Thursday, 27 October 2011



Co-operation (B) Department
G.O.(P) No. 53/2001/Co-op                        Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 7-3-2001
S.R.O.NO. 271/2001 :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 80A of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969, (21 of 1969) the Government of Kerala hereby make the following scheme to amend the Kerala Co-operative Societies Employees Self Financing Pension Scheme, 1994 issued under G.O.(P) No. 44/95/Co-op. Dated the 14th March, 1995 and published as S.R.O.No. 323/95 in the Kerala Gazette Extra ordinary No. 251 dated 14th march 1995 namely:
1. Short title and commencement :- (1) This scheme may be called the Kerala Co-operative Employees Self Financing Persion (Amendment) Scheme, 2001.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 1998
2. Amendment of the Scheme :- In the Kerala Co-operative Societies Employees Self Financing Pension Scheme, 1994.
(i) In clause 2,-for sub-clause (f) the following sub-clause shall be substituted, nemely: (f) employee means a person appointed into the services of a Co-operative Society registered under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act. 1969 against a sanctioned post or against a post approved by the competent authority and working on a regular paid basis.
(ii) for sub clause (g) the following sub-clause shall be substituted namely: (g) Pay includes.
(i) Basic pay
(ii) Special Pay
(iii) Personal Pay
(iv) Dearess Allowance
(v) any other amount ordered to be treated as pay such as consolidated pay.
3. Establishment of Pension Fund (1)
for clause 3, the following clause shall be subsituted, namely:
(1) There shall be established a Persion Fund for payment of pension to the employees of Co-operative societies to which shall be credited a monthly contribution by the society at the rate of 8.33% of the pay as specified in clause 2 (g) of each of its employees.
(2) Shortages, if any, in the Pension Fund can be met through raising funds from other sources like Government/Societies/Co-operative Development fund etc.
(3) The Pension funds shall vest in and be administered by the Board.
4. In item (a) of Sub clause (1) of Clause 19, for the existing proviso the following proviso shall be substitued namely:
Provided that the qualifying service shall be limited to the period for which the employer’s contribution to wards the Provident funds has been fully paid by the society in respect of that employee.
Provided further that where the employee was a suscriber to any pre-exist in providen fund scheme implemented in that society and contribution towards thereon has been transferred to the Pension fund, such period will also qualify for pension.
Provided also that an employee who was on probation and on whose behalf the contributory Provident Fund contribution has not been remitted at the time of implementation of the scheme, such period of probation shall also qualify for pension, if proportonate employers contribution together with interest thereon has been credited to the Pension Fund”.
5. for clause 20 the following clause shall be substituted namely:-
20 Super annuation Pension
(1) Every employee shall be eligible for superannuation pension on attaining the age of superannuation.
(2) The maximum qualifying service that shall be counted for superannuation pension shall be thirty years.
(3) The rate of superannuation pension shall be reduced in proportion to the length of service provided that the minimum superannuation pension shall be five hundred rupees per mensum”.
6. in clause 21 for the words. “after completing a minimum of twenty years of qualifying service” the words” after completing a minimum of twenty years of qualifying service or on attaining the age of 50 years shall be substituted.
7 after clause 21 the following clause shall be inserted namely:-21 A Invalid Pension may be granted to an employee:
(a) who has rendered a minimum of one year of service and,
(b) who retired or relievent of form the service on or after 3.6.1993 on account of any bodily or mental infimity which permenently incapaciated him from continuing in the service.
(c) The minimum invalid pension shall be Rs. 500/-per mensum.
8. in clause 22-Sub clause (1)
(i) for the following sub clause shall be substituted, namely: The amount of pension other than family pension that may be granted shall be determined on the basis of lengthe of service and as calculated as follows:
Pension = A.P.x O.S.
AP = Average Pay
QS = No. of years of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 30 years”
(ii) the existion sub-clause (3) shall be omitted.
9. After clause 22, the following Clause shall be inserted, namely. “22A-Option for commutation:-An employee eligible for pension may, in lieu of pension normally admissible, opt to commute upto a maximum of 1/4th (one fourth) of his basic pension so as to receive commuted value of pension at the rate fixed by Government form time to time as applicable to government Employees.
10. in clause-23
(i) for sub clause (1), the following sub clause shall be substituted namely: (1) Pension shall be granted to the family of an employee who dies,
(a) while in service, or
(b) after his retirement where he was in receipt of a super annuation pension.
(ii) the Existing sub-clause (2) shall be omitted.
11. In clause 24,
(i) for sub-clause (1), the following sub clause shall be substituted, namely:”  (1) the rate of family pension, in case of an employee who dies while in service shall be at the proportion rate as would have been admissible had he retired from service on that date and it shall not be less than Rs. 500/-till the date he would have continued in service and afterwards, fifty per cent of pension subject to a minimum of Rs. 400/-
(ii) in sub clause (2) for the words “two hundred ruppes” the words “four hundred rupees” shall be substituted.
(iii) the existing sub-clause (4) shall be omitted.
12. For Clause 31, the following clause shall be substituted, namely:
“31 Deposit of Pension Fund
All moneys belonging to the Pension Fund shall be deopsited in the accounts opend in the name of the secretary of the Board, in it branches of the Kerala State Co-operative Bank or District Co-operative Bank of the district concemed.
13. For Sub clause (1) of clause 33, the following proviso shall be added, namely.
“Provided that any person found to be ineligible for pension, for any reason, the amount deposited on his behalf shall be refunded to the society concerned”.
By order of the Governor
K.J. Mathew
Principal Secretary to Government
Co-operation (B) Department
G.O.(P) No. 35/2001/Co-op                     Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 12-2-2001
S.R.O.No.    /2001:- whereas, Under-section (i) of section 59 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) a, society shall not make loan to any person or a society other than a member.
And whereas, the Ernakulam Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd. No.E. 87 and other similar primary co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Banks have resolved to exempt them from the provisions of section 59 of the said Act for the purpose of enabling the Banks to grant loan,  to its employees for the construction of new house, repair of house on the terms and conditions of the Employees of Primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks are not members of the primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks.
Andwhereas, the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, has requested to the government to exempt the primary co-operative agriculture and Rural Development Banks from the provision of sub section (1) of section 59 of the said Act ofr the limited purpose, enabling them to provide Housing loan to its employees subject to the terms and conditions after making sub rules by each of such primary Co-operative  Agricultural and Rural Development Banks.
And Whereas, Government are satisfied that it is necessary in public interest of exempt the primary Co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Bank from the provisions of sub section (1) of section 59 of the said Act for the said purpose.
NOW THERE FORE, in exercise of powers conferred by section 101 of kerala co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (act 21 0f 1969) the government of kerala hereby exempt the primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank from the provision of sub-section (1) of section 59 of the said Act for the limited purpose of of enabling the said primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank from the provision of sub-section (i) of section 59 of the said Act for the limited purpose of enabling the said primary co-operative Agricultural and rural development bank top provide housing loan facility to its employees without prejudicing the interest of the member Agriculturals and by making sub rules by each of the primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank with specification of in terms and conditions that the rate of interest of the loan shall be 10.5% per annum or the rate of interest charged by the Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Bank on the funds advanced by them for the purpose whichever is higher from time to time and that the loan shall be repayable in equated monthly instalment comprising principal and interest  calculated on a monthly reducing balance method and that the maximum amount of the loan shall be limited to Rs. 2 lakhs only (Rupees two lakhs only) for construction of new house and Rs. 40,000/0 (Rupees forty thousand only) for repairs.
By Order of the Governor
V.G. Indira Bai Amma
Joint Secretary to Government
(This does not form part of the notification but is intended to indicate its general purport)
The Ernakulam primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural development Bank Ltd. No. E. 80 and same other similar primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks in Kerala have resolved to exempt them from the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 59 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) for the purpose of enabling them to provide housing loan to its employee. The employee of primary co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Banks are  not the members of the primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks. Sub Section (1) of section 59 of kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969 does not permit granting of loan by the Society/Bank to a non member. The Registrar of Co-operative Societies Kerala has recommended to exempt the primary co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank from the above provision so as to enable them to provide housing loan to its employees. Government consider it necessary, in public interest, to exempt these Banks / societies from the provisions of Sub-section (1) of section 59 of the said Act, for the above purpose.
No.CB (2) 36289/99                   Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                     Thiruvananthapuram. Dated  5-1-2001
CIRCULAR No. 01/2001
Sub :- Co-op. Department - Rates of interest on deposits accepted by Co-op. Credit institutions not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) revised - Instructions issued - Regarding
Ref :- Circular No. 31/99 dated 28.8.99, Circular No. 16/2000 dated 7-4-2000
In the Circulars cited, instructions were issued for fixing the maximum rate of interest payable on deposits accepted by Co-op. Credit institutions not coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies).
Now it has been decided to recommend in the Central Bank Conference held on 2.1.2001 to enhance the rate of interest related to the Co-operative Bank in connection with the ensuing Deposit Mobilisation Campaign. The Kerala State Co-operative bank is also seriously considering to enhance the interest rates related to the Banks coming under the Banking Regulation Act.
The rates of interest payable on deposits accepted by the primary Co-op: Credit Institutions not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) are being fixed by tge Registrar of Co-op. Societies and it has become imperative to refix the interest rates.
In the above circumstances the  rate of interest payable on deposits accepted by the Co-op: Credit Institutions not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 (As Applicable to Co-operative societies) are revised suitably. Therefore the rates of interest are refixed for different maturity of deposits accepted by the Co-op: Credit Institutions, not coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act 1949 (PACS) as detailed below. Based on the consensus of opinion arrived on this issue the Urban Co-op: Banks may also refix the rates of interest on deposits accepted by them not exceeding the following rates, strictly on the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India in this regard.
                        Period of fixed Deposits                                         Interest rates
1. Fixed Deposits for 15 days and above but not exceeding 29 days               5.5%
2. Fixed Deposits for 30 days and above but not exceeding 45 days               7.5%
3. Fixed Deposits for 46 days and above but not exceeding 90 days               8.5%
4. Fixed Deposits for 91 days and above but not exceeding 179 days             10%
5. Fixed Deposits for 180 days and above but not exceeding 1 year                10.5%
6. Fixed Deposits for 1 year and above but not exceeding 2 years                   11%
7. Fixed Deposits 2 years and above but not exceeding 3 years                       11.5%
8. Fixed Deposits for 3 years and above.                                                                                              12%
The above rates shall be applicable only to the deposits accepted or renewed on or offer 5.1.2001. The other terms and conditions in accepting, or renewing deposits will be the same as was stipulated earlier by Registrar of Co-op. Societies.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. G (2) 49534/2000                 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                     Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 16-1-2001
Sub :- General permission to all Primary Co-operative Societies in Kozhikode District for taking shares in E.M.S. Memorial Co-operative Hospital and Research Centre Limited D 2708 regarding
Ref :- 1. Resolution No. 4 dated 14.10.2000 of the Board of Directors of the E.M.S. Memorial Co-operative Hospital and Research Centre Limited D. 2708, Perambra
2. Government Endt. No. 1290/C/2000/M (E&C) dated 13.12.2000
As per resolution No.4 dated 14.10.2000 of the Board of Directors of the E.M.S. Memorial Co-operative Hospital and Research Centre Limited no. D. 2708, has requested to accord permissive sanction to all primary Co-operative institutions in the Kozhikode District for taking shares in the E.M.S. Memorial Co-operative Hospitaland Research Centre Limited No.D 2708, Perambra. Hon’able Minister for Co-operation had directed the Registrar of Co-operative Societies in the Kozhikode District for taking shares in the former society.
The president of the society has reported that for the smooth functioning of the society, raising of finance is imperative. In this circumstances all primary co-operative Societies in the Kozhikode District under this Department are permitted to take share in E.M.S. Memorial Co-operative Hospital and Research Centre Limited D 2708, Perambra under section 57(1) of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À: Fw.]n. (6) 32338/2000                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,                                              Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 19-11-2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À  3/2001
hnjbw : Xm§phne A\pkcn¨pff sIm{] kw`cWw- A]mIXIÄ ]cnlcn¡p¶Xn\pff \nÀt±iw
kqN\ :-
kwØm\¯nse Nne klIcW kwL§Ä AhcpsS {]hÀ¯\taJebv¡p ]pd¯p\n¶pw kÀ¡mÀ {]Jym]n¨n«pff Xm§phne¡v sIm{] kw`cn¨p hcp¶Xmbn kÀ¡mcns³d {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p. CXp \nehn sIm{] kw`cn¡p¶ CXc klIcW kwL§fpsS {]hÀ¯\¯n\p hnLmXw kyjvSn¡p¶Xmbpw \nehnepff \nÀt±i§Ä¡p hncp²hpamWv. kpKaamb sIm{] kw`cW¯n\v C¯cw {]hÀ¯\§Ä sshjayw kyjvSn¡p¶Xn kwL§Ä AhcpsS {]hÀ¯\ ]cn[nbv¡pffn \n¶p am{Xw sIm{] kw`cnt¡­XmWv. CXn\p hncp²ambn GsX¦nepw kwL§Ä {]hÀ¯n¡p¶Xmbm Cu \S]Sn Kuchambn ho£n¡p¶Xpw --_Ôs¸«hÀs¡Xnsc IÀi\ \S]Sn kzoIcn¡p¶XpamWv F¶v Adnbn¨psImffp¶p.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
No. CB (1) 33540/2000              Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 30.1.2001
Sub : Co-operative Department-Unauthorised investment of funds by Urban Co-operative Banks, in commercial Banks-in structons regarding.
Ref : 1) This office circular No. 44/91 and 5/95
2) This office Letter No. Cb (1) 15856/2000 dated 6-6-2000
3) This office Lr. No. CB (1) 33540/2000 dated 16-8-2000
4) This office circular No. 54/2000 dated 29-12-2000
In the Circular 4th cited all the Primary Agriculatural  Credit Societies and District Co-operative Banks were directed not to invest their funds with commercial Banks without prior permission of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. They were also instructor to withdraw the deposies already made, from such banks on maturity of the deposit and the amount to be deposited in District Co-operative Banks and Kerala State Co-operative Banks as the case may be, werein the Central Co-operative Banks were erroneously anitted. so it is airectea that the Circular No. 54/2000 dated 29-12-2000 is applicable to all the Urban Co-operative Banks also and they shall follow the instructions and directions contained in it strictly.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. MT (1) 3051/2001                Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 30.1.2001
Sub : Co-operative Department-Kollam District Co-operative Hospital Society Ltd. No. Q. 952 taking shares
Ref : Resolution No. 2 dtd. 7-11-2000 of the Board of Directors of the Kollam District Co-operative Hospital Society Ltd. Q. 952
As per resolution cited above the kollam District Co-operative Hospital Society Ltd. Q. 952 has requested to issue necessary permission to all Co-operative Societies in the state to take share in the Kollam District Co-operative Hospital Society Ltd. Q. 952. As per clause 4(b) (ii) of the byelaws of the above society, all Co-operative institutions may subscribe Institutional shares.
According to sn 57(C) of the KCS Act, Co-operative Societies can invest in the shares or securities of any other society approved for the purpose by the Registrar. The proposal was examined in detail with reference to the provisions of the KCS Act. The Joint Registrar (General) Kollam has also recommended the proposal.
In the circumstances all the Co-operative Societies in the Kollam District coming under the administrative control of this Department are permitted to take share in the Kollam District Co-operative Hospital Society Ltd. No. Q. 952 Mulluvila, Kollam subject to their bye-law provisions and board resolution of the society.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
Pn1/4575/2001                                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 6-2-2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 8/2001
hnjbw : klIcW hIp¸v KpPdm¯nse `qI¼ ZpcnXmizmkw klIcW Øm]\§Ä kw`mh\ sN¿p¶Xn\v A\paXn ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
klIcWhIp¸ns³d `cW\nb{´W¯nepff kwØm\s¯ FÃm Øm]\§sfbpw, KpPdm¯nse `qI¼ XpcnXmizmk {]hÀ¯\¯n\v th­n cq]oIcn¨ cPnkv{SmdpsS KpPdm¯v Unkv{Skv dneo^v ^­nte¡v DZmcambn kw`mh\ sN¿m³ CXn\mbn A\phmZw \ÂIp¶p.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À kn.Fkv 3 /551/2001                  klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 6-2-2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 9/2001
hnjbw : klIcWw- \oXn tÌmdpIfpsS \jvSw Hgnhm¡p¶Xn\pw {]hÀ¯\w em`Icam¡p¶Xn\papff \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kqN\ : 22-1-02se -_lpam\s¸« hnZypÑIvXn/klIcWa{´nbpsS tNw_dn \S¶ kt½f\ Xocpam\w.
kwØm\¯v {]hÀ¯n¨p hcp¶ \oXntÌmdpIfn \sÃmcp hn`mKw \jvS¯nemWv F¶v \oXntÌmdns³d kwØm\ Xe I½Án hnebncp¯n. AXmbXv A\phZn¨ 1067 tÌmdpIfn 855 am{Xsa {]hÀ¯n¡p¶pffp F¶pw AXn 212 F®w \ã¯nemsW¶pw kwØm\Xe I½Án tbmKw Is­¯n. CXv kwLw§fpsS {]hÀ¯\ tijnsb {]XnIqeambn _m[n¡psa¶Xn\m \jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ \oXntÌmdpIsf IqSn \jvSw \nI¯n, em`¯n {]hÀ¯nt¡­Xv Bhiysa¶v ImWp¶p. 22-1-2001 _lpam\s¸« klIcW hIp¸v a{´nbpsS tNw_dn h¨v \S¯p¶ \oXntÌmdpIfpsS \S¯n¸ns\¡pdn¨v tbmK¯n C¡mcyw NÀ¨ sN¿pIbp­mbn BbXns³d ASnØm\¯n Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
\oXn tÌmdpIÄ/saUn¡Â tÌmdpIÄ \S¯ {]mYanI kwL§fpsS tbmKw FÃm Xmeq¡nepw amkw tXmdpw Akn̳dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) hnfn¨p Iqt«­Xpw, {]tXyIn¨v \jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ \oXn tÌmdpIfpsSbpw  saUn¡Â tÌmdpIfpsSbpw ]cmPbImcW§Ä Is­¯n em`¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ \oXn tÌmdpIfpambn XmcXay]T\w \S¯n em`IcamIp¶Xn\pff ASnb´nc \S]SnIÄ kzoIcnt¡­XmWv. C{]Imcw hnfn¨p Iq«p¶ tbmK¯n kwL¯ns³d NpaXebpff bqWnÁv C³kvs]IvSdpsS km¶n²yw Dd¸mt¡­XmWv. C{]Imcw Xmeq¡v Xe¯n \S¯p¶ tbmKXocpam\§Ä PnÃm tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ AhtemI\w \S¯n cPnkv{SmÀ¡v kaÀ¸nt¡­XmWv. FÃm tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\d amcpw {]kvXpX BZy dnt¸mÀ«v Cu amkw 28-2-2001\v ap³]v Cu B^oknte¡v Ab¨pXtc­XmWv) IqSmsX \jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ \oXn tÌmÀ/ \oXn saUn¡Â tÌmÀ F¶nh Hmtcm amkmhkm\ ]ptcmKXn ASp¯ amkw apX 10\v ap³]v cPnkv{Smsd tcJmaqew Adnbnt¡­XmWv. Kh¬sa³dn \n¶pw [\klmbw e`n¨ tijw {]hÀ¯n¡m¯ \oXn kvtÁmdpIÄ {]hÀ¯n¡m\pff \S]Sn DSs\ FSpt¡­XmWv.
IqSmsX kwL§Ä \oXntÌmdnt³dbpw, \oXnsaUn¡Â tÌmdns³dbpw C³U³dpIÄ I¬kyqaÀ s^Utdj³ \ÂIpt¼mÄ Bhiy¯n\pff acp¶pIÄ thK¯n hnÁgn¡m³ Ignbp¶Xv, tÌm¡v Ccn¸v F¶nh {]tXyIw t\m¡nbXmtWm C³U³dv \ÂIp¶sX¶v kwL¯nse I½Ántbm/sk{I«dntbm {]tXyIw {i²nt¡­XmWv. \oXntÌmdns³d \jvSw tÌm¡v Ipdhv t]mepff A]mIXIÄ, _Ôs¸« C³kvs]IvSÀamcpw kwLw I½Ánbpw ImemIme§fn ]cntim[n¡pIbpw IqSmsX hogvNIfn\vta IyXyamb D¯chmZnXzw Npa¯n kwL¯n\p­mb \jvSw D¯chmZnIfn \n¶pw ImemIme§fn CuSm¡p¶pt­m F¶v Akn̳dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) ]cntim[nt¡­Xpw P\d tPmbn³dv cPnkv{Smsd Adnbnt¡­XmWv. CXn\v hogvN hcp¯p¶ Dt±mKkvY·mcpsS t]cn tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) IÀi\ \S]Sn FSpt¡­XmWv.
IqSmsX Nne kwL§Ä icnbmb coXnbn C³U³dv  \ÂImsX ]pd¯p¶n¶pw acp¶pw, \oXntÌmÀ km[\§fpw hm§p¶Xmbn I½ÁnbpsS {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p. C³U³dv IyXyambpw \ÂIn s^Utdj\n \n¶pw \nivNnX kab¯n\Iw e`n¡p¶nsæn kwLw Akn̳dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) Adnbnt¡­pw AhÀ s^Utdjs³d amt\PnwKv UbdIvSsdtbm/ _nkn\Êv amt\Psctbm DS³ Adnbn¨v ]cnlmcw t\tS­XpamWv. kwL§Ä Kh¬sa³dn \n¶pw [\klmbw e`n¨ tijw ]pd¯p \n¶pw km[\§Ä hm§n \oXntÌmdns³d e£y§Ä¡v hncp²ambn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶Xmbn ImWp¶p. \oXntÌmdpIÄ ]pd¯p \n¶pw km[\§Ä hm§p¶Xn\pw IÀi\ambn XStb­XmWv.
IqSmsX kwLw km[\§Ä hm§pt¼mÄ s^Utdj\v \ÂIphm\pff  XpI, ImeXmakw hcp¯msX \ÂIp¶ps­¶v _Ôs¸« AknkvÁ³dv cPnkv{SmÀ/tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) Dd¸v hcpt¯­XmWv. CXns³d ASnØm\¯n FÃm tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) \oXn kvtÁmÀ/ saUn¡Â kvtÁmÀ \S¯p¶ kwL§fpsS Hmtcm {]Xn\n[nIsfbpw PnÃm Xe I½ÁnbpsS AwK§Ä DÄs¸sS Hcp ASnb´nc tbmKw hnfn¨p Iq«n \S]Sn hnebncpt¯­XmWv. IqSmsX Xmeq¡v Xe¯nepw PnÃmXe¯nepw Dff tbmK¯n s^Utdjs³d {]Xn\n[n IqSn \nivNbambpw ]s¦Spt¡­XmWv. {]kvXpX tbmK¯n ]s¦Sp¡p¶Xmbn hnhcw cPnkv{Smsdbpw s^Utdjs\bpw hnhcw 5 Znhkw ap³Iq«n I¯v {]Imchpw t^m¬ apJm´nchpw Adnbnt¡­XmWv.FÃm tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw \oXn kvtÁmÀ/saUn¡Â kwL§fpw BZytbmKw, \jvSw hnebncp¯epw Cu amkw Xs¶ \St¯­XmWv. Cu kÀ¡peÀ ssI¸Ánb hnhcw FÃm tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\À) epw kÀ¡peÀ ssI¸Án 2 Znhk¯n\Iw Adnbnt¡­Xpw kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±iw IÀi\ambn ]men¡p¶p F¶v Dd¸v hcpt¯­XpamWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

No.ADI (5) 50038/99                             Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated  8-2-2001
Circular No. 11/2001
Sub : Execution petitions - Collection of fee for execution of decisions, awards, decrees, orders - revision of rates - Regarding
Ref : This office circular No.8/95 dated 10-4-1995
In Supersession of the Orders read as 1st above and in exercise of the powers conferred under Sub Rule (2) of Rule 74 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, 1969, the Registrar of Co-op: Societies, prescribes the revised fees for the various services under execution of decisions, awards, decrees or orders etc.
            (1) Execution petitions fee                                        Rs        Ps
1. If the value of the subject
Matter is less than Rs.500/-                                                              10        00
2. If the value of Rs. 500/- and above                                  30        00
(2) Fee for notice or summons
i) When sent by Registered post                               Actual cost
ii) When served by an Officer of the depurchased
for the first person in the same village                                  6         00
iii) For every addition person in the same
village if the process be applied for in the time                    4         00
3) Attachment fee per car                                         30        00
4) Sale Fee                                                                  30        00
5) Objection Fee                                                        20        00
6) Attachment before Judgement                            50        00
The above revised rates will come into force with effect from 8-2-2001.
Dharam Veer
Registrar  of  Co-operative Societies
No. G (1) 4973/2001                    Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Socieies,
                                                     Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 28.2.2001
CIRCULAR NO. 13/2001
Sub : Co-operation Department-Sisodia Educational, Medical & Charitable Society, Alappuzha - Free Cancer Centre and Pain & Palliative Care Unit-Donation from Co-operative Societies in Alappuzha District-permission issued - regarding
The Co-operative Institutions in Alappuzha District coming under the administrative control of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies are permitted to contribute for the above cause from out of their common Good Fund created under section 56(2) (d) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act of 1969. The Joint Registrar General Alappuzha is requested to bring the contents of the circular to the notice of all co-operative under his control suitably.
Dharam Veer
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À C.Fw. 2 /47803/2000           klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw XobXn 30-3-01
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 16/2001
hnjbw : klIcW Øm]\§fpsS ¢mkv amÁw- ¢mkn^nt¡j³ Xmgpt¼mÄ i¼f \nÀ®bw kw-_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1) Cu B^oknse 18-2-88se  10/88-mw \¼À
2) Cu B^oknse 22-12-88se 46/88-mw \w¼À kÀ¡peÀ
kqN\ kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw klIcW Øm]\§fpsS ¢mkn^nt¡j³ Xmgv¶ ¢mkn \n¶v DbÀ¶ ¢mknte¡v amdpt¼mÄ i¼f \nÀ®bw \S¯p¶Xv  kw_Ôn¨v amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¨n«p­v. F¶m Hcp klIcW Øm]\w DbÀ¶ ¢mkn \n¶pw Xmgv¶ ¢mknte¡v amdpwt]mÄ Poh\ImcpsS i¼fw \nÀ®bn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v hyàamb \nÀt±i§sfm¶pw ]pds¸Sphn¨n«nÃ. C¡mcy¯n s]mXphmb Hcp amÀK\nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¡sa¶v PnÃIfn \n¶pw  tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ At]£n¨n«p­v. BbXn\m {]Imcw DbÀ¶ ¢mknÂ\n¶pw Xmgv¶ ¢mknte¡v kwLw amdpt¼mÄ Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fw F§s\ \nÀ®bn¡Wsa¶Xns\ kw_Ôn¨ am\ZÞ§Ä NphsS tNÀ¡p¶p.
1. DbÀ¶ ¢mkn Poh\¡mc³ hm§nbn«pff ASnØm\ i_f¯n \n¶pw Ahkm\w hm§nb Hcp C³{Insaâv Ipdhv sN¿pI. C{]Imcw Ipdhv sNbvXp In«p¶ ASnØm\ i¼fw Xmgv¶ ¢mknse i¼f kvsIbn Hcp kvtÁPmsW¦n Sn kvtÁPnepw, kvtÁPnà F¦n sXm«p Xmgv¶ kvtÁPnepw i¼fw \nÀ®bnt¡­XmWv.
2. DbÀ¶ ¢mkn \n¶pw Xmgv¶ ¢mknte¡v amÁs¸Spt¼mÄ Xmgv¶ ¢mkn\v A\phZ\nbambhbn IqSpX {]mtamj³ XkvXnIIÄ hccpXv. Cu kµÀ`¯n XkvXnI¡\pkyXamb coXnbn Xs¶ Xcw Xmgv¯epIfpw \S¸m¡mw.
3. DZmlcWw:
(i) ¢mkv 1 kvs]j t{KUn DÄs¸«ncp¶ kwLw ¢mkv 1 te¡v Xmgpt¼mÄ sk{I«dnbpsS i¼f \nÀ®bw.
¢mkv 1 kvs]j t{KUv sk{I«dn XkvXnIbpsS i¼f kvsIbn ({]odnsshkvUv) cq]  2280-4060.   
1. 4.99 se ASnØm\ i¼fw                                2930
Hcp C³{Insaâv (DbÀ¶ ¢mkn hm§p¶Xn\v)             80
IpdhpsN¿pI                                                                                                ___
Ipdhp sNbvXp In«p¶ XpI                                         2850
¢mkv 1 kwL¯nse sk{I«dnbpsS i¼f kvsIbn 2100 -2700 cq] F¶XmWv. 2850/-- cq] Sn i¼f kvsIbn Hcp kvtÁPmbXn\m ASnØm\ i¼fw 2850 cq]bn {IaoIcWw.
(ii) 2280-4060- i¼f kvsIbn 1-4-99se ASnØm\ i¼fw    3940.00
Hcp C³{Insaâv (DbÀ¶ ¢mkn hm§nbncp¶Xv) Ipdhv sN¿pI. 120.00
Ipdhp sNbvXp In«p¶ XpI                                         3820.00
¢mkv 1 sk{I«dnbpsS i¼f kvsIbn cq. 2100- - 3700 BIp¶p. amIvkna¯nepw DbÀ¶ XpIbmWv DbÀ¶ ¢mknsem ASnØm\ i¼f¯n Hcp C³Insaâv Ipdhv sN¿pt¼mÄ In«nbn«pff XpIbmb 3820/ BnXn\m i¼f kvsIbnense amIvknaw XpIbmb 3700 t\mSpIqsS Hcp C³{Insaâv (ÌmKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv) Iq«n i¼fw \nÀ®bn¡Ww.
Xmgv¶ kvsIbnense amIvknaw XpI                                        3700.00
Hcp C³{Insaâ v (kvÁmKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv) Iq«pI              105.00
C{]Imcw i¼fw \nÀ®bn¡s¸Sp¶ Poh\¡mc\v c­v kvddmKvt\j³ C³{Insaâv IqSn AÀlX D­mbncn¡p¶XmWv.
4. C{]Imcw {]o dnsshkvUv kvsIbn ASnØm\ i¼fw Xn«s¸Sp¯nbXn\ptijw G.O.P. 47/2000 {]Imcw ]cnjvIcn¨ i¼f kvsIbne\pkcn¨v i¼fw \nÀ®bnt¡­XmWv. DbÀ¶ ¢mkn \n¶pw Xmgv¶ ¢mknte¡v kwLw amdpt¼mÄ Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fw ]p\À\nÀ®bn¡pt¼mÄ km[mcW KXnbn GXv XobXnbn hmÀjnI C³{Insaâv e`n¡pambncp¶pthm B XobXnbn Xs¶ XpSÀ¶pff C³{Insaâv e`n¡p¶XmWv.
5. taÂ]dª \nÀt±i§Ä FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fptSbpw  {i²bn sIm­phtc­Xpw \nÀt±i§Ä FÃm klIcW Øm]\§fpw IyXyambn ]men¡p¶pt­m F¶v Dd¸phcpt¯­XpamWv.
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ

BM (2) 12081/2001                    Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, dated 30-3-2001
CIRCULAR No. 17/2001
Sub : Kerala State Co-operative Employees Welfare Board - Monthly  statement of Employees Welfare Fund to be furnished by the District Co-operative Banks regarding
Read : Managing Committee of the Kerala State Co-operative Employees Board held on 27-3-2001
In the Managing Committee meeting of the Kerala State Co-operative Employees Welfare Board held on 27-3-2001 it was discussed that the statement of accounts in respect of the Welfare Fund contribution remitted by the District Co-operative Banks to the Welfare Board. Hence it is instructed that the monthly statements regarding the remittance of Welfare Fund by the societies should be forwarded to the Secretary of the Welfare before 10th of every month.
Dharam Veer
Registrar  of  Co-operative Societies
No. MT(2)2306/2001                  Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 30.1.2001
CIRCULAR NO. 19/2001
Sub :  Artisans Development Co-operative Limited 4429 permission from  Registrar of  Co-operative societies to collect shares from Co-operative Societies - orders issued - regarding
Ref :  1. Resolution No. 15 dated 3-10-2000 of the society
2. Letter N. CRS. 393/2001 dated 17.1.2001 of the Joint Registrar, Thiruvananthapuram.
In the resolution cited Ist above the Managing Committee of the Artisans Development Co-operative Limited 4429 has requested to issue necessary  permission to all co-operative Societies in the state to take share in the above society. As per clause 4(i)(d) of the byelaws of the above society all co-operative Institutions may subscribe share in the society.
According to Section 57(c) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 Co-operative Societies can invest in the shares or securities of any other Society approved for the purpose by the Registrar. The Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (General). Thiruvananthapuram has also recommended the proposal. The proposal was examined in detail with reference to the provisions of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act.
In the circumstances all the Co-operative Societies coming under the administrative Control of the Co-operative Department except those coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act are permitted to take shares in the Artisans Development Co-operative Society Limited No. 4429 subject to the bye-laws provisions and Board Resolutions of the Societies concerned.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. G(1) 36860/99                     Office of the Registrar Of Co-operative Societies,
                                                   Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 19-4-2001
Circular No. 20/2001
Sub: Co-operation-Department officers appointed as Part-time Administrators in Co-operative under section 32 and 33 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 - Rate of additional remuneration - revised - instruction issued
Ref :  1) This office Circular No. 40/75 dated 28.5.1975
2) This office Circular No. 14/86 dated 17.5.1986
3) G. O. (Rt) 73/86 dated 15.2.1986
4) G. O. (P) 1559/99/(26)/Fin dated 7.7.1999
5) G. O. (Rt) No. 525/2000/Co-op dated 22.11.2000
In the Circular first cited, guidelines were issued for the sanction of additional remuneration from Co-operative societies to the Departmental officers appointed as part-time Administrators in Co-operative Societies under section 32 and 33 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act. As per Circular 2nd cities, instruction were also issued with regard to the inspection of the societies managed by part-time administrators. Government vide G. O 5th cited, have revised the rate of charge allowance payable to part-time administrators appointed to manage the affairs of Co-operative Societies as 10% of the Basic Pay in the view of the G. O. (p) No. 1559/99/(26)/Fin. Dated 7.7.1999 subject to the conditions laid down in Rule 48 Part 1, Kerala Service Rules. Therefore, the Circular first cited is revised and the following instructions are issued accordingly.
1. The quantum of additional remuneration payable to Part-time Administrators appointed under Section 32 and 33 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act is to be fixed by the Registrar with reference to the financial position of the society/societies concerned and the extent of work of volume transaction.
2. Before  sanctioning the remuneration, an assessment of work done by the Administrator should be conducted. The following factors should also be taken into account for sanctioning additional remunerations
(i) Action takne by the Administrator for Collection of overdues.
(ii) Recovery of long, pending items of assets such as suspense items, value of deficit stock, objected payment etc.
(iii) Rectification of defects pointed out in the audit, inspection, supersession notice etc.
(iv) General Progress made by the society during the term of the Administrator and the General/Financial position of the societies
(v) Business tumover, increase in share capital, deposits etc.
3. No remuneration shall be paid in respect of the following types of societes.
(i) SC/St Co-operative Societies
(ii) Defunct Societies coming under Audit Classification ‘D’.
(iii) Societies with the working capital below 100,000/-
In respect of item (iii) remuneration may be allowed with the special sanction of the Registrar, taking into consideration of the man days spent, progress achieved during the period, nature of work and responsibilities etc.
4. Payment will be made only once in three months or after the entire period is over, whichever period is shorter.
5. The charge allowance payable to Part-time Administrators is limited to 10% of the Basic pay. This will be regulated as below.
i. Societes liable to pay Audit fee/Audit cost of Rs. 10,000 and above 10%.
ii. Societies liable to pay Audit fee/Audit cost of Rs. 5,000 and above out below Rs. 10,000 - 7%
iii. Other Societies liable to pay Audit Fee/Audit Cost below Rs. 5,000-5%
6. If the same officer functions as administrator in more than one societies, the total remuneration payable by all the societies together will be subject to a maximum of 10 percent of the basic pay and it shall be appropriated among the societies concerned on the basis of their working capital/business turnover.
7. For the purpose of the calculation of remuneration 15 days and above will be treated as onemonth and below 15 days willbe ignored.
8. On the basis of Government order 3rd cited, the above remuneration shall be sanctioned by the joint Registrar (General) of the districts concerned.
9. The charge of rates shall come into force with effect from 1.3.97 However, there shall be no recovery of charge allowance already paid at the pre revised rates.
10. All Societies managed by the Administrator/Administrators shall be inspected by the Assistant Registrars (General) Joint Registrar (General) at least once in three months and immediately after the period of Administrator is over and the societies where Assistant Registrars are working as Administrators inspection shall be conducted by the Joint Registrar (General) or any other authorised by him officer.
11. All joint Registrars are directed to comply with the above instructions strictly and also bring the contents of this circular to the notice or their subordinate officers concerned for strict complaince.
Dharam Veer
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. MT (3) 46675/2000              Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 27.4.2001
CIRCULAR NO. 21/2001
Sub : Mobilisation of finance for CAPE - contribution from common Good Fund permission to all Co-operative in the state regarding
Ref : Lr. No.A7/CAPE/3686/ dated 25.11.2000 of the CAPE director
As per the reference dated the Director of Co-operative Academy of professional Education has requested to give permission to all Co-operative institutions in the State to contribute the maximum possible amounts from their common Good Fund to the Co-operative Accademy of porofessional Education.
As per section 56(2)(d) of KCS Act 1969 a Society may utilise an amount not exceeding ten percent of the net profit for any charitable purpose. Co-operative Accademy of Professional Education is a society registered under Travancore Cochin Literacy societies and Charitable Societies Act.
In the circumstances mentioned above permissive sanction is here by accorded to all Co-operative institutions in the state which are coming under the administrative control of Registrar of Co-operative to contribute maximum possible amounts under Section 56 (2) (d) of the KCS Act, 1969 from their “Common Good Fund” to the Co-operative Accademy of professional Education.
Dharam Veer
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À C.Fw.(2) 40253/2000               klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw XnbXn 5.7.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 23/2001
hnjbw : {]mYanI klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼f ]cnjvIcWw 1.4.99 \p tijw DtZymK¡bddw  e`n¨n«pff Poh\¡mcpsS i¼f \nÀ®bw kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. Pn.H.(]n) 47/2000 XnbXn 22.3.2000
2. kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 31/2000 XnbXn 13.6.2000
3. kÀ¡mcnsâ 20.4.2001 se 1491/kn 3/2001 kl \¼À I¯v
kqN\ H¶nse Pn.H. {]Imcw {]mYanI klIcW kwLw Poh\¡mcpsS i¼fw 1.4.99 apX ]cnjv¡cn¨v D¯chmbn«p­v. i¼f \nÀ®b¯n\pff amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä kqN\ 2 kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw ]pds¸Sphn¨n«p­v. Sn kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw 1.4.99t\m AXn\ptijtam Dff Dt±ymK¡bdd§Ä ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbnen \S¶Xmbn IW¡mt¡­XmsW¶v \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. C{]Imcw i¼f \nÀ®bw \S¯pt¼mÄ 1.4.99\p tijw Dt±mK¡bddw e`n¨ Poh\¡mÀ¡v B\pIqey§Ä \jvSs¸Sp¶p F¶ ]cmXnbpsS ASnØm\¯n 1.4.99\p tijw {]tamj³ e`n¨ Poh\¡mÀ¡v Pn.H.]n. \¼À 3000/99 ^n³ XnbXn 25.11.98 sâ A\IvkÀ 3 ]mc 7  \nÀt±in¨n«pff {]Imcw i¼fw \nÀ®bn¨v \ÂIp¶Xn\mhiyamb \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xn\v kqN\ (3) {]Imcw kÀ¡mcn \n¶pw \nÀt±in¨n«pffXnsâ ASnØ\¯n Xmsg]dbpw {]Imcw \nÀt±iw ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
1.4.99 \pw 22.3.2000\pw CSbnepff XnbXnIfn (c­p XnbXnbpw DÄs¸sS) Dt±mK¡bddw e`n¨n«pff Poh\¡mÀ¡v s{]mtamj³ XkvXnIIfpsS {]odnsshkvUv kvsIbnen i¼fw \nÀ®bn¨v \ÂtI­XmWv. Poh\¡mc\v ]pXnb i¼f kvsIbnente¡v Hm]vj³ \ÂImhp¶Xpw, Hm]vj³ XnbXnbn dnsshkvUv kvsIbnen i¼fw \nÀ®bn¨v  \ÂImhp¶XpamsW¶v \nÀt±in¡p¶p.Cu B\pIqeyw 1.4.99\pw 22.3.2000\pw CSbn {]tamj³ e`n¨hÀ¡p am{Xambn \nPs¸Sp¯nbncn¡p¶p.
tUm.sI Cft¦mh³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À Fw.]n. (2) 23738/2000             klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 16.6.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 24/2001
hnjbw : klIcW hIp¸v {]mYanI amÀ¡ÁnwKv klIcW kwL§fnse `cWkanXn AwK§fpsS bm{Xm_¯, Zn\_¯ knÁnwKv ^o, {]knUânsâ tlmWtddnbw F¶nh ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨ D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
kqN\ : 1 hnhn[ amÀ¡ddnwKv klIcW kwL§fnse {]knUâpamcn \n¶pw‑ e`n¨ \nthZ\§Ä
2. Cu B^oknse 1.6.95-mw XnbXnbnse 10/95-mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
3. Cu Hm^oknse 3.6.95-mw  XnbXnbnse 11/95-mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
{]mYanI amÀ¡ÁnwKv klIcW kwL§nse `cWkanXn AwK§Ä¡v \nehn A\phZn¡s¸«n«pff knÁnwKv ^okpw {]knUân\pff tlmWtÁnbw ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¡Wsa¶v Bhiys¸«psIm­v kqN\ {]Imcw \nthZ\§Ä e`n¡pIbp­mbn. \thZ\¯n ]dbp¶ Imcy§Ä hniZambn ]chtim[n¡pIbpw {]mYanI hn]W\ klIcW kwL§fnse FÃm ¢mkpIfnepws]« kwL§fnse {]knUâpamÀ¡v tlmWtddnbw A\phZn¡p¶Xv AXmXp kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI ØnXnb\pkcn¨v KpWIcambncn¡nsöv hnebncp¯pIbmWv sNbvXn«pffXv. F¶m kqN\ 2.3 {]Imcw A\phZn¨ \nc¡pIÄ hÀj§Ä¡p ap¼v A\phZn¨XmsW¶Xv IW¡nseSp¯pw BbXv ]pXp¡n \nÝbnt¡­XmsW¶v t_m²yw h¶Xn\m {]mYanI amÀ¡ÁnwKv klIcW kwL§fpsS `cWkanXn AwK§Ä¡pff knÁnwKv ^okv, tlmWtddnbw F¶nh Xmsg ]dbp¶ {]Imcw ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨psIm­v D¯chv \evIp¶p.
        ¢mkv                                          knÁnwKv ^okv        tlmWtddnbw
klIcW kwLw \nba¯nse
80 -mw hIp¸pw N«w 182 Dw A\pkcn¨v
                1                               125-/ cq]       1250/ cq]
                2                               100/ cq]      
                3                               90/ cq]      
                4                               70/ cq]      
Hmtcm kwLhpw N«w 48D]N«w 8 A\pimkn¡p¶ {]Imcw kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI  tijn IW¡nseSp¯v ta ]dª \nc¡pIfn IhnbmsXbpff knÁnwKv ^okpw tlmWtddnbw \nÝbn¨v \nbamhenbn t`ZKXn hcpt¯­XmWv.
tUm.sI. Cft¦mh³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À Fw.]n.(2) 23738/2000            klIcWkwLw cPnkvddmÀ Hm^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 16.6.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 26/2001
hnjbw : klIcW hIp¸v- {]mYanI amÀ¡ddnwKv klIcW kwL§fnse `cW kanXn AwK§fpsS bm{X_¯, Zn\_¯, knddnwKv ^o, {]knUânsâ tlmWtddnbw F¶nh ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨v D¯chv ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p
kqN\ : 1. hnhn[ amÀ¡ddnwKv klIcW kwL§fnse {]knUâpamcn \n¶pw e`n¨ \nthZ\§Ä
2. Cu B^oknse 16.95 mw XnbXnbnse 10/95 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
3. Cu B^oknse 3.6.95 mw XnbXnbnse 11/95 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
{]mYanI amÀ¡ddnw§v klIcW kwL§fnse `cWkanXn AwK§Ä¡v \nehn A\phZn¡s¸«pff knddnwKv ^okpw {]knUân\pff tlmWtddnbhpw ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¡Wsa¶v Bhiys¸«psIm­v  kqN\ {]Imcw \nthZ\§Ä e`n¡pIbp­mbn. \nthZ\¯n ]dbp¶ Imcy§Ä hniZambn ]cntim[n¡pIbpw {]mYanI hn]W\ klIcW kwL§fnse FÃm ¢mÊpIfnepw s]« kwL§fnse {]knUâpamÀ¡v tlmWtddnbw A\phZn¡p¶ AXmXp kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI ØnXnb\pkcn¨v  KpWIcambncn¡nsöv hnebncp¯epIÄ sNbvXn«pffXv. F¶m kqN\ 2.3 {]Imcw A\ph[Zn¨ \nc¡pIÄ hÀj§Ä¡pap³]v A\phZn¨XmsW¶Xv IW¡nseSp¯pw BbXv ]pXp¡n \nÝbnt¡­XmsW¶ t_m±yw h¶Xn\m {]mYanI amÀ¡ddnwKv klIcW kwL§fpsS `cW kanXn AwK§Ä¡pff knddnwKv ^okv, tlmWtddnbw F¶nh Xmsg ]dbp¶ {]Imcw ]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨p sIm­v D¯chp \evIp¶p.
        ¢mkv                                          knÁnwKv ^okv        tlmWtddnbw
klIcW kwLw \nba¯nse
80 -mw hIp¸pw N«w 182 Dw A\pkcn¨v
                1                               125/cq]                1250/cq]
                2                               100/cq]                 
                3                               90/cq]        
                4                               70/cq]        
Hmtcm kwLhpw N«w 48 D]N«w 5  A\pimkn¡p¶ {]Imcw kwL§fpsS km¼¯nI tijn IW¡nseSp¯v ta ]dª \nc¡pIfn IhnbmsXbpff knddnwKv ^okpw tlmWtddnbw \nÝbn¨ \nbamhenbn t`ZKXn hcpt¯­XmWv.
tUm.sI Cft¦mh³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\w: kn._n.(2) 23711/2001                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 5.7.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 27/2001
hnjbw : klIcWw klIcW kwL§Ä kzoIcn¨n«pff P]vXn \S]SnIÄ 2001 Pqsse BKkvddv amk§fn \nÀ¯nshbv¡p¶Xv kw_\v[n¨v.
kqN\ : klIcW (_n) hIp¸v 5.7.2001 1/2001/ kl. Bbn ]pds¸Sphn¨ kÀ¡peÀ
ImÀjntIm¸¶§fpsS hne XIÀ¨ aqew ImÀjnI tIcfw {]Xnk\v[nbnemWv. IÀjIÀ¡v AhcpsS Iyjn sNehpIÄt¡m, hfw, IoS\min\n F¶nh hm§p¶Xn\pt]meptam ]WanÃmsX _p²nap«pIbmWv F¶v {i²bn s]«ncn¡p¶p. Pq¬, Pqembv amk§fn kv¡qÄ, tImsfPv AUvanj\pIfpw BKkvddv amks¯ HmWhpw kmam\y P\§fpsS km¼¯nI ØnXnsb BsI _m[n¨ncn¡pIbmWv. Cu kmlNcy¯n km¼¯nIambn _p²nap«\p`hn¡p¶ Iyjn¡mÀ¡pw km[mcW¡mÀ¡pw Bizmkw \ÂtI­XmWv F¶v t_m²yambncn¡p¶p.
Cu kmlNcy¯n klIcW Øm]\§Ä kzoIcn¨n«pff FÃm P]vXn \S]SnIfpw 2001 Pqembv BKkvddv amk§fn \nÀ¯n shbvt¡­XmsW¶v \nÀt±in¡p¶p.
tUm. sI Cft¦mh³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
MT (1) 42410/99                         Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                     Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 11.7.2001
Circular No. 28/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department-Co-operative Hospitals in Kerala  Operation of X-rays machines by insufficiently trained technologies regarding
Ref :  1. Letter N. DRS/Co-op. Hospitals/99/01 dated 6.7.99 of the Director of Radiation Safety
2. This Office letter No. MT (1) 30383/99 dated 26.7.99
3. G. O. (Rt) 248/Co-op. Dated 19.5.2001
Director of Radiation safety vide letter 1st cited has informed that X-Ray machines can be operated for diagnostic purposes only by the technologist who have adequate training in alll aspects related to those fields and whose qualifications are approved for the same. Government of Kerala and Kerala Public Service Commission have approved Diploma in Radiological Technology (DRT) (earlier CRA) course conducted by the Directorate of Medical Education for appointments as X-Ray Technologist or Radiographers. Direction of Radiation safety has also pointed that section 10.10 of Atomic Energy regulatory Board Code cited above states “Any person who contravenes the provisions of Radiation protection Rules 1971 elaborated in this code of any other terms or conditions of certification granted to him by the competent, authority is punishable under section 24. Section 25 and Section 26 of the Atomic Energy Act 1962. The punishment may include imprisonment or fines or both”.
Director has also requested Registrar of Co-operative Societies to direct all the Co-operative Hospitals to ensure that the technologist who actually handle X-ray machines posses the Government approved qualifications mentioned earlier and asked Registrar of Co-operative Societies to take urgent steps to relieve the existing “Radiographers” who do not possess the approved qualification and re-deploy them if possible in other jobs and take necessary urgent steps to appoint X -ray Technologist/Radiographers with Government approved qualification.
Accordingly copies of the reference letter 1st cited were send to all Co-operative Hospitals in Kerala for compliance. Government in G. O Third cited asked Registrar of Co-op. Societies of direct the Co-operative Hospital Societies to re-deploy the radiographers/X-ray Technologist who do not possess the Government approved qualification 1 suitable posts.
Hence all Co-operative Hospital in the state are directed to  ensure that the technologist who actually handle X-ray machines possess the Government approved qualification mentioned earlier and re-deploy the existing Radiographers who do not possess the approved qualification in suitable posts by giving them all legal protection.
For Registrar of Co-operative Societies
No. ADL (3) 36301/2000           Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 24.7.2001
CIRCULAR NO. 29/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department - Kerala Co-operative Societies Act and Rules Disposal of Disputes under section 69 and Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969 (Adendment)Act 1999 - Delegation of officers to decide the cases - revision - Regarding
Ref : Registrar’s Circular No. 55/2000 dated 30.12.2000
In Circular No. 55/2000 dated, 30.12.2000 pertaining to monetary disputes instructions were issued fixing the monetary ceiling to officers belong to various rank. It is now come into my notice that, in the said circular under item B monetary disputes serial No.4 is hereby deleted and serial No. 3 is revised as follows.
B. Monetary Disputes
3. All monetary disputes upto Rs.10 lakhs in respect of Co-operative institutions, the area of operation of which does not extend beyond the Administrative Taluk shall be filed before the Assistant Registrar (General) of the taluk. All monetary disputes for below Rs. 5 lakhs may be authorised to dispose off by the Inspector of Co-operative Societies of the taluk.
This order will come into force with immediate effect.
K. Elangovan
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
\¼À Fw.]n.(2) 19177/2001               klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 10.7.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 31/2001
hnjbw : klIcW hIp¸v klIcW kwL§Ä cPnÌÀ sN¿pt¼mÄ \ÂtI­ cPnkvt{Sj³ kÀ«n^n¡ddv / cPnÌÀ sNbvX \nbamhen F¶nh \evIp¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v \nÀt±iw
1969se klIcW kwLw \nbaw 7,8 F¶o hIp¸pIfnepw klIcW N«§fnse 4 -mw N«¯nepw kwLw cPnkvt{Sjs\ kw_Ôn¨v hyhØIÄ \nPs¸Sp¯nbn«p­v. klIcW \nba¯nse 7 -mw hIp¸v {]Imcw, Hcp kwLw cPnÌdv sNbvXp Ignªm 8 -mw hIp¸p{]Imcw cPnkvt{Sj³ kÀ«n^n¡Áv H¸n«p ko h¨v \evtI­XmWv. klIcW N«§fnse N«w 4 (iv)  cPnkvt{Sj³ kÀ«n^n¡ddpw cPnkvt{Sj³ ss_embpw \evtI­ hn[hpw hyhØs¸Sp¯nbn«p­v.
klIcW N«§fnse N«w 4 (vii)  {]Xn]mZn¡p¶ cPnkvt{Sj³ kÀ«n^n¡ddntâbpw ss_embptSbpw ]IÀ¸pIÄ ss^\m³knwKv _m¦v, sk³{S Asæn A¸Ivkv kwLw, kwØm\ klIcW bqWnb³, kÀ¡nÄ klIW bqWnb³ F¶nhbv¡v \evtI­XmWv.
F¶m Nne tPmbnâv cPnkv{SmÀamÀ kwL§Ä cPnÌÀ sN¿pt¼mÄ taev]dª \nba¯n\pw N«¯n\pw hncp²ambn H¶ne[nIw AÊ kÀ«n^n¡ddpIfpw AÊ ss_eIfpw AwKoIcn¨p \evIpIbpw, A{]Imcw AwKoIcn¨ ss_tem/kÀ«n^n¡ddv Xs¶ ^n\m³knwKv _m¦v, kÀ¡nÄ klIcW bqWnb³ F¶nhbv¡v \evInbXmbn {i²bnÂs¸«ncn¡p¶p. kwL§Ä cPnÌÀ sN¿pt¼mÄ kwL¯n\v \nbam\pkyXambpff Hcp kÀ«n^n¡ddpw ss_embpw ak{Xta AwKoIcn¨p ko h¨p \ÂIm³ ]mSpffp F¶pw N«¯n ]cmaÀin¨ncn¡p¶ klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡pw, kÀ¡nÄ klIcW bqWnb\pIÄ¡pw, A{]Imcw AwKoIcn¨p \evInb kÀ«n^n¡ddv/ ss_embpsS ]IÀ¸v am{Xta \evImhq F¶pw \nÀt±in¡p¶p.
tUm. sI Cft¦mh³
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ
\¼À. Pn (1) 24264/2000                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw XobXn 17.8.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 32/2001
hnjbw : klIcW hIp¸v klIcW Øm]\§Ä hyb\nb{´Ww ]men¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p
kqN\ : 1. cPnkv{SmdpsS 71/82 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ XnbXn. 3.1.1983
2. cPnkv{SmdpsS 3/93 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ XnbXn. 9.2.93
3. cPnkv{SmdpsS 19/94 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ XnbXn 9.6.94
4. cPnkv{SmdpsS 22/99 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ XnbXn 29.5.99
5. cPnkv{SmmdpsS 6/2000 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ XnbXn 20.1.2000
6. 5.6.2000 se Pn.H. (BÀ.ddn) \¼À 240/2000 kl kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv
7. kÀ¡mcns³d 19.5.2000 se 39142/s]mfnddn¡Â 2/Pn.F.Un \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
klIcW Øm]\§Ä AhbpsS sNehpIÄ \nb{´n¡p¶Xn\mhiyamb {]mtbmKnI \nÄt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡Wsa¶v kqN\ 6 {]Imcapff kÀ¡mÀ D¯chn \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. km¼¯n A¨S¡hpw sNehp Npcp¡epw klIcW Øm]\§fpsS {Ia{]Imcapff hfÀ¨bv¡v A\nhmcyambXn\m BbXn\mhiyamb Xmsg]dbp¶ amÀ¤ \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶p.
1. klIcW N«§fnse 182mw N«¯nse A\p_Ôw 111 hyhØ sNbvXn«pff {]Imcw _Ôs¸« A[nImcn A\phZn¨ XkvXnIIfn am{Xta \nba\§Ä \S¯phm³ ]mSpffp.
2. kwL§fpsS s]mXp \· ^­n \n¶pw am{Xta klIcW \nba¯nse  hyhØbv¡v hnt[bambn kw`mh\ C\¯n XpI sNehgn¡m³ ]mSpffp.
3. X³sNehpIfpw knÂ_´n sNehpIfpw _UvPddn hI sImffn¨pff XpIbv¡v A\pkyXambn ]cnanXs¸Sp¯Ww.
4. kwL¯ns³d s]mXphmb {]hÀ¯\w hn]peoIcn¡p¶Xn\mhiyamb _nkn\kv sUhe]vsas³v ¹m³ X¿mdm¡n \S¸nemt¡­XmWv.
5. `cWkanXn AwK§Ä¡pff knddnwKv ^okpw bm{Xm_¯bpw {]knUâpamÀ¡pff tlmWtddnbhpw addpw cPnkv{SmÀ ImemIme§fn \nivNbn¨p hcp¶ \nÀt±i§Ä¡pw ]cn[nbv¡pw hnt[bamtb A\phZn¡mhq. s]mXp tbmK¯n ]s¦Sp¡p¶hÀ¡pff `£WsNehv kw_Ôn¨v kqN\ \mense klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­XmWv. ]mcntXmjnI§Ä \ÂIp¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v cPnkv{SmdpsS kqN\ A©nse kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±i§Ä ]ment¡­XmWv.
6. km¼¯nI tijn¡v A\pkyXambn hym]mc/{]hÀ¯\ Bhiy¯nte¡v th­n am{Xta hkvXp hm§\pw, sI«nSw \nÀ½n¡m\pw hml\§Ä hm§m\pw ]mSpffp. CXnte¡mbn \nehnepff amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä IyXyambn ]ment¡­Xp­v.
7. sXcsªSp¸p sNehpIÄ ]cnanXs¸Spt¯­Xpw CXv kw_Ôn¨v cPnkv{SmdpsS kqN\ c­ntebpw ap¶ntebpw kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±i§Ä ]ment¡­XpamWv. sXcsªSp¸pt±ymKØÀ¡pff {]Xn^ew kÀ¡mÀ ImemIme§fn \nÝbn¡p¶ \nc¡n am{Xta \ÂImhq.
8. klIcWkwLw BIvSpw N«§fpw kwLw ss_em hyhØIÄ {]Imchpw `cWkanXns¡Xnscbpw Poh\¡mÀs¡Xnscbpw cPnkv{SmÀ kzoIcn¡p¶ \S]Sns¡Xnsc kwLw sNehn tIkpIÄ \S¯phm³ ],SnÃ.
9. \jvS¯n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ kwL§Ä, AXn\pff ImcW§Ä I­p]nSn¨pw ]cnlmcap­m¡nbpw ]pXnb ]²XnIÄ X¿mdm¡n {]hÀ¯\taJe hn]peam¡nbpw em`Icambn amddm³ Bhiyamb \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡Ww.
10. hml\§Ä hmSIs¡Sp¶ hIbnepw s]t{SmÄ C\¯nepapff sNehpIÄ ]camh[n Ipdbv¡Ww. Cu Bhiy¯nte¡mbn hmÀjnI _UvPddn {]tXyI XpI hIbncpt¯­XmWv. hml\§sf kw_Ôn¨ temKv _p¡v, {Sn¸vjoddv F¶nh IyXyambn kq£nt¡­XmWv. ssatePv kÀ«n^n¡ddv kq£n¡pIbpw AX\pkcn¨pff ]cntim[\IÄ \S¯pIbpw thWw.
11. klIcW kwL§Ä tIm¬^d³kpIÄ¡pw, ]T\bm{XIÄ¡pw addpw {]Xn\n[nIsf kwØm\¯n\pw C´y¡pw ]pd¯v Abbv¡p¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v klIcW cPnkv{SmdpsS kqN\ H¶nse kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±i§Ä kwØm\s¯ A¸Ivkv tI{µ klIcW kwL§Ä DÄs¸sSbpff FÃm klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡pw _m[Iambncn¡pw CXnse \nÀt±i§Ä IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­XmWv.
12. tIm¬^d³kpIÄ DÄs¸sS k¡mc§Ä¡pff sNehpIÄ hfsc ]cnanXs¸Spt¯­XmsW¶ kqN\ Ggnse kÀ¡pedn \nÀt±in¨n«p­v. BbXn\m klIcW Øm]\§Ä ta \nÀt±iw IÀi\ambn ]ment¡­XmWv.
klIcW hIp¸nse _Ôs¸« DtZymKØÀ Sn \nÀt±i§Ä AhchcpsS \nb{´W¯nepff klIcW Øm]\§fpsS {i²bn sIm­phtc­Xpw Ah ]cn]men¡s¸Sp¶p F¶v Dd¸p hcpt¯­XpamWv.
sI. N{µtk\{]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS NpaXe hln¡p¶
AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ (s{IUnddv)
No. CB (2) 30755/2001 (1)         Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 27.9.2001
CIRCULAR NO. 33/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department-Rate of interest on deposits accepted by Co-operative Credit Institution- uniform rate of interest revised instructions issued-Regarding
Read : Circular No. 31/99 dated 28-8-99, Circular No. 16/2000 dated 7-4-2000 and circular No. 1/2001 dated 5.1.2001
In the circular cited, instructions were issued for fixing rate of interest payable on deposits accepted by Co-operative Credit Institutions Kerala State Co-operative Bank, District Co-operative Bank not coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (as applicable to Cooperative Societies, In the conference of presidents and Managing Directors and General Managers of Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank after discussion it is decided to reduce the rate of interest on deposits accepted by the Bank.
The rate of interest payable on Deposits accepted by the Primary Co-operative Credit institutions not coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (as applicable to Co-operative Societies) are being fixed by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and it has become impreative to refix the interest rates.
In the above circumstances the rate of interest payable on deposits accepted by Co-operative Credit Institutions are revised suitably. Therefore the rate of interest are refixed for different maturity of deposits accepted by the Co-operative Credit Institutions are detailed below. Based on the consensus of opinion arrived on this issue Kerala State Co-operative Bank, District Co-operative Banks and Urban Co-operative Banks coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 (as applicable to Co-operative Credit Societies) mayalso refax the rate of interest on deposits accepted by them not exceeding the following rate as per the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India, in this regard.
            Period of Fixed Deposits                               Interest Rates
                                                                        KSCB     DCB            PACS
1. Fixed deposit for 15 days and above                     6.25%    6.50%           7.00%.
    not exceeding 29 days
2. Fixed deposit for 30 days and above                     6.25%    6.75%           7.25%
    not exceeding 45 days
3. Fixed deposit for 46 days and above                     6.75%      7.00%          7.50% 
    but not exceeding 90 days.
4. Fixed deposit for 91 days and above                     7.25%      7.50%          8.00% 
    but not exceeding 179 days
5. Fixed deposit for 180 days and above       8.25%      8.50%          9.00%  
    but not exceeding 1 year.
6. Fixed deposit for 1 year and above                        9.25%     9.50%          10.00%
    but not exceeding 2 years
7. Fixed deposit for 2 years                            9.50%      9.75%          10.25%
    but not exceeding 3 years.
8. Fixed deposit for 3 years and above                       10.25%  10.50%          11.00%
The above rate shall be applicable only to deposits accepted or renewed on  or after 5-1-2001.The other terms and conditions in accepting or renewing deposits will be the same as was stipulated earlier by Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies
 No. CB (2) 30753/2001 (2)        Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 27-9-2001
CIRCULAR NO. 34/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department Maximum rate of interest on Non-Agricultural Loans issued by Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/Other Credit Societies/Banks Uniform rate of interest revised orders issued
Read : 1. This office circular No.34/96 dated 30-12-1996
2. This office circular No.18/928 dated 29-5-1998
3. This office circular No.31/98 dated 29-7-1998
4. This office circular No. 16/2000 dated 7-4-2000
5. This office circular No. 49/2000 dated 30-11-2000
6. This office circular No. 33/2001 dated 27-9-2001
In the High Level conference of Precedence, Managing Directors, General Managers of Kerala State Co-operative Bank, Kerala State Co-operative Agricutural and Rural Development Bank and District Co-operative banks held on 6-9-2001 convened by Government it is decided to reduce the rate of interest on loans against the deposits by one percentage now in force. Further revision of the interest rates on the deposits accepted by the Co-operative Credit Institutions ordered in the Circular 6th cited, it is found necessary that the maximum rate of interest to be charged on the ultimate borrower on all loans other than Agricultural loans issued by Credit Co-operative Societies/Banks is to be revised suitably. Accordingly the interest rates are revised as follows.
i.   Advances upto Rs. 50000                                      14% (fourteen percent)
ii.  Advances obove Rs. 50000 and upto Rs. 200000 15% (fifteen percent)
iii. Advances above Rs. 200000                                 16% (sixteen percent)
The Board of Directors of the Societies/Banks will however, be at liberty to fix the interest rate on the above loans not exceeding the above rate. The Societies Banks should not realise any amount from the borrowers as additional interest by way of incidental expenses, cost of form, stationary, folio charges etc., over and above the spiced rate. However penal interest can be realised on the defaulted amount at the rate of 2% for the gold loans the insurance charge and appraiser charge shall be collected as prescribed in the circular second cited.
The other terms and condition will be the same as was stipulated earlier. The revised rate will be in effect from 1” October 2001.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\w]À. kn._n.(1) 27812/2001             klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                         Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 27.9.01
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 35/01
hnjbw : kwØm\s¯ klIcW hmbv]m taJebnse IpSnÈnI hmbv] IW¡hkm\n¸n¡p¶Xn\v h¬ssSw skddnÂsa³dv \S¸nem¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v.
kwØm\s¯ klIcW taJebnse hnhn[ Øm]\§fn \n¶pw \ÂInbn«pff hmbv]Ifn `qcn`mKhpw IpSnÈnIbmbn \ne\n¡p¶Xmbpw X·qew Awk§Ä¡pw Øm]\§À¡pw ]ehn[¯nepff _p²nap«pIÄ A\p`hs¸Sp¶Xmbpw kÀ¡mcns³d {i²bnÂs¸«n«p­v. IqSmsX hmbv]¡mÀ ]ng¸eni, Iq«p]eni F¶o C\§fn `oaamb kwJy HSpt¡­nhcp¶Xmbpw ImWp¶p. CXn\v Hcp ]cnlmcw ImWp¶Xn\v th­n kwØm\ klIcW_m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ, kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v, kwØm\ klIcW luknwKv s^Utdj³ F¶nhbpsS {]knU³dv, No^v FIvknIyq«ohpamÀ F¶nhcpsS tbmKw kÀ¡mÀ Xe¯n 6,92001  hnfn¨p Iq«pIbp­mbn Sn tbmK¯n 31.3.2001 hsc ISnÈnIbmb hmbv]IÄ¡v h¬ ssSw sskddnÂsa³dvF¶ \nebn ]ng]enibpw, Iq«p]enibpw Hgnhm¡n tUm¡sa³dv \nct¡m, C¶s¯ \nct¡m GXmWIpdhv B \nc¡n ]eni IW¡m‑¡n hmbv] IW¡hkm\n¸n¡m³ IpSnÈnI¡mÀ¡pw kyq«pIW¡nÂs¸«À¡pw 31.3.2001 hsc Ahkcw \ÂWsa¶pw h¬ssSw sskddnÂsa³dv \S¸m¡m³ kwL§Ä¡v A\phmZw \ÂIWsa¶pw Xocpam\n¡pbp­mbn.
ta kmlNcy¯n kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v, PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ, kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI{Kma hnIk\ _m¦v. kwØm\ klIcW luknwKv s^Utdj³, ss{]adn s{IUnddv kwL§Ä F¶nhbv¡v 31.3.2002 \pffn h¬ ssSw skddnÂsa³dv \S¸m¡m³ CXn\m A\phmZw \ÂIp¶p. Sn. kab]cn[n¡pffn XhW hyhØbnepw IpSnÈnI XpI apgph\mbpw AS¨v hmbv] IW¡v Ankm\n¸n¡p¶hÀ¡pw Cu B\pIqeyw A\phZn¨v \ÂImhp¶XmWv. C{]Imcw hmbv] Xncn¨S¡p¶ tIkpIfn ]ng]eni, Iq«p]eni F¶nh Hgnhm¡n tUm¡psa³dv \nct¡m, C¶s¯ \nct¡m FXmtWm Ipdhv B \nc¡n ]eni IW¡m‑¡n hmbv] IW¡v Ahkm\n¸nt¡­XmWv.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ- C³ NmÀPv
Pn (1) 35122/2001                          klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XobXn 12.10.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 36/2001-
hnjbw : klIcW hIp¸v I¸ddbnse tZinb alnfmkamP¯ns³d sI«nS \nÀ½mWw klIcWkwL§fn \n¶pw kw`mh\ \ÂIp¶Xn\v A\paXn ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 16.5.2000se 25/2000 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 6.6.2000se 30/2000 \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
3. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{smdpsS 15.7.2000se 38/2000 \¼À kÀ¡eÀ
4. tZinb alnfmkamPw {]knU³dv {ioaXn Fw. Iaew _lp klIcW hIp¸p a{´nbv¡v Ab¨ 22.8.2001se I¯v
hb\mSv PnÃbnse Iev¸ddbn tZinb alnfm kamPw ]WnXp hcp¶ 160 kv{XoIÄ¡pw 50 Ip«nIÄ¡pw Xmakn¡phm\pw, hnhn[ sXmgnepIÄ sN¿phm\pff sI«nS¯ns³d {]hÀ¯n ]qÀ¯ocn¡phm³ km[n¡msX h¶ncn¡p¶Xmbn kqN\ \mense I¯n Sn. kamP¯ns³d {]knU³dv Adnbn¡p¶p. ta sI«nS \nÀ½mW Bhiy¯ntebv¡mbn klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS `cW \nb{´W¯n Iogn hcp¶ hb\mSv PnÃbnse klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v kqN\ H¶nse kÀ¡peÀ {]Imchpw,  ae¸pdw, tImgnt¡mSv, I®qÀ F¶o PnÃIfnse klIcW Øm]\§Ä¡v kqN\ c­nse kÀ¡peÀ {]Imchpw AhbpsS s]mXp \· ^­n \n¶pw 5000/cq]bn A[nIcn¡m¯ XpI kw`mh\ sN¿phm³ A\phmZw \ÂInbn«p­v. kqN\ aq¶p {]Imcw ta Bhiy¯nte¡mbn kwØm\ klIcW _m¦n\pw FÃm PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ¡pw s]mXp \· ^­n \n¶pw kw`mh\ sN¿phm\pw A\phmZw \evInbn«p­v. kqN\ \mense I¯p {]Imcw klIcW Øm]\§fn \n¶pw [\klmbw A\phZn¨p ]mhs¸« kv{XoIÄ¡pw Ip«nIÄ¡pw klmbIcambn Sn. sI«nSw ]qÀ¯nIcn¡m³ klmbn¡Wsa¶v  tZiob alnfmkamP¯ns³d {]knU³dv At]£n¡p¶p. hb\m«nse BZnhmkn s]¬Ip«nIÄ¡v I¼yq«À FUypt¡j³ AS¡w sXmgn \ÂIphm\pw Dt±iapffXmbn Sn kamPw {]knU³dv Adnbn¡p¶p.
ta At]£bpsS ASnØm\¯n Iev]ddbnse tZinb alnfm kamP¯ns³d sI«nS \nÀ½mW Bhiy¯nte‑1mbn klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS `cW \nb{´W¯n Iogn ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbnse klIcW kwL§Ä¡pw IqsS 1969 se tIcf kl. kwLw \nba¯nse hIp¸v 56 (2) Un) {]Imcw kyjvSn¨n«pff s]mXp \· ^­n \n¶pw kw`mh\ sN¿phm³ CXn\m A\phmZw \ÂIp¶p.
Sn hnhcw ImkÀtKmUv cPnkv{SmÀ (P\dÂ) PhÃbnse klIcW kwL§sf Adnbnt¡­XmWv. kqN\ H¶nse kÀ¡pednse A\phmZw hb\mSv tPmbn³dv cPnkv{Smdpw (P\dÂ), kqN\ c­nse kÀ¡pednse A\phmZw ae¸pdw, tImgnt¡mSv, I®qÀ F¶o PnÃIfnse tPmbn³dv cPnkv{SmÀamcpw (P\dÂ) klIcW kwL§fpsS {i²bn sIm­p hcm³ HmÀ½s¸Sp¯p¶p.
sI. N{µtk\ {]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS NmÀPPv hln¡p¶
AUojWÂ cPnkv{SmÀ s{IUnddv
\¼À ]n.ddn. (2) 44786/2000            klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ B^okv,
                                        Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 2.11.01
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 37/2001
hnjbw : ^mw C³^Àtaj³ _yqtdm {]kn²oIcWw tIcf IÀjI hcn¡mcmIp¶Xp kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 16.03.2001 Â \S¶ ^mw C³^Àtaj³ _yqtdm D]tZiI kanXn tbmKw
kwØm\ Iyjn hIp¸ns³d ^mw C³^Àtaj³ _yqtdm ssZzhmcnIbmb tIcf IÀjI³ IÀjIsc kw-_Ôn¨pff Iyjn coXnIÄ, ImÀjntIm¸¶§fpsS ssZ\wZn\ hne\nehmcw IqSmsX ImemIme§fn \St¯­ IyjncoXnIfpw Ahbv¡pff tcmK {]Xntcm[amÀ¤§fpw DÄs¸Sp¯n {]kn²oIcn¨phcp¶p­v. IÀjIsc kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw hfsc D]Imc{]Zamb Cu ssZzhmcnI FÃm ImÀjnI hmbv] kwL§tfbpw hcn¡mcmIp¶Xn\pff \nÀt±iw 16.03.01se ^mw C³^Àtaj³ _yqtdm D]tZiI kanXn tbmK¯n AwKoIcn¨p. BbXn\m FÃm ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fpw tIcf ImÀjI³ s³d hcn¡mcmtI­XmsW¶ hnhcw FÃm {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]m klIcW kwL§fptSbpw {i²bn sIm­phtc­XmsW¶v Adnbn¨p sImffp¶p.
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀPPv
No. G (1) 35250/2001                 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,                                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 27.9.2001
CIRCULAR No. 38/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department-District Tourism promotion Council, Plakkad - Annual Kalpathy Sangeetholsavam 2001 - Donation from Co-operative Societies in Palakkad District - Permission issued
Ref : 1. This Office Circular No. 34/99 dated-13-10-99
2. Lr. No. DTPC. 33/2001 dated 5.10.2001 from the District Collector and Chairman of DTPC Palakkad
As per Circular cited the Co-operative Institution coming under the administrative control of this Department in Palakkad District have been requested to contribute for the Annual Kalpathy Ratholsavam, 1999, from out of their common Good Fund. The District Collector and Chairman of the district Tourism Promotion Council, Palakkad vide his letter cited has informed that in the year of 1988, the District Tourism Promotion Council and Kalipathy Sangeetholsave Committee jointly organised seven days of Carnatic Classical Music Festival during the Kalpathy Ratholsavam. Considering the historical and cultural significance of the festival, the District Tourism Promotion Council desires to celebrate this festival in an elaborate manner. It is also informed that for conducting the programmes, at least a sum of Rs. 15,00,000/-is required. The District Collector has requested to issue suitable instruction to all Co-operative Societies And Banks of palakkad District for contributing towards this venture every year.Considering the above requested of the District Collector, Palakkad, the Co-operative institutions in palakkad District coming under the administrative control of this Department are requested to contribute for the above cause from out of their common Good Fund created under section 56(2) (d) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969.
The Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (General) Palakkad is requested  to instruct the Co-operative under his control Suitably.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
\¼À ]n.ddn.1/38405/2001                 klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 22.11.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 40/2001
hnjbw :-kwØm\ klIcW bqWnb\n {]hÀ¯n¨phcp¶ Fw]vtfmbvsa³dv _yqtdm \nÀ¯em¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.9.93se 65/93 mw \¼À kÀ¡peÀ
kwØm\ klIcW bqWnbs³d t\XyXz¯n 1978 apX Kh¬sa³dv Fw]vtfmbvsa³dv FIvkvtN©v t]mse Hcp Fw]vtfmbvsa³dv _yqtdm F¶ Øm]\w {]hÀ¯n¨p hcp¶p. kwØm\s¯klIcW kwL§fn D­mIp¶ HgnhpIfnte¡v Xm¡menI \nba\w e`n¡¶Xmbn, F¨ ]mkmbn«pff Dt±mKmÀ¯nIfmWv {]kvXpX _yqtdmbn t]cv cPnkvddÀ sNbvXp hcp¶Xv. 15.12.1997 apX Sn Fw]vtfmbvsa³dv _yqtdmbn t]cv cPnkvddÀ sN¿p¶Xn\v Hmtcm Dt±ymKmÀ°nIfn \n¶pw 25 cq]m hoXw CuSm¡n hcp¶p. t\cn«v \nbaw h¶ncp¶ kwØm\ klIcW _m¦v PnÃm klIcW _m¦pIÄ, kÀÆokv klIcW _m¦pIÄ F¶nhbn Xm¡menI \nba\w Bhiyapfft¸mÄ kwL¯ns³d At]£{]Imcw Sn _yqtdmbn \n¶pamWv Dt±ymKmÀ°nsb \nban¨phcp¶Xv. F¶m Pnà _m¦pIÄ, A¸Ivkv _m¦pIÄ F¶nhbnse \nba§Ä ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³  aptJ\bpw klIcW \nbaw 80(_n) N«w 182 {]Imcw {]mYanI ImÀjnI hmbv]mkwL§Ä AÀ_³ klIcW _m¦pIÄ, tIcf kwØm\ klIcW ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦v {]mYanI ImÀjnI {Kma hnIk\ _m¦pIÄ F¶nhbnse \nba\§Ä klIcW FIvkmant\j³ t_mÀUvapJm´ncamWv Ct¸mÄ \S¯nhcp¶Xv. BbXn\m {]kvXpX Fw]vtfmbvsa³dv _yqtdmbpsS {]hÀ¯\w ^e{]Zaà F¶pImWp¶p. {]kvXpX kmlNcy¯n kwØm\ klIcW bqWnb\n Ct¸mÄ {]hÀ¯n¨p hcp¶ Fw]vtfmbvsa³v _yqtdm d±p sNbvXXmbn Adnbn¨p sImffp¶p. AtXmsSm¸w kwL§fn Xmev¡menI \nba\w \S¯p¶Xn\v addv hyhØIsfm¶pw \nehnÃm¯ kmlNcy¯n {]kvXpX Xmev¡menImSnØm\¯n {]kvXpX Fw]vtfmbvsa³dv _yqtdm apJm´ncw \nban¨‑ Poh\¡msc AhcpsS Imemh[n Xocp¶ apdbv¡v ]ncn¨p hntS­XmsW¶pw \nÀt±in¨p sImffp¶p. Cu kÀ¡peÀ ]pds¸Sphn¨ XnbXn apX kqN\ {]Imcapff kÀ¡peÀ \nÀt±i§Ä CXn\m d±p sNbvXncn¡p¶p. Cu kÀ¡peÀ ssI¸ddnb hnhncw Adnbnt¡­XmWv.
sI. N\v{Ztk\ {]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀPPv
\¼À kn._n.(4) 42360/2001              klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmÀ Hm^okv,
                                          Xncph\´]pcw, XnbXn 29.11.2001
kÀ¡peÀ \¼À 41/2001
hnjbw : h¬- ssSw sskddnÂsa³dv ]²Xn \S¸nem¡p¶Xn\v kwØm\s¯ klIcW AÀ_³ _m¦pIÄ¡v {]tXyI \nÀt±i§Ä ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨v
kqN\ : 1. klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 27.9.2001 XnbXnbnse 35/2000 kÀ¡peÀ
2. klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS 12.10.2001, 13.11.2001 F¶ XnbXnIfnse kn._n. (1) 2781/2001 \¼À I¯pIÄ
3. dnkÀÆv _m¦ns³d 31.10.2001 XnbXnbnse F._n.Un. \¼À _n. Fkv.Un.1kn Fkv. 111205051 2001-2002
klIcWkwLw cPnkv{SmdpsS `cW \nb{´W¯n hcp¶ klIcWØm]\§fnse hmbv] IpSnÈnI Ipd¡p¶Xns³d `mKambn kqN\ 1 se kÀ¡peÀ {]Imcw h¬- ssSw skddnÂsa³dv ]²Xn \S¸m¡p¶Xn\v \nÀt±in¨ncp¶p. kqN\ (2) se I¯pIÄ {]Imcw {]kvXpX ]²Xn \S¸n hcp¯p¶Xv kw_Ôn¨pff am¤ \nÀt±i§fpw ]pds¸Sphn¡pIbp­mbn.
dnkÀhv _m¦v Hm^v C³Uy _m¦nwKvdKpsej³ AIvSns³d ]cn[nbn hcp¶ AÀ_³ _m¦pIfnepw Hdd¯hW XoÀ¸m¡Â ]²Xn \S¸m¡p¶Xn\pff amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä kqN\ (3) {]Imcw ]pds¸Sphn¨n«p­v. Sn \nÀt±i§Ä amXyIbmbn IW¡m‑¡n Bhiyamb amdd§tfmsS Cu ]²Xn \S¸m¡p¶Xn\v th­ D¯chv kÀ¡mÀ \ÂtI­XmsW¶pw \nÀt±in¨n«p­v. CXns³d ASnØm\¯n AÀ_³ _m¦pIfpsS \S]SnIÄ¡mbn Xmsg ]dbp¶ \nÀt±i§ÄIqSn ]pds¸nphn¡p¶p.
1. 31.3.2001 hscbpff Imemh[n IgnªIpSnÈnIbmsbÃm¯cw hmbv]IÄ¡pw CXv _m[Iambncn¡pw.
2. hmbv]bpsS ]eni IpSnÈnI XnbXn apX F{Knsa³dv {]Imcapff ]eni _m¦ns³d an\naw se³UnwKv \nc¡v \nehnepff \nc¡v ChbnteXmtWm Ipdhv B \nc¡n IW¡mt¡­XmWv.
3. Xmsg¸dbp¶ hmbv]IÄ¡v Cu ]²Xn _m[Iambncn¡p¶XÃ.
1. a\]qÀÆambn hogvN hcp¯nb hmbv].
2. IyXyambn tcJ Nas¨Sp¯n«pffhsb¶p Is­¯p¶ hmbv]IÄ
3. i¼f¯n \n¶pw CuSm¡m\pff hyhØbn Poh\¡mÀ¡v \ÂInbn«pff hmbv]IÄ.
4. _m¦v `cWkanXn AwK§Ä¡v \ÂInbn«pfftXm AhcpsS Dd¸n³tatem {]tXyI Xm¸cy¯n³tatem I¼\nIÄt¡m addp Øm]\§Ät¡m \ÂInbn«pff hmbv]IÄ.
5. kÀ¡mÀ Kymc­nbpff hmbv]IÄ.
6. kÀ¡mcnt\m kÀ¡mÀ Øm]\§Ät¡m \ÂInb hmbv]IÄ.
7. kÀ¡mÀ ]²Xnbn DÄs¸‑« hmbv]IÄ.
4. Cu ]²Xn{]Imcw hmbv]IW¡v Ahkm\n¸n¡p¶Xn\pff At]£IÄ ]cnKWn¡p¶Xn\v IpSnÈnI hmbv]bpsS 10% ¯n Ipdbm¯ XpI Sn IW¡n AS¨v AXmXv _m¦pIfn At]£ \ÂtI­XmWv. XpSÀ¶v Hcp hÀj¯n\pffn sam¯amtbm XhWIfmtbm AS¨pXoÀ¡p¶Xn\v A\phZn¡mhp¶XmWv.
5. ]ng]eni, A\ymb sNehpIÄ addp NnehpIÄ F¶nh ]qÀ®ambpw Cfhv sNt¿­XmWv. CXp kw_Ôn¨pff Xocpam\w _m¦v `cWkanXn/skddnÂsa³dv AUsshkdn I½ddn Xocpam\saSpt¡­XmWv.
6, BÀ_nt{Sj³/FIvknIyqj³ Ch ^b sNbvXn«pffXpw Un{In/AhmÀUv Bbn \S]Snbnencn¡p¶Xpamb hmbv]IfpsS Imcy¯n klIcW hIp¸nse _Ôs¸« A[nImcnbpsS A\phmZt¯msS thWw hmbv] IW¡v XoÀ¸mt¡­XmWv.
7. Cu ]²Xn \S¸nem¡p¶Xv hgn \ÂIp¶ B\pIqeyw kÀ¡mtcm dnkÀÆv _m¦m hln‑¡p¶XÃ. Cu ]²Xn \S¸mem¡p¶Imcy¯n taÂ]dª amÀK \nÀt±i§fn \n¶pw hyXnNen¡n\pff hnthN\m[nImcw _m¦pIÄ¡v D­mbncn¡p¶XÃ.
Cu ]²XnbpsS Imemh[n 31.3.2002 Â Ahkm\n¡p¶XmWv.
sI. N{µtk\{]kmZv
klIcW kwLw cPnkv{SmÀ C³ NmÀÖv
No.VE/36566/01                         Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,                                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated
CIRCULAR No. 42/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department-strengthening of Viglance wing-arrangement for immediate effective supervsions of instructions-Circular No. 42/2000-Modification-reg
Ref : This Office Circular No. 42/2000
In partial modification of the Circular cited, the following instructions are issued, aiming at the better functioning and effective supervision of the work of Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies (Vigilance) in the Department.
The joint Registrars (General) of the district to whom, the Deputy registrars (Vigilance) are attached will be the immediate controlling officer of the Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) hereafter.
The joint Registrar (General) should furnish a consolidated report reviewing the work of Deputy Registrar (Vig) with his remarks to the Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (Vigilance)officer of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. Thiruvananthapuram, The joint registrars of the other districts where the Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies (Vigilance) have jurisdiction should also furnish review on the performance of the Deputy Registrars (Vigilance) to whom the districts are allotted, covering all aspects regarding the No. of the petitions reveived enquiry conducted, submission of the report, recommendations inspection founducted, receipts of complaints/petitions from public, etc. For this purpose, Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) will attend the monthly conference of Assistant Registrars of the districts.
The Deputy Registrar of co-operative Societies (vig) will furnish sufficient number of copies of tour programmes for approved of the Joint Registrar (Vigilance) through The Joint Registrars of the Joint Registrars (General) should ensure that the work has been performed as per programme approved.
The Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies (Vig) should be present in the office of the Joint Registrar (General) of the district where the Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies has jurisdiction on all Wednesday intermittenly, and receive the complaints/representations from public/preparation of reports etc.Due publicity will be given regarding the date of visit receiving of the complaints/petitions from public etc, through District Information officer. The Deputy Registrar (Vigilance) will maintaining necessary records and furnish a list of complaints received on the date and the action taken by them on such petitions should be furnished to Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies (Vigilance) in the headquarters. The Joint Registrars (General) will provide required facilities for the purpose.
All other instructions issued in the circular referred shall also be strictly followed.
K. Chandrasena Prasad
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
No. CB(2) 43977/2000               Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,
                                                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated  7.12.2001
CIRCULAR 43/2001
Sub : Co-operative Department - Rates of interest on Deposits accepted by Co-operative Credit institutions not coming under the purview of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) Special Rate of Interest for the Fixed Deposit of Senior Citizens instructions issued regarding
Ref : 1. Circular No. 33/2001/Dated 27.9.01 of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies
2. Circular No. RPCD No. RF.DIR.DC 77/07. 38.01/2000-2001 dated 19.4.2001 of Reserve Bank of India
3. Decision No. 1.dated. 24.10.2001 of the Central Banks Conference
In the circular 1st cited instructions were issued for fixing the Maximum Rate of Interest Payable on Deposits accepted by Co-operative Credit institutions not coming under the purview of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 (as applicable to Co-operative Societies).
As per the Instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India vide reference 2nd cited, the Banks coming under the Banking Regulation Act. 1949 are permitted to accept Fixed Deposits from senior citizens offering higher rate of interest as compared to normal deposits of any size and period.
It has now been decided in the Central Banks conference held on 24.10.2001 to extend the facility of allowing higher rate of interest to the Fixed Deposits made by the senior citizens with the Kerala State Co-operative Bank and District Co-operative Banks.
The question of allowing the above benefit to the deoposits made in the other Co-operative institutions under the control of Registrar of Co-operative Societies has been examined indetail and that extending this benefit to the deposits of senior citizens is found very reasonable. As such instructions are hereby issued to all co operative institutions concerned to allow ½ % higher rate of interest to the fixed Deposit of any size and period made by the senior citizens (above the age of 65 years) with effect from 1.10.2001.
K. Chandrasena Prasad
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
No. O (1) 42781/2001                 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies,                                                                 Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 15.12.2001
CIRCULAR No. 44/01
Sub : Co-operative Department -  Mohammad Abdurahiman Memorial Trust - Donation From Co-operative societies in Malappuram District permission issued regarding
Ref :   Representation Submitted by the secretary, Mohamed Abdurahiman Memorial Trust, Malappuram Dated 16-10-2001 before the Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation and Ports
The secretary, mohammed Abdurahiman Memorial Trust vide reference cited has informed that the trust was formed in 1995 stands for up holding the ideals of Mohemad Abdurahiman Sahib. With the aim to build on a monument of Mohemad Abdurahiman Sahib, the Trust bought land at Kottappady. The Secretary of trust has requested to issue necessary orders permitting the co operative institutions from giving donation to the trust for fitting monument to Abdurahiman Sahib, the great freedom fighter. Considering the above request, the co operative societies in Malappuram District coming under the administrative control of the Registrar of co operative societies are permitted to contribute for the above cause from out of their common good fund created under section 56 (2) (d) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 the Joint Registrar (General) Malappuram is requested to bring the contents of the circular to the notice of all cooperative under his control suitably.
Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Charge
Co-operation - Establishment-Department Officers appointed as Part-time Administrators in Co-operative under Sections 32 and 33 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act - rate of additional remuneration - revised - orders issued
G.O. (Rt) No. 525/2000/Co-op              Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 22-11-2000
Read : 1. G. O. (Rt) No. 1568/74/AD. dated: 5-7-1974
2. G. O. (P) No. 1559/99 (26) Fin dated 7-7-1999
3. Letter No. G(1) 36860/99 dated 19-1-2000, 20-7-2000 from the RCS, Thiruvananthapuram
As per Government Order read as first paper above. Government had granted permission under Rules 46 & 47 Part 1. Kerala Service Rules to the officers of Co-operative Department, appointed as Part. Time Administratiors in Co-operative Societies to receive additional remuneration subject Rules and subject to the condition that the additional remuneration should not exceed 20% of their basic pay.
2. As  per Government Order read as II paper above Government ordered that the rates of charge allowance will be changed from 20% of pay to allowance equal to 10% of pay for holding additional charge.
3. The Registrar of Co-operative Societies therefore requested vide letter read as third paper above to fix the additional remuneration payable to Part Time Administrators appointed to manage the affairs of societies in view of Government Order 2nd Cities under Section 32 & 32 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act.
4. Government have examined the matter in detail are pleased to revise the rate of change allowance of Part Time Administrators appointed manage the affairs of Co-operative Societies as 10% of the Basic Pay in view of the G. O. (P) No. 1559/99/(26) Fin dated: 7-7-1999 subject to the condition laid down in Rule 48 Part 1, Kerala Service Rules.
By order of the Governor,
V.G. Indira Bai Amma
Joint Secretary to Government

Government of Kerala
Co-operation (B) Department
G. O. (P) No. 35/2001/Co-op                    Thiruvananthapuram, Dated 12-2-2001
S.R.O.No./2001 :- Whereas, Under-section (i) of section 59 of the Kerala Co-operative Societies, Act, 1969 (Act 21 of 1969) a, society shall not make loan to any person or a society other than a member.
And whereas, the Ernakulam Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd. No. E. 87 and other similar primary co operative Agricultural and rural Development Banks have resolved to exempt them from the provisions of section 59 of the said Act for the purpose of enabling the Banks to grant loan, so its employees for the construction of new house, repair of house on the terms and conditions of the Employees of Primary co operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks are not members of the primary co operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks.
And Whereas, the Registrar of Co operative Societies, has requested to the government to exempt the primary co operative agriculture and Rural Development Banks from the provision of sub section (1) of section 59 of the said Act of the limited purpose, enabling them to provide Housing loan to its employees subject to the terms and conditions after making sub  rules by each of such primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks,
And Whereas, Government are satisfied that it is necessary in public interest of exempt the primary Co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Bank from the provisions of sub section (1) of section 59 of the said Act for the said purpose.
NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of powers conferred by section 101 of kerala co operative Societies Act, 1969 (act 21 of 1969) the government of Kerala hereby exempt the primary co operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank from the provision of sub section (1) of section 59 of the said Act for the limited purpose of enabling the said primary co operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank from the provision of sub section (i) of section 59 of the said Act for the limited purpose of enabling the said primary co operative Agricultural and rural development bank top provide housing loan facility to its employees without prejudicing the interest of the member Agriculturists and by making sub rules by each of the primary co operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank with specification of in terms and conditions that the rate of interest of the loan shall be 10.5% per annum or the rate of  interest charged by the Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and rural Development Bank on the funds advanced by them for the purpose whichever is higher from time to time and that the loan shall be repayable in equated monthly instalment comprising principal and interest calculated on a monthly reducing balance method and that the maximum amount of the loan shall be limited to Rs. 2 lakhs only (Rupees two lakhs only) for construction of new house and Rs. 40,000/00 (Rupees forty thousand only) for repairs.
By Order of the Governor
V.G. Indira Bai Amma
Joint Secretary to Government


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