated 2-5-1989 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies)
A. Details of the dependant applicant:
1. Name in full (in Block Letters) :
2. House Address :
3. Date of Birth (in figures and words) :
(Enclose attested copy of proof of
Date of Birth)
4. Qualifications (Enclose attested copy :
of certificates)
5. Relationship with the deceased :
6. Name of Co-operative Society and :
the post to which appointment is applied for
B. Details of the deceased employee
1. Name in full :
2. House address at the time of death :
3. Date of Death :
4. Name of Co-operative Society in which :
employed at the time of death and the post held
5. Date of first joining duty in the society :
mentioned in Col.4, and the post in which joined.
6. Total Service in the Society as on the
date of death : Y. M. D.
C. Details of dependants of the deceased employee:
Relationship Name Date of Birth Occupation
D. Other details in respect of the applicant
1. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted :
in a criminal case. If so give full details.
2. Whether any criminal case is pending :
against the applicant
3. Whether 2 Conduct Certificates have been :
enclosed. (Conduct certificates issued by an
MP/MLA/Panchayat President, Municipal
Chairman, Corporation Mayor, Gazetted
Officers may be accepted).
4. Whether the undertaking from the dependants, :
who have higher priority for the employment
assistance has been enclosed, (giving consent
to give the appointment to the applicant)
5. Whether Medical Fitness Certificate has :
been enclosed. hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also agree to the appointment secured by me under the scheme being terminated without notice in the event of any misrepresentation or suppression of material facts on my part being detected subsequently.
(Vide Circular No. 26/89 dated: 2-5-1989 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies)
We, the undersigned, are the dependants of Late
Sri ...............................................................................................................
(Name and address) who died while in service of the ......................................
(Name and address of the society). We hereby agree to forfeit our claims for employment assistance (under the Rules for giving employment assistance to the dependants of Co-operative employees who die while in service) in favour of Sri/Smt...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... (Name and address), who is the ........................................................................ (give relationship) of the deceased employee, we also hereby give our unconditional consent to give the appointment under the Rules to Sri ................................. mentioned above.
Name and Address Relationship with the deceased Signature
Signature in my presence
Witness (1)
(N.B. Witness should be gazetted officers of the State Government)
(Vide Circular No. 26/89 dated 2-5-1989 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies)
The application dated ........................................................................................
Submitted by (Name and address) .....................................................................
Who is the (Relationship) ...................................................................................
Of Late Sri .......................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................
(Name and address of the deceased employee) who was working as ....................
(designation) in this society has been considered in the light of Rule 188 A, Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules. He has passed ................................ and is qualified for the post of ................................ in the Society. He is eligible for the appointment as per the Rules. There is a vacancy of ............................ in the society for giving the appointment to the applicant. It is therefore resolved that Sri/Smt ............................ may be appointed as a .......................... in the society under the scheme for giving employment assistance to dependants of co-operative employees dying in harness. Also resolved to request Registrar of Co-operative Societies/joint Registrar for concurrence as required in the Rules.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Trivandrum, 24-5-1989
CIRCULAR No. 31/89
Sub: Co-op: Societies-purchase or lease of land or the acquisition, construction or renewal of building and disposal of immovable property with the prior sanction of Registrar-non-compliance of the provisions of Rule 54 of KCS Rules, 1969-Instructions issued.
According to sub-rule (1) of Rule 54 of K.C.S.Rules, if a society plans to purchase or lease of land or to acquire, construct or renew any building that may be necessary to conduct its business, the previous sanction of Registrar has to be obtained. The provisions of the above said sub-rule, are however, not applicable.
a) to immovable property purchased (i) by a society at a sale held in execution of a decree, decision or obtained by it for recovery of any sum due to it, or (ii) by a Financing Bank at a sale held in execution of a decree, decision of award obtained by a society financed it for the recovery of any sum due to such society or at a sale by or on behalf of the liquidator of such society.
b) to the purchase or lease of lands or purchase, construction or remodelling of a society whose objects according to its bye-laws include such purchase, lease, construction or remodelling.
The above provision regarding obtaining previous sanction of Registrar for the purposes mentioned above was incorporated in the Rules with a view that only such societies having financial stability and surplus funds shall be allowed to purchase or lease or land or to acquire, construct, or renew building that may be necessary to conduct its business and that normal working of societies shall not be affected for want of working capital if they are engaged in such transactions or activities.
A certain instance of violation of the mandatory provisions of Rule 54 (1) has recently come to the notice of the Department. Therefore, the attention of all Co-operative Societies is drawn to the provisions in Rule 54 of K.C.S. Rules and they are requested that they should necessarily abide by the provisions of the Rule. Any violation of the above Rule in future shall call for severe actions including those under section 32 and 63 of the KCS Act, 1969.
The Joint Registrars of the districts and Asst. Registrars (General) of circles shall closely watch the transactions of these kinds in societies and if any instance of violation of provisions of Rule 54 is noticed it shall be promptly dealt with as per the provisions in K.C.S. Act and Rules, 1969 and as mentioned above.
P. Prabhakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Thiruvananthapuram, 3-6-1989
CIRCULAR No. 32/89
Sub: Co-operative Societies-Disqualification for membership of Committee-Judgement of High Court in O.P. 4465/88-Further instructions issued on the basis of the decision of High Court.
In the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rule, 1969, there was a Rule, Viz. Rule 44 (1) (m), which read as follows:
“44 (1) No member of the society shall be eligible for being elected, or appointed as a member of the Committee of the Society under section 28 if he:- (m) has been a member of the Committee for two consecutive terms (whether for the full term of each committee or only for part of the terms of both or any one of them) and a period of two years has not elapsed from the date of expiry of the latter of such term, unless he obtains previous exemption from the Registrar”.
The above said clause (m) of sub-rule (1) of rule 44 was omitted from the K.C.S. Rules, 1969 by SRO No.16/81 published in Kerala Gazette No.1 dated 6-1-1981, with the bonafide intension that services of experienced and expert non-official co-operators are made available to the co-op: societies uninterrpted so that the affairs of co-op: societies are managed efficiently. Even though the statutory provision regarding this disqualification has been omitted, the byelaws of some societies still contain the analogus provision to the effect that a member of the society shall not be eligible for being elected or appointed as a member of the committee of the society under section 28 if he has been a member of the committee for two consecutive terms (whether for the full term of each committee or only for part of the term of both or any one of them) and a period of two years has not elapsed from the date of expiry of the latter of such term, unless he obtains previous exemption from the Registrar to stand for election. The Honourable High Court had occasion in O.P. No.4465/1988 to examine the legal validity of such provisions in the byelaws of societies in the backgroundof the omission of corresponding provision in clause (m) of sub rule (1) of Rule 44 of KCS Rules, 1969 by SRO No 16/81. The excerit of para 5 of the Judgement dated 5-8-1988 on O.P. 4465/1988 (M.Raghava Kurup Vs. Joint Registrar, Kottayam) is reproduced below:
“5. The byelaws of a co-operative society, like the Articles of Association of a company, constitute contract not only between the society and its members but also bertween the members interse. They are binding between the members and govern their mutual relationship and rights inter as vis-à-vis the affairs of the society (Shiv Omkar V.Basidhar AIR 1956 Bom. 459). They rule the internal management, business or administration of the society (Co-operative Central Bank Ltd. V.Additional Industrial Tribunal AIR 1970.S.C.245 and Garad V.Nasik Merchants Co-operative Bank Ltd AIR 1984 SC 192 ) The provision contained in section 28 of the Act and Rule 44 of the Rules have given effect to this principle Sub section (1) of Section 28 which provides for the appointment of the committee of a co-operative society directs the general body of the society to constitute the committee in accordance with its byelaws and to entrust the management of its affairs to such committee sub section (2) of section prescribes certain disqualifications for appointment as, or for being, a member of the Committee. Rule 44, framed under section 109 (2) (XIV) of the Act, enumerates further disqualifications for membership of the committee. Inter alia clause (j) of sub rule (1) makes a member ineligible from such membership if he is disqualified under any “other” provision in the byelaws of the society. The byelaws may therefore add heads of disqualification which are not otherwise found in section 28 (2) or Rule 44 (1) or to put it differently, a person may be disqualified under the bye-laws even though he may not be disqualified under section 28(2) or Rule 44(1). This is in accord with the proposition earlier mentioned that the byelaws constitute a contract between the members, and that the terms and conditions of their interse relationships as got forth in the byelaws should bind them. The byelaws govern so long as they are not inconsistent with the Act or the Rules”.
In the background of the above decision, the Honourable High Court in the present case held that the byelaws that no person shall be a member of the managing committee for more than three consequtive terms except with the special sanction of the Deputy Registrar (now Joint Registrar) is authorised by Rule 44 (1) (j) and it is not inconsistant with the Act or with the Rules.
In the light of High Court’s Judgement that the byelaws of a Co-operative Society may add heads of disqualification which are not otherwise found in section 28(2) or Rule 44 (1) and that it is authorised by Rule 44 (1) (j), steps have to be taken to amend byelaws suitably by those co-operative societies the byelaws of which restrict the continued membership of a member in the committee for more than two consecutive terms without the previous sanction of Registrar.
All the Joint Registrars may therefore, examine the bye-laws of co-operative societies and give directions to those co-operative societies to amend their byelaws suitably so that the intention of Government in omitting clause (m) of sub rule (1) of Rule 44 is achieved.
P. Prabhakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Trivandrum, 3-6-1989
CIRCULAR No. 33/89
Sub: Coop. Societies-Measures to prevent the burglary and theft from Coop. Societies/banks-Instructions issued.
Ref: 1. This office Circular No. 26/84 dated 15-5-1984 (in file No.CB (1) 20643/84)
2. Letter No. D14-38707/88 dated 25-6-88 from the Director General of Police Trivandrum.
In the circular cited above instructions were given to all the co-operative institutions in the state for achieving the physical security of Co-op. Institutions especially credit institutions. Among the various remedial measures suggested for the security of the Co-op. Credit institutions it was instructed that there should preferably be only one entry/exit point and that should be properly guarded by a trained and intelligent guard. In the said circular it was also intimated that security in the Co-op. Credit institutions must be enforced without looking into the cost factor and that factor should be no consideration for achieving the desired level of safety and security and that as regards external threats involving robberies and dacoities, security arrangements should be fortified so that such attempts are foiled as far as possible.
In the letter cited second above, the Director General of police, has informed this office that thefts from co-operative Banks situated in mofussil areas in the state is on the increase. As a preventive measure, the Director General of police has suggested that it is desirable to appoint armed night watchmen and to construct strong rooms in all coop credit institutions.
In the above circumstances, all the coop. Credit institutions are once again requested that they should strictly adhere to the instructions contained in the circular cited above. Those coop. Credit institutions which are to keep a sizable cash balance or valuable securities like gold ornaments etc. in the institutions branches of institutions should construct strong room and appoint armed night watchman with uniform if not already done. While appointing armed night watchman Ex-servicemen who are trained in handling, modern weaponry and in preventing/defending/robberies and dacoities should be given preference. If no sanctioned post of night watchman is existing on the society/bank, application for sanction for the creation of the post of night watchman with convincing reasons should immediately be submitted to the Joint Registrar of Coop. Societies of the district and the Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies shall consider such applications with due weight and after taking into stock of the necessity and the various security arrangements to be made in the institution.
P. Prabakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No.CS (2) 9875/89
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative societies,
Trivandrum, 8-6-1989
CIRCULAR No. 34/89
Sub: Prevention of Food Adulteration Act-Arrangements for prevention of Food Adulteration etc.-regarding.
Ref: 1. Circular No.6/87 dated 12-2-1987 of Registrar of coop: Societies.
2. Government letter No.6097/A1/86/Coop. Dated 27-1-1989.
In continuation of the Office Circular first cited, the following instructions are issued in the matter of the standards of goods to be maintained as per the provisions of prevention of Food Administration Act.
1. As per Section 2(i) of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act Adulterant means any material which could be employed for the purpose of adulteration.”
As per section 2(i) (a) an article of food shall be deemed to be adulterated.
a) if the article sold by a vendor is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser and is to his or is not of the nature, substance or quality which it purports or is represented to be.
b) If the article contains any other substance which affect or if the article is so processed as to effect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof.
c) If any inferior or cheaper substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the articles so as to effect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof.
d) If any constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted so as to effect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof.
e) If the article had been prepared, packed or kept under insanitary conditions to health.
f) If the article consists wholly or in part of any filthy, putrid, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance or is insect-infested or is otherwise unfit for human consumption:
g) If the article is obtained from a diseased animal
h) If the article contains any poisonous or other ingredient which renders it injurious to health.
i) If the contain or the articles composed, whether wholly or in part, of any poisonous deleterious substance which renders its contents injurious to health.
j) If any colouring matter other than that prescribed in respect there of is present in the article, or if the amounts of the prescribed colouring matter which is present in the article are not in the prescribed limits of variability.
k) If the article contains any prohibited preservative or permitted preservative in excess of the prescribed limits.
l) If the quality or purity of the articles falls below the prescribed standard or its constituents are present in quantities not within the prescribed limits of variability, which renders it injurious to health.
m) If the quality or purity of the article falls below the prescribed standard or its constituents are present in quantities not within the prescribed limits of variability but which does not render it injurious to health.
Provided that where the quality of the articles being primary food, has fallen below the prescribed standards or its constituents are present in quantities not within the prescribed limits of variability, in either case, solely due to natural causes and beyond the control of human agency then, such articles shall not be deemed to be adulterated within the meaning of this sub clause.
Explanation:- Where two or more articles of primary food are mixed together and the resultant article of food
is stored, sold or distributed under a name which denotes the ingredients thereof; and
is not injurious to health then such resultant articles shall not be deemed to be adulterated within the meaning of the clause.
All Co-operative institutions which deals in Consumer articles are requested to make proper efficient and durable arrangements to deal only in unadulterated goods especially unadulterated food articles as contemplated in Section 2 (1) as mentioned above.
P. Prabakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À. kn._n.(1) 30200/89.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 3þ6þ89
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 39/89
hnjbw: {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä _m¦pIÄ ^pIÄ \nt£]n¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: Cu B^okn \n¶pw 28þ3þ1974\v ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pff 11/74þmw \¼À kÀ¡pedpw 28þ2.þ87\v ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pff 8/87þmw \¼À. kÀ¡pedpw.
klIcWkwL§Ä AhbpsS ^pIÄ \nt£]n¡p¶Xp F{]Imcw Bbncn¡Wsa¶v klIcW \nba¯nse 57þmw hIp¸n hyIvXambn {]Xn]mZn¨n«pv. IqSmsX CXp kw_Ôn¨v hyIvXamb \nÀt±i§Ä kqN\bnse 11/74þmw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw \ÂInbn«pv. {]kvXpX \nÀt±i§Ä {]Imcw {]mYanI klIcWkwL§Ä AhcpsS ^pIÄ PnÃm _m¦pIfn am{Xta \nt£]n¡mhq F¶v hyIvXam¡nbn«pffXmWv. PnÃm _m¦pIfpsS imJIfn C{]Imcw ^pIÄ \nt£]n¡p¶Xn\vp {]mtbmKnIambn sshjayw DmIp¶ps¦n kzoIcnt¡ \S]SnIÄ kw_Ôn¨p, {]kvXpX kÀ¡pedn \nÀt±i§Ä \ÂInbn«pv.
Sn \nÀt±i§Ä¡v hncp²ambn ]e {]mYanI klIcWkwL§fpw AÀ_³ _m¦pIfpw AhcpsS ^pIÄ aäp {]mYanI klIcWkwL§fnepw, AÀ_³ _m¦pIfnepw \nt£]n¡p¶Xmbn {i²bnÂs¸«XpsImv, 26þ2þ87se 8/87þmw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä \ÂInbn«pmbncp¶p.
1. FÃm {]mYanI kwL§fpw AÀ_³ _m¦pIfpw PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIfn am{Xta AhcpsS ^pIÄ \nt£]n¡mhq.
2. bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw {]mYanI kwL§Ä/ AÀ_³ _m¦pIÄ aäp kwL§fnÂ/ AÀ_³ _m¦pIfn ^pIÄ \nt£]n¡phm³ ]mSpffXÃ.
3. kwL§Ä, _m¦pIÄ aäp {]mYanI kwL§fntem AÀ_³ _m¦pIfntem ^pIÄ \nt£]n¨n«ps¦n {]kvXpX IW¡pIÄ AhÀ DS³ Ahkm\n¸nt¡XmWv.
{]mYanI kwL§fpw AÀ_³ _m¦pIfpw Cu \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]men¡p¶ps¶ Imcyw PnÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Dd¸phcpt¯Xpw, hogvNIÄ ImWp¶]£w \S]SnIÄ ssIs¡mtffXpamWv; F¶v {]tXyIw \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. F¶m ta \nÀt±i§Ä {]mYanI kwL§fpw AÀ_³ _m¦pIfpw IrXyambn ]men¡p¶nÃmsb¶v hopw {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p. CXp XnI¨pw sXämb \S]SnbmWv.
klIcWcwK¯v km¼¯nI A¨S¡w Dd¸phcp¯p¶Xn\pw {]mYanI kwL§Ä X½n A\mtcmKyIcamb InSaÕc¯n\v CS \ÂImXncn¡p¶Xn\pw thn Sn \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]men¡Wsa¶v hopw \nÀt±in¨psImffp¶p. Sn \nÀt±i§Ä {]mYanI klIcW kwL§fpw AÀ_³ _m¦pIfpw IÀi\ambn ]men¡p¶psh¶v PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIfpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw Dd¸phcpt¯XmWv.
Hmtcm PnÃm klIcW _m¦pw AhbpsS {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbn s]Sm¯ PnÃIfnse klIcW kvYm]\§fn \n¶pw \nt£]§Ä kzcq]n¡p¶Xn\pff {]hWXbpw Ahkm\n¸nt¡XmWv.
]n. {]`mIc³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À Fkv.än(1) 42021/89
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 27þ7þ1989
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 46/89
hnjbw: klIcW kvYm]\§fnse \nba\§fn ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡v 10% {]mXn\n[yw Dd¸p hcp¯p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
1. tIcf klIcW kwL§Ä (t`ZKXn) \nbaw, 1969 (1989 se 29 mw BIvSv) A\pkcn¨v 1969 se tIcf klIcW kwLw \nba¯nse 80 mw hIp¸n (4) Fs¶mcp ]pXnb Hcp D]hIp¸v Iq«nt¨À¯n«pv. 25þ2þ1985 apX {]m_ey¯n h¶ Sn \nba¯nsâ ASnkvYm\¯n t\cn«v \nba\w \S¯p¶ sam¯w XkvXnIIfpsS 10% ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡mbn kwhcWw sNt¿XmsW¶pw C{]Imcw Sn XobXn¡p tijw \S¯p¶ t\cn«pff \nba\§Ä¡v kwhcWw IÀi\ambn \S¸nem¡p¶ps¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯XmsW¶pw 25þ2þ1985 \p tijw \S¶ t\cn«pff \nba\§fn 10% {]mXn\n[yw \ÂIp¶Xn Fs´¦nepw Ipdhv Dmbn«pff ]£w BbXv `mhnbnepff \nba\§fn \nIt¯XmsW¶pw _Ôs¸« hIp¸ptZymKkvY³amÀ aptJ\ FÃm kwL§fptSbpw {i²bn sImp h¶ncp¶p. Cu \nbaw IÀi\ambn ]men¡p¶ps¶v Dd¸p hcp¯Wsa¶v hIp¸ptZymKkvY³amÀ¡pw \nÀt±iw \ÂInbncp¶p. F¶m Sn \nÀt±i§Ä ]qÀ®ambn ]men¡p¶nsöv cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bn s]«n«pv.
2. tIcf \nbak`bpsS ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤ t£a kanXn klIcW taJebnepff kvYm]\§fn ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡pff {]mXn\n[yw kw_Ôn¨v ]cntim[\ \S¯p¶Xnsâ `mKambn kwkvYm\ klIcW _m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ F¶o kvYm]\§fn \n¶pw _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY³amcn \n¶pw sXfnshSp¸v \S¯pIbpw C{]Imcw \S¯nb sXfnshSp¸pIfn IqSn e`yamb hnhc§fpsS ASnkvYm\¯n kanXnbpsS 9þmw dnt¸mÀ«n ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡pff 10% kwhcWw \S¸nem ¡p¶Xnepmbn«pff t]mcmbvaIÄ Nqn¡mWn¡pIbpw, FÃm kwL§fnepw Cu \nba]camb {]mXn\n[yw Dd¸p hcp¯p¶Xn\v A\phÀ¯nt¡ Nne \nÀt±i§Ä DÄs¡mffn¡pIbpw sNbvXn«pv.
Sn dnt¸mÀ«nsâ \nÀt±i§Ä¡\pkcWambn klIcW kvYm]\§Ä¡v \nÀt±iw \ÂIWsa¶pw \nba\§fn th{X {]Xn\n[yw ]men¡m¯ CS§fn B sshIeyw \nI¯p¶Xn\pff kXzc \S]Sn ssIs¡mffWsa¶pw kÀ¡mÀ \nÀt±in¨n«pv. ta kqNn¸n¨ ]ivNm¯e¯n Sn dnt¸mÀ«nsâ ]cmaÀi§fpw A`n{]mb§fpw IqSn IW¡nseSp¯v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
1. 25þ2þ1985 \p tijw \S¯nb t\cn«pff \nba\§fn ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡v 10% {]mXn\n[yw Ds¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv. Sn XobXníptijw hnhn[ XkvXnIIfn \S¯nb t\cn«pff \nba\§fpsS ASnkvYm\¯nemWv 10% IW¡mt¡Xv. C{]Imcw {]mXn\n[yw \ÂIpt¼mÄ hnhn[ XkvXnIIfn AÀlamb {]mXn\n[yw e`n¨n«ps¶pw Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv.
2. Hmtcm {]mhiyw \nba\w \S¡p¼mgpw 25þ2þ1985 apX \S¯nbn«pff t\cn«pff \nba\§fpsS ASnkvYm\¯n 10% koäpIfpsS F®w IW¡m¡n ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mcn \n¶pw \nba\w \St¯XmWv.
3. \nba\¯n\p thnbpff ]cky¯n kwhcWw sNbvX koäpIfpsS F®w (XkvXnIbpsS ASnkvYm\¯nÂ) {]tXyIw ImWn¨ncnt¡Xpw kwkvYm\mSnkvYm\¯n ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mcn \n¶pw At]£IÄ kzoIcnt¡XpamWv. C{]Imcw \ÂIp¶ ]cky§fn ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\v Bhiyamb kab]cn[nbpw A\phZn¨ncn¡Ww.
4. At]£ £Wn¨psImpff ]cky§Ä AXmXp PnÃbnse hntÃPv B^okpIfnepw, ]©mb¯m^okpIfnepw, t»m¡v sUhe]vsaâv B^okpIfnepw, kÀ¡nÄ bqWnb³ B^oknepw, ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤ hIp¸pIfpsS Iognepff B^okpIfnepw, Fwt¹mbvsaâv FIvkvvtN©v hgnbpw, ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤ klIcW s^Utdjâ FÃm B^okpIfnepw {]kn²s¸Spt¯XmWv. C{]Imcw \ÂIp¶ ]cky¯nsâ ASnkvYm\¯n ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mcn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ At]£IÄ IpdhmsW¶p Im ]cky§Ä XpSÀ¶vv aäp PnÃIfnse hntÃPv B^okpIfnepw, ]©mb¯v B^okpIfnepw, t»m¡v sUhe]vsaâv B^okpIfnepw, kÀ¡nÄ bqWnb³ B^okpIfnepw Fwt¹mbvsaâv FIvkvtN©pIfnepw ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤ hIp¸pIfpsS Iognepff B^okpIfnepw {]kn²s¸Spt¯XmWv.
5. kwhcWw sNbvXn«pff \nba\§fn F«p iXm\w ]«nIPmXn¡mÀ¡pw cp iXam\w ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡pambn ¢n]vXs¸Spt¯XmWv. F¶m ]«nI h-À¤¡mcn \n¶pw A]£IÄ e`yamImsX h¶m A XkvXnIIÄ ]«nIPmXn¡mscs¡mv \nI¯mhp¶XmWv.
6. 25þ2þ1985 \p tijw 30þ6þ1989 hsc \S¶ t\cn«pff \nba\§fn \nba]cambn Dd¸p hcpt¯ ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡pff 10% {]mXn\n[yw \ÂInbn«ptm F¶v Hmtcm kwLhpw ]cntim[nt¡Xpw Fs´¦nepw Ipdhpff ]£w BbXv 31þ10þ1989\p ap³]mbn \nI¯p¶Xn\pff kXzc \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡XpamWv. Sn \nÀt±iw ]men¡phm³ km[yamIm¯ {]tXyI kmlNcyw \nehnepff ]£w BbXv _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS/ cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bn sImphtcXpw kab ]cn[nbn bpIvXamb amä¯n\v {]tXyIw A\phmZw hm§nbncnt¡XpamWv.
7. GsX¦nepw XkvXnIbnte¡v \nivNnX tbmKyXbpff ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤ DtZymKmÀYnIsf e`yamImsX hcp¶ ]£w hnhcw bYm kabw tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS/ cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bn sImp htcXpw Bhiyamb ]cnlmcw Ist¯XpamWv.
8. ta \nÀt±i§Ä IrXyambpw IÀi\ambpw ]menbvt¡Xv Hmtcm kwL¯ntâbpw `cWkanXnbpsS D¯chmZnXzw Bbncn¡pw. kwL§Ä \nÀt±i§Ä ]men¡p¶ps¶pw \nba{]Imcw A\phZn¨n«pff {]mXn\n[yw \ÂIp¶ps¶pw _Ôs¸« P\d Aknkväâv cPnkv{Smdpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{Smdpw Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv. kväm^v ]mtä¬ ]p\À \nÀ®bw sN¿pI, kwL¯nsâ XcwXncnhv DbÀ¯pI XpS¯nb Poh\¡mcsS Imcy§Ä kw_Ôn¨pff \nÀt±i§Ä ]cnKWn¡pt¼mgpw kwLw ]cntim[\m thfbnepw CXn\p]cn IrXyambn Htcm ap¶p amkw IqSpt¼mgpw AXmbXv amÀ¨v, Pq¬, sk]vXw_À, Unkw_À F¶o amkmhkm\s¯ Poh\¡mcpsS kvYnXn hnhcw IW¡nseSp¯pw Sn \nba hyhkvY Hmtcm kwL¯nepw ]men¡p¶ps¶v _Ôs¸« P\dÂ- Aknkväâv cPnkv{Smcpw tPmbnâv cPnkv{Smdpw t_m²ys¸SpIbpw thWw.
9. Cu kÀ¡peÀ ssI¸änb hnhcw aS¡¯]men Xs¶ Adnbnt¡XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À C.Fw (2) 22343/88
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv
Xncph\´]pcw, 28þ7þ89
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 47/89
hnjbw: Xt±i kzbw `cW kvYm]\§fnte¡v sXcsªSp¡ s¸Sp¶ klIcW Poh\¡mÀ¡v kvs]jy Imjz eohv A\phZn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 20þ4þ89 se Pn.H.BÀ.än. 1501/89þX`h \¼À Kh¬saâv D¯chv
tIcf klIcWkwLw N«w 190 (8) A\pkcn¨v klIcW kvYm]\§fnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v tIcf kÀhokv dqÄkv {]Imcw Kh¬saâv Poh\¡mÀ¡v A\phZ\obambn«pff FÃm Ah[nIÄ¡pw AÀlXbpv. Kh¬saâv Poh\¡mÀ¡v Xt±i kzbw `cW kvYm]\§fnte¡pff sXcsªSp¸n aXvkcn¡m³ ]mSnÃ. BbXn\m Xt±i kzbw `cW kvYm]\§fnte¡v sXcsªSp¡s¸Sp¶hÀ¡v kvs]jy Imjz eohv A\phZn¡m³ sI.Fkv.BÀ. hyhkvYbnÃ.
klIcW kvYm]\§fnse Poh\¡mÀ Xt±i kzbw `cW kvYm]\§fnte¡v aXvkcn¡pIbpw ]ecpw sXcsªSp¡s¸SpIbpw sN¿p¶pv. C{]Imcw sXcsªSp¡s¸Sp¶hÀ¡v \Kck`m kt½f\¯nepw ]©mb¯v kt½f\§fnepw ]©mb¯v aoänwKpIfnepw ]s¦Sp¡p¶Xnte¡v Hcp hÀj¯n 12 Znhkw hsc kvs]j Imjz eohv A\phZn¡m hp¶XmsW¶v kqN\bn ImWn¨n«pff kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv {]Imcw hyIvXam¡nbncn¡p¶p.
ta kqNn¸n¨ \n_Ô\ FÃm klIcW kvYm]\§fptSbpw {i²bn sImp htcXmWv.
]n. {]`mIc³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À C.Fw (2) 26219/89
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv
Xncph\´]pcw, 11þ8þ1989
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 50/89
hnjbw: klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mÀ þ klIcW ]cnioe\ Ime¯v Poh\¡mÀ¡v i¼fhpw Aeh³kpw sImSp¡p¶Xvþ kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: cPnkv{SmdpsS 17þ9þ1984 se 43/84 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ (]n.Pn.(2)þ39980/84)
kqN\bnse kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡v klIcW ]cnioe\ Ime¯v i¼fhpw Aeh³kpIfpw \ÂIp¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pv.
1. klIcW N«w þ 186, \nehn h¶ XobXnbmb 1þ1þ1974  SnþN«a\pkcn¨v klIcW ]cnioe\w Bhiyambncp¶ XkvXnIIfn tPmen t\m¡nbncp¶hcpw, F¶m klIcW ]cnioe\w kn²n¡m¯hcpambncp¶ Poh\¡msc klIcW ]cnioe\¯n\v \ntbmKn¡pIbmsW¦n AhÀ¡v ]cnioe\ Imet¯¡v i¼fhpw Aeh³kpIfpw kwLw \ÂtIXmIp¶p.
2. 1974 P\phcn 1 mw XobXn klIcW ]cnioe\w BhiyanÃm¯ XkvXnIIfn tPmen t\m¡ns¡mncp¶ Poh\¡mcpw, Sn XobXn¡p tijw klIcW ]cnioe\w BhiyanÃm¯ AXmbXv (ssS¸nkväv, ]}¬, Aä³UÀ, skbnÂkvam³, hm¨vam³ XpS§nb) XkvXnIIfn \nban¡s¸«hcpw, kz´w Nnehn thWw klIcW ]cnioe\w \S¯phm³. ]cnioe\ Ime¯v kwLw i¼fhpw Aeh³kpIfpw \ÂIphm³ ]mSnÃ. Cu hn`mK¯n s]«hsc ]n¶oSv hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbn \n¶pw Hgnhm¡n klIcW ]cnioe\w Bhiyamb XkvXnIIfnte¡v \nban¨n«ps¦nepw, A{]Imcapffhsc kwL¯nsâ Nnehn ]cnioe\¯n\v \ntbmKn¡phm³ ]mSnÃ. A{]ImcapffhÀ kz´w Nnehn klIcW ]cnioe\ tImgvkn\p t]mtIXmWv.
3. 1974 P\phcn 1 mw XobXn¡p tijw, klIcW ]cnioe\w Bhiyamb XkvXnIIfn klIcW ]cnioe\w CÃm¯hÀ GsX¦nepw kmlNcy¯n \nban¡s¸Sphm³ CSbmbn«ps¦n A{]Imcapffhcpw kz´w Nnehn thWw klIcW ]cnioe\ tImgvkn\v t]mIphm³. {]kvXpX ]cnioe\ Ime¯v i¼fhpw Aeh³kpw kwLw \ÂIphm³ ]mSpffXÃ.
2. ta¸dª \nÀt±i§Ä {]Imcw, klIcW ]cnioe\ Ime¯v i¼f¯n\pw Aeh³kpIÄ¡pw AÀlXbnÃm¯ kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡p IqSn Ah \ÂIpsa¶v Nne \nthZ\§Ä e`n¨Xv hniZambn ]cntim[n¨Xn³taÂ, Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä IqSn ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
F. kÀhoknencntí acWaSbp¶ klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mcpsS B{inXÀ¡v kwL§fn \nba\w sImSp¡p¶ ]²Xn {]Imcw \nban¡s¸« Poh\¡msc klIcW ]cnioe\ tImgvkn\v \ntbmKn¡pIbmsW¦nÂ, AhÀ¡v ]cnioe\ Imet¯¡v i¼fhpw, Aeh³kpIfpw kwLw \ÂtIXmIp¶p.
_n. hnIemwKcmb kwLw Poh\¡msc (kÀ¡mÀ kÀhoknteípff \nba\¯n\v hnIemwKÀ F¶ \nÀhN\¯n Iogn s]Sp¶hÀ) klIcW ]cnioe\ tImgvkn\v \ntbmKn¡pIbmsW¦nÂ, AhÀ¡v ]cnioe\ Imet¯¡v i¼fhpw, Aeh³kpIfpw kwLw \ÂtIXmIp¶p.
3. aäp Poh\¡mcpsS Imcy¯n kqN\bnse kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcapff \nÀt±i§-Ä IÀi\ambpw ]men¨ncnt¡XmWv.
]n. {]`mIc³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À Pn.4047/89
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv
Xncph\´]pcw 19þ10þ89
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 60/89
hnjbw: Hm^okv \S]Sn{Ia§ÄþFw.FÂ.Famcn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ \nthZ\§Ä bYmkabw \S]Sn kzoIcn¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: Fw.FÂ.F amcn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ \nthZ\§Ä kw_Ôn¨v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±iw \ÂIp¶p.
Fw.FÂ.F amcn \n¶v t\cnt«m AÃmsXtbm e`n¡p¶ \nthZ\§Ä bYmkabw _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY³amÀ ssI¸än bYmhn[n \S]Sn kzoIcn¡p¶ps¶v Hm^okv ta[mhn Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv. C{]Imcw e`n¡p¶ \nthZ\§Ä kw_Ôn¨v hnhc§Ä A\p_Ôwþ1  ]dbpw {]Imcapff Hcp {]tXyI cPnkvädn tcJs¸Spt¯XpamWv. \nthZ\¯nsâ hnhcw cPnkvädn tcJs¸Sp¯nbtijw _Ôs¸« sk£\v AtX Znhkw Xs¶ G¸nt¡XXpamWv. \nthZ\§Ä¡v F{Xbpw thKw Xs¶ adp]Sn \-ÂtIXpw GsX¦nepw hnhcw tiJcn¡phm\pffXn\m Hgn¨p IqSm³ ]äm¯ ImeXmakw DmIpsa¶ps¦n BbXp \oXoIcn¡phm³ DXI¯¡XmsW¦n Imcyw Nqn¡mWn¨v Hcp CS¡me adp]Sn \ÂtIXpw A´na adp]Sn ImeXmakw IqSmsX Ab¨ncnt¡Xpw BWv. ssIImcyw sN¿p¶ DtZymKkvY³amcpsS `mK¯p \n¶pw Fs´¦nepw hogvN DmIp¶ptmsb¶p AXXv Hm^okv ta[mhn {]tXyIw {i²nt¡XmWv.
tIcf kwkvYm\ klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn.än.(1) 42021/89
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 21þ10þ1989
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 61/89
hnjbw: klIcW kvYm]\§fnse \nba\§fn ]«nIPmXn /]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡v 10% {]mXn\n[yw Dd¸p hcp¯p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 27þ7þ1989 se 46/89 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ.
kqN\bnse kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw klIcW kwL§fn 25þ2þ1985 apX \S¶ t\cn«pff \nba\§fn 10% ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡v \ÂIp¶Xn\v kzoIcnt¡ \S]SnIsf kw_Ôn¨v hniZamb \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p. Sn \nÀt±i§fpsS XpSÀ¨bmbn CXp kw_Ôn¨v kwLw ss_emIfn Ahiyw DÄs¡mffnt¡ hyhkvYIfpsS amXrI Xmsg sImSp¡p¶p.
`cW kanXnbpsS NpaXeIÄ {]Xn]mZn¡p¶ `mK¯v “kwL¯nÂ/_m¦n \S¯p¶ t\cn«pff \nba\§fn 10% ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¡mÀ¡v e`yambn«ps¶v Dd¸p hcptXv `cWkanXnbpsS NpaXebmbncn¡pw.”
Poh\¡mcpsS \nba\§sf kw_Ôn¨ `mK¯v “kwL¯n /_m¦n \S¯p¶ t\cn«pff \nba\§fn 10 iXam\¯n Ipdbm¯ F®w ]«nIPmXn ]«nI h-À¤¯n s]«hcn \n¶mbncn¡pw”.
ta kqNn¸n¨ hn[w kwLw / _m¦v ss_emIfn hyhkvYIÄ DÄs¡mffn¡p¶p F¶v tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv. ]pXnbXmbn cPnkväÀ sN¿p¶ kwL§fnepw Cu hyhkvYIÄ DÄs¸Sp ¯nbn«ps¶v kwLw cPnkväÀ sN¿p¶ Ahkc¯n {i²nt¡XmWv.
]n. {]`mIc³
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.ADL (2) 11152/89.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Trivandrum, 21-10-1989
CIRCULAR No. 63/89
Sub: Audit-Audit of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies, other societies and District Co-operative Banks-assessment of bad and doubtful debts and other assets and creation of reserves for the erosion of assets-Instructions issued.
Ref: 1. Instructions issued as per this office letter No. ADL (2) 26588/76 dated 16-6-76.
2. This office Circular No. 43/87 dated 20-9-87.
3. Letter No. NB.ID.HYD 5483/Pol-I J.1/88-89, dated 4-1-1989 from the Inspection Department of NABARD, Hyderabad.
As per this office letter 1st cited the revised guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India as per their letter No. ACD, I D 10585/J 17-75/76 dated 12-4-1986 for assessment of bad and doubtful debts and other assets of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and Central Banks have been communicated to the Departmental officers in the audit wing and the Secretaries of all District Co-operative Banks with directions to implement the suggestions contained therein. As per the Circular 2nd cited the Concurrent Auditors of all District Co-operative Banks have been again instructed to ensure that bad and doubtful debts are estimated strictly in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India referred to above and enclose a certificate to that effect with the audit report from the year 1986-87 onwards.
But the NABARD has pointed out that the Auditors of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies, other societies and the District Co-operative Banks are not systematically examining this matter while finalising the audit and not ensuring that erosion in the assets estimated and provision made for it in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
Therefore the Auditors and Chief Executives of all Primary Agricultural Credit Societies, other societies and District Co-operative Banks are once again requested to see that the estimate for bad and doubtful debts and other assets and creation of provision for the erosion of assets are done fully in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India as per their letter referred to above.
P. P. Narayanan Nambiar
Additional Registrar of Co-operative Societies, (Audit)
No.CP (2) 8217/89.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Trivandrum, 29-11-1989
CIRCULAR No. 68/89
Sub: Maintenance of Fluid Resources by Co-operative Societies not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act-provision of Rule 61 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act-compliance-Regarding.
Majority of the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies in Kerala are at present having satisfactory level of deposits and the deposits constitute considerable portion of their working capital. It is needless to point out that strong public confidence is the prime requisite for any financial institution or class of such institutions for attracting and maintaining satisfactory level of deposits. This naturally brings with it the inevitable liability and added responsibility on the part of the institutions concerned to see that the deposits mobilised by them are profitably utilised and are promptly repaid on maturity. Therefore the administrative authorities have the necessary duty to ensure that none of the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies which receive deposits fail in this regard.
It is only with this end in view, specific provision has been made in the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules (Rule 61) that every society which accept deposits but not coming within the purview of the B. R. Act shall maintain Fluid Resources at the rates prescribed therein, so that such societies shall not have any difficulty in discharging their deposit liabilities on maturity. There should not have been any failure on the part of the societies in adhering to this mandatory provision of the statute and further that the administrative and supervisory authorities of these societies should have ensured the compliance of the same.
However, it has come to notice that many of the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies which accept deposits are not maintaining the statutory ‘Fluid Resource and consequently some of them are finding it difficult to discharge liabilities towards their depositors in time. This kind of situation cannot be allowed to continue as it is disgrace to the whole co-operative sector. Such a situation will affect not only the working of the societies concerned but other societies accepting deposits also causing damage to public confidence and opinion.
If the inspecting and supervising officers of the department and District Co-operative Banks give due importance and attention to see that all the Primary Agricultural Credit societies working under their control maintain the required fluid resources without fail this undesirable situation can be checked and avoided. It is therefore instructed that all officers of the department as well as those of District Co-operative Banks shall ensure that all Primary Agricultural Credit Societies working under their control which receive deposits maintain the minimum fluid resources as required by Rule 61 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules. All Unit Inspectors are required to furnish from January, 1990 a monthly certificate to the Assistant Registrars (General) to the effect that all the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies working under their control have maintained the required fluid resources during the preceding month and action have been initiated in defaulted cases. Based on these certificates Assistant Registrars shall submit a further certificate to the Joint Registrar and the Joint Registrars in turn furnish the certificate to this office by 15th of each month.
The District Co-operative Banks are also required to obtain a similar certificate from the supervisory staff and review the position in the monthly staff conference. District Co-operative Banks are also requested to ensure that maintenance of required fluid resources by Primary Agricultural Credit Societies shall be made one of the conditions while sanctioning of loans.
It is also brought to the notice of the Joint Registrars and District Co-operative Banks that Government have taken serious note of the above situation. It is therefore desired that the actual position as it stands now has to be ascertained and reported to Government. All the Joint Registrars are required to furnish the following details so as to reach here before 15th December 1989.
1. No. of Co-operative institutions in the District not coming under the purview of the B. R. Act which receive deposits
2. Of the above No. of societies which do not maintain the required fluid resources.
3. Action taken to ensure that all the societies in item (2) above maintain the required fluid resources.
It may please be noted that any failure for proper and effective supervision and control of the societies will cause far reaching consequences and therefore all are requested to ensure that there is no case of defaults in this regard.
P. Prabhakaran
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
PRESENT: P. Prabakaran
Trivandrum, 18-1-1989
Sub: Co-operative Societies-Admission of the members of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Co-operative Societies in the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies previous sanction issued.
Read: 1. Govt.letter No.11868/C2/87/Coop. Dated 1-12-1987.
2. Govt.letter No.2028/A2/88/Coop.dated 21-12-1988.
As per sub-rule (1) of rule 27 of the K.C.S. Rules, 1969 a person applying for admission as a member of any credit society (not being Land Mortgage Bank, House Mortgage Bank or Financing Bank) or a housing society shall be admitted as such member only with the previous sanction in writing of the Registrar, if on the date of such application such person is a member of any other such credit society or housing society. According to the classification of societies in the Rule 15 of the said Rules, Scheduled Caste Co-opertive Societies/Scheduled Tribe Cooperative Societies and Primary Agricultural Credit Societies such as service Coopertive Societies/Bank, Farmers Service Co-operative Banks, come under the type of “Credit Societies”. Therefore members of the Scheduled Caste Cooperative Societies/Scheduled Tribe Co-operative Societies are not eligible for membership in the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies without the previous sanction of Registrar.
The Scheduled Caste Co-operative Societies and Scheduled Tribe Co-operative Societies are primarily organised for generating employment opportunities to their members and, therefore, these societies may not be in a position to meet the members needs relating to agriculture, etc. In the circumstances, the admission of the members of the Scheduled Caste Co-operative Societies/Scheduled Caste Co-operative Societies in the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies as members is long felt necessary. In the letters read as 1st & 2nd papers above, Government have directed to issue permissive sanction for the admission of the members of the Scheduled Castes Co-operative Societies in the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies.
In the above circumstances, sanction is accorded by invoking powers vested on me under Rule (1) of rule 27 of the K.C.S. Rules, 1969, for the admission of the members of the Scheduled Caste Co-operative Societies and Scheduled Tribes Co-opertive Societies included under item 2 (c) of rule 15 of the said Rules as members of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies such as Service Co-operative Societies/Banks and Farmers Service Co-operative Banks.
The Primary Agricultural Credit Societies shall consider application for membership of these members if otherwise they are qualified for membership.
P. Prabakaran
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Co-operation- Granting of exemption from educational qualification for purposes of promotion under rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules 1969- Guidelines for deciding deserving cases-approved.
G.O.(MS) 16/89/coop.
Trivandrum, 22nd March 1989
Read: 1. G.O. (MS) 18/88 Co-operative dated 17-6-88
2. Letter No. EM (1) 43622/88 dt. 3-10-88 from the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
Rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules 1969 as amended in the G.O. read above empowers the committee of a co-operative society to relax the qualifications of an employee for purposes of promotion in deserving cases with the prior approval of Registrar of Co-operative Societies and for reasons to be recorded. The subject Committee IX Local Administration and Co-operation while approving the amendment to the rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules has observed that some guidelines should be issued to decide the deserving cases for exemption as per the said Rule.
Government after examining the matter in detail approve the guidelines appended for deciding whether a given case is deserving one or not for exemption under rule 185 (2) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules 1969 as amended by the G.O. read above.
By order of the Governor
K. Uppiliappan
Secretary to Government
i. Minimum qualification for ministerial and supervisory posts other than those requiring technical qualification shall be S.S.L.C. Exemption from passing S.S.L.C. shall not be granted under any circumstances provided that in the case of employees who were appointed directly to the ministerial posts before 1-1-74, S.S.L.C. need not be insisted.
ii. Where academic qualification prescribed is graduation and above, exemption from acquiring the said qualification may be considered, if the incumbent satisfied the following conditions.
a) Should have passed J.D.C. or equivalent.
b) Should have minimum Service of 5 years in the feeder category.
c) Should not be less than 45 years of age.
i. Employees of the sub-staff category shall not be exempted from training qualification for purpose of promotion to the clerical category.
ii. In the case of employees continuing in the ministerial and supervisory posts, exemption from training qualification may be considered if such employees have got a minimum service of 5 years in the feeder category and have passed 45 years of age.
i. The resolution of the Board of Directors of the society should indicated clearly the reasons justifying the exemption and a brief history of service of the incumbent with details of punishment awarded and results of the performance appraisal.
ii. The incumbent should not have been punished by imposing any of the following penalties within a period of 5 years prior to the date of the resolution.
a) Withholding of increments with cumulative effect.
b) Withholding of promotion
c) Recovery from pay of the whole or part from any pecuniary loss caused to the society, by negligence or breach of orders or otherwise.
d) Reduction to a lower rank.
iii. For posts requiring technical and special qualifications other than those prescribed under Rule 186, exemption from relevant qualification shall not be granted.
iv. The Board of Directors should certify the competency of the incumbent to hold the post to which he is to be promoted.
v. Exemption, being given to an individual, should be for promotion to a specified post i.e.. Exemption from qualification should be obtained at the time of each promotion.
i. Applications for exemption in respect of employees in the State and district level societies shall be disposed of by Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Joint Registrar of the District shall be Competent to dispose of application in respect of employees in all other types of Societies subject to the guidelines.
ii. All applications which no not strictly conform to the guidelines shall be disposed of by Registrar of Co-operative Societies only, Irrespective of the type of Societies. In such cases, the Registrar shall take a decision taking into account the special circumstances, if any and the larger interest of the Society Concerned.
By Order of the Governor
K. Uppiliappan
Secretary to Government
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No.CB(4) 70034/87.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Thiruvananthapuram, 27-12-1989
The Registrar of Co-operative Societies
The Secretary,
All Urban Banks,
(Through Joint Registrars)
Sub: Issue of no objection certificate to Urban Co-op: Banks for opening branches-regarding.
As per the instructions of Reserve Bank of India for the opening of a branch of an Urban Co-operative Bank within the area of operation, of the “no-objection certificate was not issued by the Department within 2 months from the date of application. The applications for the license for the opening of a branch might be considered by the Reserve Bank of India without the same. It has been brought to the notice of this office that there are instances where the Reserve Bank of India issued licence for opening branches of Urban Co-operative Banks without No-Objection Certificate from Department on account of the reason mentioned above. On the other side it is also seen that the Urban Banks are not applying to the Department for the No-objection Certificate well in advance, so as to enable them to produce the same to Reserve Bank of India and along with the application. The following instructions are therefore issued in the matter.
1. The Urban Co-operative Banks will hereafter apply to Reserve Bank of India for license to open branches only after obtaining the No-objection Certificate from the Department.
2. For that purpose the application in the proper form with all details should be forwarded to Registrar of Co-op: Societies through Joint Registrar well in advance so that Registrar of Co-operative Societies could consider it and dispose of the same within the prescribed time of two months from the date of application.
The attention of the Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies are also invited to letter No. CB (4) 2227/88 dated, 3-10-88 where in they were instructed to ensure that timely action is taken on the proposals of the Urban Banks for No-objection Certificate and to forward the same to Registrar of Co-operative Societies with all details prescribed by Reserve Bank of India so as to enable Registrar of Co-operative Societies to consider the proposal within the prescribed period of 2 months. They are once again requested to strictly adhere to the instructions issued so as to avoid inconveniences to the Banks on account of the delay in issuing the No-objection Certificate.
Yours Faithfully
For Registrar of Co-operative Societies
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Subrogation works generally on motor insurance. When a car accident happened regarding two or more vehicles, there must be tortfeasor(s) who is responsible for automobile accident. About this base, the insurance firm covering the policyholder who had been not really at fault may recover their particular outlay in the insurance underwriter from the policyholder who is responsible for the particular incidence. do mojej witryny With the amount of commercials about different plans plus policies just about everywhere, it may get puzzling to comprehend just what it is that's best for you. Yet learning the greatest arrange for means that you must understand what insurance coverage will be. What exactly is it that you need to know about life insurance? Life insurance will be, quite just, an understanding between you and the life insurance provider: you accept to pay out a certain amount to the organization each month and the firm wants to pay for the sum total for your family or nominee after your death. At the end of the day, you will get the satisfaction that the household is going to be at least economically secure should something occur to a person. Different companies offer you various insurance coverage programs. Some plans may be term programs '" that is for any fixed period of time; while others may be living programs '" which is, until the day a person expire. Every plan needs you to definitely spend a premium for the plan that you simply buy. You have the choice of paying out the particular premium on an annual schedule too '" which could help you save the trouble associated with regular simple guidelines. pożyczki pozabankowe gdzie pozyczac Within each case though, it has an additional person worried. This business should create great financial choices in which to stay business and supply coverage. This is why they once in a while state they'll just pay a specific amount of your own bill. For example , discovering an insurance policy using a $3, 000 limit is common. wiecej wskazowek pomocnych wskazowek
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