No.HV (1) 45211/97
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, 20-01-98
Sub: Housing-Primary Housing Co-operative Societies Miscellaneous Charges realised from members Rates of legal fees-Revised-Orders issued.
Read: 1. This office circular No. 56/89 dated 20-09-89.
2. Resolution No. 6(b) dated 15-12-1997 of the board of Directors of the Kerala State Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd., Ernakulam.
In consideration of the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Kerala State Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd., Ernakulam, vide its resolutions read as first paper above and in partial modification of this office Circular read as second paper above, the rates of legal fees realisable by the Primary Housing Co-operative Societies in the state from their members, are revised as follows:
Sl. No. | Item | Existing rates as per Circular No. 56/89 dtd.20/9/89 | Revised rates as per this circular |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | Legal fees | Rs. 25/- for loan application upto Rs. 10,000/- Plus Rs.1/- for every additional Rs.1000/- subject to a maximum of Rs.50/- | Rs. 50/- for loan application up to Rs. 50,000/- Plus Rs.1/- for every additional Rs. 1000 subject to a maximum of Rs. 100/- |
N. T. Sathyavan
Additional Registrar of Co-operative Societies (Consumer)
\¼À C.Fw. 2/17954/95
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv
Xncph\´]pcw, 11þ2þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 4/98
hnjbw: klIcW kvYm]\§Ä/Fwt¹mbokv kvtääv C³jzd³kv \nba¯nsâ ]cn[nbn hcp¶ kvYm]\§fnse Poh\¡mcpsS eohv B\pIqey§Ä kw_Ôn¨vþ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: XriqÀ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS 20/4/95 se kn.Fkv.1299/95 \¼À I¯v.
1948 se Fwt¹mbokv kvtääv C³jzd³kv \nba¯nsâ ]cn[nbn hcp¶ Nne klIcW kvYm]\§Ä C.Fkv.sF. \nba{]Imcapff eohv B\pIqey§Ä¡v ]pdta klIcW N«w 190 (8) A\pkcn¨v sI.Fkv.BÀ. {]Imcapff FÃm eohv B\pIqey§fpw \ÂIn hcp¶Xmbn {i²bn s]«n«pv. Cu B^oknse 11þ3þ90 se 11/90 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw 1958 se Fwt¹mbokv t{]mhnUv ^v BIväv 1948 se Fwt¹mbokv kvtääv C³jzd³kv BIväv F¶nhbpsS ]cn[nbn hcp¶ klIcW kvYm]\§Ä Sn \nba§fnse hyhkvYI-Ä bmsXmcp hogvNbpw IqSmsX ]qÀ®ambpw ]ment¡XmsW¶v \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. Cu kmlNcy¯n Fwt¹mbokv kvtääv C³jzd³kv BIvSnsâ ]cn[nbn hcp¶ klIcW kvYm]\§fnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v C.Fkv.sF. \nba¯nse hyhkvYIÄ {]Imcapff Ah[nIÄ¡v am{Xta AÀlXbpffq F¶pw Sn \nba¯nse hyhkvYIÄ¡v hnt[bamb Ah[n am{Xta A\phZn¨p \ÂIphm³ ]mSpffq F¶pw aäh[nIÄ A\phZn¡cpsX¶pw \nÀt±in¡p¶p.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À C.Fw.(3) 44676/97
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 7/98
hnjbw: klIcWw þ klIcWPoh\¡mÀ¡v {]tamj³ \ÂIp¶Xn\mbn tIcf klIcW kwLw dqfnse dqÄ 185 (2) {]Imcw hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbn Cfhv A\phZn¡p¶Xv þ kw_Ôn¨pff IqSpX \nÀt±i§Ä
kqN\: 1. Cu Hm^oknse 12þ4þ1989 se 22/89 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
2. Cu Hm^oknse 18þ7þ90 se 26/90 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
kqN\ cnse kÀ¡pednt\mSv A\p_Ôambn«pff {]t^mÀabn Nne amä§Ä hcp¯n CtXmsSm¸w DffS¡w sN¿p¶p. taen Cfh\p hmZ¯n\pff At]£tbmsSm¸w amäw hcp¯nbn«pff {]t^mÀabmWv ]qcn¸n¨v Abt¡sX¶pw {]t^mÀabn tcJs¸Sp¯p¶ Imcy§Ä icnbmsW¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯XpamWv F¶pw Adnbn¡p¶p.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 7/98 sâ A\p_Ôw.
1. kwL¯nsâ t]cv, Xmeq¡v :
2. kwLw GXv ¢mÊnÂs¸Sp¶p :
3. kwL¯nse AwKoIrX Poh\¡mcpsS F®w :
4. kwL¯n Ct¸mÄ tPmen sN¿¶ :
Poh\¡mcpsS F®w.
5. AwKoIrX Poh\¡mcn IqSpX :
kwL¯n tPmen sN¿p¶ptm?
6. kwL¯n AwKoIcn¨ ^oUÀ :
ImäKdn dqÄkv \nehneptm?
7. Ds¦n BbXn\v AwKoImcw :
\ÂInb D¯chnsâ \¼dpw XobXnbpw
8. kwL¯n A\phZn¡s¸«n«pff :
XkvXnIIÄ GsXÃmw?
9. XkvXnIIÄ A\phZn¨ D¯chnsâ :
\¼dpw XobXnbpw.
10. DtZymK¡bä¯n\mbn hnZym`ymktbmKyXbn :
\n¶pw Cfhv A\phZnt¡ Poh\¡mcsâ t]cv
11. Sn Poh\¡mcsâ P\\XobXnbpw hbÊpw :
12. Sn Poh\¡mcsâ hnZym`ymk tbmKyXIÄ :
13. Snbm³ Ct¸mÄ tPmen sN¿p¶ XkvXnI :
14. Cu XkvXnIbn tPmen sN¿p¶Xn\v Snbm\v :
aXnbmb hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbptm?
15. Csæn hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbn :
Cfhv k¼mZn¨n«ptm?
16. hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbn Cfhv k¼mZn¨n«p :
s¦n {]kvXpX D¯chnsâ \¼cpw
XobXnbpw (]IÀ¸v AS¡w sNt¿XmWv.)
17. hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbn Cfhv :
k¼mZn¨n«nsæn- Cu XkvXnIbnÂ
GXSnkvYm\¯nemWv XpScp¶Xv?
18. Snbm\v Ct¸mÄ DtZymK¡bäw :
\ÂIm\pt±in¡p¶ XkvXnI
19. Sn XkvXnI¡v Bhiyamb hnZym`ymk tbmKyXIÄ :
20. Sn Poh\¡mcs\ GXp hnZym`ymk :
tbmKyXbn \n¶mWv Hgnhmt¡Xv?
21. kwL¯n \nehnepff ^oUÀ ImäKdn :
k_vdqÄkv {]Imcw Snbm³ Cu
DtZymK¡bä¯n\v AÀl\mtWm?
22. ]Wm]lcWw, DtZymK \nÀhlW¯nse IrXy :
hntem]w XpS§nbh¡v Snbm³ GsX¦nepw
in£W \S]SnIÄ¡v hnt[b\mbn«ptm?
23. Snbm\v Cu XkvXnIbnte¡v DtZymK¡bäw :
\ÂIp¶Xn\pw AXn\mbn hnZym`ymk
tbmKyXbn Cfhv A\phZn¡p¶Xn\mbn
At]£ kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\pw kwLw
`cWkanXn Xocpam\saSp¯n«ptm?
(Xocpam\¯n \¼dpw XobXnbpw \ÂIpI)
24. kwL¯n Poh\¡mcpsS AwKoIcn¨ :
ko\ntbmdnän enkväv {]Imcw At]£I³
{]tamj\v AÀl\mtWm?
25. ko\ntbmdnän enkväv {]Imcw A]£Isât]cn\p :
XmsgbpffhÀ {]tamj\v \nivNnXtbmKyXbpff
hcmtWm? (hnZym`ymk tbmKyX IqSn tcJs¸Sp¯nb
ko\ntbmdnän enkväv AS¡w sNt¿XmWv.)
ta ImWn¨ hnhc§sfÃmw ]cntim[n¨p icnbmsW¶v t_m²ys¸«n cn¡p¶p.
bqWnäv C³kvs]IvSÀ Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À C.Fw.(3) 44676/97
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 9þ3þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 8/98
hnjbw: klIcWwþAt]£I-Ä, Xocpam\§Ä DffS¡§Ä þ F¶nh ]cntim[n¡p¶Xpw km£ys¸Sp¯p¶Xpw þ hIp¸v DtZymKkvY³amcpsSAew`mhwþ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphníp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS B^oknte¡v Ab¡p¶ At]£IÄ Xocpam\ ]IÀ¸v DffS¡§Ä F¶nhbn _Ôs¸« bqWnäv C³kvs]IvSÀ, Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ F¶nhÀ ]cntim[n¨psh¶v tcJs¸Sp¯mdps¦nepw _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY³amÀ ]cntim[n¡msXbmWv C{]Imcw tcJs¸Sp¯n Cu B^oknteív kaÀ¸n¡p¶sX¶v {i²bn s]«n«pv. Xmeq¡v Xe Hm^okpIfnse _Ôs¸« bqWnäv C³kvs]IvSÀamcpw Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw hfsc \ncp¯chmZ]cambmWv C¡mcyw ssIImcyw sN¿p¶sX¶pw Is¯nbn«pv. Cu Hm^okn ssIImcyw sN¿p¶ ^bepIfn Xocpam\w ssIs¡mffp¶Xv _Ôs¸« bqWnäv C³kvs]IvSÀ, Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ, tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ F¶nhcpsS km£ys¸Sp¯epIfpw iq]mÀibpw IqSn IW¡nseSp¯msW¶pw, icnbmbn ]cntim[n¡msX Cu Hm^oknte¡v kaÀ¸n¡p¶ tcJIfpsS ASnkvYm\¯n D¯chpIÄ ]pds¸Sphn¡pIbpw Xocpam\§Ä ssIs¡mffpIbpw sN¿p¶Xv Iogv Hm^okpIfn \n¶v sXämbn ip]mÀi sNbvXXnsâ ASnkvYm\¯nemWv, Sn D¯chpIÄ ]pds¸Sphnt¡n h¶sX¶pw Xocpam\§Ä ssIs¡mtffn h¶sX¶pw ]n¶oSv ]cntim[\bn Is¯pIbpw sNbvXmÂ, BbXn\v D¯chmZnIfmb DtZymKkvY³amcpsS t]cn IÀi\ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡p¶XmsW¶pw Adnbn¡p¶p klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^oknte¡v Ab¡p¶ tcJIfpw, DffS¡§fpw bYmtbmKyw ]cntim[n¨Xn\p tijamWv Cu Hm^oknte¡v Ab¡p¶sX¶v _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY³amÀ Dd¸p hcpt¯Xpw, AhchcpsS \nb{´W¯nepff DtZymKkvY³amÀ C¡mcyw icnbmbn ]men¡p¶ps¶pw Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.ADL (4) 12299/98.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Thiruvananthapuram, 28-03-98
Sub: Creation and continuance of posts under Rule 156 Part I .K.S.R. and recovery of cost there of Instructions issued.
Ref: Circular No.11/85 dated 27/2/85 of Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
As per reference cited detailed instructions were issued for the formulation of proposals for creation/continuance of posts under Rule 156 Part I K.S.R. But many of the proposals received from the Joint Registrar/Deputy Registrar are not in accordance with the instructions contained in the above Circular especially with regard to time schedule. Further all the required are also not provided. Hence this office found it difficult to accord sanction or recommend the proposals to Government. Therefore the following instructions are issued for strict compliance of all concerned.
1. In the case of creation/continuance of posts under Rule 156 part I K.S.R. separate proposals for each post should be forwarded.
2. In the proposals of creation of a post/realignment of existing groups by drafting societies from the unit, the supporting details as per the proforma prescribed as Appendix-I should be invariably furnished.
3. In the proposals for upgradation of a particular post justification for the same should be reported in detail.
4. In all the proposals sufficient details regarding financial assistance from Government to the societies should be furnished.
5. In the case of proposals for reorganisation/realignment/the fact of the remaining societies in each group should also be reported instead of sending piecemeal proposals later on for the continuance/re-grouping of the remaining societies with other groups.
6. In the proposals for continuance of existing posts, proposals for the realignment of groups reorganisation of groups/upgradation of posts should not be mingled.
7. A Certificate (Appendix II) to the effect that cost of the post for each quarter has been remitted in advance by the institution/institutions before the commencement of the quarter, is also to be forwarded along with the proposal. The first quarter will begin from the date of assumption of charge/the date of further continuance of the cost and the subsequent quarters will follow till the date of expiry of the post. Advance collection of cost is to be made before the beginning of each quarter.
For E.g.: If a post is beginning from 15th APRIL of a year and expiring on 14th April of next year, the first demand for a quarter will be for the period from 15th April to 14th July and so on. Particulars of remittance of cost should also be furnished with the proposal. It is imperative that advance collection of three months cost should be made before submitting the proposal for continuance or before the officer assumes charge in a newly created post.
8. All proposals for continuance of posts shall be accompanied by a review (model form given in Appendix.III) of the work done by the Auditor/Special Sale Officer. In the review report, the Deputy Registrar/Joint Registrar should specifically state whether the work of the Concurrent Auditor/Special Sale Officer is satisfactory or not.
9. Proposals for continuance of posts under Rule 156 Part I K.S.R. shall reach this office at least two months before the expiry date of the post. In the case of gazetted posts for which Government sanction is required the proposal should reach the Registrar’s Office at least three months before the date of expiry of the sanction for the post. This time schedule should be strictly followed. No Auditor/Special Sale Officer should be allowed to continue in the post under any circumstance without continuance sanction.
10. The resolution of the society/Societies requiring for creation/continuance of the post of auditors/Special Sale Officers should contain all the required details. A specimen form is indicated in Appendix IV for guidance. The period of said extension of the post requested for, and the designation of the posts should be clearly stated in the resolution.
11. Proforma details as required in Appendix V may also be forwarded by the Deputy Registrar (Audit) Joint Registrars concerned along with each proposal.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No.C.G(1) 17898/98
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, 4-5-1998
CIRCULAR No. 13/98
Sub: Co-operatives-Computerisation-Instructions-issued.
Ref: This Office Circular No. 59/93 dated 18-9-93.
In the circular cited detailed guidelines for submission of proposal for computerisation by Primary Agricultural Credit Societies have been issued one of the condition in the Circular is that the major PACS which are having deposits of Rs. 5 Crores and above shall be considered for computerisation.
Now the Expert Committee constituted by Government to study and suggest measure to improve the working of the PACS on the State have recommended to extend the Scheme to the PACS having deposits of Rs. 2 Crores and above. The above recommendation has been examined and accepting of the same, the above circular is modified to the effect that the PACS having deposits over Rs. 2 Crores shall be considered for computerisation.
Sheela Thomas
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. G (2) 11498/98.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram., 5-05-98
CIRCULAR No. 14/98
Sub: Enforcement of the Fundamental rights of working women under Article 14,19 and 21 of the constitution of India. Supreme Court Judgement in writ petition (Criminal) Nos. 666.70 of 1992 - directions issued.
Ref: 1. D.O. Letter No.S.27016/1/97 (LWL-11 dated 2-11-97 from the Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Labour, New Delhi.
2. Government Letter No. 1343/PS/98/Coop. Dated 9-3-98.
The existing civil and criminal laws in India do not adequately provide for specific protection of women from sexual harassment in work places it may take much time for the enactment of such laws. The Supreme Court, therefore in its judgement in writ petition (criminal) Nos. 666.70 of 1992 issued certain guidelines and norms to be followed by the central Government/State Governments and other employers to check the civil of sexual harassment of working women at all work places.
2. The Supreme Court further ordered that the guidelines and norms would be strictly observed in all work places for the prevention and enforcement of right of gender equality of the working women. The guidelines and norms would be binding and enforceable in law until suitable legislation is enacted to occupy the field.
3. The guidelines and norms prescribed by the Supreme Court are extracted below:-
1. Duty of the Employer or other responsible in work places and other Institutions.
It shall be the duty of the employer or other responsible persons in work places or other institutions to prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide the procedures for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment by taking all steps required.
2. Definition:-
For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviours (Whether direct or by implication as:
(a) Physical contact and advances.
(b) A demand or request for sexual favours.
(c) Sexually coloured remarks
(d) Showing Phonography
(e) Any other unwelcome physical verbal or nonverbal conduct of sexual nature.
Where any of these acts is committed in circumstances where under the victim of such conduct has a reasonable apprehension that in relation to the victim’s employment of work whether she is drawing salary, or honorarium or voluntary, that under in Government, public or private enterprises such conduct can be humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem. It is discriminatory for instance when the woman has reasonable grounds to believe that their objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment or work including recruiting or promotion or when it creates a hostile work environment. Adverse consequences might be visited if the victim does not consent to the conduct in question or raises any objection there to.
3. Preventive Steps:
All employers in charge of work place whether in the public or private sector should take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment. Without prejudice to the generality of this obligation they should take the following steps.
(a) Express prohibition of sexual harassment as defined above at work place should be notified, published and circulated in appropriate ways.
(b) The Rules/Regulations of Government and public sector bodies relating to conduct and discipline should include rules/regulations prohibiting sexual harassment and proceed for appropriate penalties in such rules against the offender.
(c) As regards private employers steps should be taken to include the afore said prohibition in the standing orders under the industrial employment (standing orders) Act, 1946.
(d) Appropriate work condition should be provided in respect of work leisure, health and hygiene to further ensure that there is no hostile environment towards women at work places and no employees women should have reasonable grounds to believe that she is disadvantaged in connection with her employment.
4. Criminal Proceedings:
Where such conduct amounts to a specific offence under the Indian Penal Code or under any other law the employer shall initiate appropriate action in accordance with law by making a complaint with the appropriate authority.
In particular, it should ensure that victims or witnesses are not victimised or discriminated against while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment. The victims or sexual harassment should have the option to seek transfer of the perpetrator or their own transfer.
5. Disciplinary action:
Where such conduct amounts to misconduct in employment as defined by the relevant service rules, appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated by the employer in accordance with those rules.
6. Complaint Mechanism:
Whether or not such conduct constitutes an offence under law or a breach of the service rules, an appropriate complaint mechanism should be created in the employer’s organisation for redress of the complaint made by the victim. Such complaint mechanism should ensure time bound treatment of complaints.
7. Complaints Committee:
The complaint mechanism, referred to in (6) above should be adequate to provide, where necessary, a complaints committee, a special counsellor or other support service, including the maintenance of confidentiality.
The complaint committee should be headed by a women and not less than half of its members should be women. Further, to prevent the possibility of any undue pressure of influence form senior levels, such complaints committee should involve a third party, either N.G.O. or other body who is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.
The complaints committee must make an annual reports to the Government department concerned of the complaints and action taken by them.
The employers and person in charge will on the compliance with the aforesaid guidelines including on the reports of the complaints committee to the Government Department.
8. Worker Initiative:
Employee should be allowed to raise issues of sexual harassment at workers meeting and in other appropriate forum and it should be affirmatively discussed in Employers Employee meeting.
9. Awareness:
Awareness of the right of female employees in this regard should be created in particular by prominent notifying the guidelines (and appropriate legislative when enacted on the subject in a suitable manners.
10. Third party harassment:
Where sexual harassment occurs as a result of an omission by any third party or outsider, employer and person in charge will take all necessary and reasonable to assist the affected in terms of support and preventive action.
11. These guidelines will not prejudice any rights available under the protection of Human Rights Act 1993.
All officers of the Co-operative Department are directed to comply strictly with the above norms laid down by the supreme court and also bring the contents or this circular to the notice of their subordinate officers and all co-operative institutions under their control for information and strict compliance.
Sheela Thomas IAS
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 18081/98
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 13þ5þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 16/98
hnjbw: kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v NpaXeIÄ \nivNbn¨v sImpff k_v dqfpIÄ AwKoIcn¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: hnZKv² kanXnbpsS dnt¸mÀ«v
kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w ]Tn¨v \nehmcw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\v cq]oIcn¨ hnZKv² kanXn kaÀ¸n¨ dnt¸mÀ«n kwkvYm\s¯ kÀhokv klIcW kwLw/_m¦v ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv klIcW _m¦v F¶o klIcW kvYm]\§fnse Poh\¡mÀ¡v Hmtcmcp¯À¡pw tPmen `mcw \nivNbn¨vsImv AXmXp kwL§Ä k_vdqfpIÄ X¿mdmt¡XmsW¶v ip]mÀi sNbvXn«pv. Cu Imcyw ]cntim[n¨Xn Sn ip]mÀi \S¸nem¡p¶Xv kwL§fpsS kpKaamb {]hÀ¯\¯n\v IqSpX {]tbmP\Icambncn¡psa¶v ImWp¶Xn\m BbXv AwKoIcn¡pIbpw Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p.
kwkvYm\s¯ FÃm {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m kwL§fpw, ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv klIcW _m¦pIfpw DÄs¸sS AXmXp _m¦nse Hmtcm DtZymKkvYtâbpw NpaXeIÄ hyIvXambn \nivNbn¨psImv k_vdqfpIÄ X¿mdm¡n AXmXp PnÃbnse tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS AwKoImcw hmt§XmWv. C{]Imcw k_vdqfpÄ X¿mdm¡pt¼mÄ AXmXp kwL¯nsâ {]hÀ¯\w IW¡nseSp¯v AXnsâ kpKaamb {]hÀ¯\¯n\v A\ptbmPyamb hn[w thWw k_vdqfpIÄ X¿mdmt¡Xv. ta¸Sn k_-vdqfpIÄ `cWkanXn AwKoIcn¡pIpw Sn Xocpam\t¯msSm¸w AwKoImc¯n\mbn tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡v Abt¡XmWv.
C{]Imcw AwKoIcn¨ k_v dqfpIÄ¡v A\pkcWw kwL¯nse Hmtcm Poh\¡mcpw {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ps¶v Dd¸p hcp¯p¶Xn\pff ]qÀ® D¯chmZnXzw kwLw `cWkanXn¡mbncn¡p¶XmWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn.Pn.(1)19332/98
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 23þ5þ1998
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 17/98
hnjbw: {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw {]Xn\n[nIfpsS Xmeq¡v Xe {]Xnamk tbmK¯n kwLw {]knUv/No^v FIvknI}«ohv ]s¦Spt¡Xvþkw_Ôn¨v \nÀt±iw.
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw {]Xn\n[nIfpsS {]Xnamk tbmKw Ct¸mÄ Xmeq¡v Xe¯n _Ôs¸« Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ(P\dÂ) hnfn¨pIq«mdps¦nepw {]kvXpX tbmK§Ä Imcy£aambn ImWp¶nÃ. Xmeq¡nse {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w AhtemI\w sN¿p¶Xn\pw AXv Imcy£aam¡p¶Xn\pw C{]Imcw hnfn¨pIq«p¶ {]Xnamk tbmK§Ä {]tbmP\s¸tSXmWv. {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w ]Tn¨v \nehmcw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\pff \nÀt±i§Ä kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\v cq]oIcn¨ I½nän kÀ¡mcn\v kaÀ¸n¨ dnt¸mÀ«n C¡mcyw hyIvXambn {]Xn]mZn¨n«pv.
kÀ¡mcn \n¶pw. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdn \n¶pw ImemIme§fn ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶ s]mXp \nÀt±i§fpw kÀ¡pedpIfpw bYm kabw {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m kwLw A[nImcnIÄ Adnªncnt¡XmWv. {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw {]Xn\n[nIfpsS {]Xnamk tbmKw Imcy£aambn hnfn¨p Iq«p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw {]Xn\n[nIfpsS {]Xnamk tbmKw FÃm amk¯nepw 10 mw XobXn¡Iw Xs¶ Xmeq¡v Xe¯n IrXyambn hnfn¨p Iqt«Xpw AXn FÃm {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw (kÀhokv klIcW _m¦v, ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv _m¦v) {]knUv/No^v FIvknI}«ohvamÀ hogvN hcmsX ]s¦Sp¡p¶pv F¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯Xpw, Xmeq¡nse P\d hn`mKw Aknkväâp cPnkv{SmÀamcpsS NpaXebmWv. GsX¦nepw {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw {]nXn\n[nIÄ C{]Imcw ]s¦Sp¡p¶Xn hogvN hcp¯nbm AXn\v Ahcn \n¶pw hniZoIcWw Bhiys¸tSXpw hniZoIcWw Xr]vXnIcasæn ta \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnt¡XpamWv.
C{]Imcw hnfn¨p Iq«p¶ {]Xnamk tbmK¯n\v kÀ¡mcn \n¶pw, klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdn \n¶pw ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶, s]mXp \nÀt±i§fpw, kÀ¡pedpIfpw kwLw {]Xn\n[nIfpsS {i²bn sImp htcXpw, Bhiysa¶p Im Sn D¯chpIfpsS ]IÀ¸pIÄ AhÀ¡v e`yam¡p¶Xn\pff \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡XpamWv. C¯cw {]Xnamk tbmK¯n FSp¡p¶ Xocpam\§fpw \nÀt±i§fpw kwLw {]Xn\n[n ASp¯p IqSp¶ kwLw `cW kanXn tbmK¯n Adnbnt¡Xpw, Sn tbmK¯n NÀ¨ sNbvXv dn¡mÀUv sNt¿XpamWv. CXn\v Bhiyab \nÀt±iw kwL§Ä¡v \ÂtIXmWv.
kwL§Ä D¯chpIÄ¡mbn klIcW hIp¸n kaÀ¸n¨n«pff At]£IÄ ss_tem t`ZKXn¡pff At]£IÄ km¼¯nI klmb¯n\pff At]£IÄ F¶nh Sn tbmK¯n NÀ¨ sN¿s¸Smhp¶Xpw ]cnlmcw ImWmhp¶XpamWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 15557/98
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 25þ5þ1998
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 18/98
hnjbw: {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m / klIcW kwL§Ä¡pw ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv klIcW _m¦pIÄ¡pw \ÂImhp¶ hmbv]Ifpw AhbpsS ]cn[nIfpw \nivNbn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨vþD¯chv.
kqN\: 1. cPnkv{SmdpsS 25þ10þ91 se 32/91 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
2. cPnkv{SmdpsS 5þ4þ93 se 23/93 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
3. cPnkv{SmdpsS 9þ6þ93 se 36/93 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
4. cPnkv{SmdpsS 16þ7þ93 se 43/93 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
5. cPnkv{SmdpsS 20þ8þ93 se 52/93 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
6. cPnkv{SmdpsS 31þ8þ95 se 25/95 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
7. cPnkv{SmdpsS 25þ11þ96 se 29/96 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w ]Tn¨v AXv sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\pff \nÀt±i§Ä kÀ¡mcn\v kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\v cq]oIcn¨ hnZKv² kanXn kaÀ¸n¨ dnt¸mÀ«n {lkz Ime ImÀjnI hmbv] \ÂIp¶Xn\pff hyhkvYIfn ImtemNnXamb amä§Ä BhiyamWv F¶v ip]mÀi sNbvXn«pv. AXnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä, ^mÀtagvkv kÀhokv klIcW _m¦pIÄ F¶nhbn \n¶pw \ÂImhp¶ hmbv]Ifpw HcwK¯n\v \ÂImhp¶ hmbv]IfpsS ]cn[nIfpw ]pXp¡n \nivNbn¨psImpw, Ah A\phZn¡p¶Xnepff s]mXp \nÀt±i§Ä ]cnjv¡cn¨psImpw CXn\m D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
1. {lkzIme ImÀjnI hmbv]bpsS ]cn[n, \nehnepff 50000 cq] F¶Xv 100000 cq]bmbn hÀ²n¸n¡mhp¶XmWv. F¶m C{]Imcw BÄ Pmay¯n \ÂImhp¶ hmbv]m ]cn[n 25,000 cq] Bbncn¡pw
2. BÄ Pmay¯n ImÀjnIhpw ImÀjntIXchpamb hmbv] A\phZn¡pt¼mÄ Htc ho«nepff ctm aqt¶m t]À ]ckv]cw Pmayw \n¶v hmbv] A\phZn¨p IqSm¯XmWv. Hcm-Ä¡v Pmayw \n¡mhp¶ ]camh[n ]cn[n AS¨v XoÀ¯ Hmlcn XpIbpsS 40 Cc«n hsc F¶v \nivNbnt¡XmWv.
3. hmbv]m Xncn¨Shn\p kwL¯n \n¶pw hmbv]¡mc\v t\m«okv Ab¡pt¼mÄ t\m«okn hmbv]m apXÂ, ]eni, ]ng ]eni, aäp sNehpIÄ F¶nh {]tXyIw ImWnt¡XmWv. AXpt]mse hmbv]m Xncn¨Shv ckoXv \ÂIpt¼mÄ ta ImWn¨h {]tXyIw ImWnt¡Xpw, hmbv] apXÂ, ]eni _m¡n \n¸pfff XpIIÄ, hyIvXambn tcJs¸Spt¯XpamWv.
4. AwK§Ä¡v kqKaambn IrXy kab¯v hmbv] e`n¡p¶Xn\mbn 5,000 hscbpff ]pXnb hmbv]IÄ Hcp `cW kanXn AwK¯nsâ iq]mÀibpsS ASnkvYm\¯n No^v FIvknI}«ohnsâ ]cntim[\tbmsS {]knUn\v A\phZn¡mhp¶Xpw ASp¯ `cWkanXn tbmK¯n AwKoImcw hm§nt¡XpamWv. AXpt]mse hmbv]m XpI IrXyambn Xncn¨S¡pt¼mÄ No^v FIvknI}«ohnsâ iq]mÀitbmsS {]knUn\v ap³ hmbv] XpIbn A[nIcn¡m¯ XpI ]p\À hmbv]bmbn A\phZn¡mhp¶Xpw ASp¯ `cWkanXn tbmK¯n AwKoImcw hmt§XpamWv.
5. kwL§fn \n¶pw hnXcWw sN¿s¸Sp¶ hmbv]IÄ¡v ]eni¡v ]pdsa assämcp XpIbpw CuSm¡m³ ]mSnÃm F¶v Cu B^oknse kÀ¡pedpIfn \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. F¶m kzÀ® ]Wb hmbv]¡v Ass{]kÀ NmÀPv, C³jpd³kv NmÀPn\§fn Hp \nivNnX XpI CuSm¡m³ A\phmZw \ÂtIXmsW¶v Sn I½nän dnt¸mÀ«n iq]mÀi sNbvXn«pv. BbXv ]cntim[n¨Xnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n kzÀ® ]Wb hmbv]¡v ImemIme§fn \nivNbn¡p¶ ]eni \nc¡pIÄ¡v ]pdta sam¯w hmbv]m XpIbpsS 0.25% Ass{]kÀ NmÀPmbpw C³jpd³kv NmÀPmbpw hmbv]¡mcn \n¶pw kwL¯n\v Bhiyaps¶v tXm¶pIbmsW¦n CuSm¡mhp¶XmWv. CXv bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw ]camh[n 125 cq]bn A[nIcn¡m³ ]mSnÃm¯XmIp¶p.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 20463/98
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 28þ5þ1998
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 21/98
hnjbw: klIcWwþklIcW s{IUnäv ¹m³ X¿mdm¡p¶Xp kw_-Ôn¨v hnZKv²kanXn ip]mÀi.
kqN\: hnZKv²kanXn dnt¸mÀ«v
kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w ]Tn¨v \nehmcw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\v cq]oIcn¨ hnZKv²kanXn kÀ¡mcn\v kaÀ¸n¨ dnt¸mÀ«n hmÀjnI ]²XnbpsS `mKambn Hmtcm ]©mb¯n\pw AXmXv {]tZis¯ hnIk\ ]²Xn, ]©mb¯v {]knUv, Irjn hIp¸v DtZymKkvYÀ, {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fnse {]knUv/No^v FIvknI}«ohv F¶nh Iq«mbn NÀ¨ sNbvXv Hcp klIcW s{IUnäv ¹m³ X¿mdmt¡XmsW¶v ip]mÀi sNbvXn«pv. BbXv ]cntim[n¨Xnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n hmÀjnI ]²Xn(Annual Plan)bpsS `mKambn Hmtcm ]©mb¯n\pw Hcp klIcW s{IUnäv ¹m³ DmIp¶Xv A`nImayamsW¶v ImWp¶p. Hmtcm klIcW kwLhpw AhbpsS {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbn hcp¶ {]tZi§sf¡pdn¨v hniZambn ]Tn¨v AXmXp {]tZis¯ hnIk\¯\v Bhiyamb hmbv]m ]²XnIÄ X¿mdmt¡XmWv. C¯cw klIcW hmbv]m ]²XnIÄ X¿mdm¡p¶Xn\v \nÀ±njvS ]©mb¯v A[nImcnIÄ, Irjn hIp¸v DtZymKkvY³amÀ F¶nhcpambn NÀ¨ \S¯p¶Xv {]tbmP\{]Zambncn¡pw. BbXn\v AXmXp ]©mb¯nse {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwLw ap³ssI FSpt¡XmWv. kwLw ASp¯ hÀjs¯ hmÀjnI _UvPäv X¿mdm¡p¶Xnt\msSm¸w Xs¶ C{]Imcw klIcW s{IUnäv ¹m³ X¿mdm¡p¶Xv IqSpX {]tbmP\{]Zambncn¡pw
IqSmsX {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§Ä C{]Imcw Hcp hÀj¯n kwLw hgn \ÂIm³ Dt±in¡p¶ hmbv]IfpsS hniZ hnhcw ap³Iq«n Xs¶ kwL§Ä¡v Adnhv \ÂtIXmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À.kn.Pn.(1) 15557/98.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 6þ6þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 23/98
hnjbw: klIcWwþ{]mYanI ImÀjnIhmbv] klIcWkwL§Ä \S¯p¶ sNehpIÄ _UvPäv hnlnX¯ne[nIcn¡mXncn¡p¶Xv kwÔn¨ \nÀt±iw.
kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnIhmbv] klIcWkwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w ]Tn¨v \nehmcw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\v Dff \nÀt±i§Ä kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\v cq]oIcn¨ hnZKv² kanXn kÀ¡mcn\v kaÀ¸n¨ dnt¸mÀ«n kwLw _UvPäv X¿mdm¡p¶Xn\v {]tXyI {i² sNept¯XmsW¶pw AXv bYmkabw s]mXptbmKw ]mÊmt¡XmsW¶pw \nÀt±in¨n«pv. IqSmsX bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw _UvPäv hnlnX¯n A[nIcn¨ sNehpIÄ \S¯m³ ]mSpffXà F¶p \nÀt±in¨n«pv. ta¸Sn ip]mÀiIÄ ]cntim[n¨Xnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n {]mYanI kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w IqSpX Imcy£aam¡p¶Xn\v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
{]mYanI ImÀjnIhmbv] klIcWkwL§fpsS `cWkanXn Hmtcm amkhpw kwLw {]hÀ¯\w hnebncpt¯XmWv. kwLw. _UvPädn I¬t{Smfn\v {]mapJyw \-ÂIWw. kwLw AXnsâ hmÀjnI _UvPäv X¿mdm¡p¶Xn\v {]tXyI {i² sNept¯Xpw, _UvPäv bYmkabw s]mXptbmKw ]mkmt¡XpamWv. _UvPäv ]mkm¡msX kwLw sNehpIÄ \S¯m³ ]mSpffXÃ. IqSmsX bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw _UvPäv hnlnX¯n A[nIcn¨ sNehpIÄ kwLw \S¯m³ ]mSpffXà Hgn¨pIqSm\mhmsX hcp¶ C¯cw sNehpIÄ¡v `cWkanXnbpsS AwKoImct¯msS _Ôs¸« tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmdpsS A\paXn hmt§XmWv. BbXn\p ASp¯p IqSp¶ s]mXptbmK¯nsâ AwKoImcw hmt§XmWv. CXn hogvN hcp¯nbm _UvPäv hnlnX¯n\p]cn Nnehgn¨ XpI BUnän XSbp¶Xn\pw _Ôs¸«hcnÂ\n¶pw CuSm¡p¶Xn\pw \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡XmWv.
\jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv] klIcW kwL§Ä¡v sI«nSw ]Wnbm³ A\phmZw \ÂIcpsX¶pw CXn\mbn P\d ^n \n¶pw hn\ntbmKn¡p¶ XpI \nivNnX Imemh[n¡pffn P\d ^nte¡v hosSp¡m³ Ignhpff kwL§Ä¡p am{Xta P\d ^p]tbmKn¨v sI«nS \nÀ½mW¯n\v A\phmZw \ÂImhq F¶v ta¸Sn hnZKv² kanXn ip]mÀi sNbvXn«pv. hnZKv² kanXnbpsS taÂ]Sn ip]mÀi ]cnKWn¨v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
\jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv] klIcWkwL§Ä¡v taen sI«nSw ]Wnbm³ A\phmZw \ÂIp¶XÃ. C{]Imcw sI«nS \nÀ½mW¯n\mbn hn\ntbmKn¡p¶ XpI \nivNnX Imebfhn\pffn P\d ^nte¡v hosSp¡m³ (do Iyq]v) Ignhpff kwL§Ä¡p am{Xta P\d ^v hn\ntbmKn¨v sI«nS \nÀ½mW¯n\v A\phmZw \ÂIpIbpffq. C{]Imcw P\d ^n \n¶pw kwLw sNehgn¨ XpI P\d ^nte¡vv hosSp¡m\pff ]camh[n Imemh[n 10 hmÀjnI XhWbmbncn¡pw.
]n. Un.tPmÀPv
cPnkv{SmdpsS NmÀPv hln¡p¶ AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (sF. kn. Un. ]n.)
No.G. 25237/98.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, 26-06-1998
CIRCULAR No. 27/98
Sub: Co-operation-Procedure in maintaining and recording the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors, Sub-Committees, General body meeting etc.-Further Instructions issued.
Ref: Registrar’s Circular No. 11/72 dated 22-2-1972.
In the Circular referred to above instructions for the uniform procedure in maintaining, recording and keeping of the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors, Sub-Committees, General Body Meetings etc., of the Co-operative Institutions were communicated.
It is brought to the notice of this office that the instructions in the above circular are not being followed and the Minutes Book of many Co-operative Institutions are not being produced before the Officers of the Department for inspections etc. Therefore the following further instructions are issued.
The minutes Book of all type of meeting shall be kept under the safe custody of the Chief Executive of the respective Co-operative institution and it shall be made available for inspection by the officers of Co-operative Department on demand.
All other instructions issued in the above circular shall also be strictly followed. The Joint Registrar of Co-op. Societies are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of all Co-operative Institutions under their control for strict compliance.
P. D. George
Additional Registrar of Co-operative Societies
In charge of Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À hn.(1) 27484/96
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 6þ8þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 28/98
hnjbw: klIcWwþtIcf kÀhokv N«§fnse N«w 144 {]Imcw sU]}t«j³ hyhkvYbn \nban¨n«pff DtZymKkvY³amcpsS t_mWÊv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. cPnkv{SmcpsS 16þ5þ94 se 12/94 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
2. cPnkv{SmdpsS 27þ12þ95se 34/95 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
3. kÀ¡mcnsâ 9þ2þ98 se 7076/F 3/96/kl: \¼À I¯v.
H¶mw kqN\ kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw sU]}t«j³ hyhkvYbn tPmen sN¿p¶ klIcW hIp¸nse DtZymKkvYÀ¡v ImemIme§fn kÀ¡mÀ DtZymKkvYÀ¡v A\phZn¡p¶ \nc¡nepff t_mWÊn\p am{Xta AÀlXbpffq F¶v D¯chmbncp¶p. CXp kw_Ôn¨p e`n¨ ]cmXnIÄ kÀ¡mcn\v kaÀ¸n¨Xnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n e`n¨ amÀ¤ \nÀt±ihpw Sn D¯chv icn h¡p¶Xmbncp¶p. AX\pkcn¨v kqN\ 2 se kÀ¡peÀ ]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p.
F¶m kqN\ 3 se I¯p {]Imcw \nbam\pkrXw kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡v AÀlXs¸« \nc¡n t_mWÊv ssI¸änbn«pff kÀ¡mÀ DtZymKkvYcn (kwL§fn sU]}t«j\n tPmen sN¿p¶) \n¶pw Sn XpI Xncn¨p ]ncnt¡Xnsöpw 4þ11þ95 se 10594/F.3kl: \¼À I¯v d±p sNbvXXmbpw kÀ¡mÀ Adnbn¨ncp¶p.
sU]}t«j\nÂtPmen sN¿p¶ kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡pw kwLw Poh\¡mÀ¡Àlamb \nc¡n t_mWÊv ssI¸ämhp¶XmWv. F¶m Sn XpI t_mWk-v BIvSn\pw hIp¸v \nÀt±i§Ä¡pw A\pkcWambncn¡Ww.
\nbam\pkrXw AÀlXs¸« \nc¡nt\¡mÄ IqSpX XpI kwL§fn sU]}t«j\n Ccn¡p¶ kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ ssI¸änbn«ps¦n Sn XpI DSs\ Xs¶ Sn kvYm]\§fn Xncn¨St¡XmWv. sU]}t«j\n tPmen sNbvXncp¶ Poh\¡mÀ¡v t\m¬ eb_nenän kÀ«n^n¡äv \-ÂIpt¼mÄ ta {]Imcw A[nIw hm§nb XpI Xncn¨S¨n«ps¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯XmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn. ]n. (1) 26886/95
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 31þ7þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 29/98
hnjbw: klIcW kvYm]\§fn AwKXzw t\Sp¶Xn\mbn kaÀ¸n¡p¶ At]£Ifn³ta Xocpam\w ssIs¡mffp¶Xv þ kw_Ôn¨v
1969 se tIcfm klIcW kwLw \nba¯nse hIp¸v 16 (2) {]Imcw “AwKXz At]£bn³taepff Xocpam\w At]£ In«nb XnbXn apX cv amk¯n\Iw FSpt¡XmWv” F¶pw hIp¸v 16(3) {]Imcw “GsX¦nepw hyIvXnbpsS AwKXzw \ntj[n¡s¸SpIbmsW¦n aXnbmb Xnckv¡cW ImcW§tfmSp IqSn A{]Imcw Xocpam\saSp¯v ]Xn\©v Znhk¯n\Iw {]kvXpX hyIvXnsb kwLw Adnbn¨ncn¡Ww” F¶pw hyhkvY sNbvXn«pv. F¶m klIcW kvYm]\§fn AwKXzw t\Sp¶Xn\mbn AXmXp kvYm]\§fnse \nbamhen hyhkvYIÄ¡p hnt[bambn kaÀ¸n¡p¶ At]£Ifn³ta ta hyhkvY {]Imcw Xocpam\w ssIs¡mffp¶Xn\v Imehnfw_w t\cnSp¶Xmbn Cu B^oknsâ {i²bnÂs¸«n«pv.
BIbm klIcW \nba¯n hyhkvY sNbvXn«pff {]Imcw klIcW kvYm]\§fn e`n¡p¶ AwKXz At]£Ifn³ta At]£m XobXn apX cv amk¯n\Iw Xocpam\saSp¡pIbpw, GsX¦nepw hyIvXnbpsS AwKXz At]£ \nckn¡pIbmsW¦n A{]Imcw Xocpam\saSp¯v ]Xn\©p Znhk¯n\Iw \nckn¡p¶Xn\pff hyIvXamb ImcW§Ä klnXw {]kvXpX hyIvXnsb kwLw Adnbn¡pIbpw sN¿Wsa¶ Imcyw taen IÀi\ambpw ]ment¡XmsW¶v Adnbn¡p¶p.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.MP (4) 24030/98
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Thiruvananthapuram, 22-8-98
CIRCULAR No. 33/98
Sub: Rubber processing Companies of Rubber Board and Rubber producers societies-permission to Rubber Marketing the processing Co-op: Societies to take shares-instructions issued.
Ref: 1. D.O.Letter No. CA/CMC/98 dated: 11-6-98 of the Chairman Rubber Board, Kottayam.
2. Government letter No. 5760/3/98/Co-op: dated: 17-7-98 of Secretary (Co-op)
As per the reference 1st cited the chairman, the Rubber Board has stated that Rubber Board has been assisting the Rubber Marketing and Processing Co-operatives by investing crores of Rupees by way of Share Capital, Margin Money Assistance etc. for strengthening the processing and marketing activities. The Rubber Board has set up over 1600 Rubber producers societies and 18 Companies which have also been formed with equity from the Rubber Producers Societies and started one Rubberwood processing Company. Now five Rubber processing companies of the Rubber Board and Rubber Producers Society have decided to, become public limited companies and widen their share capital base for improving their activities. The Chairman, Rubber Board has also requested that a general permission may be given to Rubber Marketing and Processing Co-operatives to take shares in the processing companies including the Rubber Wood Processing Company set up by the Rubber Board and Rubber Producers Societies.
As per the reference 2nd cited, Government are pleased to accord general permission to the Rubber Marketing and Processing Co-operatives to take shares in the processing companies as mentioned above provided that the investment could be at the discretion of the concerned co-operative societies.
In these circumstances permission is hereby accorded to the Rubber Marketing and Processing Co-operatives to take shares in the processing companies including the rubber wood processing Company set up by the Rubber Board and the Rubber Producers Societies under the provisions in section 57 (C) of the KCS. Act 1969 subject to the conditions that the mode of investment could be at the discretion of the Co-operative Societies concerned.
Sheela Thomas I. A. S.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. V (2) 65/98.
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Trivandrum, 4-8-98
CIRCULAR No. 35/98
Sub: Co-operative Department-Strengthening of vigilance wing-Reorganisation of vigilance Zone-Revised instruction issued.
Ref: This office circular No. 40/91 Dated 27-12-1991.
In the circular referred to above the duties and functions of the Assistant Registrars (Vigilance) in the reorganized vigilance wing of Co-operative Department were fixed.
In the conference of Assistant Registrars (Vigilance) and other officers of the Department held on 18-6-98 at Thrissur the working of the Vigilance Assistant Registrars were reviewed and it appears that the South Zone has more files and work load when compared with the other two zones. Hence it is decided to reshuffle the three zones so as to have equitable distribution of work.
On the basis of the review and decision arrived at the set up of the vigilance zone as per the circular is partially modified and revised as follows.
Name of Zone | Head Quarters | Controlling officers and No. of Asst. Registrars (Vigilance) | Districts |
1. South Zone | Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Thiruvananthapuram | Deputy Registrars (Vig) office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies Asst. Registrar (vigilance) South Zone I, South Zone II | Trivandurm Kollam Pathanamthitta Kottayam. |
2. Central Zone | Office of the Deputy Registrar (Audit) Trissur. | Deputy Registrar (Audit) Trissur. Asst.Registrar (Vigilance) central zone 1 Central zone 11. | Alappuzha Ernakulam, Trissur, Idukki Palakkad |
3. North Zone | Office of the Deputy Registrar (Audit) Kannur | Deputy Registrar (Audit) Kannur. Asst.Registrar (vigilance) North Zone-1 North zone-11 | Kozhikode Wayanad Kannur Kasargod Malappuram |
The controlling officers of Vigilance Zone should make necessary arrangements for the strict compliance of this circular.
All other instructions issued in the circular referred shall also be strictly followed.
The receipt of this circular may be acknowledged by all concerned.
Sheela Thomas
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À ^n³.F. 2/26436/98.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 6þ8þ98
kÀ¡peÀ 36/98
hnjbw: tIcf kÀhokv dqÄkv ]mÀ«v 1. dqÄ 156 {]Imcw \nban¡s¸Sp¶hcpsS tImkväShp/]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«v kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. 15þ5þ93 se ^n³.(3) 17807/93 \¼À I¯v
2. 29þ10þ94 se 31/94 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
3. 6þ2þ87 se Pn.H.(Fw.Fkv.) 5/87/klIcWw.
sI.Fkv.BÀ.]mÀ«v þ1 dqÄ 156 {]Imcw \nban¡s¸Sp¶ DtZymKkvYcpsS tImkvänsâ \nc¡v ]cmaÀiw 2 {]Imcw ]p\À \nÀ®bw sNbvXn«pv. £ma_¯bnepmIp¶ hÀ²\hv, DXvkh _¯, bm{Xm _¯ F¶nhbpw bYm kabw CuSm¡Wsa¶v ]cmaÀiw 1 se I¯n \nÀt±in¨n«pv. Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ XkvXnIbpw AXn\p apIfnepapffhÀ¡v 6 amkt¯bpw Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ XkvXnI¡v XmsgbpffhÀ¡v 3 amkt¯bpw tImkväv ap³Iqdmbn AS¡Wsa¶v ]cmaÀiw 3 {]Imcw \njv¡Àjn¨n«papv. F¶m PnÃIfn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«pIfpw Hm^okv ]cntim[\m kab¯v tImkvänsâ cPnkvädpIfpw ]cntim[n¨Xn Xmsg ]dbp¶ KpcpXcamb t]mcmbvaIÄ {i²bn-Âs¸«ncn¡p¶p.
F. Nne XkvXnIIfpsS tImkvänsâ hnhcw ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«n- DÄs¸Sp¯mXncn¡pI.
_n. ap³IqÀ tImkväv CuSm¡mXncn¡pI.
kn. XkvXnI A\phZn¨ XobXn, NmÀsPSp¯ XobXn, hnSpX sNbvX XobXn, XpI AS¨Xnsâ hniZmwi§Ä Unamâv sNbvX £ma_¯bpsS hnhcw XpS§nbh tcJs¸Sp¯mXncn¡pI
Un. bYmkabw XpSÀ¨m\phmZ¯n\v At]£ \ÂImXncn¡pI.
C. kÀ¡mcnte¡v e`nt¡Xmb `oaamb XpI IW¡n s]Sp¯mXncn¡pI.
F^v. IW¡nÂs¸« apgph³ XpIbpw {Sjdnbn HSp¡mXncn¡pI.
Pn. HSp¡nb XpI ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«n DÄs¸SmXncn¡pI.
F¨v. Ipdª \nc¡n tImkväSbv¡pI
ta hnhcn¨ t]mcmbvaIÄ BUnäÀamÀ/]cntim[\m DtZymKkvY³amÀ F¶nhÀ tae[nImcnIfpsS {i²bn sImph¶n«panÃ.
Cu kmlNcy¯n CXp kw_Ôn¨v Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphníp¶p.
1. sI.Fkv.BÀ. ]mÀ«v 1 dqÄ 156 {]Imcw {]hÀ¯nsbSp¡p¶ DtZymKkvY³amcptSbpw tImkvänsâbpw hnhcw PnÃmXe Hm^okpIfnepw Xmeq¡p Xe Hm^okpIfnepw \nivNnX cPnkvädn IrXyambn FgpXn kq£nt¡Xpw Bdp amk¯nsemcn¡Â Ah A\pcRvP\w sNt¿XpamWv.
2. tI{µ/PnÃmXe klIcW kvYm]\§fnse DtZymKkvY³amcpsS tImkväv AS¨Xnsâ hnhcw Sn kvYm]\¯ns0â BkvYm\ PnÃbnse tPmbnâv/ sU]}«n cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡v _Ôs¸« kvYm]\¯nsâ tae[nImcn \ÂtIXmWv.
3. sI.Fkv.BÀ.]mÀ«v 1 dqÄ 156 {]Imcw \nban¡s¸Smt\m XpSÀ¨m\phmZ¯nt\m Dff PnÃ/A¸Ivkv kvYm]\§fpsS At]£IÄ (Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ XkvXnI¡v apIfn DffXv) _Ôs¸« PnÃm Hm^okpIÄ aptJ\ am{Xta Ab¡mhq. A¯c¯n e`n¡m¯ At]£IÄ ]cnKWn¡p¶XÃ.
4. A\phmZw e`n¨ XkvXnIbn \nban¡s¸Sp¶ DtZymKkvYsâ t]cpw NmÀsPSp¯ XobXn, D¯chnsâ \¼dpw XobXnbpw XpSÀ¨m\phmZw Ahkm\n¡p¶ XobXn, tImkvänsâ \nc¡v F¶nh _Ôs¸« cPnkvädn PnÃm DtZymKkvY³ tcs¸Sp¯n H¸p ht¡XmWv.
5. XkvXnI A\phZn¨v D¯chnsâ ]IÀ¸v _Ôs¸« kvYm]\¯n DSs\ \ÂtIXmWv. XZhkc¯n- ASt¡ tImkvänsâ hnhcw Adnbnt¡XpamWv.
6. ]cmaÀiw 3 se kÀ¡mÀ D¯chnse \nÀt±im\pkcWapff ap³IqÀ tImkväv IqSmsX Hmtcm amkt¯¡papff Unamâv t\m«okv _Ôs¸« kvYm]\¯n\v _Ôs¸«hÀ \ÂtIXmWv. C¯c¯n \ÂIp¶ Unamân i¼f ]cnjv¡cW IpSnÈnI, £ma_¯ IpSnÈnI, DXvkh _¯ XpS§nbh DÄs¸«n«ps¶pw Dd¸mt¡XmWv.
7. sI.Fkv.BÀ.]mÀ«v 1 dqÄ 156 {]Imcw \ntbmKn¡s¸Sp¶ FÃm DtZymKkvYcpw \nivNnX amXrIbnepff (amXrI A\y{X tNÀ¯ncn¡p¶p) {]Xnamk ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«v (2 {]XnI-Ä) ]ntä amkw 5 mw XobXn¡v ap³]mbn _Ôs¸«hÀ¡v \ÂtIXmWv. Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ XkvXnI hscbpffhÀ _Ôs¸« Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ¡pw Aknkväâv cPnkv{SmÀ apXepffhÀ _Ôs¸« PnÃm tPmbnâv/sU]}«n cPnkv{SmÀ¡pw BWv ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«v \ÂtIXv.
8. JÞnI 7 {]Imcw \ÂIp¶ ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«nsâ Hmtcm {]Xn _Ôs¸« Hm^okpIfn kq£nt¡XmWv. _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY\n \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«nse hnhc§Ä X§fpsS Hm^okn kq£n¨n«pff cPnkvädn tcJs¸Sp¯nbn«ps¶pw £ma_¯ DÄs¸sSbpff Aeh³kpIÄ¡v Unamâv t\m«okv \ÂInbn«ps¶papff Hcp kÀ«n^n¡äp IqSn {]Xnamk ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«n Aknkväâv/tPmbnâv/sU]}«n cPnkv{SmÀamÀ tcJs¸SptXmWv.
9. {]Xnamk ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«v sXm«Sp¯ amkw 10 mw XobXn¡Ihpw AÀ² hmÀjnI/hmÀjnI ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«v sXm«Sp¯ amkw 15 mw XobXn¡Ihpw tPmbnâv/sU]}«n cPnkv{SmÀamÀ Cu B^oknte¡v Ab¨p XtcXmWv. As¸Ivkv/kwkvYm\/PnÃm Xe kvYm]\§fpsS tImkvänsâ hniZmw§Ä AS§nb ]«nI ]ptcmKXn dnt¸mÀ«n {]tXyIw tNÀt¡XmWv.
10. sI.Fkv.BÀ.]mÀ«v 1 dqÄ 156 {]Imcw \ntbmKn¡s¸«hcpsS tImkväv AS¨Xnsâ hniZmwi§Ä kwLw ]cntim[\m thfbnepw BUnäv kab¯pw _Ôs¸« DtZymKkvY³amÀ ]cntim[nt¡Xpw t]mcmbva Im tae[nImcnIfpsS {i²bn sImp htcXpamWv.
Cu kÀ¡peÀ ssI¸änb hnhcw aS¡¯]men Adnbnt¡XmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À hn.(1) 4286/97
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 27þ8þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 39/98
hnjbw: klIcWwþhnPne³kvþhnPne³kv dnt¸mÀ«pIfpsS clky kz`mhw \ne\nÀ¯p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: kÀ¡mcnsâ 18þ7þ98 se 3763/kn.1/98 kl. I¯v.
hnPne³kv dnt¸mÀ«pIfpsS clky kz`mhw IÀi\ambn Im¯p kq£n¡Wsa¶v kÀ¡mÀ kqN\ I¯neqsS \nÀt±in¨ncn¡p¶p. CXp hnPne³kv DtZymKkvYcpsS hyIvXn]camb _m²yXmbmbn IW¡m¡p¶Xpw hogvN hcp¯p¶hÀs¡Xnsc IÀi\ in£W \S]Sn kzoIcn¡p¶XpamWv. BbXn\m bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw hnPne³kv dnt¸mÀ«pIfpsS clky kz`mhw ]pd¯m¡msX kq£nt¡XmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No.CB (1) 45845/97
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
Thiruvananthapuram, 28-08-1998
CIRCULAR No. 40/98
Sub: Financing self Help Group by Primary Agricultural Credit Societies-Amendment of Bye-laws-regarding.
Ref: 1. G.O.No.114/97/Co-op: dated 6-9-1997.
2. Letter No.NB (TVM) 2387/SIB-97 (C) 98-99 dated 16-7-98 of NABARD.
As per the G.O.1st cited the Government have exempted the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies from the provisions of Sub Section (1) of section 59 of the KCS Act 1969 for the purpose of enabling those societies to provide loans to the Self Help Groups organised under them.
NABARD vide letter 2nd cited has requested to issue suitable instructions to the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies to make suitable amendment in their bye-laws to support the Self Help Group linkage programme.
In the above circumstances the Joint Registrars may advice the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies under their control to make suitable amendment in their bye-laws so as to provide loans to the Self Help Groups Organised under them.
Sheela Thomas
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À kn.Pn.(1) 14151/98
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 26þ10þ1998
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 45/98
hnjbw: klIcWwþ{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\pff hnZKv² kanXn iq]mÀi \S¸nem¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: 1. hnZKv²kanXnbpsS (14þ9) mw ip]mÀi
2. 25þ6þ1998 se sk³{S _m¦vkv kt½f\¯nsâ 3 mw \¼À Xocpam\w.
kwkvYm\s¯ {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\w ]Tn¨v \nehmcw sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\mbn kÀ¡mÀ cq]oIcn¨v hnZKv² kanXn kaÀ¸n¨ dnt¸mÀ«nse (14þ9) mw \¼À iq]mÀi Xmsg ]dbpw {]ImcamWv.
{]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fneqsS IÀjIÀ¡v hmbv] e`n¡p¶Xn\v emâv cPnkvädnse hnhc§Ä ASnkvYm\amt¡ ImcyanÃ. hkvXphnsâ {]amWw, Icw HSp¡p ckoXv, DSakvYsâ k½X]{Xw, ssIhim\p`h kÀ«n^n¡äv F¶nhbpsS ASnkvYm\¯n hmbv]m ]cn[n \nivNbnt¡XmWv.
ta ip]mÀi 25þ6þ1998  IqSnb sk³{S _m¦vkv kt½f\hpw AwKoIcn¡pIbpmbn.
Cu kmlNcy¯n {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpsS IÀjIÀ¡v hmbv] e`n¡p¶Xn\v kwL¯n kq£n¨n«pff emâv cPnkvädnse hnhc§-Ä am{Xw ASnkvYm\amt¡ ImcyanÃ. hkvXphnsâ {]amWw, Icw HSp¡p ckoXv, hkvXp DSakvYsâ k½X]{Xw, ssIhim\p`h kÀ«n^n¡äv F¶nhbpsS ASnkvYm\¯n IÀjIcmb AwK§Ä¡v hmbv]m ]cn[n \nivNbn¡p¶ Imcyw AXmXp kwL§Ä¡v ]cnKWn¡mhp¶XmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À C.Fw.(3) 7930/98
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 24þ11þ98
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 50/98
hnjbw: ¢mÊn^nt¡j³ {]Imcw CÃm¯ XkvXnIIÄ ^oUÀ ImäKdn dqfn DÄs¸Sp¯n AwKoImcw \ÂIp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kwL§fpsS ^oUÀ ImäKdn dqfn {]tamj\p thn ¢mÊn^nt¡j³ hyhkvY {]Imcw CÃm¯Xpw \nba\m\phmZw e`n¨n«nÃm¯Xpamb XkvXnIIÄ DÄs¸Sp¯n AwKoIcn¨p \ÂIpIbpw, ^oUÀ ImäKdn dqfnsâ ASnkvYm\¯nÂ, XkvXnI¡v A\phmZw CÃmsX Xs¶ DtZymK¡bäw \ÂIpIbpw sN¿p¶ {]hWX Ip hcp¶pv. A\phmZw CÃm¯ XkvXnI ^oUÀ ImäKdn dqfn DÄs¸Sp¯n AwKoImcw \ÂIm³ ]mSnÃm¯XmWv. kwL§fn ]cntim[\ \S¯n C¡mcyw t_m²ys¸tSXpw XkvXnIm\phmZw IqSmsX ^oUÀ ImäKdn k_vdqfn\p AwKoImcw \ÂInbn«ps¦n BbXv ]p\:]cntim[\¡v hnt[bamt¡XpamWv. C¡mcy¯n FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw ASnb´nc \S]Sn kzoIcnt¡XmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn.]n.(1)44849/98
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{Smdm^okv,
Xncph\´]pcw, 29þ12þ1998
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 55/98
hnjbw: klIcW hIp¸vþIf£³ sN¡pIÄ ssIImcyw sN¿p¶Xn hogvN hcp¯p¶Xv þ kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\: Cu B^oknse 30þ9þ97 se 26/97 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
kwkvYm\s¯ klIcW kvYm]\§fn If£\p thn e`n¡p¶ sN¡pIfpw _nÃpIfpw ImeXmakw IqSsX IfIväv sNbvXv XncnsI Ab¨v sImSp¡p¶ Imcy¯n Nne kwL§Ä hfsc IpäIcamb hogvN hcp¯p¶Xmbn klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS {i²bn s]«Xnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n C¡mcy¯n hogvN hcp¯p¶ klIcW kvYm]\§fpsS ta IÀi\amb \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡Ww F¶v kqN\ kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw FÃm tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ¡pw \nÀt±iw \ÂInbncp¶XmWv. F¶m Ct¸mgpw ]e klIcW kYm]\§fptSbpw `mK¯p \n¶v C¯cw hogvNIÄ DmIp¶Xmbn {i²bn s]«n«pv.
BbXn\m klIcW kYm]\§fn If£\p thn e`n¡p¶ sN¡pIÄ \nivNnX kab]cn[n¡pffn Xs¶ IfIväp sNbvXv Ab¨p sImSpt¡Xpw AYhm sN¡v A\mZcn¡pIbmsW¦n BbXn\p ImcWklnXw sXm«Sp¯ Znhkw Xs¶ sN¡v If£\p kaÀ¸n¨ hyIvXn¡v/kvYm]\¯n\v t\m«okv \ÂtIXpamWv. ta \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]men¡m¯Xp aqew CS]mSpIÄ¡v DmIp¶ IjvS\jvS§Ä¡v AXmXp klIcW kvYm]\§Ä Xs¶ ]qÀ® D¯chmZnbmbncn¡p¶XmWv. Cu \nÀt±i¯n\p hn]coXambn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ klIcW kvYm]\¯n\v FXnsc IÀi\amb ta \S]SnIÄ tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ ssIs¡mtffXmWv.
joem tXmakv sF. F. Fkv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
tIcf kÀ¡mÀ
klIcWhIp¸vþPoh\¡mcywþsXcsªSp¸v DtZymKkvY³amÀ¡pff ]pXp¡nb {]Xn^e \nc¡pIÄ A\phZn¨ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
klIcW (F) hIp¸v
Pn. H. (BÀþSn.) \w:19/98 kl:
Xncph\´]pcw, 15þ1þ1998
]cmaÀiw: 1. 24þ8þ1995 se Pn.H. (BÀ.Sn.) 351/95/kl:\¼À D¯chv.
2. 21þ3þ96 se Pn. H. (]n) 4/96/Ce£³ \¼À D¯chv.
3. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 21þ8þ97 se Pn. 36420/96 \¼À I¯v.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS ]cmaÀiw aq¶nse I¯nse \nÀt±iw kÀ¡mÀ hniZambn ]cntim[n¨Xnsâ ASnkvYm\¯n CtXmsSm¸w DffS¡w sN¿p¶ ]cmaÀiw cnse D¯chp {]Imcapff \nc¡pIÄ, klIcWkwLw `cWkanXn sXcsªSp¸n\v \ntbmKn¡s¸Sp¶ klIcW hIp¸v DtZymKkvY³amÀ¡pw _m[Iam¡ns¡mv D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
KhÀ®dpsS D¯chn³{]Imcw
sI. \fn\n
tPmbnâv sk{I«dn
Election-General Election to the House of people and State Legislative Assembly, 1996-Rate of TA/DA for Election duty and for provision of minimum facilities-Revised rates sanctioned-Orders issued,
G.O.(P) No 4/96/Elec.
Thiruvananthapuram, 21-3-1996
Read: 1. G.O.(P) No.5/91 Elec. Dated, 14-5-1991.
2. Letter No. 458/4/95/PLN-IV/675 dated, 14-3-96. From the Election Commission of India.
The General Election to the House of People and State Legislative Assembly, 1996 are scheduled to be held on 27th April, 1996. In connection with the conduct of the Elections, Government are pleased to fix the following revised rates of TA/DA to the polling/Counting personnel for the various items of election duty and for provision of minimum facilities.
Presiding Officers/Counting Supervisors | Polling Officers/ Counting Assistants | Class IV | |
For the firstday (i. e. Upto 24 hours) | Rs. 100/ | Rs. 75/ | Rs. 70/ |
For each subsequent day (i.e.beyond 24 hours) | Rs. 50/ | Rs. 40/ | Rs. 25/ |
2. The above rates are payable to the staff for attending training classes, collecting polling materials etc. and also for attending duty on the pollings.
3. The staff deployed at all polling Stations Counting Centres shall be provided with packed lunch and/or light refreshment at the rate of Rs.50/-per head per day. In case of difficulty in providing packed lunch, a cash payment at the rate of Rs.50/-per head shall be made. These rates will come into force with immediate effect and will have no retrospective effect.
4. The expenditure will be debited to “2015-00-104.99-04-Travel Expenses”.
By order of the Governor
Secretary & Chief Electoral Officer
RPCD NO.RF.70/07.38.019/97-98.
18 January 1998
18 Paushe 1919 (Saka)
All State and Central Co-operative Banks
Dear Sir,
Interest Tax Act, 1974, Reduction of Interest tax from 3% to 2%
In supercession of instructions contained in our circular RPCD No.RF.No.RF.BC.22/07/38.01/97/98 dated 25 August 1997 it is now clarified that cooperative societies engaged in the business of banking are not liable to pay interest tax under the interest Tax Act, 1974 from the assessment year 1993-94 onwards. Hence State/Central Co-operative Banks are exempt from the provisions of Interest Tax Act, 1974 from the aforesaid assessment year.
2. Please acknowledge receipt to the concerned Regional Office.
Yours faithfully
R. M. Josni
General Manager
Endt. CS (4) 4224/98
Office of the Registrar of Co-operative societies,
Trivandrum, 4-2-1998
Copy communicated to all Joint Registrar and Deputy Registrar (Audit) for information and necessary action.
Copy to Addl. Registrar (Gl.) and Deputy Registrar (Credit)
For Registrar of Cooperative societies
Co-operation (B) Department
G.O.(P) No. 89/98/Co-op.
Thiruvananthapuram, 3rd April, 1998
S.R.O.No. 355/98- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 109 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (21 of 1969) read with subsection (1) of section 80 thereof, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, 1969, the same having been previously published under Notification No. 5551/B1/95/Co-op dated the 11th September, 1997 in the Kerala Gazette Extra ordinary No. 1347 dated the 30th September, 1997, as required by sub-section (1) of section 109 of the said Act, namely:-
Short title and commencement - (1) These Rules may be called the Kerala Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Rules, 1998.
2. They shall come into force at once
2. Amendment of the Rules-In Appendix III to the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, 1969, under serial No.2 “Credit Societies, Agricultural Credit Societiees, Composite Credit Societies, Non-Agricultral Credit Societies”.
1. (i) for the entries in columns (1), (2) and (3) the following entries shall respectively, be substituted, namely:-
1 | 2 | 3 |
Class I Special Grade | ||
1 | Working Capital | Rs. 10 Crores and above |
2 | Deposits | Rs. 5 Crores and above |
3 | Loan Outstanding | Rs. 6 Crores and above |
4 | Audit classification for the previous 3 years | Not less than B |
5 | Should have worked on profit for two years within the immediately preceding five years | |
6 | Should have declared dividend on shares at least in any one year during the preceding five years | |
7 | Overdue under loans for the last three years | Should not exceed 25% of the demand |
Class I | ||
1 | Working Capital | Rs.5 Crores and above but below Rs.10 Crores |
2 | Deposits | Rs. 3 Crores and above |
3 | Loan outstanding | Rs. 3 Crores and above |
4 | Audit classification for the previous 3 years | Not less than B |
5 | Should have worked on profit for two years within the immediately preceding five years | |
6 | Should have declared dividend on shares at least in any one year during the preceding five years | |
7 | Overdue under loans for the last three years | Should not exceed 25% of the demand |
Class II | ||
1 | Working Capital | Rs. 2.5 Crores and above but below Rs.5 Crores |
2 | Deposits | Rs. 2 Crores and above |
3 | Loan outstanding | Rs. 2 Crores and above |
4 | Audit classification for the previous year | Not less than B |
5 | Should have worked on profit at least for one year during immediate three preceding years | |
6 | Overdues under loans | Should not exceed 25% of the demand |
Class III | ||
1 | Working Capital | Rs. 1.5 Crores and above but below Rs.2.5 Crores |
2 | Deposits | Rs. 1 Crore and above |
3 | Loan outstanding | Rs. 1 Crore and above |
4 | Audit classification for the previous year | Not less than C |
5 | Overdue under loans | Should not exceed 25% of the demand |
Class IV | ||
1 | Working Capital | Rs. 75 Lakhs and above but below Rs.1.5 Crores |
2 | Deposits | Rs. 30 Lakhs and above |
3 | Loan outstanding | Rs. 50 Lakhs and above |
4 | Audit classification for the previous year | Not less than C |
5 | Overdue under loans | Should not exceed 30% of the demand |
Class V | ||
1 | Working Capital | Rs. 25 Lakhs and above but below Rs. 75 Lakhs |
2 | Deposits | Rs. 10 Lakhs and above |
3 | Loan outstanding | Rs. 20 Lakhs and above |
4 | Audit classification for the previous year | Not less than C |
5 | Overdue under loans | Should not exceed 40% of the demand |
Class VI | ||
All Other Credit Societies |
(ii) After the existing notes the following Note shall be added at the end, namely :-
“Note :- 1 (a) In order to be classified as ‘Class I Special Grade’ and ‘Class I’ the Societies / Banks should satisfy the conditions 1, 3 and 7 and any two of the remaining four conditions.
(b) In order to be classified as ‘Class II’ the Societies / Banks should satisfy the conditions 1, 3 and 6 and any one of the remaining three conditions.
(c) In order to be classified as ‘Class III, IV and V’ the Societies / Banks should satisfy the conditions 1, 3 and 5 and any one of the remaining two conditions.
Note :- 2 The revised classification will not adversely affect the existing classification of the Societies for six months”
By Order of the Governor
N. M. Omana
Joint Secretary to Government
\¼À Fw.F¨v.4þ2189/98/Un.F¨v.Fkv. UbdIvStdäv Hm^vsl¯vþkÀhokkv
Xncph\´]pcw, 31þ7þ98
Kh¬saâv Poh\¡mÀ¡pw AhcpsS B{inXÀ¡pw NnInXvk¡v sNehmb XpI Xncn¨p e`n¡p¶Xn\pff ]cntim[\ 10,000/þcq]¡v apIfnepff At]£IÄ 1960 se tIcf Kh¬saâv skÀhâvkv saUn¡Â Aä³U³kv dqÄkv {]Imcw BtcmKy hIp¸v UbdIvStdän- \n¶pw aäpff hnhn[ hIp¸pIfnteípw ]cntim[n¨p hcnIbmWv. C§s\ ChnsS e`n¡p¶ At]£Ifn 10 apX 500 _nÃpIÄ hsc ImWmdpv. C{Xb[nIw _nÃpItfmSpIqSn At]£Ä- Cu Hm^oknte¡v Abípt¼mgpw Cu Hm^okn ssIImcyw sN¿pt¼mgpw At]£bn- \n¶pw _nÃpIÄ \jvSs¸Sphm³ CShcp¶p. IqSmsX, X]m C\¯n Kh¬saân\v sNethdpIbpw sN¿p¶p. {]kvXpX Imcy§fm Xmsg ImWp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä Cu Hm^oknte¡v saUn¡Â do Cwt]gvkvsaâv At]£IÄ Ab¡p¶ Hm^okpIÄ {i²nt¡XmWv.
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BtcmKy hIp¸v UbdIvSÀ¡p thn
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